Love & Ruin (The Love & Ruin Series Book 1)

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Love & Ruin (The Love & Ruin Series Book 1) Page 16

by J. A. Owenby

  Unable to stop it, I laughed. “Doesn’t sound like he’s changed much since then.”

  Mac shook her head. “We had no business there. Those guys were more experienced, and they thought if you walked through the front door of the frat house you were fair game, whether you wanted to do anything with them or not. The guy I’d been dating? Well, we were on a break from each other, so I talked my best friend at the time, Eva, into going. I swear the second we showed up, every guy’s mouth dropped. She was like supermodel gorgeous. Before I knew it, we were both pretty drunk. The party was rowdy, too. We’d been to parties before, but high school parties. This was on an entirely different level, and we were rookies. A hot guy was talking to me, and while I was busy giggling and flirting with him, I lost sight of her. I didn’t think much of it. She always ended up in the corner making out with some guy.” Mac paused, tears forming in her eyes.

  “Finally, I sobered up enough to realize it had been a long time since we’d checked in with each other and that was unusual. I excused myself from my make-out session and told the guy I needed to find a bathroom. I searched everywhere for her on the main floor, nothing. Panic took over, and I raced up the stairs and flung open every door I saw. Can’t tell you how many people I pissed off doing that but finding her was my only concern. The last room...” She hesitated. “The last room was where I found her.”

  Her head hung down, and her shoulders shook while she cried. “She was mostly naked and passed out cold. The guy was still on top of her, screwing her, and she had no idea. I barged in and knocked him off her, beating him with a hockey stick I’d spotted in the corner of the bedroom. He ran out of the room, his jeans down around his ankles, and I locked the door behind him. I ran into the adjoining bathroom, called Hendrix, and dressed Eva. Anyway, it seemed like forever until Hendrix arrived and got us out of there. She never woke up during any of it. We finally concluded she’d been drugged.”

  “I’m so sorry, Mac,” I said, reaching for her hand. “Did she press charges?”

  Mac wiped her runny nose and nodded. “Yeah, but it didn’t stick.”

  “Did she know him? Did you know him?” I sucked in a breath, afraid to hear the answer.

  “It was Brandon, Gemma,” Mac whispered.

  My eyes slammed shut. Somewhere deep inside me, I'd known. As Mac was telling Eva's story, Brandon had immediately flashed across my mind. I could no longer consider his aggressiveness as immature frat boy behavior. He was truly dangerous, uncontrolled anger fueling his actions.

  “Did you tell Hendrix everything or just that Eva was drunk?” I asked, my heart pounding against my chest.

  “I told him everything. It’s one of the reasons he was so mad at himself the night Brandon attacked you.”

  A heavy silence hung in the air as we sat still, understanding each other on a deeper level.

  “Gemma, I know what he’s capable of, and he scares me.”

  “Me too, but there are three of us who know the truth, and we’ll stick together.”

  “Oh, speaking of, Hendrix wanted me to give you another pepper spray.”

  She hopped off the bed, opened her desk drawer, and handed it to me.

  “Thanks,” I said, rolling it around in my hand. “Mac?” I asked, looking up at her.


  “I need your help.”

  Chapter 17

  Fall had officially started. I woke to the bright morning sun peeking through our window. My bleary eyes scanned the room to find Mac bent over an art book sipping her coffee. With her ADHD, studying was difficult for her, and she had to put in more time than most people.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” she teased.

  “What time is it?” I asked, grateful it was Saturday.

  “After ten. I didn’t want to wake you I know you had a hard day yesterday. However, now that you’re up, I think you have a phone call to make so we can get started, right?”

  I yawned and stretched, butterflies fluttering in my stomach at the thought of making the call.

  “I actually have a few to make, so you’ll have to share your coffee with me this morning.”

  She held it protectively against her chest and glared at me.

  “Really?” I whined, sitting up and stretching.

  “Are you always this wimpy in the morning and I haven’t noticed?” She cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “Fine, I’ll go grab one myself, but it will take longer for everything else.”

  “You’re such a brat,” Mac laughed. “I brought you one already. It’s on your desk,” she said, nodding.

  “Thank you!” I groaned as I stood up, my legs stiff from all the hours in the car yesterday. I grabbed the cup and took several sips, reveling in the deep, rich flavor.

  “You nervous?” Mac asked, laying her book down beside her.

  “You have no idea,” I replied, “but there’s no time like the present, huh?”

  Mac nodded. “I’m right here.”

  “Thanks,” I said, grabbing my phone and tapping the screen. It lit up, and I located their number in my favorites. I hesitated, took another drink, and glanced at Mac. She smiled and motioned to get on with it.

  The phone rang, and my pulse double-timed while I waited.

  “Hi, Gemma!”

  Mac giggled, and I realized she could hear even though it wasn’t on speaker.

  “Hey, Mom. How are you?”

  “Oh, honey, it’s so nice to hear from you. I’m doing okay. Your dad keeps me busy with appointments and stuff, but it’s fine. It gives me someone to take care of since you’re gone.”

  “How is he?” I asked.

  “He had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and the treatment is working. I was actually going to call you today with the good news.”

  I slumped back into my bed, a rush of relief flooding through me. “Oh Mom,” I whispered, choking back the tears. “It’s wonderful news. I’m sure everyone is relieved.”

  “We are. The treatments are really expensive, so I’m glad you’re on scholarship.”

  My heart sank when I realized how strapped they must be right now for money. He wasn’t working, and all the medical bills had to be coming in.

  “We will figure it out, right?”

  “You focus on your studies; don’t you worry about us. We’re fine.”

  I sat back up on the edge of my bed and glanced at Mac, shaking my head no.

  Her lips pursed in disappointment.

  “How are classes and this roommate Ada Lynn has told me about? Do you still like her?”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She’s pretty great.” I winked at Mac, her face lighting up as she realized I was talking about her.

  “I’m so happy, Gemma. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

  “Thanks, Mom. It means a lot to me.”

  “You need to call Ada Lynn and talk to her, too. She really misses you, but she won’t admit it.”

  “I miss all of you. I’ll give her a call now,” I said, sadness weaving through me. “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, honey.”

  I ended the call and sighed. “I can’t ask them, Mac. I don’t know what I was thinking, but Dad isn’t working, and the medical bills are piling up. On the bright side, he’s doing well. The treatment is working.”

  “That’s a huge relief about your dad!” She said, bouncing on her bed. “This also means you’re not leaving.” She shot me a toothy grin and then frowned. “Do we have any other options?”

  “Maybe. It’s going to kill me to ask, though.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and tapped Ada Lynn’s name on my screen.

  “Well it’s about time,” she muttered when she answered the phone, chuckling. “It’s been forever which tells me two things. You’re making friends and don’t have time for an old lady, and your parents are telling you about all the good gossip around here.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, that’s it. My parents love to gossip,” I replied. “I’m sorry
, it has gotten busier with classes. I’m guessing Dad told you I’m singing again, too.”

  “He did. I couldn’t be more excited for you. Sounds like Washington is exactly what you needed.”

  My cheeks flushed at the thought of who was really helping me with the change. I paused, working up my courage.

  “Just say it, what do you need?”

  “Huh? How did you know?” I asked, my eyes growing wide.

  “You always pause and sigh before something important.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Really?”

  “Every single time. So, what’s going on?”

  “I—I need new clothes. I mean, ones that fit me properly.”

  Mac hopped up on her bed, standing and clapping her hands together. She knew it was one of the hardest things I could have asked for.

  A gasp and silence hovered over the phone. “Did I hear you correctly?” Ada Lynn asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. I can’t ask my parents with all the medical bills. I’m so sorry. I’ll get a job and pay you back for everything, I promise. I wouldn’t even be here without you.”

  “Hush now, my blue-eyed girl. I’ll transfer it over to your account, and don’t you even think about paying me back. I’ll just take it out of your inheritance. Everything I have is going to you anyway, so a little bit now won’t hurt anything.”

  “What?” I screeched. “Ada Lynn,” I said, covering my mouth. My head dropped, my long hair concealing my face from Mac.

  “My mind is already made up, and the paperwork is all in place. There’s money to bury me, and the house is paid for. You’ll have a nice nest egg. I love you girl, and when you walked out of this neighborhood and made it to Washington, I couldn’t have been prouder of you. You’re the daughter I never had.”

  Tears slipped down my cheeks at her generous heart. My chest ached with the urge to hug her and never let her go.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Now, check your account in a few minutes. You’ll have plenty for clothes and anything else you need for a while. I don’t want you stressed out over a little money. More comes in anyway, so spend some of it. Have some fun,” she said, her tone filling with excitement. “And thank you. Thank you for giving me the gift of seeing you heal and grow. You’ve made an old woman so happy,” she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

  “I love you, Ada Lynn. You saved me when no one else could.”

  “Good God, someone had to, you reeked,” she laughed, referring to the day she barged into my bedroom. “Now, go shop, and send me pictures. Oh, wait, I have one question.”

  “Yeah?” I asked timidly.

  “Are you burning those damned hats and glasses I saw in the pictures you sent me?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, Mac and I are going to have a full-on ceremony and burn them.”

  “I like this Mac,” she said. “Call me soon. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  My head remained down while I attempted to stop the tears and regain my composure. I wanted more than anything to hop on a bus and see Ada Lynn and my parents, but I’d made a promise to stay here. I peeked through my hair and found Mac sitting on the edge of the bed, her fingers digging into the side of the mattress.


  “Let’s go shopping,” I said, smiling.

  Mac hopped off her bed and squealed, jumping up and down. I checked my account while she was being silly, and my mouth hung open. Guess Ada Lynn thought I needed a lot of clothes, because five grand was now in my account. I signed out of my online bank app as my phone rang. Panic shot through me, and I answered quickly.

  “Hendrix?” I asked.

  “Hey, with everything going on yesterday I forgot today was Saturday.”

  “Yeah?” My shoulders tensed while I waited for the other shoe to drop.

  “We don’t normally meet in the library on the weekends, and I couldn’t wait until Monday to see you.”

  Tension slipped from my shoulders, and I smiled.

  “You miss me already?” I asked quietly, trying to avert Mac’s eavesdropping.

  “You have no idea. All I can think about is you. I can’t even write today.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to mess it up for you.”

  “You’re not, but I do have a question.” He paused.

  “Okay.” I chewed my bottom lip, my nerves vibrating.

  “Remember how I said my dad used to be an attorney?”

  “I do.”

  “Well, I guess he’s gotten his shit together because he’s started to practice again.”

  “Oh, that’s awesome, right?” I asked, excitement lacing my words.

  “It’s fantastic. He was a damned good attorney when he was sober. So I’m hoping this is what he needs to feel like he has a purpose again, ya know?”

  “Everyone needs a purpose.” I glanced up in time to see Mac plop down on my bed next to me.

  “His dad is returning to law,” I mouthed at her. “He’s been sober for a while I guess.”

  She waved me off. “Yeah, I already know about it.”

  “So, what’s the question?” I returned my attention back to Hendrix.

  “Um, well, in case you’ve forgotten we have a date to plan, and─,” he paused, clearing his throat.

  Oh my gosh, Hendrix was nervous. My heart swelled with the thought of him being scared to really ask me out, even though he knew I’d say yes.

  “Well, there’s a charity event tonight, and Dad wants me to go. It’s a big deal, and this is his first public appearance since he’s started practicing again.”

  “Oh wow, you should go. You are, aren’t you? I’m sure it would mean a lot to him if you showed your support.”

  “Go with me,” he blurted.

  I flinched in surprise. “What?”

  “I know this isn’t what we’d discussed as a possible first date, but it would be amazing to see you all dressed up and on my arm.”

  “As in a dress dressed up?” I squeaked.


  Where in the hell would I even shop for a dress? My brain scrambled for an answer, but I was terrified. This was a big deal, and I would also meet his dad.

  “Gem?” he asked gently.

  “Okay. I’ll go with you,” I croaked. “When is it?”

  “Tonight, at eight.”

  My phone clattered to the floor. “Shit,” I said, reaching down, picking it up, and ignoring the shocked expression on Mac’s face.

  “Yup, okay, well,” I sputtered. “What time will you pick me up?”

  “Seven-thirty, and I’ll be in a tux.”

  My mouth formed an “O” and my pulse raced at the thought of how hot Hendrix would look in a tux. For the first time in my life, I might be tempted to get a guy out of his clothes.

  “So, I need like a real dress and heels?”

  “If you can, yeah. Mac can help you.”

  “Well, I’d better get busy and go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Can’t wait,” he said before ending the call.

  “I’ve lost my fucking mind,” I muttered, placing the phone down on my bed.

  “What?” Mac asked impatiently.

  “I said I’d go with him to the charity event tonight. The one his dad is going to go to. Which means...means I’m going to meet his dad.” I could feel the color drain from my skin as reality came crashing down on me.

  “Omigosh! Come on, we needed to start shopping like yesterday,” she said, hopping off my bed and pulling on my arm.

  “Hang on, I’m trying not to puke.”

  “Oh no. It’s okay. Listen to me. You’ll be with Hendrix all night long. The only time you won’t be with him is when you go pee,” she giggled. “And when he has to go to the bathroom you’ll be with his dad. Everything is okay. They actually have security there because a bunch of old ladies wear thousands of dollars of diamonds and shit. Like, seriously, you’re a hundred percent safe. I swear.”


  “Yup. Take a deep breath, bestie. We’re going shopping.”

  Chapter 18

  Shopping was hard work. I’d spent the last several years hiding behind clothes, and now I was trying on dresses that hugged my waist and pushed up my boobs.

  “Mac!” I whisper-yelled while I tried to zip the eighth dress I’d tried on.

  “Right here,” she said, flipping open the curtain and strolling into my dressing room. She dropped her purse on the shelf, zipped me up, and I turned around slowly for her.

  “Holy shit, I think we found it. Hang on a second,” she said, dipping past the curtain and back in again with a pair of black heels.

  “I can’t walk in those,” I said, slipping my feet into them, wobbling a little.

  “It’ll take you a minute, but I have to see this out here in the light, so come on.”

  She pulled the curtain aside, and I stepped into the hallway. Mac walked backward, surveying the situation.

  “Holy wow,” she said, bouncing up and down on her toes. “Turn.” She motioned with her finger for me to spin around.

  “Mac, I can’t wear this. Ada Lynn would never support me showing cleavage.”

  Mac rolled her eyes and shook her head. “There wasn’t a single dress you tried on that didn’t give you a boob bump,” she said, giggling. “Girl, who knew you had legs for miles? My poor brother.”

  I frowned. I was already self-conscious, and now Mac was concerned about Hendrix?

  “What?” I asked, wringing my hands together. “What’s wrong? This was a bad idea. I’m going to text him I’m sick. I won’t even be lying, I think I’m going to toss up my lunch right here.”

  “Stop, no puking while shopping. It’s not allowed,” Mac said sternly. “You’re fucking beautiful. The poor guy is going to walk around with a massive hard-on all night,” she said, giggling.

  “Mac!” I scolded. “Oh my God. I don’t want to do that to him!”

  “I hate to tell you this, but there’s not much you can do to stop it. I suspect it’s not his first one since you’ve been around.”


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