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Legacies Page 23

by Patrick Stewart

  “You’re going to jump, aren’t you?” Michelle asked.

  “Why not?” Cassie asked, sensing the apprehension in Michelle’s voice.

  “Because if you miss, you could crash into solid cement and break your teeth. And if that happens, Martial definitely won’t fuck you. Well… he might do, but with a bag over your head,” she grinned.

  Cassie frowned. “I think I preferred your serious silent type over this hilarious clown version,” she muttered.

  “Oh, that’s not true,” Michelle said. She grabbed hold of Cassie and pulled her in, kissed her on the lips, her hand squeezed Cassie’s exposed butt cheeks, a finger even dug into her bottom, briefly residing their along with the metal dildo that formed part of her armour. “You know you like me better now,” she said, before adding thoughtfully, “I think your butt’s loosening up some.”

  Cassie pushed Michelle away, her eyes narrow. “Get away from me, lesbian.”

  Michelle laughed as she headed for the stairs. Cassie watched her go, feeling a little uneasy. She wasn’t a lesbian, wasn’t even sure if she was bisexual. She much preferred men. Correction. She wanted Martial. But Michelle had this thing about her, something she didn’t back in Coldstream.

  Was it a personality?

  Whatever it was, it was confusing Cassie’s feelings.

  Truth was, she had enjoyed the kiss, even enjoyed when Michelle’s finger made it into her butt, though it now left her wiggling her bottom.

  Not the time to think about this. I need to focus on the task at hand.

  Dropping to her knees, Cassie eyed the third-floor open corridor. Taking a deep breath, she pushed up and leapt into the air. In the blink of an eye, the distance vanished, and she found herself landing onto the hard floor of the open corridor, her feet a little unsteady, she dropped to one knee to balance.

  As she climbed to her feet, Michelle appeared by the stairs. “Nice,” she said.

  “Damn right,” Cassie said.

  She watched Michelle as the Legacy strode towards her, her long legs on display, her back arched as she walked, her curvy ass stuck out as her breasts jutted forward.

  She was doing that walk on purpose, displaying her already displayed body.

  Cassie was annoyed.

  This wasn’t the time for Michelle to play mind games.

  At the same time, she felt something in her loins.

  Cassie knew if she took off her metal panties, pulled out the dildos, her pussy would be moist, at the very least.

  Cassie marched towards Michelle as the girl continued to prance towards her like a catwalk model. She grabbed the girl by the throat and pushed her back against the stone pillar.

  “What are you doing?” Cassie demanded.

  “I was walking towards you until you grabbed me by the throat,” Michelle said, doing her best to convey consternation and hurt into her voice.

  “Don’t play games with me,” Cassie hissed.

  “What games do you think I’m playing?”

  “You’re trying to tempt me!”

  “Is it working?”

  “That’s not the point,” Cassie hissed.

  Michelle’s lips twitched as she held back a smile, and Cassie knew she’d lost the argument, whatever the argument was. She knew too that she was attracted to Michelle. What had begun as comfort in hard times, with Cassie lying back, her eyes closed, thinking of Martial as Michelle pleased her body, had now turned into her desiring Michelle. For her body.

  Was that how people became bisexual, or lesbian? Were they simply worn down by other girls?

  Did it matter how it happened?

  Cassie still wanted Martial’s arms wrapped around her body, both of them naked. She still wanted his cock. But standing this close to Michelle, her lips so luscious… she leaned in and kissed the girl. It was a deep kiss, and when she pulled back, she sighed.

  “Stop fucking around,” she scolded Michelle. “Right now, we need to focus. I can spank your ass after, okay?”

  Michelle nodded, a twinkle in her eyes.

  Cassie let go of her, and they sat on the floor hiding from view behind the railing, they stared through the gaps between the carved stone balusters. For a long time, nothing happened. Martial continued to lean against the basin wall of the fountain, arms folded across his chest.

  He wore his favourite leather jacket. It was possibly his favourite leather jacket because it was his only leather jacket. Beneath that, he wore blue jeans and leather boots. He didn’t look much like a Legacy, especially not one that owned a town and five apprentice Legacies.

  He looked more like a handsome, rugged lone ranger.

  As the time passed, the square began to fill with people, all waiting to see what happened. A circle formed around Martial, and then, finally, more than an hour after the duel was supposed to have started, the crowd suddenly parted.

  Kevin walked through the passage of humans, a Legacy apprentice either side of him. But these apprentices weren’t naked for a change. They looked the real deal. Metal armour around their breasts, more covering their waists.

  Hanging from their waists were long swords.

  Had they come to fight? Was Martial going to be ambushed by the three of them? Was he going to be a slaughtered?

  Cassie was about to jump to her feet when Michelle placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s wait and see what happens,” she said.

  “He’s going to die!”

  “Martial is pretty damned capable. That demon he took down in Coldstream wasn’t an ordinary demon. It grew in size, remember? If they do attack him, he can hold off the girls for a couple of minutes, plenty time for us to get down there. But if we do it now, we’ll give our position away.”

  Michelle was right on the first point.

  Martial was capable, if a little too laidback, more so when his own life was at risk, it seemed. He could hold the three Legacies off long enough for them to arrive. The second point confused Cassie a little.

  “What happens if we give our positions away?” Cassie asked, wondering why he had told them to come up here in the first place.

  “I thought about that too. Archers.”

  “You’re going to have to say a bit more,” Cassie said, frowning.

  “Imagine an archer, hidden somewhere in one of these buildings. But instead of firing long visible arrows, they can fire little darts the size of a pebble.”

  “Pebbles? That’s what Martial thinks Kevin’s big plan is? To have him struck with pebbles?”

  It was Michelle’s turn to frown. “You really do underestimate the power of projectiles fired from a bow, don’t you?”

  The argument came to a sudden end as the apprentice Legacies in the square unbuckled Kevin’s red cape and melted into the crowd.

  Kevin looked every part the Legacy, wearing silver armour that covered his body from neck down to toe. Silver armour that had intricate lines of red painted across it.

  Martial removed his leather jacket. He was wearing a thin t-shirt underneath, one that clung to his muscular body. It was probably the first time ever that Cassie wanted him to keep his clothes on. Sure, Legacies healed much faster than normal humans, which was why they could get away with armour that only covered their breasts and vagina.

  But that counted more in the thick of battle against humans or demons, when they moved with speed, cutting down their enemies. In that frenzy, it was much harder to aim blows that would seriously hurt a Legacy.

  But it was a different story when it was a Legacy versus a Legacy.

  The duel began.

  And it seemed Martial had made a wise choice to not wear armour.

  He was faster than Kevin, who wasn’t exactly a slouch.

  Martial caught Kevin three times, each were light strikes as Kevin was on the verge of moving out of the way all three times.

  And then, something strange happened.

  Martial was on the offensive, pushing Kevin back until he was a foot away from the crowd. And then, as Martial b
rought his sword down with force, Kevin blocked it. Their swords pressed together, Martial pushed his down.

  Then, his arm suddenly buckled. He stepped back as the sword hung loosely in his hand. He glanced to his left, at the building directly opposite the one Cassie and Michelle were sitting. As he backed away from Kevin, he raised his sword towards his head.

  Cassie thought there was a spark reflecting off his sword, as if something had struck it. His sword moved in towards his neck too, again to suggest it had been struck by something.

  “What just happened?” Cassie asked.

  Michelle was way ahead of him. Not bothering to take the stairs this time, she leapt over the balcony. Cassie followed after her, leaping off the balcony, she landed on the ground behind the crowd gathered in the square.

  Standing at just over six feet, she could just about see over the crowd, could see Martial and Kevin’s heads, close to each other, the duel had resumed. Martial was injured. How long would he last? How many more projectiles would be fired at him?

  Cassie followed after Michelle, running as fast as she could, they circled around the crowd until they came to stand before the building. It was similar in design to the one they had just jumped from, four floors tall, it had corridors on the outside with low railings of stone.

  “There,” Michelle pointed at the third-floor corridor towards the far end.

  Cassie scanned the entire area. “What am I looking at?”

  “The rod,” Michelle said.

  She didn’t wait to explain. She dropped to her knees, and taking a deep breath, she jumped. Cassie spotted the rod, but she didn’t understand. It was a foot in length and as narrow as her thumb. How could something like that possibly hurt a Legacy?

  Cassie dropped to her knees and jumped. She landed on the corridor as Michelle hit the barrier. She managed to hold onto the railing though, and soon, she joined Cassie as they charged towards the red-haired Legacy lying on the ground at the far end.

  She was holding a strange device that was long and made out of multiple barrels. The Legacy had her eye pressed through one such barrel. Hearing them charging towards her, she turned her head. There was brief shock on her face. And then, she pulled the long device back and turned to point it at them.

  There was a banging sound, and then, a circular bit of metal whizzed past Cassie, missing her head by inches. She barely saw what it was, but she felt the rush of wind, the force behind it. If that had struck her on the head, it would have buried itself deep in her skull.

  The Legacy on the ground pulled a lever, then stared down at her device. Whatever it was firing, it was out of projectiles. She threw the device at them, then jumped to her feet, pulling out her sword, she charged.

  Cassie ducked under the slim metal device thrown at her and coming up to the Legacy, she slashed with her sword. The red head blocked her strike, then leapt over both girls, landing behind them, she spun around and swung her sword at them. Both Cassie and Michelle moved back just in time to avoid having their throats slit.

  They exchanged a knowing glance at each other. This girl was tough, but with teamwork, they could take her.

  Cassie stepped forward, sword in hand.

  Michelle dropped back and on one knee. She placed her sword on the floor and pulled out her bow. Nocking an arrow to it, she aimed for the red-haired legacy.

  The red-haired girl stared at Michelle, then turned to look down into the square. Cassie followed her gaze to see that Martial and Kevin were still battling. Both Legacies seemed to be giving it their all now, moving with incredible speed, dancing around each other, leaping into the air, diving across the ground, it looked more like art than actual battle.

  There was something awkward about the way Martial was battling. And then she realised he was using his left hand, instead of his right.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Cassie said to the red-haired Legacy.

  “I must obey my master,” the girl replied.

  “He won’t be your master for long. He can’t hurt you anymore,” Cassie said.

  The girl shook her head. Her eyes bubbled, and she wiped away the water. “You don’t know him. He always finds a way to win.”

  “He won’t against our Master,” Cassie replied. There was conviction in her voice, and it was because she believed it wholeheartedly.

  But then again, so did the red-haired girl.

  As they faced off against each other, as their swords clashed, Michelle let loose her first arrow. It flew over Cassie’s shoulder. The point would have buried itself below the redhead’s collarbone, but she turned her body just in time to avoid it.

  And as she did so, Cassie saw an opening and slashed her sword. It cut deeply in the girl’s exposed upper arm. Blood spilled and the girl growled.

  But her anger did her no favours. A barrage of arrows flew past Cassie, each one perfectly aimed, fired with speed and precision. The redhead blocked them all with her sword, but in the process, left her open to Cassie’s attacks.

  And Cassie did attack.

  She charged at the redhead, and tilting back, she skidded forward as arrows flew above her. As she passed the redhead, her sword caught the girl’s armour around her waist, breaking the buckle that held it together.

  As the redhead’s armour around her waist slipped off, Cassie stood straight and slammed the hilt of her sword against the back of the girl’s head.

  It was a hard strike, and there was a crunch.

  The sword fell out of the redhead’s hand, clattering as it hit the ground. She stumbled forward, before collapsing, and at the same time, Cassie moved her head back as an arrow flew past her.

  “Sorry!” Michelle said.

  “You nearly killed me,” Cassie muttered.

  “Yeah,” Michelle grinned, causing Cassie frowned. “You didn’t kill her, did you?”

  They stood over the girl, staring down at her limp body. With her lying face down, it was hard to tell if she was still breathing. There was blood on her head in the spot Cassie had struck with the hilt of her sword.

  She knelt now and turned the girl over.

  “Oh, thank Lucifer,” Cassie murmured.

  The redhead’s chest rose and fell at a steady pace.

  She was alive.

  Both girls moved to the railing and stared down at the square. Martial had won the duel. He stood with Kevin’s severed head held aloft by the hair. The crowd cheered, and both Legacies, Cassie and Michelle, smiled with pride.

  But it was short lived pride.

  Martial’s body began to waver. And then, he collapsed, hitting the ground hard.

  Chapter 35

  Cassie leapt from the balcony and rushed through the crowd to get to Martial. He lay on the ground, unmoving. The girls scanned him for injuries, ones’ serious enough to cause him to collapse.

  But they saw nothing to indicate as much.

  Martial a long cut on his arm, a little slash on his cheek, a wound on his other arm from where the projectile had struck him. There was blood on his denims just above his left knee. None of these injuries should have caused him to collapse.

  Cassie knelt and brushed back Martial’s hair.

  At her touch, he opened his eyes. “I won, right?”

  “You did,” Cassie told him.

  “Doesn’t feel like it,” he muttered.

  He reached out and grabbed hold of her. Cassie wrapped her hands around him as she pulled him up. He was heavy.

  Now on his feet, she helped him towards the fountain, where he rested on the basin wall. Michelle appeared at that moment, holding the long metal device in her hand, the one the redhead had used to shoot Martial with.

  “A sniper rifle,” Martial chuckled. “Haven’t seen one of those in a long time.”

  “What is it?” Michelle asked.

  Martial held his hands out and Michelle passed the device to him. Martial pressed the butt of the device against his shoulder and placed his eye through the glass of the larger barrel. He held it up an
d stared towards the building opposite.

  “It’s got good range,” Martial said. He threw the device at Michelle and groaned from the effort. “It’s a sniper rifle. It uses a type of powder that makes the bullets go really fast and really far. The scope here lets you see pretty far too. I wonder why they aimed for my arm and not my head,” Martial muttered. “Probably wanted to weaken me enough for Kevin to finish me off. You did good,” Martial said.

  And then, he fell back into the water basin.

  * * *

  With help from Michelle, Cassie managed to drag out Martial’s incredibly heavy body out from the fountain’s basin. He had fainted again, and more than that, the wounds on his arm and cheek were bleeding. Wounds like those should have healed by now for Legacies, except, for Martial, they seemed to be getting worse.

  Cassie felt panic rise up in her, her chest thumping, she didn’t know what to do.

  Thankfully, the two Legacies that had arrived with Kevin came over and introduced themselves as Bitch and Whore. They said their names with straight faces, and Cassie decided she didn’t have time to hear the stories behind their names.

  It probably wasn’t a long story. Kevin, their now dead asshole master, probably named them as much, and the girls, having been worn down into complete submission, continued to use the names despite his death.

  The girls, Bitch and Whore, said that Martial had been poisoned. Kevin’s blade was dipped in poison, which had now entered Martial’s bloodstream.

  He should have been dead already, they said. The venom should have weakened him within seconds of entering his blood, to the point where, even breathing should have been too much effort.

  They didn’t know how much longer he would continue to breath, but if he was still alive by the time they got him back to Kevin’s Hall of Legacies, he might have a chance.

  Not wasting time, Cassie procured a cart from one of the townsfolk, and tying it to her horse, they set off, riding hard and fast. They made it to the Hall of Legacies in record time, Michelle, Bitch and Whore riding ahead to clear the road.


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