Want Me

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Want Me Page 3

by Neve Wilder

  “Bear down. It helps,” he directed and kept his finger still while lifting his other hand to circle around my cock again. Not enough friction, not even close. Just light, teasing strokes that distracted me enough for him to slide his finger deeper inside.

  “How’s that?”

  “Better.” And absolutely nothing like doing it myself.

  “You have lube?”

  “Drawer over there.” I tilted my head, unwilling to move because something was happening. Something delicious and shuddery. His finger probed farther, then curled, and my mouth dropped wide open in a soundless moan.

  “There it is.” He sounded so pleased with himself, but maybe he was right to be because this put my awkward fumbling to shame. This was a whole different ball game. This was a whole different ball game in another damn universe. I gripped the back of the chair tighter, my lips pressing together as he teased the mound of nerve endings inside me, looking up at me with a lazy smirk.

  “Fucking hell,” I gasped.

  “More like heaven, I think, yeah?”

  I dropped my chin to my chest, closing my eyes as he continued stroking my prostate. When I chanced another look, I could see his cock was still standing at stiff attention in front of me. I licked my lips, considering, then quickly dismissed the thought.

  “It would feel a lot better with some lube and you spread out on that bed.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I wasn’t even really thinking about what I was saying. I was just one big zombie nerve ending trying to get off.

  Eric laughed as I stumbled on my way to the bed, forgetting the pants wrapped around my knees. I caught myself on the edge and kicked my pants the rest of the way off, flopping onto my back and listening as he rustled around the drawer of my nightstand.


  I’d fallen sideways onto the mattress, and Eric came to stand between my knees, still fully clothed but for that gargantuan erection poking from his jeans. For some reason that was insanely hot to me, him being fully clothed while I was butt-ass naked. It made me feel vulnerable, though not in a threatening way. It was hard to explain. He stood there stroking himself, so inconceivably hot, and looking down at me like I was a meal he was about to savor, like he had all the time in the world. I felt like I was about to burst from my own skin.

  “You’re sexy as hell, frat boy. You get told that often?”

  “Not by guys.” The rough denim of his jeans brushed against my knees, sending a shiver racing up my thighs to my pelvis, like my entire skin had been sensitized. I was getting impatient for more. More of what we’d been doing before. More stroking, more sucking, more fingering my ass. Just more. “Are we doing this?”

  He nodded slowly, biting his lip, still so damn unhurried I almost wanted to punch him.

  “Yeah, but only if you make me a promise not to be fucking weird about it. Because I’m not going to be weird about it. And if you can make that promise, then yeah, I’m about to get down on my knees for you and take you the fuck apart, piece by piece until I turn you inside out.”

  My heart slammed in my chest, every circuit in my body firing, and I nodded hard, just once, before I found my breath. And words. They were hard to manage. “I promise. Or, fuck, I’ll try at least. Just…go.”

  Eric leaned over me, fingertips dropping to my chest, circling my nipple and pinching until it hardened. I sucked in a breath. Then his fingers drifted slowly down my abdomen, following the light trail of hair, his touch like mist ghosting over me. His caress dragged over my package, and my slit squeezed out another drop of precome that dripped onto my stomach. This guy was playing me like a pro, and I was loving every second of it.

  “It’s more fun if you don’t rush it.”

  Whatever. I didn’t care as long as he was touching me, as long as getting off was in the near future. Nearish future. The back of his hand nudged the inside of my thigh, and I widened my legs to accommodate him as he eased down onto his knees. My eyes shuttered closed on another ragged gulp of air at the sight of him kneeling in front of me. One hand landed on each of my kneecaps, Eric’s fingers curling to stroke the soft skin behind my knees. Then I felt the heels of his hands pushing against the top of my shins, urging my legs up.

  “Put your feet on the edge of the bed.”

  “Are you sure?” My eyes popped open to stare down at him.

  He laughed. “Pretty fucking sure. Let me see you.”

  If I did that, I’d be wide open to him, exposed to the max. I weighed my hesitation against the promise blazing in his eyes. I lifted one leg up and then the other, exposing my ass, and was about to crack some dumb joke about feeling like a girl going to a gynecologist but yelped out instead as his tongue hit my hole in a rush of velvety heat.

  Nerve endings I didn’t even know I had sang through my body. One of my feet shot off the bed reflexively, and Eric caught it as I scrabbled and eased me back into position.

  “Holy shit,” I gasped as he anchored his hands to the backs of my thighs, keeping me rooted to the bed and spread wide for him.

  No response from him except for a warm hum of sound that vibrated over my taint and sank into my aching balls.

  He licked me in long, hot strokes, from my crack to my sac, where he’d pause to nibble at the loose skin there. His hand came up to my shaft, but instead of pumping me hard and fast like I wanted him to, he squeezed the base, pulsing his fist around me. My head thrashed back, and my fingers dug into the sheets.

  “Don’t. Fucking. Stop,” I rasped out. I didn’t think he was going to, though. By now I was convinced he was hell-bent on driving me to the edge of sanity.

  His tongue kept stroking, lapping at me, circling my hole, and my hips started rocking to meet him, wanting more, wanting something…

  I yelled out again as Eric pushed his tongue inside me, spearing me with that smooth muscle. I could feel his spit dribbling down the crack of my ass and forming a wet spot beneath me. My cock was weeping, throbbing, sweeping me along in the dual torture-pleasure of his hand still pulsing on my shaft and his tongue fucking my asshole. The wet smacks and grunts coming from both of us were an insane turn-on.

  “Jerk me, please,” I begged. When there was no response, I lifted a shaky hand to fist my cock only to have it batted away. I growled out my frustration. After that, he started moving his hand slowly, lightly. Not enough. Fire burned through my core as he sucked and licked and pushed into me. But I needed more.

  “Fingers,” I pleaded, then heard the pop of a cap. Lube-slicked fingers slid back in my ass, finding my prostate easily, filling me, stroking me, building intensity until he was coming in hard and fast, then twisting inside me and pulling back slow. I couldn’t catch my breath. My abs flexed and contracted. My whole damn body felt like one giant muscle tensed for release.

  With his finger still plugging at my ass, Eric pushed one of my knees down and maneuvered onto the bed next to me, half on his side. My eyes flew to his face, taking in the spit-glazed, swollen lips, the wide pupils, and that piercing stare still trained on me. Hell, he looked like pure sex. His chin tilted down, and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me. Panic and fear widened my eyes, and I blurted out, “Fuck me.”

  Eric’s jaw went slack with confusion, his fingers stilling inside me. “What? Really?”

  I nodded quickly. “Yeah. I want it.” I did want it. I didn’t want him to kiss me, but I wanted him to fuck me, and it probably made no kind of sense to him and hardly made sense to me, but I saw the flash of untempered desire in his eyes when I said it, and I knew he wanted it, too.

  Still, he hesitated, a shadow of vulnerability passing over his features that I’d never seen in him before and wouldn’t have guessed he was capable of. He touched the tip of his tongue to the corner of his mouth and then nodded. “Same goes, though—no freaking out. Remember you asked for this.”

  I wondered if there was something else making him so cautious or if it was just because it was me and what he thought he knew about me.
/>   “You don’t have to if you don’t want. But I won’t freak out.”

  “Oh, I want to, frat boy, no fucking worries. I’m dying to get in that tight hole.” And just like that, his confidence was back. Somehow its reappearance put me at ease.

  I rolled onto my stomach.

  “That how you want it?” The mattress dipped as Eric slid from the edge of it.

  “Yeah.” I wanted his dick in me, but I didn’t want the intimacy of him watching me while he fucked me. Or the possibility of kissing. That was territory I was nowhere near ready for yet, if I’d ever be.

  I felt his touch land gently on my hip. He tapped me. “Up on your knees.” The denim of his jeans rustled as he pushed them down his legs. The laces of his shoes whispered as he tugged them loose. Even the sound of him undressing was twisting me up.

  “Nightstand, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I assumed he was asking about condoms, and that was, of course, the universal location.

  The foil packet crinkled, and I glanced over my shoulder to find it clenched between Eric’s teeth as he ripped it, his other hand lightly stroking up and down his shaft as he looked at my ass. He gave me a wild, wicked grin that set my groin simmering all over again, then rolled the condom down over his cock, pinching the end.

  I dropped my head down to my forearms. His fingers brushed over my hole, dipping just inside, and I shifted, trying to wriggle back onto his fingers.

  Planting his palm low on my back, Eric nudged me forward as he put his knees to the edge of the bed and shuffled closer.

  “Perfect,” he breathed out, the sound low, almost hoarse. “This is a good look for you.” More teasing. I was ready to quip back, but just then the tip of his cock brushed my hole and I forgot what I’d been about to say. The sensation was so different: his head all blunt and smooth, plump with the flush of blood, and it slid against me effortlessly. He kept pressing the heel of his hand into my back, making languid back-and-forth passes up and down my crack that teased me until I was nearly postal with the desire to impale myself on him. He reached down, kneading my balls for a second, and then one hand moved to my hip and latched on to me like an anchor.



  It burned. Fuck, it burned, even with all the lube, and Eric went still, waiting while I spit out a few curses. It wasn’t the first time I’d had something in my ass, but it was the first time I’d had something in my ass besides my own fingers, something that was attached to another living, breathing human being. Freshman year, I’d gotten this ridiculously sized, flesh-colored dildo to use as part of a dumb Halloween costume involving a Speedo. Let’s just say I got a little curious later on, and with the friendly help of some alcohol and a shit ton of lube, I managed to fit the thing up my ass. It'd taken me a half hour, though. And this was nothing like that. Nothing at all. This was a warm, living burn, an insane sense of fullness. I let out a plaintive groan, and Eric caressed my asscheek.

  “It gets better.”

  “We’ll see.” I couldn’t even comprehend how he was going to fit the rest of himself inside me, much less move. If it didn’t get better, I was done with this experiment, could check it off my bucket list and be done with it. In a way, it was kind of a relief.

  Eric pulled back slightly and this time pushed in a little deeper. I felt my ass opening around him, swallowing his length. The sting faded, but the fullness remained, almost unbearable. I wasn’t sure I liked it at all. He kneaded my hip with one hand, then clenched my buttcheek, spreading me as he slid in again.


  “Still burning?”

  “No, but it feels like I’ve got the Washington Monument stuffed up my ass.”

  Eric chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “I really don’t think it is. Fuck, I don’t know if I can do this.” The pressure was too intense.

  Eric caressed my ribs, the side of my hip. I knew it was probably meant to be soothing, but it wasn’t quite working. “Fair enough. Give me another minute, and if you still hate it, we’ll stop, okay?”

  I nodded, spreading my legs wider. He curled over me, bracing on one hand while the other found my cock, his grip tighter this time, more friction as he pumped me. Little zings of pleasure sparked in waves across my abdomen, and the next thing I knew, I felt his body fully against me. He was all the way inside me and groaned as I gave a testing clench of my muscles. I didn’t know why I did it; it sent an echo of burn through me, but I guess I wanted to know his fat cock hadn’t destroyed my sphincter.

  “Again,” he said, and I clenched again. “Fuuuuck, amazing.”

  Locking his hands around my hips, Eric slowly withdrew, leaving just his tip inside me. My lungs leaked air in small gasps as he pushed slowly deeper again. And then back out and in again.

  He shifted around a bit, and the next time he pushed back in I saw stars. Hell, I saw the universe. I have no idea how I reacted because I could hardly even see straight and my eyes were clenched shut anyway, but there must have been something, because he groaned and whispered, “Fuck yes, there you go.”

  After another few slow, euphoric strokes painted my insides with the buzz of electricity, Eric picked up the pace. His fingers dug divots in my sides as he fucked me in measured strokes. My body jolted with each thrust, lighting up and melting as he pulled out before he pushed back in and repeated the pattern all over again.

  “So fucking good,” he grated out. “You’re tight as hell, frat boy.”

  I felt my orgasm building, the pressure in my ass transmuting to this tightly coiled sensation in my balls that was just waiting for the match strike to explode. This time when I reached for my cock, he didn’t stop me. I moaned as I fisted my shaft, finally giving myself the friction I’d been longing for. Eric withdrew all the way, then slammed back into me with a curse, and I nearly howled at the heady shot of pleasure mixed with pain. It was like my body was being attacked in the best of ways on multiple fronts, and couldn’t decide what the fuck it was doing or where it was going. My hips zigged and zagged. My quads contracted. I bucked and arched. My orgasm edged closer and closer each time I stroked up, each time Eric’s fat, swollen head hit my prostate. And all I could keep thinking was…why had I been holding out on myself? This was fucking amazing.

  My entire body started shuddering with the promise of sweet relief. My insides were liquid magma, ready to blow, and the air was filled with the obscene chorus of Eric’s body smacking against mine.

  “Fuck,” I gasped. “Keep going.”

  I was ready, so fucking ready for this orgasm, and I just knew it was going to blow away anything I’d had before.

  And then all of the sudden it was gone. I was expecting a thrust, that sweet, mind-blowing fullness again, and I got nothing but Eric panting behind me and the distinct sensation of emptiness. My body protested this unwanted plot twist with a shudder.

  I actually snarled and twisted around to look at Eric. He had one hand fisted around the base of his cock. The other was still on my hip.

  “What the hell are you doing?” My voice sounded desperate and unhinged. Which was apt, because I was.

  “Taking a breather.” He gave me a fierce smile.

  “A breather?” Like we were working out together, performing some compound sets or something. What the fuck? “I was about to come.”

  “Yeah, I could tell.”

  My dick throbbed in my hand. Both it and I were confused. “And? Isn’t that the point?”

  “It’s one of them, but there are a lot of nice scenic overlooks on the way. Why are you in such a hurry?” He caught my glance at the clock. “You know as well as I do, no one’s coming back before midnight. We’ve got hours.”

  “Hours?” Did he hear the edge of panic in my voice? The chuckle that followed made it clear he did.

  “We won’t take that long. But I swear, if you trust me, I promise you the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life. The cream of the crop, the fucking pinnacle
of…fucking.” He was awfully confident about that, but I was frustrated as hell.

  “Edging, yeah, I’ve heard. Not interested.” I meant it, despite the fact that I moaned when he dropped his hand to fondle my balls, then slid his finger back in my hole.

  “I thought this was about experimentation.”

  “It was about getting off. In an experimental way. Not Eric’s hour to fuck mercilessly with the ‘frat boy.’” His finger corkscrewed inside me, and my hips jerked. Bastard. After being filled with his cock, my prostate was overly sensitive, the barest brush sending flutters through my stomach. It was good, but not enough. I wanted his dick again. It was a crazy thought to have.

  I pulled away from his touch, sat back on my heels, then turned around and scooted toward the edge of the bed. “I’m done.”

  Eric slid off the side of the bed and knelt in front of me.

  “Come on,” he said softly. “Have I led you wrong at any point tonight?” He pushed my knees open and licked a wet stripe up my shaft that made me shiver. So fucking good. Was his mouth magic? Was he? I clearly wasn’t thinking straight.

  “Lie back down, put your hands in my hair. Let me take you through the roof.”

  I closed my eyes, inhaled a deep breath through my nose, and wondered what the fuck it was about him that kept my body humming when it was around him. I didn’t know why he was so invested in this unless he was just bored. But I found myself sinking back on the bed, my feet on the floor and my hands threading through his soft hair as he bent over my lap and took me in his mouth.

  After all the action from my own hand, being back in the wet haven of his mouth was ecstasy. He took hold of the base of my cock and licked his way up and down my shaft, sucking the sides, slurping at the top, lavishing a hell of a lot of attention on the notch below my crown. I started moving again, slow undulations that pushed me to the back of his throat, where he’d swallow against me, sending flutters of pleasure trembling through my balls. He pushed a finger inside me again, and this time I lifted my legs off the floor and onto the bed, making room for him without prompting.


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