Mates at Billabong

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Mates at Billabong Page 6

by Mary Grant Bruce



  The top of my desire Is just to meet a mate o' mine. HENRY LAWSON.

  It had suddenly become hot--"truly Christmas" weather, Norah called it,as she stood waiting on the Cunjee platform for a train which, inaccordance with all railway traditions at Christmas, was already overan hour late. Norah felt it hard that to-day, of all days in the year,it should be so--when Jim was actually coming home for good! At thethought of Jim's arrival she hopped cheerfully on one leg, completelyoblivious of onlookers, and looked up the shining line of rails for thethousand-and-first time. Would the old train never come?

  "Aren't you contriving to keep warm, with the mercury trying to breakthe thermometer? Or do you dance merely because you feel like it?"asked a friendly voice; and Norah turned with a little flush ofpleasure to greet the Cunjee doctor. She and Dr. Anderson respectedeach other very highly.

  "Because I feel like it, I expect," she said, laughing and shakinghands.

  "Which my wide professional experience leads me to diagnose as the factthat you're probably waiting for Jim!" said the doctor, gravely."There's a certain hectic flush, an intermittent pulse, which convincesme of your painful state, when coupled with the restlessness of theeye."

  "Which eye?" asked Norah anxiously.

  "Both," said the doctor. "Don't be flippant with your medical man. Sohe's really coming, Norah?"

  "Yes," said Norah, "and I don't care if I am excited--so'd you be,doctor. Billy's outside with the horses, and he's just as excited as Iam."

  "Billy!" said the doctor. "But he'd never say more than 'Plenty!' nomatter how excited he was."

  "No, of course not, but then he finds it such a useful word," Norahsaid a little vaguely. She was peering up the rails. Suddenly she spunround, her face glowing. "There's the smoke--she's coming!"

  Whatever additional remarks Dr. Anderson may have made fell on deafears, for Norah had no further ideas from that moment. The train cameinto view over the brow of the hill, and slid down the long slope intothe station, pulling up with a mighty grinding of brakes. Almost as itstopped a door was flung open violently, and a very tall boy with theGrammar School colours on his hat jumped out, cast a hurried glancearound, and then seized the small person in blue linen in an unashamedbear's hug.

  "Oh, Jim!" said Norah. "Oh, Jimmy--boy!"

  "Well, old kiddie," said Jim. "You all right? My word, I am glad to seeyou!"

  "Me, too," said Norah. "It's been just ages, Jim."

  "Hasn't it?" Jim said. He started. "Oh, by Jove! There's someone elsehere!"

  Norah wheeled round, and uttered a little cry of joy. Another boy withthe dark-blue hat band was grinning at her in most friendly fashion--athin, brown-faced boy, with especially merry dark eyes. Norah's handswent out.

  "Wally! But, how lovely! I thought you couldn't come."

  "So did I," said Wally Meadows, pumping her hands vigorously. "I wasgoing home, but my aunt obligingly got measles. I'm awfully sorry forAunt. But it's an ill-wind that blows nowhere--old Jim took pity on me,and here I am!"

  "I should think so," Norah said. "We haven't felt a bit completewithout you. Dad was saying only this morning how sorry he was youcouldn't come. He'll get such a shock! Oh, it's so lovely to have youtwo--and isn't it getting like Christmas! I'm so happy!" She jigged onone foot, regardless of interested faces watching her from the train.

  "You've grown about a foot," said Jim, patting her on the shoulder."Pretty thin, too--sure you're all right?"

  Norah reassured him, laughing.

  "Well, you look awfully fit, if you are thin," was Jim's comment."Doesn't she, Wally?"

  "Never saw her look fitter," said Wally. "I'm glad as five bob Aunt gotthe measles! Oh, what a beast I am--but, you know what I mean! Jim, thistrain'll go on, and we've fifty million things in the carriage!"

  "So we have!" Jim said, hurriedly, taking his hand from Norah'sshoulder and diving after his chum into the compartment they hadquitted. They emerged laden with suitcases, parcels, rackets, fishingrods, golf sticks and other miscellaneous impedimenta.

  "Catch!" Jim said, tossing a big box into Norah's hands.

  "Chocolates!" said Norah blissfully. "Jim, you're an angel!"

  "Always knew that," her brother replied, dropping his load on theplatform with a cheerful disregard of what might break. "Come on,Wally, we'll get the heavy things out of the van. You watch those, Nor.Who's in, by the way? And where's Dad?"

  "Dad's in Cunjee; but he had business, and he couldn't wait at thestation, the train was so late. Cecil's with him--they're both riding.I've got the light buggy with the ponies for you, and Billy's drivingthe express for your luggage and heaps of things that Brownie wants forthe house." Norah spoke in one breath and finished with a gasp.

  "Guess people must have thought you were a circus procession!" wasJim's comment. "All right, we'll cart the things out to Billy."

  Out at the bid express-wagon drawn by a pair of greys, Billy stood,welcoming them with a smile on his dusky countenance that Wally likenedto a slit in a coconut. The luggage was piled in with specialinjunctions to the black boy not to put the bags of flour on anythingthat looked delicate--whereat Billy's smile widened to a grin, and hemurmured "Plenty!" delightedly.

  "That's the lot," Jim said. "The buggy's at the hotel, I suppose,Norah?"

  "Yes--and we're to have lunch there with Dad. And you've got to beawfully polite to Cecil!"

  "Cecil!" said Jim, lifting his nose. "If Cecil's anything like what heused to be--" He did not finish the sentence.

  "Do we play with Cecil?" Wally asked, grinning.

  "The question is, if Cecil will condescend to play with you," Norahsaid. "He thinks ME too much of a kid to look at--"

  "Oh, does he?" asked Jim resentfully.

  "But you're both ever so much bigger than he is, so perhaps he'll letyou love him!" Norah finished.

  "I'm relieved to my soul," said Wally, with gravity. "Visions of myunrequited affection poured out on Cecil have been troubling my restfor days. May I kiss him?"

  "I'd wait a little while, I think," Norah answered. "He may be shy--notthat we've found it out yet. Indeed, he's the unshyest person I evermet."

  "Is he very awful, Nor?"

  "Oh, he's a bit of a drawback," Norah said. "Dad says he's not bad atheart, only so spoilt--and he's just terribly bumptious, Jim, and thinkshe can do everything; and his clothes are lovely! He isn't caring forme a bit to-day, 'cause he gave me a broad hint that he wanted to rideBobs, and I didn't take it."

  "Ride Bobs!" exclaimed Jim, in amazement. "Well, I should think youdidn't!"

  "Well, I felt rather a pig, considering he's our guest," Norah said, alittle contritely. "If it were you or Wally, now--but he's really got anawful seat, Jim, and Murty says he's a hand like a ham on a horse'smouth! I didn't feel I could let him have Bobs."

  "Bobs is your very special property--no one but an ass would ask forhim, and I told Cecil last year you were the only person who ever rodehim," said Jim indignantly. "Surely there are enough horses on theplace without him wanting to collar your pony!"

  "Well, he didn't get him," said Norah, tranquilly, "so that's all rightand you needn't worry, Jimmy. I do think, if only one could get him offhis high horse, he wouldn't be at all bad--perhaps he'll thaw now youboys are here. I hope he will, for his own sake, 'cause he'd have sucha much better time."

  "Well, if he's going to be patronizing--" Jim began.

  "Ah, perhaps he won't--I don't believe he could try to patronize you!"Norah glanced lovingly at her tall brother. "You're nearly as big asDad, Jimmy, aren't you? and Wally's going to be too."

  "Ill weeds grow apace," quoted the latter gentleman solemnly. "Jim's asplendid example of that proverb."

  "M'f!" said Norah. "How about yourself?"

  "I'm coming up as a flower!" Wally replied modestly. "A Christmas lily,I should think!"--whereat Jim murmured something that sounded "More likean artichoke!" His exact remark, however, was lost, fo
r at that momentthey arrived at the hotel, just as Mr. Linton emerged from it, and Jimquickened his pace, his face alight.


  "Well, my boy!" They gripped hands, and David Linton's eye kindled asit dwelt on the big fellow. "Glad to have you back, old son.Why--Wally!"

  "Turned up like a bad penny, sir," said Wally, having his hand pumpedin turn. "Hope you'll forgive me--it's pretty cool to arrive without aninvitation."

  "As far as I know, you had invitations from all the family," said Mr.Linton, laughing. "We regard you as one of the oldest inhabitants now,you know. At any rate, I'm delighted to see you; the mistress ofBillabong must answer for herself, but she doesn't look cast down!"

  "She's been fairly polite," Wally said. "On the whole I don't feel asshy as I was afraid of feeling! I was horribly scared of havingChristmas with my aunt--but she's chosen measles instead, so I expectshe was just as scared as I was!"

  "It's probable," said his host, laughing.

  "You haven't grown up a bit, Wally, and it's such a comfort!" Norahsaid.

  "I'm getting old and reverend," said Wally severely, "and it's up toyou to treat me with respect, young Norah. Sixteen's an awful age tosupport with any cheerfulness." His brown face at the moment gave theimpression of never having been serious during the sixteen years helamented. "As for this ancient mariner"--indicating Jim--"you can see thesigns of senile decay quite plainly!"

  "Ass!" said Jim affectionately. He broke off. "How are you, Cecil?"

  Cecil, coming out of the hotel, a dapper figure beside the two tallschoolboys, gave languid greetings. He cast at Jim a glance ofsomething like envy. Height was the one thing he longed for, and itseemed to him hard that this seventeen-year-old youngster should berapidly approaching six feet, while he, three years older, had stoppedshort six inches under that measurement. However, generally speaking,Cecil was uncommonly well satisfied with himself, and not even thecontemplation of Jim's superior inches could worry him for long. Heasked polite questions about the journey, and laughed at the freelyexpressed opinion that the day was hot "You should go to Sydney if youwant to know what heat is," he said, with the superiority of thetravelled man; "Victoria really has no heat to talk about!"

  "Well, I'm a Queenslander," said Wally bluntly, "and we're supposed toknow about heat there. And I do think to-day is beastly hot--look at mycollar, it's like a concertina! Sydney heat is hot, and Brisbane heatis hotter, but Victorian heat has a hotness all of its own!" Whereateverybody laughed, and the discussion was adjourned for lunch.

  It was a merry meal; and if the fare was no better than that of mosttownship hotels, the spirits of the party were too high to troubleabout such trifles as tough meat, watery puddings, and weary butterthat bore out Wally's remarks about the heat by threatening to floataway on a sea of its own oil. Everything was rose colour in Norah'sestimation that day. She sat by Jim and beamed across the table at herfather and Wally. Even Cecil found himself at times included in thebeam, and took it meekly, for the happy face was infectious, while thefrank delight of the boys in having her with them again was to acertain extent educational to the outsider. There was no lack ofmanliness in Jim's strong, handsome face. If he found it worth hiswhile, Cecil reflected, to make such a fuss over a child, it might bepossible that she was not altogether a person to be snubbed. So he wasunusually affable to his small cousin, and lunch passed off verysuccessfully.

  Afterwards there was shopping to be done. A long list of groceries hadbeen made out by Mrs. Brown, who professed herself far too busy withChristmas preparations to come in person, and had laid theresponsibility on Norah, not without misgivings. It was, perhaps,fortunate that the storekeepers were able to rise to the contents ofthe list unaided, for Norah was scarcely in a condition to grapple withproblems relating to anything so ordinary as groceries, and found itindeed difficult to read out her list coherently, with Jim standingsentinel in the doorway and Wally wandering about the shop sampling allhe could find, from biscuits to brooms. On one occasion, when making aspecial effort to preserve her dignity, she came to the item "flakedoatmeal," and asked the shopman in rather frigid tones for "flokedatemeal," which had a paralysing effect on the unoffending storekeeper,while Wally retired to the shelter of a pile of saucepans, andshrieked. Thus the business of necessary purchases passed offcheerfully; and then what Norah termed the more interestingshops--saddlers' and stationers'--were visited, with a view to Christmas.Finally Jim brought the buggy from the hotel, and they picked up theirlighter parcels.

  "Surely that's all?" Jim inquired, as Norah and Wally came out of thefruiterer's laden with bags of assorted sizes, which they dumpedthankfully into the buggy, with the immediate result that a bag ofpeaches burst, and had to be rescued from all over the floor. "Nor.,you'll not have a penny left, and we'll all be violently ill if we eathalf you've bought. Come on home."

  "Brownie's laid in large stocks of medicine, she says," Norah answered,tranquilly, climbing into the buggy. "So you needn't worry, need you?But we've truly finished now, Jim, I think. Ready, Wally?"

  "Quite," said Wally cheerfully. "I've put these peaches in with theneatsfoot oil, and it seems a beautiful arrangement!" He hopped upnimbly. "Right oh, Jimmy, and pray remember I am nervous!"

  "I will," Jim grinned. He laid the whip on the ponies' backs, and theyshot forward with a bound, unused to such liberties. They went down themain street of Cunjee in a whirl of dust, and turned over the bridgespanning the river, where the ponies promptly rose on their hind legsat the sight of Dr. Anderson's motor, and betrayed a rooteddisinclination to come down from that unusual altitude. Jim handledthem steadily, and presently they were induced to face the snortinghorror, wherein the doctor sat, waving his hand and calling cheeryChristmas greetings as they shot past, to which the three respondedenthusiastically. Cunjee sank into the distance behind them.

  The miles flew past. On the metalled road the rubbered tyres spunsilently, and only the flying hoofs clattered and soon they had leftthe made road and turned on to the hard-beaten track that led toBillabong, where progress was even smoother. The tongues flew almost asswiftly as the wheels. The hot sun sank gradually, and the eveningbreeze sprang up. It was a time for quick questions and answers. Norahwanted details of the term just over, the sports, the prize-giving, andhad to laugh over messages from those of Jim's boy friends whom sheknew; and Jim had a hundred things to ask about home--the cattle, thefishing, his horses, his dogs, "Brownie," and the prospects of funahead. They roared over her ducking and subsequent encounter withCecil, and chaffed her unmercifully.

  "Such a mud-lark!" said Wally, with glee. "And that prim young man! Oh,Norah, you are a dream! I'd have given something to see your face."

  "I was altogether worth seeing," Norah remarked modestly. "When Icaught sight of myself in a glass I really didn't wonder at Cecil." ButJim glowered and referred to the absent Cecil as a "silly ass."

  They turned in at last at the homestead gate, and the ponies fairlyflew up the long paddock, something in the spirits of their driverscommunicating itself to them. The house was not visible until the trackhad passed through a thick belt of trees, and as they came to this Jimfell silent, looking keenly ahead. Then the red roof came into view andthe boy drew a long breath.

  "There's the old place," he said. "My word, I am glad to be home!"

  Under the dust-rug Norah slipped her hand on to his knee.

  "It's just lovely to have you--both of you." she added. "You're glad,too, aren't you, Wally?"

  "I could sing!" said Wally.

  "Once," said Jim, "you could. But for some years--"

  "Beast!" said Wally. "If you weren't driving--"

  "And you weren't nervous--!" grinned his chum.

  "There'd be wigs on the green," finished Norah, cheerfully. "I'lldrive, if it would be any convenience to either of you."

  "We'll postpone it," said Jim. "There's Brownie at the gate, bless herold heart!"

  They shot up the last furlong of the drive. At the big gate of theyard--very few p
eople, not even bishops, go to the front gate of a Bushhomestead--Brownie stood, her broad face beaming. As they pulled up,Murty O'Toole came forward to take the horses--a marked compliment fromMurty, who, like most head stockmen, was a free and independent soul.

  Jim went over the wheel with a bound, and seized Brownie's hand.

  "How are you, Brownie, dear?"

  "The size of him!" said she. "The shoulders. No wonder they 'ad you forcaptin of the football eleven, then, my dear!" The boys grinned widely."If not eleven, then it's four," said Brownie placidly. "Strange, Ican't never remember which, an' it don't sinnerfy, any'ow. Welkim'ome--an' you too, Master Wally."

  "How are you, Murty?" Jim shook hands with the stockman, while Wallybowed low over Brownie's hand.

  "I've lived for this moment," he said, fervently. "Brownie, you growyounger every time I go away!"

  "Naturally!" said Norah from the buggy.

  "Be silent, minx!" said Wally, over his shoulder. "Who are you to breakin on a heart-to-heart talk, anyhow? At this present moment, Mrs.Brown, you look seventeen!"

  "Get along with you, now, do!" said the delighted Brownie. "You're nobetter than you was, I'm afraid, Master Wally--alwuz ready for yourjoke!"

  "Joke!" exclaimed he, indignantly. "Any one who'd make a joke of you,Brownie, would rob a church. Jim might, but I--"

  "Perish the idea!" said Jim, tipping the orator's hat over his eyes."Come and take things out of the buggy."

  Across the yard came Mr. Linton, surrounded by a mixed assemblage ofdogs. Puck and the collie had already hurled themselves upon Jim in adelirium of joy. Cecil strolled after his uncle, looking slightlyamused at the scene by the gate.

  "We're quite a family," Mr. Linton said. "I begin to feel like Mr.Pickwick at a Christmas gathering! Do you think Billabong will standthe crowd, Mrs. Brown?"

  "It looks to me, sir," said Mrs. Brown contentedly, "as if Billabong'sgoin' to 'ave the time of its life!"


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