The Neighbor's Girl

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The Neighbor's Girl Page 6

by JJ Argus

  "Language, language," Connie remonstrated.

  "SUCk meeeee! Please Connieeeee!"

  "Hey!" Connie glared, pulling the vibrator away from the girl's nipple. "You call me Mrs Jackson, you hear?"


  "Mrs. Jackson."

  "Mrs. Jackson! Please Mrs. Jackson! Oh Pleeease!”

  Ashley's body was pulling desperately at the bonds holding it. Her muscles strained and her belly heaved upward. Her bottom rubbed furiously on the mattress.

  She was sweating profusely, her body under terrible stress. Her head rolled and thrashed and she started to cry, so desperate was her need.

  Connie took pity on her and brought the vibrator down against her pussy, pressing it against her anus first, then running it up the slit, firmly but softly.

  "OH! OHH! OHH! OHH!" Ashley cried.

  Then Connie pried her pussy lips open, holding them apart with her fingers as she pushed the head of the vibrator directly against the little clit and pressed down, twisting it around.

  Ashley screamed so loudly Connie almost dropped the vibrator. The girl was bouncing and jerking, her head thrashing maniacally on the bed as she blossomed into a massive orgasmic blast. Even with her limbs bound tightly she was twitching, trembling, and shaking, making the bed squeak as she writhed in the throes of delirious ecstasy.

  Connie laughed and pushed her tongue deep into the blonde's pussy, licking and sucking up the bubbling pussy cream and gulping it down. She slowly ran her tongue up the girl's slit to her clit and began nibbling at it again.

  Ashley moaned weakly, her eyes closed tightly as she murmured and panted. Connie twirled her tongue in the narrow slit as she began to suck on Ashley's clit with growing power. Ashley let out a long, low moan as Connie locked her lips around the clit and blew air against it.

  She slid two fingers into the little pink hole and began pumping them in and out as she slurped away at the clit. Within minutes the blonde was writhing on the bed again, grinding her ass from side to side as she sobbed in ecstatic pleasure.

  Connie clicked on the vibrator and began rolling it up and down Ashley's slit. "Fuck!" Ashley cried.

  "Like it, sweets?"

  "Ohhhhh GOooooood!"

  She twisted it from side to side and pushed it into the round little pussy tunnel, driving it deeper and deeper until the head touched the hard little cervix. She jammed it against Ashley's cervix and the vibrating tool began to set Ashley's entire body thrumming.

  She came again, screaming with release, her body convulsing in paroxysms of rippling orgasmic pleasure.

  Connie laughed, delighted at how responsive she was, pumping the vibrator in and out of the girl's sex-hole. She reached into the box beside her and pulled out a string of little brightly polished steel balls. There were a dozen balls, each the size of a ping pong ball, and all held together with the string.

  She pulled the vibrator out of Ashley's pussy hole and rested it on her belly. Then she took the first of the balls and slowly pushed it into Ashley's pussy. She watched as the little ball forced the girl's sex lips wide and then sank out of sight inside her box. She pushed it deeper, her fingers sliding into the girl's pussy to jam it deeper inside.

  Ashley moaned weakly, her eyes closed. Connie pushed a second ball into the tightly constricted sheath, then a third, then a fourth. Each ball pushed the previous one further down the hot, tight, silky tunnel, and deeper into the dark depths of Ashley's abdominal cavity.

  After six or seven of the balls, the first one in reached the very bottom of her pussy and lodged against her cervix. That did nothing to hinder Connie, who continued to insert more of the shiny little steel balls. Now they began to roll together inside the girl's belly, compressing and bulging out against the sides of her pussy-sheath.

  Still Connie continued, sliding in the eighth, then pushing the ninth against her pussy opening. The eighth was still resting just inside Ashley's pussy lips so Connie pushed hard on number nine, forcing the eighth to slide aside. With a metallic clicking sound number nine squeezed into Ashley's overstuffed little pussy.

  Ashley gasped and tried to raise her head off the pillow to look down at her crotch. She stared, her eyes blinking, then her head fell weakly back onto the bed. Connie forced in number ten as Ashley groaned and begged her to stop. Number eleven took some effort. Ashley's pussy opening would no longer close and three separate balls could be seen inside the opening of the tightly packed sex box.

  Connie persisted, shoving the ball against the others, forcing them to roll aside and make room for number eleven. Then she shoved the last one against the girl's pussy. Ashley's lower belly felt like it was ready to explode. She groaned and whined as cramps assailed her and sharp little stabs of pain rippled up and down her bulging pussy tunnel.

  But some of the little balls rolled aside and made room for the twelfth, though her sex lips were pulled wide and three or four separate balls were visible in the opening.

  Connie picked up the vibrator and pushed its head into the center of Ashley's gaping sex. The steel balls all began to buzz and reverberate with echoes of the vibrator's throbbing pulse, and Ashley's entire belly began to twist and writhe as a delicious cacophony assaulted her beleaguered senses.

  Her head jerked back and her teeth gnashed desperately. She came with an explosive, gut wrenching blaze of convulsive gratification. Air hissed out between her tightly clenched teeth as her back arched and limbs trembled violently.

  Ecstasy raced along her nervous system, searing its way to the very heart of her soul, shattering her consciousness into a thousand glittering shards of flaring hedonistic passions. She screamed madly, her body shaking and thrashing in a delirious, feverish eruption of carnal emotion.

  On and on her orgasm raced, churning her body into a battered, exhausted mass of torn muscles and bruised flesh. Connie watched the girl's protracted orgasmic explosion with awe, soon giving way to worry. She thought at first to halt her actions, but the ecstasy on the little blonde's face would not let her.

  Then as Ashley's screams gave way to moans and her thrashing eased, Connie shifted the nose of the vibrator away from the steel balls, placing it directly against her clit. She seized the end of the string and began pulling. The balls were so tightly lodged inside the little crack that she had to tug hard to make the first one pop free.

  When it did Ashley gave a yelp, her eyes jerking open suddenly. Connie took up the slack and tugged again, easing the second ball into position against the inside of Ashley's pussy lips. Then she pulled harder and it popped free. Again Ashley cried out, her hips bucking upward.

  Connie began to roll the vibrator against the blonde's clit as she popped out the third and fourth and fifth. Ashley's breathing began harsh and strangled, then she let out a long, long groan of massive pleasure, her body stiffening in an orgasmic rapture that totally encompassed her consciousness.

  Connie popped the rest of the balls out quickly, in a steady series of sharp tugs that made the girl's pussy snap wetly as her sex-box emptied.

  Finally Ashley lay still, in weary contentment, her face serene. Connie didn't have the heart to force the girl to lick her off, despite her own excitement. She decided to wait. There was, after all, plenty of time. Ashley was hers to do with as she pleased.

  She went downstairs and picked up the girl's clothes, as well as her own, then got a drink. When she returned Ashley was sleeping. She smiled down at the girl and left quietly. She decided though, not to untie her. She thought the blonde looked too scrumptiously delicious spread-eagled as she was. Instead she got her camera, moving around the bed, snapping picture after picture. Then went downstairs.

  That almost got her into a lot of trouble. She got a phone call from a girlfriend and was busily conversing with her when Dawn walked in. Only just in time she remembered that Ashley was still lying naked, her limbs tightly bound to the corners of the bed, sex toys littering the sheets... and the door wide open.

  She bolted forward, dropping the

phone and yelling for Dawn. She raced up the stairs and caught the girl only feet from her door.


  "What?" Dawn demanded, frowning at the intensity of Connie's voice.

  "I-I... "

  Connie tried to think of a reason, any reason to get the girl back downstairs, at least long enough for her to close the door to her bedroom, a bedroom which, unfortunately, lay between Dawn and her own bedroom door.

  "I need you to come downstairs for a minute."


  Parental prerogatives came to the fore. "Because I said so!"

  "Well, can I change first... "


  "Can I just put my bag in my... "

  "NO! Come here!"

  Dawn eyed her strangely, but hesitantly came forward close enough for Connie to take her hand and pull her down the stairs behind her. Her mind spun as she tried to think of any reason to keep the girl away from the house.

  "Uhhhhhhhh... Go to the store and get me some flour."


  "You heard me!"

  "Well, shit, wait until I... "

  "NO! Right now. I need it now."

  "Why? What are you baking?"

  "None of your business. Just go."

  "Why can't I change?"

  "Because I said so. Get! NOW!"

  Dawn gave her a rebellious look, then shook her head in a time honoured indication that she thought Connie was out of her head. Still, she dropped her bag and went out the front door, glancing back a final time with a puzzled scowl.

  Connie heaved a sigh of relief, thanking heaven that she'd put on a robe earlier and that Dawn hadn't gone another few feet forward. She went to the window to make sure the girl was really going. When she reached the corner, Connie raced upstairs and into her room. She untied Ashley, waking her up and jerking the dazed girl out of bed.

  She helped her into her clothes, then pulled her downstairs and pushed her out the door, trying to imagine what she could have said to Dawn if her daughter had moved a little further along the upstairs hall and saw her friend lying on the bed like that.

  Chapter Five

  Connie had received a big scare that afternoon, but it wasn't discouraging her bubbling pussy in its lust for the young blonde's tight, soft little body. On the contrary, the sudden danger, and surviving it, had served only to excite her further.

  She felt all charged up after the sudden surge of adrenaline the fear had brought. On top of that she was still hot from watching the girl's protracted orgasmic eruption. She had planned to climb aboard Ashley's pretty little face once she'd recovered, and her pussy was still a stew pot of sexual juices.

  There was nothing she could do immediately. Dawn came back with the flour, demanding to know why she'd had to go immediately. Connie gave her little satisfaction. Ashley went upstairs and Connie could almost sense her suspicion. She wasn't a stupid girl and knew that she'd been gotten rid of for some reason.

  Connie managed to take the edge off her suspicion, suspicion that was leading towards something approaching the truth, by confessing that she'd ordered something special for Dawn's birthday and hadn't wanted the girl to see it.

  "But my birthday is two months away."

  "I know, but this had to be bought now. You'll understand when you see it."

  "Well, can you give me a hint?"

  Her suspicions seemed to be dying quickly and Connie wanted to encourage that, but on the other hand, she had no idea what the hell she was going to get now for the girl's birthday that could justify her weird behavior.

  "No. You'll just have to wait and see."

  That took care of Dawn. Still, Connie couldn't just dash next door to make Ashley lick her pussy off. Instead she locked herself in her room for ten minutes and masturbated with the vibrator. That dulled her sexual longing for a while, long enough for her to make dinner for Peter and Dawn.

  She spent the evening doing all sorts of chores to keep her hands busy. Whenever they were free, her hands slid down towards her groin, even when someone was around. By bed time she was a frazzled, horny mass of raw nerves. All she could think about was getting her lips around Ashley's sweet nipples and feeling the girl's tongue between her legs.

  She masturbated twice more then went to bed. She did not sleep though, tossing and turning repeatedly. Finally she glanced at the clock and saw that it was two in the morning. She decided to go downstairs and get some milk.

  She put on a robe and went down to the kitchen. She cursed herself for an idiotic fool as she poured the liquid. Her affair, which was what it was, she admitted, was scandalously perverted. What kind of warped, depraved mind did she have anyway?

  She went out into the back yard, sighing unhappily, despite the warm air and the beauty of the moon on the water of the pool. Feeling intensely sexual, she slipped out of her robe and then dove into the pool, swimming several laps in an effort to get Ashley out of her system.

  It didn't work of course. Skinny dipping only made her more turned on, and every time she looked up she could see Ashley's bedroom window across the fence. The idea that came to her was foolish and would have been dismissed only days earlier, but tonight - .

  Something about nearly being caught had twisted something inside Connie that afternoon. It wasn't that she sought the danger exactly, but that its presence heightened her sexual tension. Right above her, just across that fence was Ashley's window, and inside it was the object of her lust and passion.

  And inside the house was a key.

  She was insane. Something was obviously very wrong with her head. Still, completely naked, she climbed over the fence and dropped into the Cooper's garden, then sidled up to the door and unlocked it. She slipped into the dark, quiet house. In one hand she held the keys, in the other, her biggest dildo, complete with thick straps that would clasp it tightly to her groin.

  She crept up the stairs, her every sense searching for any sign that anybody was awake. She felt nothing, only the heat of her own body, the pounding of her own heart, the surging of the blood through her taut, electrified system.

  She paused in the upstairs hallway, then went to Ashley's room. She turned the knob and opened the door, then slipped inside. It was darker inside than in the hall and she stopped, crouching by the door as she waited for her eyes to adjust.

  She heard the sound of the crickets outside, and the distant rumble of traffic, then, the quiet, even breathing of the sleeping girl. You're mad, she screamed to herself. Still, she crept forward until she was beside the bed.

  Ashley lay on her back, one arm down at her side, the other outstretched above her. She had a light sheet on and Connie pulled it off. The blonde was wearing a little nightshirt that came only a foot or so past her groin. Connie eased it up, revealing her sweet young mons and its tight little cleft.

  Ashley's legs were slightly parted. Connie gently lifted her right leg and slid it open further, then placed it gently back down on the bed. She knelt beside the bed, her finger sliding onto the girl's pussy, gently rubbing against the little slit over her clit.

  She slid her finger into her mouth and wetted it, then rubbed it along Ashley's slit again. She rubbed smoothly and evenly, watching for any hint of arousal in the sleeping girl. Ashley's breathing became less even and her body jerked and shifted more and more often, yet her thighs remained open.

  Connie slid her legs through the straps of her dildo and pulled it up until the straps were firm and tight around her thighs. Then she pulled the other strap around her waist and clipped it shut, finally easing the last one between her thighs, pulling it up between her buttocks to fasten behind her back.

  Now the heavy, thick dildo was locked tightly in place, the base of it nudging her pussy, pressing heavily against her clit. She bent over the sleeping girl's pussy and began to lightly tongue her slit.

  Using more and more pressure, she began to force her tongue in between the tight pussy lips, sliding it up and down the silky pink opening as Ashley groaned in her half-slee

  "Whaa... "

  Ashley was startled awake by the rapid tonguing of her clit. Connie leapt into bed, coming down heavily atop the slight framed young woman, her hand closing over the blonde's mouth. Ashley thrashed in fear, trying to dislodge her as Connie gripped her hair and hissed at her to shut up.

  Then Ashley recognized her and stopped her struggles. She stared up into Connie's face, her eyes bulging.

  "Thought you could get away from me, little slut, did you?" Connie grinned, her hand still over Ashley's mouth.

  She pulled it away, then immediately replaced it with her own mouth, crushing her lips against Ashley's and stabbing her tongue down into the blonde's hot mouth.

  Ashley renewed her struggles, trying to pull her mouth free, trying to shove Connie off her.

  "Mmhpphhh! Mrssffhphjhhahhackk!" she groaned, her mouth crushed by Connie's, her words distorted and muffled.

  Finally Connie pulled her lips free, shifting them down against Ashley's throat.

  "Mrs. Jackson! Are you crazy! My parents are right next door!"


  "They'll catch us!"

  "No they won't. They're sound asleep."

  "My parents are light sleepers! They'll throw me out of the house if they catch you here like this!"

  Connie seized the girl by the hair and twisted her head up. "I'm going to fuck you, you little slut!" she hissed down at the startled blonde.

  Then she reached down and grabbed the hem of her nightshirt, jerking it up over her hips, up past the slender belly and over the rounded breasts, pulling it off her head and tossing it on the floor.

  "You have to leave! You can't stay here!"

  "Shut up." Connie growled.

  She leaned in, closing her lips on Ashley's, her hands stroking and squeezing the girl's naked breasts, rubbing her own full, swollen breasts against the big, round melons atop the blonde's chest.

  Her right hand slid down and grasped the thick head of the dildo and pressed it against Ashley's slit, then jammed it forward. The girl squealed in surprise and shock, reaching down quickly to grab hold of the dildo. Her hand closed around the thick shaft and she stared up at Connie in astonishment.


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