The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set Page 47

by Erin Snihur

  Clutching her tightly to his chest, Tariq whispers, “I’m so sorry, Sophie.”

  Mouth trembling, Sophie’s words become garbled as she whispers back, “I love you…”


  Tariq watched from the viewing area as a team of doctors and nurses alike moved about the operating room. He couldn’t see what exactly they were operating on, but he could see Sophie’s face. She appeared so peaceful with her eyes closed with tubes entering her nose and mouth as a nurse sat by her head administering the pain medication.

  Tariq had never been one to pray. Lately, with Sophie back in his life, he found himself praying more and more with every passing second. A nurse approaches the glass of the viewing area and enters the room, smiling cautiously at Tariq.

  “We have to close the blinds now, your Highness. Once our post-surgery preparations are completed Ms. Marks will be moved to a private room and you can visit her then,” the nurse murmured and gave a low bow.

  Thanking her, Tariq exited the viewing room and stopped short when he saw who was waiting for him in the waiting room, with their guards surrounding them.

  Khalid is the first to rise from the group and approach him, his eyes warily darting behind Tariq to the doors of the operating room.

  “How is she?” Khalid asks hesitantly.

  “I don’t know. They won’t say until she’s out of surgery,” Tariq murmurs.

  Khalid nods and looks to Kasin who stands there now, phone in hand. Tariq’s once depressed and distant friend shows a small smile, “Samantha is having Karos extradited to Masarat to stand trial for his crimes. Abbas too.”

  “And Richard?” Tariq asks, recalling the way Sophie’s brother had been rushed to the hospital with his sister due to a single gunshot wound.

  “Your sister and Teresa are with him right now. A few inches to the right and it would have been fatal. He’s lucky,” Amoz murmurs from his seat as he gently rocks his cooing son in his arms. Tariq’s friend was thankful to have his family back and safe.

  Nodding, Tariq rubbed his face. “What have Samantha and the United Nations determined regarding Hattan’s royal state.”

  Kasin grunts and nudges Malik with his toe. His friend is too distracted from his phone. Probably texting Samara.

  Raising his eyes from his phone, Malik grins sheepishly, “Sorry. Sophie’s been granted protection in exchange for her testimony. Though, they may want her to testify to more than just what she and Sam discussed. And the people of Hattan are rallying for a Sheik to guide them. Your father’s advisors and accomplices in his criminal activity have all been arrested, so the country is in a lot of turmoil. The people want normalcy.”

  Khalid mutters under his breath, “Can’t blame them.”

  Clenching his fists, Tariq begins to pace as he grumbles, “I’m not Sheik material. Abbas was right about that.”

  Kasin snorted, “But you could be.”

  Amoz, still cradling his son, stood and approached their group with Malik on his heels, “You are an amazing friend, Tariq, a perfect uncle to Xavier and according to Sophie, the man of her dreams. You’d make an amazing Sheik. You care about the people. You care about what goes on beyond the walls of that opulent palace. You would make a far better Sheik than your father any day.”

  Looking around their group with a grin, Malik shrugs, “Plus, if we can’t help you, there’s always the girls. They’ve been dying to visit Masarat and help in the restoration.”

  Khalid rolls his eyes, “Meddling women.”

  Tariq smiles, his hand running through his hair out of habit, “Geez, if you guys aren’t careful the girls might accuse us all of being in a bromance.”

  Khalid grunts and shrugs, “Amelia already does. She calls us the Five Hotties of the Arabian Coast.”

  Chuckling, Tariq shakes his head and looks around at his friends. “I guess Sophie will have something to look forward to when she wakes. She scoffs at my Princely title, I can only imagine how she’ll react over a Sheik who loves her.”

  “So, you really do love her?” Kasin asks, seeming unsure.

  “Are you going to marry her?” Amoz asks hesitantly.

  Staring all of his friends in the eye, Tariq feels his heart awakening with every thought that ends with Sophie.

  “Yes, and yes.”

  Sophie wasn’t sure if she was truly awake. Everything was dark, but she could still hear voices and the sounds of hospital equipment beeping. She also couldn’t move. Every time she thought about moving, pain radiated through her until it dulled from whatever drugs they had given her.

  The voices were becoming clearer now. One, sent warmth racing over Sophie’s body like tingles. The other, was deep, yet broke every so often due to their youth.

  “I knew I was adopted. I remember her, but then I don’t, you know? My adopted parents never spoke about her. And then Karos was there, ready to adopt me after they died. He sent me to that expensive school and pushed me to make as many friends as possible. Then I met Alia. I never wanted to hurt her,” the youthful voice spoke up from her side.

  The deep voice that sent tingles rushing up her spine and abashed her in feelings that ached for her toes to curl, spoke then, “You and Sophie were living on the streets of St. Petersburg. Winter was approaching and you were so young, Richard. She wanted to protect you from the evils of this world. It was only supposed to be for a while, but when she came to get you back, you were gone. Karos was the one who found her and threatened to harm you if she didn’t do what he wanted.”

  Sophie wanted to scream. Tariq was here. And he was telling Richard awful things. She didn’t want Richard to know the evils of this world. She wanted him to be safe, in a bubble. All bubbles pop, Sophie, an inner voice spoke somewhere in her mind. Karos had made sure of that.

  “What’s going to happen to Sophie?”

  “Shouldn’t you be asking that about yourself?” Tariq croons from his seat at my side.

  “She’s my blood. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her, especially after she risked so much to save me,” Richard murmurs, which warms Sophie’s heart.

  “Well then, that’s all dependent on Sophie,” Tariq mutters cryptically.

  Inwardly, Sophie’s mind jumbled, what did he mean by that?

  Suddenly, a new voice arises, unfamiliar but kind, “It’s time for Mr. Marks to go back to his room. You can visit Ms. Marks later this afternoon.”

  “Will you stay with her?” Richard asks and Tariq answers.

  “Until she tells me otherwise.”

  As silence dawns on the hospital room, Sophie tries to open her heavy eyes, but they won’t listen.

  “I know you’re awake, allasu alsaghir. Why don’t you open those pretty, blue eyes of yours,” Tariq croons, his voice closer than before and the creak of a seat nearby sounds as he shifts closer. Warmth over her left hand startles Sophie to the point where her eyes open and bright light flashes all around her.

  Startled by the light, Sophie shuts her eyes and groans as pain laces through her head. Hushing her, Tariq’s warm hand covers her forehead and her eyes a smidge.

  “Open them, Sophie, I’ve dimmed the lights,” Tariq croons.

  Eyes squinting open, Sophie’s head pounds until a dark figure shifts, blocking the harsh light. Blinking her eyes opened, her dull vision clears and Tariq’s soft, smiling face comes into focus.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” Tariq croons. “Welcome back.”

  As if cotton had been placed in her mouth, Sophie’s words came out garbled as she stared into Tariq’s grey eyes, “What happened?”

  Tilting his head slightly, Sophie shuddered with pleasure as Tariq’s hand brushed her hair aside and massaged her scalp.

  “You jumped in front of me, my love, and took a bullet to the chest,” Tariq croons softly as he leans down to press a kiss to her hand that holds an IV in place. Cringing at the sight of the medical equipment plugged into her, Sophie reached up and tried to pull the tubing stuck in her nose out, but Tariq quickly
stopped her.

  Pressing the red button attached to the railing of the bed, Tariq’s smile grew, “Stubborn woman, let the professionals handle this.”

  An older, frizzy haired woman enters the room in a hurry as her eyes dart to Tariq before landing on Sophie. Smile breaking out across the woman’s face, the woman stops before the bed, hands clasped in front of her middle as she bows slightly.

  “Good morning, Ms. Marks. So glad to see you are awake,” the nurse says, her accent thick as she speaks in English.

  Forcing a smile, though it probably appears as a grimace as her head continues to ache, Sophie attempts to nod at the woman and answers in Arabic, “Thank you.”

  “The doctor will see you shortly to go over next steps,” the nurse explains, though her eyes never leave Tariq’s and then she bows and shuffles out of the room almost as quickly as she appeared.

  Trying to sit up, Sophie collapses back into the bed, thoroughly exhausted, “What happened, Tariq?”

  “Karos shot you. Though, he wouldn’t have if you hadn’t dived in front of the bullet,” Tariq growls, staring down at her with hard eyes.

  In a flash, Sophie’s memories appear in her mind. The last image is Karos’ evil face as he points his gun at Tariq and fires. Then pain. Pulling the hospital bedsheet back, Sophie groans as her shoulder stiffens in pain and she gasps at the sight of the bandage covering her heart.

  Easing her back in bed, Tariq’s face softens as he murmurs, “You could have died, Sophie.”

  Hand rising of its own accord, Sophie reaches out and caresses Tariq’s face, “You could have as well.”

  Eyes welling up in tears, Sophie continues, “I couldn’t bare it if he hurt you. It would have been all my fault.”

  Closing his eyes as she runs her hand over his cheek, Tariq growls and reaches up to stop her hand, “My love, it is not your fault and it will never be your fault. Everything that has led up to that night has been Karos’ fault. He and my father orchestrated this elaborate plan.”

  Voice shaky, Sophie murmurs, “Karos was going to kill you and your father once Richard married Alia.”

  Nodding, Tariq presses his lips to her hand, “None of it matters now. Neither of those cretins will see the light of day for a long time.”

  Silence fills the room as Sophie’s breathing heightens and she cries out, “When will they take me to prison?”

  “Never if I have anything to say about it,” Tariq grumbles and leans back in his chair, his hand never leaving hers.

  Watching him, Sophie ran her eyes over his appearance. Tariq’s hair is ruffled and his clothes are rumpled. He looked so sexy. Blushing, Sophie shakes her head, “How can you do that, Tariq? I’ve ruined so many lives.”

  Thumb caressing her wrist and thudding pulse, Tariq shoots her a dark look, “No one will ever take you from me again, Sophie.”

  Before she could protest further, a small man wearing a white lab coat, stopped at her room’s entrance and murmured, “Your Majesty?”

  “Yes?” Tariq coolly answers and stands, effectively blocking Sophie from the nervous doctor.

  “If it is alright with you, your Highness, I require a few minutes of Ms. Marks’ time to go over her tests and discuss next steps,” the doctor nervously replied.

  Turning around to meet Sophie’s eyes, Tariq raised his eyebrow in an unspoken question. Smiling and nodding to him, she squeezes his hand. Nodding in agreement, Tariq turns back to the doctor.

  “I’ll be right outside.”

  Sophie felt the loss of Tariq’s presence and warmth immediately as he departed the room and the doctor entered fully before closing the door behind him.

  Turning back to her, the doctor let out a sigh of relief and muttered, “Quite an impressive Sheik you have there, Ms. Marks.”

  Shaking her head, Sophie laughed, only to groan in pain as her laugh ricocheted through her body, “Tariq isn’t a Sheik. He’s just a Prince.”

  Shrugging, the doctor winked at her, “I watch the news, Ms. Marks. That is Hattan’s newest Sheik. I’d bet my doctorate on it.”

  Sheik! Of Hattan?!


  Sheik Tariq Abadi of Hattan stared down at the empty chairs that all sit in a circle around his throne. No longer did this throne room reek of pretentiousness and greed. Now, the simple alabaster shined brightly in the setting sun that drifted in through the open windows.

  Tariq never expected to be the one to sit on this throne. Hell, he’d never even expected to be the one to lead a council meeting. Yet, only an hour ago, his new counsel had all been sitting before him, discussing the advancements put in place in Hattan since his crowning.

  Much had happened in the last few months. For the better. Hattan had become a place of peace and budding prosperity. It was all thanks to his friends and their advice.

  His new head of security approaches the throne and bowed, interrupting Tariq’s thoughts. Waving his hand for the man to speak, Tariq leans back on the throne, his eyes scanning the papers strewn about on the desk at his side.

  “Your Highness, you wished to know when Ms. Marks arrived after her studies in the city?”

  Glancing at his watch on his wrist, Tariq smiled and nodded to the man, dismissing him from thought as he stood and strode out the doors of his throne room. Stopping on the threshold of the entrance to the palace, Tariq grins at the sight of the bullet-proof SUV pulling up the circular driveway.

  Not waiting for the guard sitting in the front to hop out and open the door for her, as is protocol, his Sophie exits the SUV, tote bag full of books flung over her shoulder. Tariq smirks as she marches up the steps of the palace, her hand and phone pressed to her ear.

  “No, Richard, it’s not that we don’t trust you, it’s just that perhaps you and Alia should spend the holidays here in Hattan for a change? It will be Tariq’s first Christmas as Sheik and he’s really looking forward to it,” she pleads and Tariq knows from the sickly sweet nature of her voice that Richard is putty in her hands.

  Finally noticing him standing at the doors waiting for her, Sophie grins and shoots Tariq a wink before saying goodbye to her brother and promising to call later to discuss travel suggestions.

  Meeting her halfway down the steps, Tariq grins and takes Sophie’s bag off her shoulder.

  “How was class, allasu alsaghir?” Tariq murmurs as his other hand wraps around Sophie’s waist and pulls her in tight.

  “Perfect. Who knew economics could be so enlightening,” Sophie murmurs back and presses her lips against his in a quick kiss. “Samara was very helpful in picking my courses.”

  Groaning, Tariq holds out the bag to Sophie’s personal guard and when it’s released from his hand, he pulls her tighter against him, causing Sophie to squeak in surprise.

  “I’d prefer not to think of Malik’s wife while you’re in my arms, allasu alsaghir.”

  Giggling as his lips silence her once more, Sophie pulls back slightly, “I am no longer a thief, my love.”

  Brushing his nose against hers, Tariq chuckles, “I disagree, my love. You are the thief of my heart.”

  Also by Erin Snihur

  The Arabian Heirs Series

  The Sheik’s Surprise Donor (Book 1)

  The Sheik’s Bombshell Secret (Book 2)

  The Sheik’s Expecting Bride (Book 3)

  The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series

  The Sheik’s Missing Mistress (Book 1)

  The Sheik’s Forced Bride (Book 2)

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Paramour (Book 3)

  The Sheik’s Forgotten Princes (Book 4)

  The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief (Book 5)

  The Sheikhas of the Arabian Mountains Series

  The Sheikha’s Determined Prince (Book 1)

  The Sheikha's Unforgettable Lover (Book 2)

  The Sheikha’s Seductive Protector (Book 3)

  The Sheikha’s Fierce Attraction (Book 4)

  The Sheikha’s Billionaire Advisor (Book 5)

y Romance

  Curse of the InBetween (Book 1 of the InBetween Series)

  Hero of the InBetween (Book 2 of the InBetween Series)

  His Angelic Queen (Book 3 of the InBetween Series)

  About the Author

  Erin Snihur is a proud Canadian Indie Author with a love for reading and writing. While working full-time you can often find Erin writing her next romance novel or hiking with her dog!

  You can follow Erin’s journey via her newsletter! Click here for some amazing deals and giveaways!

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