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Provoked Page 26

by Rebecca Zanetti

Everything that happened to his family, to his people, wasn’t his fault just because he was so smart. Why did he have to take all the responsibility on himself?

  She wanted to help him. Truth be told, she wanted to soothe him.

  Worst truth? She loved him. Had since he’d rescued her on the side of a wintery road.

  Why couldn’t he love her back?

  Maybe he did and just didn’t know it.

  She snorted. That kind of thinking belonged in junior high. Yet still . . .

  After cleaning the kitchen, she went through the already tidy quarters and tidied up some more. Finally, she made the bed—not that they’d slept much. Her heart beat faster as she straightened the heavy down comforter into smooth lines. The dark gray color was somehow sexy. Or maybe what had happened on the bed made the bedspread look sexy.

  Her marking began to burn.

  “We go in an hour,” Kane said from the doorway.

  She yelped, her heart racing as she whirled toward him. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I’m quiet that way.” His smile didn’t come close to being genuine.

  “I’m so sorry about Jase.” Tears filled her eyes, and she tried to blink them back.

  “Me, too.” Kane sat on the bed, still wearing his loose sweats and no shirt. “I really wanted to be wrong—but I saw the video. He sure looked dead.”

  Kane’s pain made the air heavier.

  Going on instinct, she moved between his knees, cradling his head to her chest. “Maybe the video is wrong.”

  “That’s what Talen said.” Kane sighed, relaxing, his breath warming her skin. “I’m not sure. I watched it three times just to make sure . . . until I couldn’t watch it again.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  His shoulders stiffened. “Jase was in the cell, on the ground, and Suri plunged a knife into his neck. Then he twisted.”

  Okay, there wasn’t a decent way to ask the next question. “Did you see . . . um . . .”

  “No. I didn’t see Jase’s head roll free.”

  “So there’s hope.”

  “God, I don’t think so. But maybe.” Kane’s lips wandered along her flesh.

  Desire slid through her veins like warm silk. She swallowed, trying to force it away. Now wasn’t the time for sex.

  Kane lifted his head, dark eyes full of need. “When we go after your grandmother, some of us may not be coming back. If anything happens to me, you listen to Talen. He’s promised to get you to safety.”

  “You think you’re not coming back?” she asked softly, tangling both hands in Kane’s thick hair.

  He shrugged. “I’ll do my best.”

  Holding him, she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his straight nose. “I’ll make sure you survive, Kane.”

  His rueful grin seemed more natural. “It’s my job to protect you, mate.”

  A logical man shouldn’t be so old-fashioned. “I think it goes both ways these days, vampire.”

  “Not to my people, sweetheart.” His hands slid over the silk robe to cup her ass. “No matter how much we plan, how prepared we make ourselves, things go wrong in battle. The demons are waiting for us, and they’ll be prepared.”

  His palms burned through the thin material. She shifted her weight, trying to concentrate on his words and not her need. “I know.”

  His hands moved to the tie of the robe. Drawing the material apart, he studied her, eyes flaring. “You are incredibly beautiful.” The reverence in his voice humbled her. Gently, he pressed a kiss to her abdomen.

  Her knees trembled. “Um, I’m not sure—” Then she yelped as the room spun and she ended up flat on her back.

  “I’m sure.” Kane kissed his way up her torso, nipping and licking in between kisses. The bed groaned in protest. “We’re heading into hell. Right now, I want a slice of heaven before we go.”

  His knee forced hers apart, and she arched against him. For a scientist, the man often sounded like a poet. “You have a romantic nature, you know.”

  “Right.” He nipped the underside of her jaw.

  She gasped, stretching up into his hard body. “Trust me.”

  “I do.” His large hand flattened against her abdomen, moving frustratingly slow toward where she burned.

  She closed her eyes, sliding into desire. The man needed to stop thinking, to stop hurting, to stop worrying about everybody else. For this moment in time, she could comfort him. She could help him escape, if only for a little while.

  She tilted into his exploring hands.

  He grinned against her skin. “Will I find you wet for me?”

  “Only one way to find out.” She dug her nails into his shoulders, her breath panting out.

  “Good point.” One finger ran along her clit, sliding inside her. “Ah, very wet.”

  Wet and in serious need. Nerves flared in demand. “I don’t want slow.”

  “Too bad.” His tongue traced the shell of her ear. His other fingers rolled her nipple, pinching just enough to have her gasping for breath.

  The man was intoxicating. Devastating. Addictive. No other man would ever come close.

  Could passion have an owner? If so, he owned hers. She ran her hands down his broad back, reaching his tight ass. She sank her fingers into the hard muscles, grinning at his groan. Oh yeah. Two could play at torture.

  This moment was hers. The man needed her. He needed to forget pain, war, and reality for a brief time. That she could help him with.

  He lifted his head. A dangerous, wicked smile curved his lips and made her thighs tingle. He slid his finger free, his smile broadening at her whimper of protest. Then slowly, keeping her gaze captive, he slid his hand around her hip to tap on the marking.

  Fire shot from the brand through her entire body. She cried out, biting her lip to keep from moaning.

  His hand flattened out, his heated palm pressing against the brand.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as raw need filled her in a painful demand. His thigh pressed against her core. He plucked a nipple.

  A climax bore down on her, so intense her eyelids snapped open to see the world in a haze. Uncaring of any decorum, she rode his thigh, tears pricking her eyes, sweat blooming across her chest. Shuddering violently, she came down, her body relaxing. Almost.

  He planted a hard kiss on her lips. “You’re sexy as hell. I very well may adore you.” His forehead wrinkled as if he pondered a tough physics question.

  Well, it was a start. “You’re overdressed.” Lifting her knees, she curled her toes in the waistband of his sweats and shoved down.

  He chuckled and assisted her by shimmying out of the sweats.

  An engorged, fully ready, pulsing erection instantly settled against her stomach.

  She grinned. “Oh my.”

  “Indeed.” He levered up on one elbow, leaning to the side and tracing gentle fingers up her torso. “Your skin is softer than petals.”

  “Poet.” She reached for him, running her fingers along his shaft. “You’re very well endowed.”

  He smirked. “You talk too much.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  Hard hands grabbed her hips and rolled them over until she straddled him. He put his arms behind his head. “You wanted to be in charge.”

  She might be on top, but by no means was she in charge. They both knew it. Even so, she relished the opportunity to drive him wild. No matter what happened, she’d make sure he never forgot her.

  “You’re looking awfully determined,” he said.

  “You have no idea.”

  “Show me,” he whispered.

  Taking him in her hand, she poised above him, slowly working him inside her body. Several times she had to stop and take a deep breath to accommodate his girth. Minutes later, she finally rested against him.

  Sweat beaded his upper lip while a dark flush had crossed his hard cheekbones. Beneath her, his body vibrated with need.

  She smiled. “How’s that for determination?”

sp; His lids half closed. “Watch how you play, little one. My control only goes so far.”

  “Is that a fact?” She flattened her palms against his pecs, leaning forward to take more of him. Control? The man was about to lose his. For a brief slice of time, she was yanking him out of his head.

  He groaned, eyes darkening. “That’s a fact.”

  “Hmm.” She lifted her butt and slammed back down hard.

  He stiffened, drawing air through clenched teeth. “Amber.”

  Ignoring the warning, she did it again.

  Triumph rushed through her when his hands clamped on her hips. He lifted her, the muscles in his arms rippling with the effort. Then he yanked her down while thrusting up with his groin.

  She gave a strangled cry. He filled her completely, almost too much so. Hard, pulsing, his cock laid claim to her internal walls, forcing them to clamp hard around him.

  Ripples of raw need spiraled inside her.

  He ground against her, nostrils flaring at her small moan.

  Then he lifted her, surging inside her, forcing her to ride him with the rhythm he chose. One hand cupped her thigh, opening her wider so he could thrust even deeper. He was ruthless and dangerously skilled.

  He went faster, his arms seeming tireless, forcing her to take all of him.

  Need went beyond dare. She needed to come. Allowing her body to go lax, she let him set the rhythm, let him take what he wanted. With a low growl, he pinched her clit.

  She broke with a cry of his name. The room disappeared, her mind shut down, and pleasure too intense to be real shot through her body in waves of excruciating ecstasy. He pumped harder, prolonging her orgasm until she couldn’t breathe. Finally, as she came down, he paused.

  Panting for air, she shoved her wild hair out of her eyes. Every breath caused little ripples to shoot through her core.

  She felt . . . claimed.

  Realization came back with a slap. He was still inside her, impossibly hard.

  And he’d waited for her to realize that fact.

  Her eyes widened.

  His narrowed.

  Quicker than a thought, he rolled them over, remaining inside her. Both arms slid against the back of her thighs, shoving her legs up and opening her to him.

  Then he started to pound.

  Hard, fast, completely out of control.

  She gripped the comforter to keep her head from smacking against the headboard.

  He thrust harder.


  A spiraling started deep inside her, catching her breath. Her eyes widened. It wasn’t possible.

  He angled higher.

  She arched with a silent cry, her body shooting into a climax so powerful she forgot how to think. The waves ripped through her, relentless in their intensity.

  His mouth found her neck, his fangs dropping deep.

  With a low growl, he ground against her, his body tightening as he came.

  Their bodies relaxed as one, slowly sinking back to reality.

  He licked the wound and placed a soft kiss against her jugular before raising up.

  She gasped for air, smoothing his hair away from his face. “I love you, Kane. No matter what happens later, I need you to know that. I do love you.”

  He blinked twice, surprise filling his eyes. Then he opened his mouth.

  “No.” She pressed a finger to his heated lips. The last thing she needed was a half-assed attempt to make her feel better. She was getting to know him, and he didn’t believe in love. Yet. “Sometimes no words are better than the wrong ones.”

  Puzzlement filled his frown. He shook his head and tried to speak again.

  A phone buzzed from the nightstand.

  Surprise lifted his eyebrows.

  Yeah. She’d made him forget the bad stuff for a short while. Triumph heated through her.

  Keeping his cock inside her, his gaze on her, Kane reached for the phone. “What?”

  He listened and then hung up. “We leave in thirty minutes.”


  Kane stretched his neck, cataloging the weapons worn by the large raiding party. Oscar had been ordered to the other helicopter just in case he got it into his head to hit Dage again. While Kane hadn’t blamed him, they didn’t have time for another fight.

  Kane had gotten some sleep on the flight across the ocean and made sure Amber was rested.

  She loved him.

  While that made it easier for him to keep her as a mate, he doubted his liking her was enough. The idea of her leaving him after the century made his gut ache with an intensity that surprised him.

  Was that what love felt like?

  Love was supposed to be all silly flowers and dancing tulips.

  Not a deep, gut-wrenching ball of pain.

  He frowned. Without question, he had been caught up in the moment earlier and would’ve returned Amber’s words if the phone hadn’t disturbed them. Feelings were foreign to him—by his choice and his design. Yet he was going to have to tap into them to figure out what the hell was going on with him. After they found Jase.

  Across the wide helicopter, Moira Dunne Kayrs studied him with her light green eyes. While he’d missed the little witch, her frown made him feel worse. The witch could often read people, and she was seriously reading him right now.

  He growled at his brother. “Make your mate stop frowning at me.”

  Conn’s frown beat Moira’s—hands-down. “Last time I made her do something, she burned my eyelashes off. You make her stop frowning.” He cocked a gun and shoved it in Moira’s vest.

  She protested. “I don’t need another gun.”

  Conn tugged one of her red curls. “Yes, you do. Take the gun, Dailtín.”

  Kane settled back, used to Conn’s Gaelic term of endearment for Moira. Brat.

  The witch rolled her eyes but left the gun in place. She smiled at Amber. “We have a support group.”

  Amber started before frowning in puzzlement. “A support group?”

  “Aye. For mates of the Kayrs brothers. We get together and lament our lot in life.” Moira’s smile brightened her pale face. The little witch had always been a beauty.

  Amber chuckled. “I’ll join as soon as I get home.”

  “Ah, Amber, you’re already in. Believe me, I understand.” Moira shoved an elbow into Conn’s gut. “I totally understand.”

  Conn frowned. “We’re not that bad.”

  “Yes, we are,” Talen countered with a broad shrug. “But my mate says we’re worth it.”

  “Usually,” Moira muttered.

  Kane allowed the banter to flow around him, knowing everyone was trying to keep from thinking about the battle to come. But they had ten minutes until touch down, and it was time to focus. Seven other helicopters flew in formation around them, all filled with soldiers ready to kill. The vampires had brought four ’copters with them to Ireland, while the witches had sent four of their own.

  Conn smiled at Amber. “Thank you for coming along—rumor has it you can actually counter the demon mind attack.”

  She nodded.

  Moira shook her head. “That’s absolutely amazing. I’ve heard rumors about your people, but I never thought to actually meet a demon destroyer. The playing field is finally level with you here.”

  Kane cleared his throat. The statement rang true. Amber’s gift finally gave them a chance to fight the demons with their strength intact. “Talen? Please go over the plan one more time.” His older brother was the strategic leader for the Realm and always created their plans. His current plan was both daring and destructive.

  Talen nodded, pressing a button on his ear communicator so the other helicopters could listen in. “We’re going with plan A since the demons haven’t sent any planes to intercept us. Hilde Freebird’s tracking device is active, and she’s there. Make no mistake, they’ll be waiting with armed forces ready to go. They’ll employ mind games right off the bat.”

  Kane swallowed, tightening his hold on Amber. She’d need to sh
ield immediately. The woman nodded slowly, understanding his silent command. Smart girl.

  Talen continued, “Forces three and four will blow all buildings, while forces one and two will instantly infiltrate. We’re not looking for prisoners—aim to kill. Decapitate quickly. If there are children or female demons, try to render them unconscious before securing them in a location we’ll determine once on the ground.” He paused, his fingers ticking off points as he made them. “Female demons are few and far between, but if we find any, they’re masters at mind attacks. You’ll need to knock them out immediately. Kill if necessary, but try to avoid doing so if possible.”

  Kane nodded shortly. The idea of killing a woman, even a demon, didn’t sit well with any of them.

  Talen shrugged his vest into place. He nodded to Kane. “Primary objective for forces one and two is to find and free Hilde Freebird, as well as locating Jase Kayrs. The remaining forces will protect the perimeter.”

  Kane leaned back against the metal side, forcing calm into his muscles. Chances were incredibly slim that Jase was alive—just because the tape stopped before Suri shoved his head free didn’t mean that Suri had also stopped. They’d find Jase and bury him at home. Damn demons. Kane eyed Dage as his hands worked furiously over the controls, flying the aircraft. The king hadn’t spoken much, his jaw set, his eyes hard since showing the brothers the video of Jase being decapitated.

  Talen had argued that the video could’ve been doctored, but there hadn’t been time to study it before they needed to head to Scotland. Kane had wanted to agree, but giving his brothers false hope wasn’t a good idea.

  Though, deep down, a small kernel of hope lived in his gut. Please, God, let Jase still be alive.

  The idea of God never bothered him and just made sense. Sure, Kane was a man of science, but you couldn’t create something out of nothing. A Creator was logical.

  Maybe love existed, too.

  His mate’s scent of wild heather wrapped around his head, around his heart. He leaned to whisper in her ear. “You stay behind me at all times and keep your shields up. Now isn’t the time to work on attacking demons. I need you strong and your mind clear.”

  Irritation flashed in her dark eyes, but she wisely nodded.

  “If you fail to follow my orders at any time, I’ll yank you onto the nearest helicopter whether we’ve found your grandmother or not.” He’d threaten her in a heartbeat to keep her safe. And he meant what he said.


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