Promise Me Heaven (Reapers MC: Ellsberg Chapter Book 3)

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Promise Me Heaven (Reapers MC: Ellsberg Chapter Book 3) Page 11

by Bijou Hunter

  “I met a girl,” I say as she sits on the bench and bounces her slobbering baby.

  “I heard something about that. What’s she like?”

  “Cracked like a rusty classic car.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “She’s a mess, but I know under her beat-up exterior is a perfect hot rod.”

  “You’re weird.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know how to explain her. She has yellow hair, and brown eyes but not brown like mine are brown. Less brown.”

  Lily’s face twists into a horrified expression. “You sound like MJ.”

  “Why is she the only one in the family allowed to be dumb?”

  Gasping, Lily mumbles, “Did you just call her dumb?”

  “Steady your outraged heart, Missy, and don’t even threaten to tell her since I called MJ dumb to her face a week ago.”

  “What did she say?”

  “That she didn’t understand.”

  Lily smiles. “Was she trying to get out of work?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Sound about right. Did you come here looking for advice on how to pleasure this new girl in the bedroom?” she asks, snickering at the thought of anyone—anywhere in the entire galaxy—asking her uptight ass for guidance with sex.

  “Stella is poor. I know you care about the poor people of the world. It’s why you pity-married Dash and had his half-poor kids.”

  “You’re making me angry.”

  “What I mean to say is you have a good heart and care about people less fortunate.”


  “Stella and her friend and her friend’s kid live in the Red Castle Motel since moving to Ellsberg,” I say and pause to allow Lily to frown disapprovingly. “The kid needs to have a real address so we can get her set up at school. You know the rent in town is stiff, and they’re working at starting wages.”

  “And you want to help them.”

  “Yeah, and I know you don’t use your Ellsberg duplex anymore.”

  “I rent out both sides.”

  I tap her foot with mine. “Yeah, so maybe you’d be cool with renting it to them for less than you’d ask others.”

  “I’d like to help you, but I already signed leases with the girls from last year.”

  “Can’t you break it?”

  Lily sighs as if she’s explaining something for the millionth time. “It’s a legal document.”

  “We’re bikers, Lily. We sell poison and kill innocent people. I set fire to a house once and didn’t even save anyone’s family photos first. We're evil, vile human beings, so is breaking a lease really such a big deal?”

  “I didn’t do any of those things, and I’m not a biker, and why did you burn down a house?”

  “The girl wouldn’t go out with me,” I lie, but Lily only smirks because she knows when I’m fucking with her. “Can’t you do me this favor for Stella?”

  “I would, but those girls won’t have anywhere to live.”

  “Who cares?”

  “I do. Is it really fair to screw over one group of people to help out another group?”

  “Sure, why the fuck not as long as the second group is the group I care about?”

  “Why don’t you find a solution which doesn’t screw over anyone?”

  “We aren’t living in a fairytale. Someone always gets screwed.”

  Lily rolls her eyes before wiping her baby’s slobbering mouth.

  “What’s the kid’s deal?” I ask, leaning forward to see Jenny’s face. “Why is she leaking so much?”

  “She’s teething.”

  “A little duct tape will keep her from overflowing like that.”

  Fighting laughter, Lily shakes out her shoulders and sighs. “I want to help you.”

  “Then break the lease.”


  “You’re mean, Lily Johansson Mullen. I blame Pop.”

  Smiling wider, she nudges me. “You know, we have more affordable rentals in Conroe, and I could help them get jobs. Think they’d move?”

  “Fuck you, Lily.”

  “Is this about Stella or your dick?”

  “Neither. This is about my heart.” My sister really is mean, and her laughter cuts deep. “I have feelings, you know?”

  “I do know,” she says, still giggling.

  “I want Stella to pay attention to me, and she can’t do that in Conroe.”

  “Move here too.”

  I wag my finger at her. “You better watch yourself. Pop is still mad at Bailey for luring you away, and now you’re tempting me too.”

  “You’ll never be president in Ellsberg,” she says and then adds. “Pop will outlive us all.”

  “Fucking cockroach,” I grumble. “He bench-pressed Mom the other day. How the hell am I going to run anything if he won’t get old and feeble?”

  “You can’t. Move here.”

  “Bubba’s president.”

  “I bet you can bully him into being second fiddle.”

  “Huh, and people claim you’re the nice one.”

  My devious sister winks before immediately ruining her bad girl image by dabbing slobber from her kid’s piehole. “Or maybe you don’t need to run a club. Why not be Bubba’s sidekick rather than his boss?”

  “My ego refuses to bow to a man named Bubba.”

  Lily smiles as her son, Byron, squeals in the pool. “Have you talked to Gram about renting out the garage apartment?”

  “Fuck,” I nearly yell, startling Lily who cuddles Jeanie protectively. “I totally forgot about that apartment.”

  “It’s only one bedroom, though.”

  “It’s bigger than the motel, and they’d have a kitchen. Shit, the kid would have lots of space to run around. It’d be solid shit if I can talk Gram into letting strangers bunk on her property.”

  “She’s lonely out there, but who knows if she’ll agree. Oh, but the bus won’t pick up anyone on the road. The girl will need a ride to and from school just like we did.”

  “Mom can take her,” I say breathlessly, almost euphoric at how shit is coming together.

  “Don’t get too excited until you talk to Gram.”

  “She loves me more than she loves anyone still alive. I’m her super favorite person, and she’ll totally bow to my will.”

  “Be sure not to use that wording when you talk to her.”

  “Oh, Lily, you’re so naive. Gram likes when I’m an arrogant punk. It makes her think of Pop-Pop,” I say and then add, “And Pop. And Uncle Tucker. Let’s just say Gram has a soft spot for assholes.”

  “Well good luck. Are you driving back to Ellsberg now?”

  “No, you’re going to feed me, but I want to cool down first,” I say, standing and pulling off my shirt. “Poor people aren’t the only ones who dig pools.”

  “I can get you a suit,” Lily mutters.

  “No, I’m good in my boxers.”

  Before she can complain, I walk out from the enclosed porch and head to the gate around the pool. Dash points at me and says my name to get the attention of my nephew floating on an inflatable Elmo.

  “Colt 45!” Byron yells.

  Yeah, I’ve trained the kid well. He squeals when I cannonball into the pool. Then Byron tells me a million stories as I splash around with him. I can’t understand a word the boy says, but it doesn’t matter. Life is good, and it’s about to get better.


  My workspace is around six by ten and stacked with merchandise. Cigarettes behind me, sodas on the other side of the cash register. Only two customers can stand inside at a time, and the doors on each side of the small area are constantly opening and closing. A small fan behind the counter keeps me from overheating, but I can’t imagine how cold this place gets in the winter.

  Of course, if they approve me for more hours, I’ll gladly put up with wearing a jacket all day. My old neighbor said he only wanted income stability. That’s my goal too. Back in Prestonsburg, Rae and I managed to put together some savings—on
ly a few hundred dollars—but it felt like we were rich. Then I got the idea to move to Ellsberg, and our money’s been slipping away ever since.

  If we stayed in Prestonsburg, Rod never would have hurt Rae. Fighting my negative thoughts, I focus on how I met Colt, and there’s no one like him in Prestonsburg. Yet as happy as he makes me, I have other people to worry about, and they’re not better off in Ellsberg.

  No! Stop! I can’t think ugly. I need to remember the good stuff. Like how he loaned us money for a room and food, he also got our money back, and he’s having the car fixed. We’ve also eaten better in the last day than in our entire lives, and no other guy would care to feed Rae and Kori too. Colt even wants to find us a better place to live. Life isn’t shit because we came here. There are blessings too, and not just for me. I didn’t ruin everything. I’m not a jinx.

  Colt is quiet today. He only messaged once to say he had to drive out to see his sister but would be back in time to pick me up from work. I remember thinking it was sweet how he was close with his family. Now I’m worried they’ll tell him to find someone less trashy.

  They wouldn’t be wrong. Colt can do so much better. He could literally throw a rock in a group of women and find a girl with fewer problems and more to offer. I’m sure dealing with Rod didn’t make his life easier. I added that problem to his life.

  No, Rod is the bad guy, and Rae deserves to be avenged with an ass-kicking.

  But that doesn’t mean Colt won’t bore of me quickly.

  But he said I’m the only key to open his heart.

  I finally dig out his phone where songs remain from when Colt used it. Sliding an earbud into my left ear, I listen to his music to silence the hateful words in my head.

  Colt will show up like he promised. He doesn’t hate me because of Rod. Nothing’s changed from when he left yesterday, wearing a smile on his sexy lips.

  As much as I fight to remain upbeat, I’m convinced Colt won’t show up.

  Until the very second that he walks into the tiny store.

  “How do you not go nuts in here?” he asks, reaching up with his long, tanned arms to touch the ceiling.

  “I listen to your music.”

  Showing him the earbud, I wish I could jump across the counter and into his arms. Colt opens the display fridge and grabs a large Coke. After handing me a five, he smiles widely.

  “I nearly didn’t make it back in time, so I didn’t get a chance to shower. Prepare to be blown away by my manly stank.”

  “Your nose is sunburned.”

  “Head too. I rode an hour to Conroe and an hour back without wearing a hat. I think I cooked my brain.”

  Laughing at his expression when he pats his pained scalp, I say, “I’m almost done here. I’m just waiting for the next shift guy to arrive.”

  “Would you be pissed if I made tonight’s date over at the house again? I’d love to get a shower before I rub all over your sweet self.”

  I don’t know why I lick my lips, but Colt notices the gesture and gets a devious grin on his handsome, sundrenched face.

  “We can go and do whatever you want.”

  “I know,” he whispers, leaning across the counter now, “you want to be the agreeable sort, but it’s okay to say no occasionally.”


  Winking, Colt downs the entire bottle of soda before letting out a burp any man would admire. I laugh at the booming power of it.

  “Sorry. I forget I’m supposed to play the smooth criminal around you, Stella,” he says, grinning despite his attempt to seem insecure. “You have me feeling comfortable, and that means I’m going to be gross on occasion.”

  “People burp. It’s not a big deal, even if yours is a particularly big noise.”

  “Hell yeah, it is. Everything about me is big.” Colt laughs at his attempt to talk dirty. I just smile and fan my hot cheeks. “I think I really did cook my brain on the drive.”

  “I see the next shift guy. Why don’t we get you somewhere to cool off and see if your brain can recover?”

  Mick enters the place, ready to apologize for his tardiness, notices Colt looming over him, and loses his ability to speak.

  “It’s cool, man. Can she leave now?” Colt says when the guy only stares.

  Once Mick nods, I hurry around the counter and into the sweaty arms of a man I’d nearly convinced myself wasn’t real. No one could be this damn handsome or kind or funny. He’s a dream I didn’t know I had, and now he’s wrapped around me as we walk to his Harley.

  I still hesitate when climbing on back, sure I’ll fall and take him down with me. Colt reaches out to caress my cheek. When his fingers stroke my tender throat, I don’t react. Earlier in the bathroom, I checked for bruises and found none. Colt wouldn’t be able to see them in the blinding sun anyway.

  Refusing to react to the feel of his fingers on my sensitive flesh, I believe with all my heart that telling him about Rod would be a mistake. He’s taking a risk on me, and I don’t want to complicate his life when he’s doing so much to make mine better.

  Unwilling to ruin a good thing, I’ll keep my mouth shut and enjoy the ride.



  Stella is a vision standing in one of my super-sized shirts with her wild blonde hair damp from the shower. The sunlight bounces off a nearby mirror and makes a halo over her head.

  I shouldn’t stare. I’ve seen plenty of full-on naked chicks, but nothing compares to the sight of this one girl dressed in my shirt.

  “Why don’t you live here?” she asks when I stand at the bottom of the stairs blocking her.

  “It has bad vibes.”

  I move back so she can reach the bottom step. She devours me with her hazel eyes—Lily told me that’s what the color is called.

  Stella’s arousal isn’t her fault. I only had one spare, clean shirt at the house, and I offered it to her. Now I’m a shirtless piece of meat, and she’s starving.

  “Why?” she mumbles while resting her hand on my chest tattoo of the Grim Reaper. “Your skin is still so warm.”

  I showered first and then sat downstairs thinking of her in the shower. Now I’m wearing an erection rather than a shirt.

  “I want to do right by you.”


  Stella leans forward and does the unthinkable. In that, my brain no longer works once she does it.

  Her hot tongue licks my nipple, and I nearly jizz my pants. My common sense takes a fucking nap as I reach for her.

  Stella gasps when I lift her off the ground but quickly recovers by planting her lips on mine. Her fingertips caress my sunburned head, showing tenderness her wild hips refuse to. She wraps her body around mine as I carry her upstairs to a tiny bedroom that I think once belonged to long-dead Cy Mullen. My mind never considers him. I can only see Stella who is full of fucking life.

  She yanks off her shirt as soon as I rest her on the bed. Giving me no time to feast on the sight of her soft flesh, she reaches for my jeans.

  “Fuck,” I groan when my dick breaks free and finds itself in her waiting hands. “Stella.”


  Her word is only a whisper, but it says everything I need to hear. She doesn’t want to take things slowly. There’s no need for rose petals on the bed or pretty candles or anything superficially romantic. She just wants me, right here, right not. No fucking around. Just fucking.

  As if her tone and the flushed look on her face isn’t enough of a signal, she rolls back on the bed, lifts her hips, and slides off her panties in a swift motion.

  “You,” I mumble, unable to speak.

  My dick is running the show, ready for the wet spot my fingers find between her legs. Past soft, pale curls, I discover her searing hot slit. Stella groans and lifts her hips. Her back arches until her tits reach for the sky. Without thinking, my other hand abandons my dick to enjoy the feel of her hard, pink nipple.

  “Colt,” she whispers, so wet and willing without me
doing a damn thing. Did she work herself up in the shower or was the sight of me at the bottom of the stairs all she needed?

  My jeans and boxers end up in a mess on the floor as I lean over her. I need to taste her lips and reassure her with promises that our time together is special.

  Stella’s wide eyes reveal only pure lust. No, I spot something softer behind her desire. This chick digs me for more than my hot bod. I think I needed to see that too. Stella isn’t just any girl, and I’m falling hard. If her brain was stuck on horny, I don’t think I’d be as fucking excited to fill her body. I want her to need me like I know I already need her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whisper before my lips return to hers.

  Stella’s hands move over my body, touching me, pulling me down on her, wanting me closer, needing me inside her.

  The head of my cock presses against her opening, knocking at the door so to speak. She welcomes me into her body with an approving gasp and a flush of deep red spreads across her cheeks.

  I’m a big guy with a dick to match, but Stella’s so wet and her hips thrust upward to take more until I hit the motherload and pause to enjoy the sensation of her tightening around me.

  “I can stop,” I say as my lips caress her cheek.

  “Please, don’t.”

  I look into her eyes, finding humor rather than desperate need. I share her smile.

  “Fine, I can’t stop.”

  “Why would you want to?” she asks, wrapping her slender legs around my hips as her hands relax against my arms.

  “Good point.”

  My hips begin to move, and Stella’s face flushes a new shade of red. Her eyes shut from the pleasure before popping open as if frantic to see me. I lean down to find her lips, reassuring her and myself that this is real.

  I wish I could savor every thrust and the velvet heat wrapped against my hard dick.

  I can’t slow down. There’s no time to savor. Her skin is too soft, and her pussy too hot, and her moans make me crazy.

  My hips are like a jackhammer, thrusting my cock deeper and harder into her body.

  Her nails dig into my flesh, and I know she’s close. I think I am too. I don’t know. The world swims, and my heart beats so fucking fast that it might explode. Or my balls will. I’m not sure what’s happening, but it feels fantastic.


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