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Austin Page 2

by Kali Hart

  Gemma marches into my room and straight for my closet. Before I know what’s happening, clothes are flying onto my bed by the dozens. “I hope this is not how you’ve been dressing for all your other dates.”

  “So what if it is?” It’s a total lie, but I can’t deny my opportunity to rile her up this time.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Relax, Gem.”

  She tosses a pair of skinny jeans onto my pillow like they’re special and dives back into my closet. I stare at them grudgingly. I don’t put on jeans for just anyone. I’d sooner wear a dress but I didn’t think it’d go well with horseback riding.

  “He likes you, Liz.” She emerges with a floral print blouse that falls off at the shoulders, setting it next to the jeans. “Give the man a fighting chance.”

  I shimmy out of my super comfy leggings and into the dreaded jeans of torture. The only plus is that they do make my legs look super sexy. “He doesn’t even know me. It’ll take minutes for him to realize we have nothing in common. I’ve never even ridden a horse. And look at me, Gem. I’m not some skinny rodeo girl in Daisy Dukes, and I have no desire to be.”

  “You’re beautiful, Liz. Stunning even. You wear confidence like a second skin, so go out on this date and own that. Plus, it’s even more romantic that he gets to teach you how to ride a horse. Seriously, do you even watch chick flicks anymore?”

  Our gaze locks across my bed, now filled with way too many clothes. I hope Gemma plans to hang all the rejects back up while I’m out.

  It’s been eons since we feasted on popcorn and M&Ms and watched a rom com together. “It’s probably those movies that turned you into my personal matchmaker,” I retort with a playful smile.

  “You can’t prove it.” Gemma hands me the floral blouse. “Put this on. It’s perfect for a date with a cowboy.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  Once I’m dressed, Gemma studies me far too closely. “Turn.”

  I obey because it’s easier than arguing. My ride will be here in ten minutes, and I’m suddenly more eager to leave than to stay. Who knows what Gemma would come up with if she had too much time to work with.

  After several minutes, my makeup is applied to perfection and Gemma’s worked magic with a flatiron I can never seem to figure out. She just unleashes a can of hairspray when I hear the doorbell.

  “He’s here!” Gemma squeals. She manages to release a light layer of spray before I rush out of the room choking on a small cloud. I slip into a pair of cowgirl boots she let me borrow and grab a light denim jacket for when the sun goes down.

  Austin Wilder stands on the other side of the screen door, glancing away over his shoulder. It gives me an excuse to take all of him in. Damn, I can’t deny that he’s attractive. The sexy way he looks in those Wranglers should be outlawed. My tightening nipples can attest.

  He turns his head and our eyes meet. His smile makes my heart pitter-patter in my chest. I feel like a shy teenager going on her first date with a boy she really likes. It’s … odd. “Hey,” Austin says from the other side of the door. “You look amazing, Liz.”


  Gemma comes up behind me and opens the door, inviting him inside like I seem to have forgotten how to do. “Hey Austin! I’m Liz’s sister, Gemma.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “She’s the reason you’re stuck with me tonight.” It’s a sad attempt at humor to ease my frayed nerves. I should not be so nervous about a date I never even wanted.

  “It’s true. I bought her fifty tickets.”

  My eyes widen to twice their normal size. “Fifty?” She’s been pushy about dates before, but even for Gemma, that’s excessive.

  “You two have fun!” Gemma shoves me closer to Austin because my feet have apparently forgotten how to function on their own. Against my ear she whispers, “If you don’t come home tonight, that’s okay.”


  Years of rodeo life in front of crowds has taught me how to appear cool and collected even when I’m rattled with nerves. The woman I spotted in the stands last night was gorgeous, but now that I get to see her up close, I’m paralyzed by her stunning beauty. Her wavy auburn curls cascade down her shoulders, brushing her tits. I shouldn’t look, but I can’t help it. I spent most of last night dreaming of her naked. And don’t get me started on those jeans and the way they accentuate her curves.

  “Ready?” It’s the only word I can choke out. I feel like a giddy teenage boy who won the lottery.

  She nods, flashing me a simple smile. Maybe she’s just as nervous as I am.

  Her sister shoves Liz the rest of the way out the door. “Have fun you two!”

  I lead her to the truck, adjusting the front of my jeans as discreetly as I can. My lusty dreams seem to be on replay now that she’s in my presence. I’m drawn to Liz in a way I’ve never been drawn to a woman before, and it’s not just that floral scent luring me in. It’s more. So much more.

  “Let me help you up,” I tell her after opening the truck door, offering my hand. It’s all I can do to keep it from straying. I want to run my fingers along her curves, with or without clothes. Right now, I just want to touch her.

  “Thank you,” she says to me once seated. Liz reaches for her seatbelt, but I step up and take it from her.

  “Allow me.”

  I buckle her in, and damned if the backs of my fingers don’t graze one of her tits. Her quiet gasp doesn’t escape me, but when I meet her eyes to apologize, I see desire lingering. “I’ve never ridden a horse before.” Her words are quick and breathy, but they put me at ease.

  “I’ll teach you.” I tuck a stray wavy lock behind her ear. “I’ll keep you safe, don’t you worry.” I want to kiss her, right there in the driveway with her sister peeking from behind the curtain. Liz wet her lips.

  “I hate pancakes,” Liz blurts.

  For a second, I’m stunned into confused silence. But quickly, laughter builds inside until I can’t hold it in. “Good, me too.” The tension from a moment ago dissipates slightly, allowing me to hop out of the truck like the gentleman I’m trying to be.

  “I don’t know why I said that,” says Liz. “I never say things like that.”

  I chuckle, still amused. It makes me feel in control again to know that I make her a little nervous. Especially after the scowl she was so quick to give me last night. Any fears I had of her being miserable during our date are disappearing. “I don’t like grits, breakfast sausage, or waffles, while we’re on the topic. But I’d eat the crap out of a fresh, gooey cinnamon roll all day long.”

  “I make the best cinnamon rolls.” A smile eases onto her lips, and she might even be flirting a little with me.

  Unable to resist, I reach across the center console for her hand. Electricity rushes through my entire body at the contact. It’s all I can do to focus on driving. “You might have to prove that to me.”

  “I’m opening a bakery,” she says with the utmost confidence. “Breakfast pastries are a specialty of mine.”

  Yep, I’m screwed. I know I just met Liz, but I know deep in my soul she’s mine. I’m going to spend the day showing her exactly what I’m feeling.



  I’ve had the most amazing day with Austin. He taught me how to ride a horse, and then we rode along the trails on his family ranch. I’ve always lived in town where things never stop moving, but the quiet is enticing. I can see why he loves it out here so much.

  “Ready for our picnic?” he asks as we slow the horses.

  I’ve been at ease since we started riding—though I will admit my rear end is a little sore. Ignoring the undercurrent of sexual tension has been easier to manage with space between us. But now that we’re about to be close on a blanket with a magnificent view of the mountains in the distance, I’m nervous again.

  This is ridiculous, as I’ve tried to remind myself time and time again. I’m not dating Austin—I’m not dating anyone. Not interested in dating. I’m fo
cusing on opening my bakery. And there are still tons of tasks to complete before that is even a possibility. I let my gaze linger on Austin. Falling for a man like him … I’d fall fast and hard. It’d be explosive, consuming, and dangerous. I’m afraid to lose myself.

  Swinging my leg over the side of the horse to dismount, I realize my other foot is not planted in the stirrup like I thought. I let out a tiny scream and wait to slam into the ground, certain my graceful ways with a horse will keep Austin uninterested.

  But strong arms catch me inches before I hit the dirt.

  “You okay?” Austin asks, concern in his eyes, as he lifts me to my feet. The security I feel in his arms is intoxicating.

  “Yep. Yep, I’m good.” I wiggle my way out of his arms before I do something I can’t come back from. Like pull his lips down to mine and kiss him until he’s stolen all my oxygen. I take a couple steps back and stroke my horse’s neck. “Thanks.”

  He tips his hat in response. “Let me get everything set up.”

  I can’t seem to keep my feet to stay still as Austin spreads out a blanket and unpacks a picnic basket. I’m too antsy to join him, because all I can think about is shoving the food aside and using that blanket for other things—like rolling around on it naked with a cowboy.

  Wow, this escalated quickly.

  “Come, sit down.” Austin waits for me to move forward, refusing to take his own seat until I take one first. When I hesitate too long, he asks, “Do I make you uncomfortable, Liz? We can go back if you want.”

  “No. Nope. Not at all. It’s just—well, see. I’m doing this not-dating thing. Gemma—this is all her fault you should know—put my name in the hat fifty times.” I can’t seem to stop myself from rambling like a complete idiot as Austin takes slow steps toward me. “I just want to focus on my bakery and—well, not date. It’s been such a disaster lately, and I don’t have the time.” Austin removes his hat and tosses it onto the blanket. He’s close enough for me to reach out and touch, but my mouth won’t stop. “Did I mention I might write a book about—”

  Lips swoop down and capture mine, and finally I shut up. My entire world spins in fast, dizzying circles. I’ve spent hours with this man pretending like we’re just friends, but now that we’re off the horses and in each other’s arms, it’s impossible to deny. I want him.

  “Better?” he asks, his lips just a breath away.

  “Much.” Though I’m not sure my legs will function once he lets go.

  “My aunt fixed us a tasty lunch. I promise you’ll love it.” Austin puts his arm around my back and leads me to the blanket. My steps are wobbly but I make it without faceplanting. It’s the little things.

  When Austin lets go, all I feel is his absence. I don’t like it one bit. I’ve had my crushes, and dated a couple of guys I liked. But I’ve never been this intensely drawn to anyone. And that was before the earthshattering kiss. I think I’m in a lot of trouble.


  Watching Liz bite into a strawberry is officially the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed. I hadn’t planned to kiss her earlier—I was going to wait until the end of the date like a true gentleman. But dammit, she was so adorable rambling on and on. I had to kiss her.

  Now that I’ve tasted her sweet lips, I need to taste them again.

  “Tell me more about your bakery,” I say, refilling her glass with wine and hoping she doesn’t notice my hands shaking as I hand it over.

  “It’s just a business plan right now.” The sparkle in her eyes tells me this is a very big dream of hers. “But I’ve always wanted to open a bakery in my mom’s name. She’s the one who taught me to bake, and I want to share her recipes. I promise you, her cinnamon rolls are like an orgasm in your mouth.” Liz swats her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in shock.

  I let out an unguarded laugh. She’s so damn cute when she’s embarrassed.

  “I can’t believe I just said that.” She looks down at her glass. “I blame the wine.”

  Reaching my hand toward her chin, I trace her wine-stained lips with my finger. “An orgasm in your mouth, huh? I’d sure like to experience that.”

  The air between us has been charged since I arrived at her house, but now it’s an electrical storm of desire. It’s taking all my restraint not to climb on top of her and ravage her on this blanket. My eyes drop to the dip in her blouse, longing for her tits in my mouth.

  Instead, I kiss the hollow spot along her neck. Her hand fists in my hair as she lets out the softest moan.

  I take her wine glass from her, helping myself to a hearty sip to calm my nerves. I’m never nervous around a woman, but I sure as hell am around Liz. I set it on the picnic basket so it doesn’t spill.

  “If you want me to stop, you have to tell me Liz.” I slide my hand beneath the hem of her flowery shirt, giving her time to tell me to quit before things progress. My fingers graze the lace of her bra, causing my dick to harden beneath my zipper. Our mouths fuse together as my hand cups her tit and squeezes. She moans into my mouth and pulls me closer.

  Lifting her blouse, I expose her bra. I know there’s a ravenous look in my eyes as I feast on the sight of her tits in that sexy fabric. “Blue lace. My favorite.” I dip my fingers into the top of her bra until her hard nipple is free and pinch it between my fingers gently.

  “Austin,” she says my name in a breathless pant.

  I take her nipple into my mouth and suckle it, earning more sexy moans. She leans back on her hands, giving me better access to her tits. I unsnap her bra clasp, freeing the magnificent wonders. As I take the opposite nipple into my mouth to pleasure, I ease my hand into the waist of her jeans.

  “Austin, I—”

  Inches from her pussy, I stop sliding my hand beneath her jeans. It’s one of the greatest tortures I’ve ever known. “If you want me to stop, Liz, tell me.”

  “I—I can’t promise anything—”

  “You don’t have to.” I don’t want Liz to feel an ounce of pressure. We’re meant to be together, and I know she’ll come to realize it sooner or later. But I won’t demand it of her. If this is real between us, she’ll figure it out for herself. “Let me pleasure you, sweetheart. I’ll make you see the stars before they come out tonight.”

  Her deep green eyes are drenched with want. “Okay.”

  I kiss her deeply, with a hunger consuming the both of us. Undoing the button of her jeans, I slide my hand home to her wet center. Right now, the only thing I care about is Liz’s pleasure. I don’t have to worry about the future, because I know the orgasm I’m about to give her will leave her begging for more. And when she does, I’ll claim her as my own.

  My lips capture one nipple, one hand massages the opposite tit, and the other dives beneath her panties until it finds her swollen clit. I flicker it slowly at first. But as I switch my mouth to the other nipple, I increase my pace.

  “Austin,” Liz cries out, her fingers digging into my shoulder. “Oh my god, Austin!”

  I work my hand as quickly as it’ll go. She rocks her hips to meet my rhythm. “That’s it, sweetheart. I want to show you the stars. Come for me.”

  She cries out long and loud as she shudders against my hand. Fuck me, it’s hot.



  Austin’s right.

  I’m seeing stars. So many stars.

  “Wow,” I gasp, barely able to form words because I’m still panting so hard from that climax. I’ve had orgasms before, but never one like that.

  “That’s just a preview, sweetheart.” Austin kisses me softly on the lips as he shimmy’s his hand out of my jeans. When he pulls back, he licks my juices from his fingers. “Sweet. Just like I knew you would taste.”

  I’m incredibly turned on. What it would be like to have Austin’s mouth on my pussy? The very thought makes my entire body heat, despite its current recovery from that first, powerful orgasm.

  I want more. So much more.

  The thought thrills and terrifies me. I’m still determined to stic
k to my resolve, now more than ever. If I give into Austin, I know that’ll be it. I’ll be so consumed with my desire for him that I might lose my focus on the bakery. He’s that dangerous.

  Yet, all I can think about is unbuckling his jeans and lowering my cunt onto his cock.

  “Wine?” He hands me the nearly empty glass, and I finish it in a single swallow. I’m shaking and I can’t tell if it’s from the orgasm or my insatiable craving for more of Austin Wilder.

  “We, uh, should get back. Don’t you think?”

  Though his debonair smile doesn’t waver, I see the flicker of disappointment in his eyes. It twists my heart and nearly breaks my resolve—of which I have very little left of.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  I almost take his hand in mine, but I resist. The slightest physical contact between us is combustible, and I can’t risk fueling the fire. “I’ve had a really nice time today. I mean that, Austin.”

  He starts to fill the picnic basket, that forced smile never leaving. It makes me feel terrible. I’ve never been one to get my fill of pleasure and run, but I can’t expect him to believe that right now. “Let’s get you back, then.”


  “I like you, Liz. A lot. But I won’t beg you to be with me.”

  Well, now I feel like an ass. Because I really do like him. More than I thought possible. But how do you tell someone you’re afraid of falling too hard for them? It sounds like a lousy excuse to run away.

  “I can’t afford to lose focus on the bakery.”

  He nods but won’t make eye contact with me anymore. “Don’t worry about it. You didn’t even buy the raffle ticket, right?”

  “Austin, please stop.” I grab for his wrist and latch on until he looks down at me. “I was honest from the start of this date.” Yet I let the man play my pussy like a magic fiddle. Yeah, I’m terrible. I should’ve stopped things before they progressed that far. I’m ruined for every other orgasm in my future—namely ones I’ll be giving myself.


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