The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set Page 38

by Erin Snihur

  All four of his friends seemed happy. Khalid with Amelia, Malik with Samara and Amoz with Teresa and their son, Xavier. Now, Kasin joined their lot with Amira. All four Sheiks were in love and their little foursome had grown so quickly in the last few years. Tariq felt as though he had blinked and missed it all. Perhaps he had.

  A certain red-haired minx had clouded his judgment and, now, he paid the consequences. Before his mind could stew in disgust over the past and future, Tariq was startled by a clap of a hand to his back. Khalid had joined him. The oldest of the group and wisest, Khalid knowingly met Tariq’s eyes with his own before turning to look at their friends who continued to happily tease and taunt one another, all while cooing over the gurgling baby.

  “Kasin seems happier. Lighter even,” Khalid muttered as he took a sip from his glass of spiced punch before grimacing at the taste, much to Tariq’s amusement. “How can the people of Masarat create such a beautiful country, but make such terrible punch?”

  Chuckling softly, Tariq was inclined to agree before his eyes landed on Kasin and Amira as they shared a hidden look and his friend kissed his wife, much to the loving sighs of the other women.

  Ignoring Khalid’s comment on the punch, Tariq muttered, “He’s whipped. Just like the rest of you.”

  “Better to be whipped and happy, than independent and unhappy,” Khalid retorted and met Tariq’s challenging eye.

  Pausing, Tariq scanned the room, ensuring no one was listening before turning to his friend, lowering his voice, “Have you found anything about that thing I asked you to keep an eye on?”

  Khalid held his gaze for only a moment before nodding, “Yes. It seems you aren’t the only target. The thing you seek happens to be working as a temp in my capital and in my own company.”

  “Has anything gone missing?” Tariq growls, trying to rein in his anger.

  With a slight shake of his head, Khalid’s lips curl suggestively, “No. I figured keeping our enemy close was as good a plan as any. Would you like to be the one to break the news about her position?”

  “With pleasure,” Tariq murmurs and turns back to his friends, who have become like family to him. Knocking back another swig of the spiced punch, Tariq inwardly hums with glee and desire as his thoughts turn to the auburn haired beauty with clear blue eyes.

  Here I come, sweet Sophie, ready or not.

  Want to find out what happens next? Click here to purchase The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief (Book 5)!

  The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief

  Enchanting and beautiful, Sophie Marks has always been one step ahead of every man she's ever stolen from, but one man proves to be more persistent then the rest.

  And this time, he isn’t letting her get away.

  Crown Prince Tariq Abadi of Hattan couldn’t believe his eyes. The woman he’d been quietly searching for turns up as an assistant in his own friend’s company!

  Revenge never tasted sweeter… Until it becomes love, then it feels like marriage might just be the right thing for the playboy billionaire Sheik.


  Three years ago…

  Crown Prince Tariq of the country of Hattan glared at his father from where he sat on his pretentious throne. Behind him, his father’s counsel sat. Ten men so full of themselves, Tariq was sure they would implode over their own greatness. With his obviously weary yet determined father staring down at him, Tariq sighed.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want you to take responsibility for your actions for once. You let some two bit whore steal from the Crown. What could you have possibly been thinking?”

  Not answering, Tariq shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, “Sounds like you’re blaming the victim, father. People don’t like that these days.”

  Snorting in derision, Tariq’s father finally stood, his glare as prominent as the way he limped down the steps of the throne room dais. Tariq had always been told it was an injury from the Arabian wars. He knew the truth. His father had been running from the front lines like a coward. The fact that Hattan won the many territory wars during that time was only thanks to Tariq’s uncle, a general, and his good men.

  “You are not a victim, Tariq. You are an accomplice. Already, rumors are spreading. How the great Sheik of Hattan allowed his son to bed a common thief and allowed said thief to run off with royal jewels that were meant for his daughter's wedding. Do you know how upset your sister is? The wedding may not even go forward at this rate. We are a disgrace!”

  Inwardly, Tariq was happy one good thing came out of this embarrassing situation. His sister wouldn’t have to marry that vile man. Ignoring his father’s glare, Tariq met the older man’s gaze as his father stopped at the second to the last step, forcing Tariq to gaze up at him. A tactic his father often used to intimidate people. It wouldn’t work.

  Ignoring his father’s rant, Tariq interrupted, gaining shocked gasps at his back by his father’s counsel, “I will get the jewels back and I’ll bring those responsible to justice, father.”

  Snorting once more, Tariq’s father shook his head, “You were duped once, my son, I have lost all faith in your abilities. Put this from your mind and focus on the throne. If you ever want to sit atop it as Hattan’s Sheik, you will do as I say from now on.”

  Clenching his fists tightly, Tariq glared at his father’s back as the old man turned to climb back up the steps of the dais.


  Silence echoed with his one word response. Shocked murmurs at his back made his skin crawl. His father was not used to being denied. The old man had been abusing his power for too long. Tariq would not allow him to rule him this way.

  “What did you say?” His father sputtered, eyes wide with rage.

  “Perhaps it is time to get your hearing checked, old man. You could get it checked while you visit your beautiful married nurse in the city…” Tariq’s voice trailed off as his father’s hate filled eyes filled with fear. Tariq continued, knowing immediately he had his father back in his place, “If you do not wish for our beloved people to know about your affair with a married woman, you will back off of me and my life.”

  Turning his back on his father, Tariq strode toward the doors, but stopped and turned back, giving his father one last menacing smirk, “Oh, and by the way, I’m taking Alia with me. Can’t have you ruining her life as well by marrying her off to that old pervert.”

  His father sputtering, Tariq continued, his voice crooning throughout the room, “I’m your heir, old man. The people will not have a Sheik that is crowned with the blood of a commoner running through his veins. So, I guess you’re stuck with me.”

  Tariq didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he departed the room and, as the doors closed at his back, he could hear the faint yelling start. That should keep the old man on his toes for a while. Turning to a servant who stood waiting at the doors, Tariq glared when the man’s eyes met his. Face paling the servant cast his eyes down.


  “Have Alia ready and packed. We are leaving for Elish. Tonight.”

  Inwardly, Tariq was relieved the servant didn’t hesitate to question him and walked out onto the hallway’s balcony, the loud sounds of arguing from the throne room forgotten. Gazing over the capital city of Hattan, Tariq’s chest ached. He hated leaving his home, but he needed to. A certain thief gave chase. Now she was going to find out what happens when you mess with Crown Prince Tariq Abadi of Hattan.

  Sophie Marks, I’m coming for you.


  Crown Prince Tariq Abadi of Hattan watched as his once dark and depressed friend, Kasin, laughed and joked with the rest of their friends while his wife, Amira, held their friends’ baby, Xavier. Tariq could see the look of possessiveness in his friends' eyes. No doubt, the couple, who had up until recently been estranged, would be welcoming their own bundle of joy in a few months.

  All four of his friends seemed happy. Khalid with Amelia, Malik with Samara and Amoz with Teresa and their son,
Xavier. Now, Kasin joined their lot with Amira. All four Sheiks were in love and their little foursome had grown so quickly in the last few years. Tariq felt as though he had blinked and missed it all. Perhaps he had.

  A certain red-haired minx had clouded his judgment; and now, he paid for the consequences. Before his mind could stew in disgust over the past and present, Tariq was startled by a clap of a hand to his back. Khalid had joined him. The oldest of the group and wisest, Khalid knowingly met Tariq’s eyes with his own before turning to look at their friends who continued to happily tease and taunt one another, all while cooing over the gurgling baby.

  “Kasin seems happier. Lighter even.” Khalid muttered as he took a sip from his glass of spiced punch before grimacing at the taste, much to Tariq’s amusement, “How can the people of Masarat create such a beautiful culture, but make such terrible punch?”

  Chuckling softly, Tariq was inclined to agree before his eyes landed on Kasin and Amira as they shared a hidden look and his friend kissed his wife, much to the loving sighs of the other women.

  Ignoring Khalid’s comment on the punch, Tariq muttered, “He’s whipped. Just like the rest of you.”

  “Better to be whipped and happy, then independent and unhappy,” Khalid retorted and met Tariq’s challenging eye.

  Pausing, Tariq scanned the room, ensuring no one was listening before turning to his friend, lowering his voice, “Have you found anything about that thing I asked you to keep an eye on?”

  Khalid held his gaze for only a moment before nodding, “Yes. It seems you aren’t the only target. The person you seek happens to be working as a temp in my capital and in my own company.”

  “Has anything gone missing?” Tariq growls, trying to rein in his anger.

  With a slight shake of his head, Khalid’s lips curl suggestively, “No. I figured keeping our enemy close was as good a plan as any. Would you like to be the one to break the news about her position?”

  “With pleasure,” Tariq murmurs and turns back to his friends, who have become like family to him. Knocking back another swig of the spiced punch, Tariq inwardly hums with glee and desire as his thoughts turn to the auburn haired beauty with clear blue eyes.

  Here I come, sweet Sophie, ready or not.


  The older woman, Nancy, behind her large desk clucked her tongue as she thumbed the papers before her. Finally, she peered up at Sophie Marks, who inwardly was trying to keep her hands clasped together as politely in her lap as possible. It was difficult. Sophie was nervous. Applying for a temp job with Aman Industries seemed foolish to her. Like taunting a tiger in its own cage.

  “Your papers seem to be in order, Ms. Smith. I was surprised the agency didn’t call me first before sending you over?”

  Not trying to appear startled by the alias the woman called her, Sophie allowed a hesitant smile to form on her face, “They realize the urgency and wanted me ready for training as soon as possible. They value Aman Industries for their efficiency and need for quality employees.”

  Seeming impressed by her answer, Nancy nodded and turned back to her computer where she typed in a few keys and a card popped out of the machine attached to the computer. Plucking the card, Nancy handed it to her over the desk, “This is your access pass. It only allows you access to the first few floors. You will only be working on the first few floors. Mostly, they contain offices and boardrooms. You will be in charge of ensuring the board rooms are prepared for the specific meetings and their desired requests via the roster sent out every Friday for the following week.”

  Nodding, Sophie stood as Nancy stood as well and shook the older woman’s hand. Smiling, Sophie glanced down at the pass, “Thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity.”

  To rob you blind.

  Days had passed. Sophie wasn’t any closer to the end of her mission. All she needed was to gain access to their account ledgers. Then she’d have it. Proof that the Sheik of Aman was a criminal, stealing from the mouths of innocent babes. Proof that her years of stealing from the rich to feed the poor wasn’t in vain.

  Entering her bare apartment only a few blocks from Aman Industries, Sophie was just kicking off her heels when she heard a noise. A creek of a floorboard. Sophie always made it a habit of checking the floors whenever she moved anywhere. Learning the way the floor creaked could mean life or death.

  Hand delving into her small purse, Sophie pulled the small, handgun from it and cocked it. Stepping out of the front hallway, Sophie let out a breath of relief at the sight of her mentor and father figure, Karos Sig, leaning up against her false fireplace. His serious face morphed into a grin as he nodded pointedly toward her still cocked gun.

  “Expecting someone important, little krolik?”

  “You can never be too careful, I suppose.” Sophie murmured back and uncocked the gun, turning the safety back on as she set it in her purse. She’d always hated his nickname for her. Rabbit. Hardly.

  Shrugging, Karos motioned to the decrepit sofa that had come with the apartment, “Shall we sit.”

  Following suit, but choosing to sit in the chair opposite the couch, Sophie tilted her head, watching the middle aged man she’d known as a father figure collapse onto the dusty seat. Grimacing at the dust particles flying through the air at the disruption, Karos gave her a playful glare.

  “You could be staying in a hotel. Why bother with this decrepit place?”

  Shrugging, Sophie murmured not caring if he heard, “It’s familiar.”

  “You’re not a street rat anymore, Sophie. You’re one of the most talented women I’ve met.”

  “At stealing.” Sophie snorts with a laugh.

  “So?” Karos chuckles before nodding to the files and photos strewn about her stained coffee table, “What’s taking so long?”

  “I don’t have clearance yet to the upper floors. Don’t worry, I’m working on it,” Sophie answered and inwardly grimaced at the thought of how she was working on it. Seducing a security officer in the lobby was difficult. At first, she’d been completely innocent. Batting her eyelashes at him as she asked for directions. Then, as the days went on, she made it her mission to catch him in the act of watching her. The security guard may be young, but he valued his job. Even after everything she threw at him.

  “It doesn’t seem like it.” Karos growled back and, without warning, flipped the coffee table, papers flying all around her.

  “It’s almost like you want to get caught! The longer you stay, the more likely!”

  Remaining calm while Karos’ temper flared was the only option. Sophie calmly spoke, her words as soothing as if she were trying to talk to the very security guard that stood in her way.

  “Your people didn’t give me any more information than I need to find financial ledgers. I need more to go off on. That way, maybe I can pinpoint exactly who I need to go through.”

  Rolling his eyes, Karos pointed a finger at her, “Get the ledgers off the mainframe with the USB. You’ll know what to do when you see it. So help me, Sophie, if this plan doesn’t fall into place, you’ll be on your own, without any backup. I can’t have another failed mission like the one back in Hattan.”

  Freezing in her seat, Sophie nearly lost her breath. Her whole body hummed at the recollection of that mission. Three years ago. In the Arabian country of Hattan. It had been simple. The Sheik’s daughter was getting married. As tradition dictated, the Sheik’s son would provide the family jewels to the new bride on her wedding day. They didn’t get that far.


  Three years ago…

  Sophie breathed a sigh of relief when the hotel key passed easily through the mechanism and a familiar beep sounded, allowing her entry to the presidential suite of the Elegance Hotel in the Arabian country of Hattan’s capital city. Sliding the key back into her maid’s uniform, Sophie breathed another sigh of relief at the sight of the lights all extinguished. She prayed the owner of the suite would spend the night drinking himself into oblivion at a club so that Sophie could
make a clean break, her prize in tow.

  Ignoring the sight of opulence in the gold decaled suite, Sophie smiled slightly at the sight of the painting of the royal family. Clenching her fists tightly, Sophie ached to punch the elderly Sheik of Hattan in his smug wrinkled face. With great satisfaction, Sophie removed the sharp knife from her boot and cut from the bottom corner of the painting to the top corner of the painting. Right through the smug Sheik’s face.

  “Take that you arrogant prick.”

  “Here, here. Glad someone other than myself is telling off that old bastard.”

  Sophie hadn’t expected the ruined painting to talk back to her. Her senses tickled in awareness as she realized why the doors to the suite’s balcony were opened, letting in the cool breeze. Someone was enjoying the night sky. Pulling the concealed handgun from the folds of her dress, she leveled it on the figure and smoothed her facial expression into one of cold disinterest. Inwardly, Sophie was panicking, but she couldn’t let him know that.

  Silence ensues as the dark figure leans against the entrance of the balcony. His face is concealed in the night, but a tingling of awareness proves to Sophie that he is grinning at her. Without a hint of worry at the sight of the gun pointed at his chest, the man lifts his half full glass to his lips and takes a drink. Completely at ease.

  Glass now firmly at his side, the man lets out an exhaustive sigh, “Mind if I finish my drink before you shoot me, allasu alsaghir?”

  Hearing the words “little thief” spoken in crooning Arabic was enough to shake Sophie out of her shock as she cocked the gun back and motioned with it toward the sofa, careful to keep her finger off the trigger.


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