Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7) Page 34

by Caris Roane

  She knew what she needed to do.

  She opened her telepathy wide and focused on Alexis. Can you hear me? It’s Natalie. Remember me? I want to help.

  Natalie heard a mental sob. Go away. You can’t help. Kryder has me. He’s used me, and I’m addicted to sapphire flame. Besides, I’ve spied on you. I’ve made your life a terror.

  None of that matters. This is all on Kryder. Now, listen to me. I’ve seen your future and I know how to help you. I can get you away from him. More importantly, I want you to bring him to me.

  I won’t do that, Natalie. He’ll kill you. He’s a madman.

  Natalie heard the despair in her friend’s voice. I know he is, Alexis. Trust me.

  Kryder wants to kill Grant, so he can retake the Meldorin Pack. Alexis sounded stronger. But he’s wanted you all these years. You’re the real goal. He knows he will be invincible if he can enslave you.

  That’s not going to happen.

  Oh, God, he’s coming. I can hear him.

  You’re on the floor, right?

  I am.

  Stay there for now because here’s what I want you to do.

  It took her less than twenty seconds to tell Alexis her plan and in the end Alexis agreed.

  When she disconnected her telepathy, she flipped around on the bed to wake Grant up. But his eyes were open as he stared at her intently.

  “You’re awake. Good.”

  “How could I not be when you’d included me in the telepathic conversation.”

  Natalie’s eyes widened. “I did?”

  Grant shoved the covers back and headed to the shower. “I’ll make it quick. What do we have, ten minutes?”

  “Thereabouts. I’m going to let Agnes know what’s going on.”

  “She’s not going to like it.”

  Natalie heard the shower running. She wasn’t put off, though. In fact, she smiled.

  This time, when she opened her telepathy, she made sure she closed herself off to Grant. They were bonded now, and she suspected this wouldn’t be the first crossover of power she’d have to navigate.

  Agnes responded quickly. How’s the cottage? I’ll bet that bed is too small.

  Natalie couldn’t help but smile. The bed is perfect.

  Spoken like a newlywed.

  How did you know? I mean, we’re not married.

  But you’re bonded. I felt the earth give a shudder not too long ago. Figured Grant had come to his senses about you.

  Wait a minute. You felt our bonding?

  Well, yes, but I’m exceptional.

  Natalie chuckled. You are at least that. But I’ve contacted you to let you know to keep your guards away from the front of the compound for a few minutes. We’re setting a trap for Kryder.


  She explained about Alexis then told her the plan.

  Oh, my God. Alexis is alive? I hunted for her in the future for years but couldn’t find her. Still, I had the oddest sense she wasn’t dead. So, how did you locate her?

  Natalie heard the shower shut off and turned to watch Grant open the door. Magnificent was too small a word. She had to shift her gaze away from him to stay focused on the conversation. I’m convinced it’s my connection to, and now bonding with, one of the finest men I’ve ever known. I have odd powers and manifestations these days.

  Extraordinary. All right, I’ll alert my guards. Let me know if you need back up.

  For some reason, a certainty came over Natalie. I can’t explain it, but this needs to happen between Kryder and us. We’ve got this. Besides, I have a ghost helping me out.

  Right. Grant’s wife.

  She’s been wonderful. Essential.

  All right. Let me know when you have control of Kryder.

  This time when she disconnected, she asked Grant if he’d been afflicted with the conversation. As she spoke, she headed to the shower.

  “Not at all.”

  “Good. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

  She traded places with Grant, wrapped her hair in a towel then hopped beneath the spray. She washed up as fast as she could then made quick work of getting dressed.

  Grant, however, stood staring at his ruined leathers. “Shit.”

  Natalie hurried to the closet. “I forgot to say that I had Ryan send some of your clothes to the compound earlier, while we were in the ER.”

  “You are an amazing woman.”

  She chuckled. “Thank you for that, but I think I’m just really, really practical. Speaking of which. We’d better go.” She’d had only enough time to run a brush twice through her hair and pull it back in a ponytail.

  She dressed in double time in her usual tunic and leggings, then swept to the front door where he was waiting. She stuck close to his heels.

  Agnes stood by the tall front door of the compound when they entered the back of the building by way of the terrace. The invisibility spell held so Agnes wouldn’t be able to see them.

  Natalie spoke to her telepathically and let her know they were ready to leave secretly but to be sure to bring her guards in.

  She opened the door then waved her people back into the building. Each of four guards trotted in swiftly. When they were well away from the door, Natalie took Grant’s hand and slipped around the small group and crossed the threshold.

  Once more, she contacted Agnes. We’re walking through now. Feel free to close the door tight behind us.

  Got it. Just let me know if you need my help. I have a small army ready to go to war with Kryder.

  I know you do. I’ll let you know how things progress.

  She stood beside Grant just off the walkway where one of the guards would usually be standing. Everything glowed which told her their invisibility spell held.

  She released her wolf and watched as the iridescent creature began pacing through the yard. Grant, can you see my wolf?

  Yes. I’m watching her. I know she sees things you and I can’t.

  Like invisible wolves and fae.


  Her wolf stopped suddenly and lifted her snout to the sky.

  Natalie turned in the same direction. Kryder was descending with his hand gripped around Alexis’s arm. The only thing she could see was the aura that her wolf could detect and reveal to her. Do you see Kryder? She asked Grant

  I can. Is that Alexis? God, she’s got more flames on her skin than I’ve ever seen.

  Yes, that’s her.

  When the pair touched down, Natalie took Grant’s hand. Shall we do this?

  Grant turned to her. And you think you can pilot the dreamglide?

  Natalie smiled and nodded. It’s weird, but yes, I can.

  She gave his hand a squeeze and removed herself from the invisibility spell. At the same time, she could feel Grant building the dreamglide.

  She drew her wolf close to her. “I can see you, Kryder, even though you have an invisibility spell of your own. So why not show yourself? I know you have my friend with you as well. What have you got to lose?”

  “Where’s the wolf?”

  “What wolf? You mean Grant? At Meldorin, I suppose. I keep checking the future, to see where you are, and I knew you’d be here. You and I need to talk.”

  “You need to come with me, Natalie. I’ve waited for this for a long time. If you come with me, I vow I’ll never touch Grant again. If not, I’m planning an assault on Meldorin in the next hour that will demolish the compound. Your choice.”

  “I won’t deny I’m tempted. But first, I want to know why you had to make me an alter fae. Why was I so important?”

  Maybe it was the subject, or that she kept as relaxed a posture as she could manage, but Kryder suddenly stepped out of his spell and moved toward her. He held Alexis with a manacled chain so that if she tried to escape, she wouldn’t get very far.

  Natalie had only one goal, to get Kryder as far from Alexis as she could so that when Grant made his move, Alexis would be left behind with Agnes. With Agnes’s security system, by now she would have seen Alexis
as well.

  As Kryder tugged at the chain, Natalie laughed at him. “This is the best you can do? Keeping a woman on a leash like a dog?”

  Her scoff had the effect she wanted and Kryder threw the chain on the ground and walked toward her. Alexis, now trembling, stayed where she was.

  His heavy features took on a sneer. “What I want to know, Natalie, is why you’re so damn cocky? What are you doing here? Alexis and I looked into the future and we saw you here, alone, and taunting me. No guards, no Alpha, no nothing. Don’t you know I could snap you in half with little more than a thought?” His lips turned down in a disgusted grimace.

  He was at least three times her size and what he’d said was true. But all she saw was the monster that had killed her husband and daughter. She lifted her chin. “What fun would that be, asshole?”

  Saliva leaked between his lips as he sped the few yards between them. He grabbed hold of her arms with both hands. The moment he did, Grant pulled them into his dreamglide performing the dematerialization process with apparent ease.

  At almost the same time, he sent the dreamglide onto a northern trajectory and the impossible craft shot through the air. Natalie had already sent word to Agnes to take Alexis into the compound.

  In his surprise, Kryder released her. “What the hell is this?”

  Neither of them responded. By prior agreement, Natalie switched places with Grant.

  The dreamglide felt like a ship to her and as Grant turned over the mental controls, her bond with him allowed her to continue the flight plan.

  They were bound for Alaska. In September, at this hour, it would already be light.

  He’s all yours, she sent to Grant mind-to-mind.

  Just get us to the ice fields.

  That’s the plan.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Grant knew he would never be able to defeat Kryder in hand-to-hand combat, but he didn’t need to. All he had to do was keep the monster distracted and get in a few punches just for the pleasure of it until they reached the biggest state in the U.S.

  Kryder looked down. “I don’t get this. What is this? What have you got me in?”

  “A dreamglide,” Grant said. “Seems I can make them. Natalie can’t, but because we’ve bonded, she can fly them equally as well. We’re going for a little ride is all, alpha.” He added as much sarcasm to the last word as he could.

  He moved slowly in Kryder’s direction, which finally brought the wolf to an understanding of his present intention. He balled his fists just to be clear. He also didn’t want Kryder thinking too much about how this particular dreamglide wasn’t playing by the rules, like how he got hauled into it, body and all.

  But Kryder wasn’t a complicated man. He’d relied on brute strength his entire alter life. He merely smiled at Grant, amber eyes glinting. He had the look of a cat ready to start playing with a mouse. “So, you want a fight, is that it?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Grant lifted his fists. “Well, show me what you’ve got and no levitation this time. Just you and me, bare fists and as much grit as you can bring.”

  “You won’t survive this, beta.” Kryder’s turn to be sarcastic.

  “Fuck you.” He spit at Kryder’s feet.

  Kryder launched. Grant had hoped he would. Grant landed an uppercut to the jaw which just barely snapped the big man’s head back.

  Kryder retaliated with a box to Grant’s right ear that had his head ringing. He followed with a hard jab to Kryder’s ribs. Again, it barely moved the man.

  Grant backed up then began to dance on his feet and circle his enemy. The dreamglide expanded and retracted with him. He was pumped. He didn’t care how many times he got hit so long as he could land a few good ones himself.

  He’d spent years waiting for this moment.

  The whole time, the dreamglide sped on to a land that had a lot of sunlight.

  They’d reached the Canadian border and already dawn had come and gone.

  Kryder didn’t seem to notice and that was the plan.

  The former alpha still smiled.

  Grant faked a left. When Kryder raised his arm to block what wasn’t there, Grant punched him hard in the gut, right below the sternum.

  Kryder coughed as he backed up.

  Grant moved in again and slammed the side of his head with his fist. Kryder fell to the floor of the dreamglide.

  “Get up, asshole.”

  Kryder made a mistake and levitated aiming for high in the air. His head hit the invisible roof of the craft and Kryder came down hard. He rose swiftly, however, but Grant was able to clobber the other side of his head.

  This time Kryder stayed down and shook his head back and forth a few times.

  Grant contacted Natalie. How we doin’?

  We’ll be north in about fifteen seconds. Any chance you could knock him out?

  It won’t matter.

  You’re right. It won’t.

  Kryder rose with murder in his eyes. He launched at Grant, levitating straight out and catching him at the waist. Grant flew backward and hit the wall of the dreamglide hard.

  Kryder sat on him and started throwing punches one after the other.

  “Shit,” Natalie cried. She immediately adjusted the trajectory of the dreamglide to an angle almost vertical.

  Kryder fell backward and Grant started sliding as well. “Level off!” he shouted.

  She brought the dreamglide to a horizontal position then called out. “We’ve got ice on the ground. Lots of it.”

  Kryder was coming at him again, but Grant lifted a hand. “Take us down, Natalie.”

  Kryder finally took stock and stopped his charge mid-attack. “What the fuck is this? How can we be out in the sun?”

  “The dreamglide offers full protection.” Grant used his shirt to staunch the blood flowing from his nose. His face was swelling.

  Grant had never seen Kryder look so confused. “What are we doing out here?”

  “This is Alaska. Lots of ice and sun this far north.” He switched to telepathy. Natalie, you can take us down anytime.

  Kryder had grown very still as his gaze took in the field of blazing white below. “I don’t get this.”

  Grant kept his body between Kryder and Natalie, but his gaze was focused on Kryder.

  She eased the dreamglide to a full stop about ten feet above the ice.

  “We’re not moving,” Kryder stated.

  “I figured this was as far as we needed to go. We just need to unload some cargo, then we’ll be off.”

  Kryder glanced around. There was nothing else there, just the three of them.

  Grant had thought Natalie’s plan nothing less than brilliant but still a lot more than Kryder deserved. Burning oil would have been better. Yet what kind of punishment would really fit someone who had tortured, raped and killed so many innocent people?

  He once more addressed Natalie. As soon as Kryder falls, take the dreamglide a few yards away.

  Got it.

  Kryder dropped into a protective crouch and kept looking around, waiting. Grant knew he still didn’t understand what was happening.

  The time had come.

  Grant focused his mind on Kryder and let the floor disappear below the alpha. The next second, Kryder fell the distance to the ice and he fell hard.

  As ordered, Natalie took the dreamglide several yards away but kept the craft stationary.

  Kryder, now fully exposed to the light, began to scream. No alter being, not just vampires, could tolerate the light. Some wolves could handle it better, survive longer, even for hours after dawn. Others, not so much.

  Kryder fell into the latter category. He tried to run, but it was ice for miles around. He flew into the air but faltered after a few feet and fell once more. He didn’t go invisible, which wouldn’t have helped anyway. If he had, Natalie could still track his aura with her wolf.

  Steam began to rise from his clothes and his exposed skin blistered then ran red with his blood. He continued screaming as the sunlight ate away at
every inch of his body. He pulled his shirt up over his head, but the rays penetrated the clothing.

  His screams turned to muffled cries. He pleaded for them to help him. Grant wondered how many times Kryder had heard similar cries for mercy from his own victims.

  Natalie moved up beside Grant and took his hand. He held it tight. They’d essentially performed an illegal execution-by-sunlight. It wasn’t how Grant had ever thought he would secure his safety or the pack’s or Natalie’s. This was essentially an assassination. But as long as Kryder lived, no one in his life would be safe. Ever.

  “Regrets?” Natalie asked.

  “I should have them, but I don’t. I keep thinking about Renee and Alanna and all the people in between.”

  When the cries finally stopped, his clothes began to flatten little by little as the light ate away at every molecule of Kryder's body. Finally, all that was left were his clothes.

  “He’s gone.” If Grant hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wasn’t sure he would have believed it was true. The monster was dead.

  Natalie sighed heavily and leaned her head against his shoulder. “At last, he’s gone for good.”

  He heard a sob in Natalie’s throat and released her hand to take her in his arms. He held her tight as she gave way to her tears. He kept petting her damp hair and kissing her forehead. He’s gone. He’s gone. He can’t hurt us or anyone else ever again. He’s gone.

  After a moment, she pulled back and said, “You should let Ryan know so he can tell the pack.”

  “I’ll do it now.”

  Even at a distance of several thousand miles, he tapped on Ryan’s telepathy.

  Ryan asked, Are you at the cottage still?

  Grant looked around and chuckled. Not exactly. He then told him what had happened and that Kryder was dead.

  The telepathic shout of jubilation Ryan let loose almost tore up Grant’s brain. Yet he smiled.

  When are you coming back? Ryan asked.

  We’ll head home in a few minutes. And Ryan, Natalie and I are bonded.

  Once again, Ryan mentally shouted his joy.

  Grant rubbed his forehead, Hey, Bro, you’ve got to stop doing that.

  If you were here, I’d hug you till I broke all your ribs.


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