Team Inez (House of Garner Book 2)

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Team Inez (House of Garner Book 2) Page 16

by Erin R Flynn

  “Fuck, you got two thirds and we still had that many?” I rubbed over my chest when he nodded. “Shit, I never dreamed that many. Maybe this was stupid.”

  “It wasn’t. It was a smart move strategically and from an efficiency standpoint, as we didn’t destroy supplies that can be used. They wanted to blow up buildings that were full so you were safer, but that always carries risk as well. They would wrap you in a bubble if they could.”

  The implication he wouldn’t because he didn’t care was pretty clear, but I ignored that. I thanked him for letting me know, and he gave me a funny look like he didn’t understand something that had just happened before nodding and leaving me to pack everything away.

  “Thanks for the gift,” I told James as I finished up and Trisha helped me get down. He blinked at me a moment before busting out laughing. “Yeah, I’m keeping the gun. Take it as payment for losing the bet.”

  “As my princess wishes,” he agreed, dipping his head to me with a smirk.



  I didn’t shoot anyone on our side, so that was always the best way to end a battle. I must have checked Darius, Jaxon, and even Cerdic three times for any wounds since they’d been covered in blood. Thankfully none of it was theirs.

  I did find out what James had been talking about though when Darius walked right up to him and slugged the leopard. Apparently James had promised he wouldn’t let me out of his sight, and that was the only reason they’d gone so far away from me. Jaxon slugged him as well, but I stopped Cerdic, as he might really punch his head off. They promised it wasn’t full strength because that would upset me.

  James thanked me for that.

  People were already celebrating when we got back, too keyed up after things had gotten so hairy. Plus, a bunch of the meat was ready after hours on the spits and someone had raided a vineyard right in Anchorage. They were planning on bringing a lot of that on the ship too. It had been a long time since they’d landed in a port that wasn’t full of people who would try for the ship or corrupted that they had to dodge.

  They needed the break and wins just as much as I had when I’d met Darius.

  Tyson moved in front of me as I tried some bison. I swallowed the bite when I saw he wanted to say something and smiled at him. He cleared his throat and glanced around. “You were hinting that those of us you chose could be your knights. Did you mean it?”

  I nodded. “I’m not sure about the whole lifelong oath thing, but something to say you’re on the team and want to be generals for the coven or whatever.”

  He nodded. “I accept and am more than willing to give my oath as long as my younger brothers are welcome in the coven as well.”

  I chuckled. “You guys can just join the coven when it’s ready or us now.” I shrugged. “I accept them. You don’t have to become a knight for that.”

  “I want to, My Princess. You are the future we need, one worth fighting and working hard for. When I saw you tonight—you are a princess I would follow anywhere. I saw a princess warrior who took out more corrupted than most and didn’t even flinch when doing what needed to be done. I am now and forever your shield, Princess Inez.”

  “Me too,” Maggie said, moving up next to him. The others echoed them, and I nodded, willing to accept as long as they did it on their own. I wasn’t going to force people or even pressure them. The guilt of doing that to the leopards ate at me no matter how much they promised they’d wanted it.

  They undressed and one by one knelt and gave me their oath. It was my turn then, and I hurried to do it, trying to ignore the hundreds of eyes on us. I opened my arms for Tyson, feeling how relieved he was as he hugged me tightly.

  “Thank you, Princess,” he breathed as he gave me a soft kiss. He slid around behind me, and I hugged Maggie next, accepting a kiss from her too. They traded off, protecting my back when someone moved up for me to accept. It was… I liked the symbolism even if I had to be naked for it.

  Lara—the cougar who had originally made the snarky comment about me—was last, and my tired brain didn’t keep up with my mouth. I just couldn’t seem to help myself.

  “Your breasts are perfect,” I praised as we moved apart from the hug. I stared at them. “Do you do something to make them that perky and perfect? I know how big is a bit of where the genetics land, but they’re seriously perfect.”

  She blinked at me as lots of people laughed around us. “Thank you, Princess. I keep in shape, and lifting weights keeps them up and tight, plus lots of running as a cougar.”

  I nodded, thinking of something. “Can I bite you? Can I feed from one?”

  “Um, yes, of course,” she sputtered, thrown again.

  Yeah, so was I, but I was dying to know something, and I knew it was acceptable for me to drink from my knights, and she was one now. My fangs came out, and I gently cupped her left breast as I bit her flesh. I sucked on her nipple as I drank her blood, studying how much she liked it. I took enough to get my answer and then licked the bite closed.

  “Thank you, Princess,” she panted, sinking to her knees. “Your bite is orgasmic. That was quite the experience.”

  “I didn’t know that,” I muttered. “You’re the first shifter I’ve drank from.” I glanced at Jaxon.

  He shook his head. “The pleasure brings us faster, but it’s not an orgasmic bite. It might be for those oathed to you as a reward for letting them drink from you.”

  I bobbed my head. “You guys should bite me like that more often.” I shrugged when his eyes flashed shock. “She’s gorgeous, but I’m not into women, yet that still made my stomach flutter. It was hot. I get why you guys love that.” I frowned as I ran my tongue around my mouth. “Her blood was like water though. I mean, it wasn’t bad, it just was… Liquid.”

  He nodded. “We filter and compact blood for you so others would seem as simply hydration. It’s why most only drink from their nobles.”

  “It would be interesting to see if the nobles you accept oaths from would give orgasmic bites to your knights if we drank from them,” Darius added.

  I snapped my gaze to his, frowning and jealousy flaring in me. He’d gotten way too much attention from the females we’d met, and I wasn’t a fan.

  It was time to make that clear.

  “I don’t think you need to give any women orgasms even from a bite while feeding,” I warned, barely keeping the growl out of my voice. “Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?”

  He did a double take and glanced around. “Here? Now?”

  “You have something better to do?” I growled.

  He smiled as he moved over to me, kissing me gently. “You’re jealous. You’re actually jealous over me?”

  I gave a swift nod. “Just making it abundantly fucking clear who you belong to. I’ve heard some talking about your charms and that we’re only saying we’re engaged and haven’t had the real thing yet so you were an option.” I leaned in until we were nose to nose almost. “Are you still an option for them?”

  “Never,” he breathed. “Inez Garner, will you accept my request of engagement?”

  “Yes,” I hissed, my hands immediately moving to get him undressed. I didn’t give a shit that people were around. This time I wanted them to see he was mine.

  All. Fucking. Mine.

  He was naked and on the ground seconds later. I straddled him, moving my hips teasingly as I kept his gaze. “I love you and only you forever. I have not even looked at another woman as a woman since I met you, My Princess.”

  That cut through my emotions, and I lowered myself on him. I bit into his hands and let him cup my breasts as I leaned over and rode him. “Show me your throat.”

  He did with a moan, and I struck fast, drinking down a few sips for him since I didn’t really need the blood. We finished, and his smile was huge as he ran his hands over my thighs.

  But I wasn’t done yet. I accepted again just as I had with Jaxon.

  “There, now I double accepted like I did for Jaxon’s
request. You’re both loved equally and are my everything. There’s no need for jealousy ever between you, as we are the court and family I want.”

  “You are the only princess I have ever known that has the heart big enough to love one or a million nobles,” he murmured as he stood, us still connected as he wrapped me around him. “Let’s take our love to bed, Jaxon. She needs rest.”

  “Still hungry and thirsty,” I admitted, kissing him to show I loved the gesture though. Jaxon cleaned me up faster than others could see and handed me a sexy nightgown to wear for them. Fine, that was better than naked.

  I accepted a cup of wine and caught sight of something I didn’t want to.

  Namely two female shifters sucking off Kristof by the tree line, far away from the party and cooking… And his eyes were locked on me. I sipped my wine and watched the show he clearly wanted me to see. They were very talented and much better than I was, trading off and even kissing each other with his dick right there. He finished and then immediately started drilling the first one.

  And I mean drilling her. She could only accept what he offered as he bent her over and took her harder and faster than probably anyone else on the planet would.

  Anyone could.

  He’s found your replacements, clearly saying he can have any woman, make any be his sluts for fun. Message fucking received.

  The moment he finished with her and went for the second, I turned and left, getting the message but not needing to twist the knife in my gut. I’d touched the beautiful danger and learned an important lesson.

  Namely not to be stupid and do it again.

  We slept in given how late the fight had even started, but people were already working in the city when I stepped out of the trailer to meet up with Cerdic. It might have seemed spoiled to have our tai chi session while others were working, but the guys were constantly reminding me that I needed to be in my best possible shape as the boss of it all. Sure, I was just a baby compared to them, but I was boss.

  No, I didn’t get how that worked out at all, but I did like the tai chi and it was helping. The visuals and mindset, the movements, and the energy were truly helping me work through a lot of my shit.

  When we finished, I let out a yelp as he grabbed me around the waist and whisked me off somewhere. Cerdic was playful, but he was patient and careful not to push me.

  Apparently that had changed.

  He moved me against a tree far away from everyone else, holding me steady as I recovered. I studied those sexy ocean blue eyes that currently swirled with too much for an answer.

  He brushed his lips over my cheek, his voice deeper than normal. “Bleed on me, Inez. Bloody fuck, love, please. I’m losing my ever loving mind with need and wanting you. I know I promised not to push, and I’m trying not to. I know you’re upset over whatever Kristof did, but fuck, he had his shot. Let me be whatever you got from him. I can give you that and do it better, I know I can.”

  “We’re not even supposed to be alone,” I whispered, finding my voice after the shock of what he’d said.

  “I know, you’re such a naughty young princess to allow it,” he purred, kissing along my chin. “Did the dirty lass want a tryst in the woods?” He moved his hands to my hips when I flinched at him saying “dirty,” as it obviously struck a chord with me. More than that, he clearly knew more about what had happened with Kristof than I wanted. “Be naughty with me, love. Just give me a chance.”

  “I can’t,” I breathed, trying not to moan at what his lips were doing to my skin.

  “I’ve already checked with Darius and Jaxon. They’re fine if it’s me, and I know they told you the same,” he argued gently. He pushed up my sweater so he was touching my skin, groaning when my body quivered under his touch. “Please just fucking bleed on me and I’ll go back to patient. I’m out of my mind, love.”

  “I’m thirsty,” I hissed, nipping his ear and deciding to push back and make it clear I wasn’t anyone’s doormat again. There was still salt in my wounds of Kristof after what I’d seen. “Undress for me. I want to see all of you.”

  “You naughty love,” he groaned, moving away and doing what I asked. He was naked when I blinked, just like that.

  I studied him. “How old are you?”

  “Almost two thousand,” he answered as I stared over what could only be described as male perfection. “My blood will be a serious kick, but it’s all yours, Inez.”

  I waved over to an area that looked soft, thick, wild grass covering it. “Lay there. I might be the young one, but you will do as I say, won’t you?”

  “Too bloody right I will.” He lay down, licking his lips as I moved closer. “You are a vision, love. I’m totally sunk on you, Inez.”

  “Clearly,” I purred, gesturing to his truly impressive dick that was leaking on his stomach. I moved to straddle him, fully clothed and just sitting there. I taunted him with my bare skin since I still wasn’t wearing panties and a skirt as the guys wanted. I moved to rub against his dick, biting back a moan at how good he felt, how much I wanted him too.

  His eyes went wide as he realized this was all he would get. “You’re more than a naughty princess, you’re a bloody minx.”

  “Maybe, but I’ve liked how patient you’ve been like I deserve it,” I admitted, leaning over until we were almost kissing as I slid against him. “So I’m going to give you what you asked for but what we both know wasn’t what you wanted.” I moved my finger to his lips when he opened his mouth to object. “But if you are patient and good to your word, I’ll let you have me completely next time I bleed.”

  “Six weeks?” he whimpered, kissing my finger. “I can’t have you fully for six more weeks?”

  I sat up, rolling my hips as I built his fire. “You don’t think I’m worth waiting six weeks for to make sure I can trust you? Should I never let you in me? Never bed me? How about twelve weeks? A year? You wouldn’t wait for me that long?”

  He sat up and cupped my face in his hands. “I would. You are absolutely worth that and much, much more. I would wait as long as you need. I’m not a fan of the games, as I thought you weren’t, which is what I was trying to say with no blood in my brain.”

  I nodded, thinking that was fair. I licked my lips as I thought of how I wanted to phrase my feelings. “I got burned from jumping. Yes, it worked with Darius and Jaxon, but I just got burned from jumping. I love what I have with them, and if I’ll even consider adding, risking that, I want to know it’s right before I go there.” I flushed as he pulled me closer and kissed my neck. “And I liked the slow.”

  “You like the flirting and being courted. You’ve never had any of that,” he put together. “The lingering glances and soft smiles when you get caught staring are sexy to you.”

  “Yes,” I admitted. “I didn’t want to deny you when you’ve reacted to me like this, admitting you never have and almost thousands of years of searching, but I want more of that.” I brushed my mouth against his before nibbling his lower lip. “Will you give me that, Cerdic? Will you keep sneaking looks at my body when you can and cute flirts that I eat up?”

  “Aye, love, I can do that for you, for us to make sure we’re right,” he promised before angling his head so his throat was all mine. “As long as you’re not playing me for a fool and want to really see what’s here, I will be whatever you need.”

  “I’m glad that’s your answer,” I admitted, leaning in and kissing his neck before sinking my fangs in his skin. I gasped as liquid fire shot through me from just that mouthful. I closed the bite and swallowed, licking his skin clean just so I didn’t waste a drop of ambrosia. “I’m really glad that was your answer.” I rocked my hips faster as I leaned back with my hands on his thighs.

  “You are such perfection,” he whispered. “The lads were right to call you that.”

  I smirked even as my cheeks flushed. “What will you do during those six weeks? Dream of licking me? Try to finger me if I let you? You’ve got a lot to live up to given they spoil and treasure

  “I can keep up, I promise, love.” He reached out and ran his thumb over my nipple through the sweater. “And I already dream of licking you. I dream of everything with you including sleeping on that massive round bed with all the pillows. My place is between you and the door so you’re always protected and safe.”

  I melted. That was so sweet that I melted. I moved faster, and he came after I did, thanking me for giving him that piece of me and such pleasure.

  “I would give you hours of sweet pillow talk and read you my favorite poetry, but I know you have to get the energy out from my blood,” he murmured in my ear. “And I have an idea of your next lesson. I thought you’d prefer it without all the eyes.”

  “Yeah, that’s hard to deal with,” I agreed. I gave him a soft kiss before moving his fingers between my legs and pushing two in me. “But you want more on you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, you naughty princess,” he groaned. “Fuck, it’s like sticking my fingers in the very best socket.”

  I wasn’t sure how that worked, but he was happy, and I got a very nice orgasm. Apparently I was coming around to their way of thinking on not being grossed out by my period.

  He redressed and whisked me off to the airport. He winked at me and turned me around, showing that he’d found another electric semi. We’d located two more in Boston, and it was a good find. “Now, I want you to fix it, but then I want you to destroy it.”

  I didn’t hide my shock, but when I saw his smirk I realized what he wanted. “Like the navigator. We’re opening that can of worms again? I thought we’d put a pin in that.”

  “They did, yes, and I understand, but I think you will want to see what I believe your miracle goodness can accomplish. I might be wrong, but what’s the harm in trying?”

  “Wasting an electric semi for one,” I muttered, nodding that I would do it. I let out my power, focusing on fixing and not charging up. I’d been playing on the difference, and I was getting fairly good at it. Once that was done, I took a few breaths and focused on pixelating the semi, turning it into the grains of what it consisted of, but not destroying it and making it dust.


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