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Legacies Page 7

by Patrick Stewart

  The local band was there too. They’d written a song in Martial’s honour, which they played repeatedly. It was tiring, but Martial seemed to love it, so they kept going until the lead singer, Kevin could sing no longer, his throat aching.

  Finally, after a last round of drinks, a speech by the mayor, another by Martial, in which he spent more time talking about Mila and Patricia than he did demons or anything else, the occasion came to an end.

  As did the day.

  They were supposed to meet Martial in the pub after lunch, which Michelle and Cassie did. When his leaving celebrations came to an end and they stepped out of the pub, it was late in the night. Michelle helped Martial mount his horse as Cassie watched with concern.

  “He’s drunk a lot,” she muttered.

  Martial held the reins, then leaned forward, about to slump on the crest when he jolted back, his eyes widening. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

  “I don’t think he’s fine at all,” Cassie said.

  Michelle, who stood by the horse and held a hand up just in case Martial tilted her way, asked, “What should we do?”

  “We can’t ride out like this,” Cassie said. “Let’s take him back to ours. He can sleep it off. We’ll set out when he’s better.”

  With that decided, Michelle and Cassie led the way, taking their horses by hand, they set off back down the cobbled road to their little terraced house. Once outside, they racked-up the horses, helped Martial down from his, then taking an arm of his each, they helped him up the narrow steps to their bedroom.

  The house was a small two-bedroom house. Ellie was fast asleep in Michelle’s room. Martial’s eyes were closed when they carried him into Cassie’s room. Placing him on her bed, Michelle and Cassie set about taking off his clothes. They started with his boots, then his leather jacket, his shirt and his jeans.

  They stopped at his underwear.

  Both girls stood at the edge of the bed and stared down at the enormous bulge. They had seen his cock before, and though no girl had huge amounts of experience regarding cocks, they weren’t stupid. Martial had one of the biggest members around, without doubt.

  “Should we…” Michelle’s sentence trailed.

  “I think we should…” Cassie said. “He would sleep more comfortably, naked, right?”

  “Definitely,” Michelle nodded.

  The girls moved quickly, pulling off his black pants.

  Once done, they stood side by side, at the edge of the bed once more.

  “It’s really big, isn’t it?” Michelle asked.

  “It is but…”


  Cassie turned to look at Michelle. “It’s flaccid at the moment. It’s going to get so much bigger when he wants either of us.”

  Chapter 9

  Martial woke the next morning to find himself naked in a small room on a smaller bed. His feet hung out over the mattress. Beside him were two girls. They were gorgeous girls, tall too. But both were clothed. Which was strange. Usually, the girls in bed with him were naked.

  What wasn’t strange was the migraine Martial head. His head pounded away, reminding him of what had happened the day before. Or had it been more than a day? Fuck, he needed to stop drinking. He definitely needed to stop drinking if what the demon had said was true.

  Sitting up, Martial glanced at the two girls beside him, both asleep and clothed. It was coming back to him now. They were the two Legacies from that settlement he’d visited the other day. Martial stared out the window, frowning. It looked like he was still in the damned settlement.

  Deciding to wake the girls up, Martial placed his foot against the blond girl’s ass. He really needed to ask the girls what their names were. And after that, he needed to remember the names. His foot now touching her ass, Martial pushed it forward.

  The blond girl’s eyes flung open as she fell off the bed and landed onto the carpet with a thud. “Oww,” she moaned. “Why’d you do that?”

  “Why’d I do that?” Martial frowned. “I don’t think I like your tone, missy.”

  “Missy?” it was her turn to frown. “You’ve had apprentices before, right?”

  “Of course I have,” Martial grumbled. “It’s just been a while… But I’ll do the questioning, thanks. Where the hell am I?”

  “You’re in Coldstream, in our house.”

  Martial glanced at the redhead still asleep. It didn’t bode well that one of the Legacies he’d taken for an apprentice was sleeping through this. But then, at a further glance, he saw her eye twitch ever so slightly. The girl was faking it.

  Martial poked her in the stomach, and when there was no response, his hand moved down her flat belly, coming to her cunt, he pressed against it, feeling the line of the cunt over the smooth thin cotton of her nighties.

  Still, the girl’s eyes remained closed.

  Martial squeezed her cunt.

  The girl’s eyes flung open.

  “Morning,” Martial said, his fingers still squeezing the girl’s cunt. “How long have you been awake for?”

  “Only since you pushed Cassie off the bed,” she said, visibly squirming now.

  “Uh huh,” Martial nodded, not releasing his grip on her cunt. “And why were you pretending to be asleep?”

  “I was nervous,” she replied quickly and honestly. “I’m sorry,” she added.

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “I don’t know. Pretending to be asleep?” she asked. “No, wait. Is it because we took off your clothes but kept ours one?”

  Martial loosened his grip on the girl’s cunt. “Get up. Join her on the floor,” he said.

  She scrambled to obey, almost tripping over her feet. Martial fought back the urge to smile. She was cute and clumsy. Something that was rare amongst Legacies. They were never clumsy. Nor were they ever nervous.

  Legacies were usually good with words. And they were confident bordering on arrogant.

  But then, these two girls weren’t proper Legacies. In this harsh world, even a Legacy needed family support to succeed, or at least a family name to make its way in life. But these girls had neither. Martial wondered if that was a fortunate thing for him. He could start with a clean slate, train these girls in case the war began again.

  In case the war began again…

  Did it ever really stop?

  If it wasn’t demons fighting humans, it was humans fighting each other.

  Turning his mind away from that, Martial focused on the two girls before him.

  “Okay, let’s get one thing clear. If you ever take my clothes off, and keep your own clothes on, you will be seriously sorry. Is that understood?”

  Both girls nodded fearfully.

  “Good. Now let’s get some breakfast and then get the hell out of this shithole.”

  * * *

  After a hearty English breakfast, Martial and the girls finally left behind Coldstream. It was still early in the morning, and the streets were empty. There were no crowds about, and the single person they passed frowned at him.

  Jesus, Martial thought. It was really easy to overstay his welcome, he noted. Especially in these settlement type places, where they were the suspicious type, afraid a Legacy would come and rule over them.

  Martial took a sip from his waterskin. It was water, and not wine. He was about to moan when he remembered he’d ordered the girls to fill it with water. He needed his head on properly, now that he’d taken on apprentices again.

  Well, he hadn’t actually taken them on just yet. There was still the test he’d said they would have to pass. Martial wondered why he’d decided to put the girls through a test. He remembered why. It was because he’d nursing a hangover. And sometimes, when his head pounded away, he was a bit of an ass.

  He didn’t even have a test he could put the girls through. And, even if he did, he wasn’t sure what the test was supposed to prove. But he’d said there was going to be a test, and he wasn’t going to back down on that. He still had plenty of time to think up of one.
/>   Leaving the settlement behind, they headed for the nearest town, Cornhill-on-Tweed. It was about a day’s ride by horse. On their way, they passed by the farm that Ellie had lived in. Both girls paused to stare at the farm and the burnt down barn. A reminder of what was going on, of the danger of demons.

  They passed three more farms along the road, and all three were empty, having been vacated by the humans when word spread of demons roaming in the area.

  Leaving the fields behind, they rode through the forest. Martial picked up the pace, telling the girls how it was always better to ride hard through places where it was possible for demons to lurk about hidden, to suddenly leap out of nowhere.

  With both girls’ guard up, they rode hard until they passed the forest. It was late in the afternoon when they came across a small village. They stopped for food at the local pub. The barmaid delivered the food to their table, then clung around, smiling widely, fluttering her eyes at Martial.

  He barely noticed as he tucked in. Being six and a half feet tall and having an insane metabolism suited to fit a beast of prey, Martial was hungry. He finished the slab of rare meat along with the mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables, then washed it down with a pitcher of cold beer.

  Sure, he had water in his leather skin, but that didn’t mean he’d given up on drinking. And a beer was barely a drink.

  Once the girls finished, and Martial was about to pay, that was when he noticed the barmaid. She was cute, with large breasts and a low-cut black dress that showed them off, she continued to smile at him and shook her head when he offered payment.

  This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened to Martial. In fact, if it didn’t happen, he would have been more surprised. He had a strong aura, and even without trying, it naturally affected normal humans.

  Mostly women when he wasn’t trying. His aura worked to reduce the human’s inhibitions and if they were attracted to him, it made them want to play.

  Martial leaned in and kissed the girl on the lips. It was a hard kiss. He reached behind and grabbed her ass. From there, his hands moved to her dress. He pulled the top down to expose her large breasts. He played with them for a bit. When he was done, he let go of the girl and stepped back. The girl leaned against the bar, breathing heavily, her knees weak, her breasts hanging out.

  “Gotta go,” he told her. “But if I come around this way again, I’ll be sure to visit you.”

  The girl waved at him weakly.

  Martial made it to the door when he paused and turned to look at the girls. Both were still staring at the girl, fascinated.

  Martial cleared his throat. “It’s just a girl with her tits out. There will be plenty of those where we’re going.”

  The girls nodded and the redhead hurried over to him. The blond girl, she stepped forward and smiling at the barmaid, she gently raised the dress to cover her breasts. When she was done, she joined them by the door.

  “What’s your name?” Martial asked.

  “My name?” the blond repeated. “You don’t know my name?” her face fell.

  “Nothing personal,” Martial said. “I’m just not good with names. Much better with faces. I mean, I know I’ve definitely seen you before.”

  “My name is Cassie,” the girl frowned.

  “I’ Michelle,” the redhead volunteered.

  “Right, girls,” Martial thumped both on their bottoms. “Let’s go. Your test awaits!”

  Chapter 10

  Later that night, they arrived at Cornhill-on-Tweed. It was a small town, fenced by a wooden wall of tree trunks dug into the ground, each rising roughly twelve to fifteen feet. The gate was painted black and had a small door on the right.

  Martial thumped his fist on the door with appropriate loudness for a Legacy. The door shook on its hinges, close to breaking.

  A slit opened within the door and a scrawny face appeared. “What the fuck man?”

  “Open the door,” Martial said.

  “Why?” the voice replied. “I was asleep until you woke me. Why the fuck should I let you in?”

  “Because if you don’t,” Martial said, his voice struggling to stay even, “I will rip the door off its hinges, then smash you with it.”

  “Fuck off,” the guy replied. But he didn’t close the slit. He stared at Martial, taking him in, taking in his stallion, taking in the two beautiful and tall girls that sat on horses behind him. “You’re- you’re not a Legacy, are you?”

  “I’m so much more than a Legacy,” Martial replied. “I’m Martial the fucking Great. And your shitty little town should be grateful I would even enter it. Now, open. The. Fucking. Door.”

  The man stared at Martial a second more, and then, the slit closed, bolts were pulled. Then, there was the distinct sound of feet hitting stone at a rapid rate.

  Martial pulled out his sword and pushed it against the door. It slid open. With the moon shining brightly in the clear sky and reflecting off the stone path that led into the town, they could see a scrawny figure running down it as fast as his spindly legs would carry him.

  As he came to the end of the road and turned, he tripped and hit the ground hard. He paused only to look back, before scrambling to his feet, he disappeared from sight.

  “What a coward,” Martial muttered.

  “Well, you did threaten to beat him with the door,” Cassie said. “And Legacies are known to carry out their threats…”

  “Yeah well…” Martial didn’t finish his sentence.

  He led his horse under the gate into the town. The street was empty. Rising up on the side of the road, at the edge of the pavement, were metal poles with circular glass bowls attached to the top.

  They were relics from another time, a golden age for human civilisation. Cassie knew the history, but she still found it hard to believe. Humans were advanced to a stage where they could go from one country to another in a matter of hours. They could communicate with each other instantly from thousands of miles away. They had weapons that could destroy entire towns in a minute, weapons that could kill demons from a mile away. They had machines that flew in the air, machines with guns attached, with missiles that rained fire.

  Angels poured down from above and brough the humans flying machines down. Demons poured up from the ground and destroyed the humans land weapons. It was all over within a month or so, every advantage the humans had, it was destroyed at an extraordinary rate, simply because they were caught by surprise, baffled by the appearance of demons and angels.

  Having grown up in a world where every human knew and feared demons, Cassie imagined the human world of old to be a blissful place.

  Martial led the way on his horse, going through the town, they came to the square. It was busier here, and men and women stood outside the pubs, drinking and laughing. Fires raged from small pits.

  Martial led them to a pub with a green door, the name of it written in golden letters that had faded to the point of being indecipherable.

  They entered the pub. It was full of men and women, every table taken. Martial stood at the bar. The pretty girl behind the wooden counter was pouring beer into a mug when she spotted him. Her eyes widened and her lips spread into a big smile.


  She finished pouring the drink and brought it over to him.

  “Hey, what the fuck,” the large burly man to Martial’s left growled. “That’s my drink!”

  “He’s a legacy,” the barmaid replied. “You really want to do this, George? Martial here, is a Legacy.”

  “That’s what every tall and handsome fucker says they are,” George replied. “You’re too gullible, Macy. This fucker’s just a pretty boy whose about to get his cunt licked.”

  “Cunt linked?” Martial frowned. “Dude, that’s gross, man.”

  George climbed to his feet. He was a big guy, at least as tall as Martial, and so much more wider, resembling the body frame of a brown bear.

  Martial picked up the beer and drank half of it in one gulp before he tur
ned on the round stool to face George.

  “It’s your lucky day,” Martial said. “I’m not going to beat the fuck out of you.”

  “Oh?” George said, as he stepped closer. “Because you’re a coward? Because you’re not a Legacy?”

  “Because, I’ve taken on two apprentices. Girls,” Martial nodded at them. “Teach this man a lesson.”

  George turned to face the girls. “Damn, you two are beauts,” he grinned. That grin quickly turned into a frown. “You two are really beautiful… like Legacies. He’s not…. Are you really his apprentices?”

  Cassie and Michelle nodded.

  George swallowed nervously before he turned to look at Martial. “I’m sorry man, I mean, sir. I didn’t mean- please don’t…”

  “It’s fine,” Martial said, with the wave of a hand “Relax dude. You look like you’re about to wet yourself.”

  “I uh… I think I might need to use the toilet,” George said.

  But he remained standing where he was, waiting for Martial to give permission, which he finally did. George mumbled his thanks and rushed off. Macy waited for Martial to finish his drink, and when he did, she nodded at Cassie and Michelle.

  “So, you’ve taken on apprentices?”

  “Yeah… just the two.”

  “What do they have that I don’t?” Macy asked.


  “Why didn’t you take me as an apprentice?”

  “You never asked,” Martial said, frowning.

  “I did too!”


  “When I offered you my mind, body and soul,” Macy said.

  Martial stared at her, his eyes blank. Then, finally, “I thought you meant sex?”

  “I did mean sex. But it was a permanent offer. Not a one-night stand. You said you’d just gotten over a bunch of serious relationships and weren’t ready for that sort of commitment. Now you go and get those two girls? What do they have that I don’t?”


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