Entice: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 1)

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Entice: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 1) Page 2

by Faith Summers

  “Holler if you need anything else.”

  “I will.”

  He winks at me and moves to the next customer.

  I sip on my drink and look to my left just in time to see a naked couple step into a glass box on the stage ahead of me. My eyes widen as I realize it’s an exhibitionist box and the couple look so excited.

  Down on the dance floor I couldn’t see the stage. As they close the door on the box, it lifts into the air for everyone to see. The guy stands behind the woman and instantly starts to fuck her. I watch as their moves turn faster and faster until he has her pressed right against the glass. The look on her face is so… well, it’s what I would call rapturous. It’s not just happy, excited or thrilled. It’s more than elated.

  The cheers of the crowd below that’s gathered seem to edge them on and that’s when I get it.

  It’s all for show. All of it. It’s all a show to bring forward the fantasy. The people doing it do it and the people watching can be intrigued too.

  What’s my fantasy?

  I actually don’t know.

  “You look like you would enjoy that,” says a voice behind me.

  It pulls me away from the sight of the couple in the box the same way the intensity of the stare did when I was dancing.

  I’m actually not surprised to see the voice and the stare belong to the same person. The same man.

  What throws me is his presence. He’s tall and towers over me at what I’d say is probably six feet six. I’m five four. In my heels, I barely reach the top of his chest.

  He looked gorgeous standing on the balcony. Up close he’s more, and I wish I could see the other side of his face. For what I can see though, his bright blue eye takes me in with that interest that makes my body come alive and the high cheekbone is chiseled to perfection.

  I swallow hard, aware that I’m just staring again and I haven’t answered his question.

  His question/ statement of basically the exhibitionist box being my thing.

  “I’m sorry what?” I ask. This here is my chance to be confident, sexy and daring. I’m here under the persona of such and now I just have to work it.

  The corner of his mouth slides into a sensual smile, and he leans closer.

  “The exhibitionist box looks like your kind of thing. Ever been in there?” he asks. His smooth baritone voice is low in timbre, sexy just like him.

  I’m flattered that he thinks I’m daring enough to have sex in public like that. Not boring or life sucking.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Oh,” his gaze drops from my eyes, touches my lips and flicks down to my cleavage and over me for a once over. “So that’s your fantasy?” He smiles wider.

  My lips part and I think about it. I imagine being taken in the exhibitionist box for all to see and somehow I don’t think of the part where people are watching. I remember the rawness of the couple and the way they looked. That’s the part that entices me.

  “I don’t know,” I answer, unable to keep the quiver out of my voice. “It seems… bold.”

  He chuckles deep and low. “I didn’t think bold would be a problem for someone as sexy as you.”

  He thinks I’m sexy. I’m definitely liking this guy a lot.

  “Well, there’s just a lot of people watching.”

  “But the box fascinates you?”

  I smile. “Maybe.” I don’t know what I’m saying. I guess I am probably being a bit too honest because the box did fascinate me. Something bold comes over me though the longer I stare at him. “Does the box fascinate you?”

  “Yes,” he answers without a moment’s hesitation and I can’t help the image that sweeps through my mind of me being with him inside the box, naked and him taking me in that raw animalistic way I saw in the man as he owned the woman’s body.

  My mystery man smiles at me like he can tell what I’m thinking and my cheeks flush.

  “Is… that your fantasy?” I ask, homing in on the confidence I’m striving for .

  “I don’t know. Not sure what sort of fantasy I’ll be living out tonight. I’m… still trying to find out. There’s a lot to do here.”

  “Is there?” I looked at the website, but honestly I was so focused on the part about just coming here that I didn’t pay much attention to everything else. I know the place is huge with themed rooms and a sex dungeon. The owners really went to town in their creation of the fantasies.

  “Yeah.” His eyes sparkle like he just got an idea. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  The way he said that tempts me to tell him to just call me that, or whatever he wants.

  “Giselle. My name’s Giselle.”

  “Wow,” he’s the second man to say that to me tonight. When he says it, though it carried more of an effect on my body. “Nice name. My name’s Josh.”

  That suits him. I imagined him with a strong name like that.

  “I like your name too.”

  “Thank you, Giselle. You’re here with your friends?”

  I raise my shoulders into a little shrug. “We’re here for my birthday, though it looks like they’ve kind of deserted me.”

  A glint touches his eye. “Oh… happiest birthday.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I was about to explore. Do you want to come with me? Maybe you’ll find the fantasy you're looking for.”

  Oh my God… if I go with him, I know what that means. Exploring a sex club with a gorgeous man looking at me the way he is can only lead to one thing.

  And didn’t I think that was going to possibly, potentially, happen by coming here?

  Confident and sexy… daring…

  The words run through my mind and the molten heat in his eyes makes my answer come easier.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  He puts out his hand to take mine and I take it.

  Chapter Two


  As we move away from the bar, I’m aware of his large hand covering mine and the way our fingers entwine.

  The daring voice that’s been whispering to me since I decided I was coming here tells me it’s a tell of how my night will end.

  He leads me to the first floor where I’d first seen him and stops by a large room that’s as big as a hall where all I can see is bodies clashing together.

  Naked bodies of the people in there lost in the orgy.

  Until tonight I’d only ever heard of things like this and seen a hint of on tv a few times.

  This is the real deal, and the sight is too much. I can’t tell where the bodies begin or end.

  I just see arms, and legs, and people moaning and groaning in a chorus of pleasure. There are men and women, women with women, men with men. It’s every kind of pairing imaginable, everyone linked together.

  A warm finger slides over the small of my back and I didn’t even realize I was no longer holding Josh’s hand. He’s leaned down close to my ear. I turn into face him and my cheek brushes against his.

  “This your thing, sweetheart? You seem to like this too. We can go in… if you want.”

  My mouth goes dry and I swallow past the lump that’s formed in my throat.

  “Or… is it too much?” he adds. “Too many hands everywhere, I don’t know if I like the idea of sharing you… with anyone.”

  I can’t process. Between him, his words and the orgy next to me, I’m lost in my thoughts.

  “I’m… I…I think I’d like to look around more.” I answer and instead of taking my hand again he keeps his hand on my back and ushers me away from the room and we walk down a dimly lit corridor.

  “Orgy not your thing?” he asks with a wicked smile.

  “I don’t think so. It’s too much.” Too much for me, but he sounds like he would do it, or is well versed in it.

  “I figured. It’s your first time here, isn’t it?” he observes, glancing at me as we walk.

  “Yeah, do I stick out like a sore thumb?” I laugh nervously.

  “No, I’m just perceptive. I watch people’
s reactions and try to figure out their inner thoughts. Just like I knew the orgy might be too much for you, but you’d be a natural in the exhibitionist box.”

  We stop, and he faces me, taking a lock of my hair.

  “You think so?”

  “I do think so, but you wouldn’t be going inside so people can watch you, you’d be going in for the freedom of it. The wildness of the idea. The same way you fly the aerial hoops if you could.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You saw me when I came in?”

  “I watch and I see what I want to see.” He watches the lock of hair curl about his finger and allows it to drift back to me. “Come, maybe you’ll like this next attraction.” He points and we continue walking down the corridor.


  “That’s what the club owners call it. They think of everything as a show or an attraction to enhance the fantasy or create one.”

  I was right then.

  “Where are we going?” I ask when I hear water ahead of us. Water and more moans and groans.

  “It’s call the halls of Fantasium.” He looks ahead, the lights darken, and the music cuts.

  It’s all water, and as we turn, I see why it's called that.

  We walk into a room that’s filled with fluorescent lights, mirrors and walls with water running down them like being under a waterfall. All along the walls are couples having sex.

  This feels more intimate. Wild though it is, because the couples are still having sex in the open, the way they touch each other is more sensual. I could imagine coming here with someone I’m in an actual relationship with. We’d do this for fun.

  “You really like this,” Josh states and I look up at him blushing.

  “It’s more subtle.” I always avoid giving a definitive yes or no if I’m not too sure about something. It’s a habit that’s been drilled into me from being an attorney. Being neutral is safest.

  He grins and takes my hand again. “Let’s go this way if you like subtle.”

  We make our way into a room as dimly lit as the corridor was, but it’s slightly darker.

  I look around and it’s just us. We take another step and the floor looks like it moves, but it doesn’t, really. It’s water beneath a glass floor that flows and lights up a soft iridescent color as walked on it.

  “Oh wow,” I muse.

  “They have a thing about water here.”

  “What is it about it?”

  “It’s a natural aphrodisiac. Subtle.”


  He releases my hand and walks around me, looking me up and down. I like how they’ve done in here; it carries a sexual feeling in the air and the lighting isn’t like most of those places where you’d turn the same color as the lights.

  It makes it so I can still enjoy the man who’s giving me so much attention.

  “What are you doing?” I ask when he stops behind me and his eyes glue to my ass. It’s obvious he’s checking me out, but I want to hear what’s on his mind.



  “Yes. I’m watching and wondering what your fantasy is.”

  “What about yours? What’s your fantasy?” I turn to face him.

  “Right now… it’s you,” he says and desire pools low between my thighs.

  “Me?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “It’s you and I’m wondering what you’d look like with the robe gone.”

  I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone more forward than him, and I’ve certainly never met a man who looked at me the way he is. Like he wants to possess me.



  I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s the feeling I get though from his pensive stare, along with the feeling that he’s being gentle with me. Feeding me spoonfuls of what he’s truly like. It’s the tone in his voice. It’s like he’s holding back.

  Since I never really intended on keeping the robe on, I back it off and the coolness of the room graces my shoulders.

  He stops just in front of me and takes me in. Like every man I’ve ever met, his eyes go straight to my breasts. You tend to get a lot of attention with double D’s. Double D’s in a baby doll negligee that makes my cleavage even deeper is practically the same thing as having a sign on me saying ‘Please Look’.

  When he looks though, I don’t mind it.

  He smiles and his perfect white teeth sparkle against the light. “Well… now I’m wondering what you look like without the mask.”

  I remember reading this part on the website. You take off the mask when you want to reveal yourself, most often to the person you choose to be with for the night.

  Since it’s definitely not the first time he’s been here, I’m sure he knows that.

  “Do I get to see you Giselle?”

  “What would it mean?”

  “What would you want it to mean?” he throws back.

  At first I smile, then I try to bite it back. “I don’t know.” That answer is me entirely. My fail safe and maybe the coward's way out. “What if I wanted to see you without your mask?”

  “I have no problem with that, Giselle,” he answers. “What if I wanted to give you my coin, would you take it?” He walks around me again and my heart stops. I swear it does.

  This is it, the moment of choice and I guess the moment I’ve been gearing up for since I stepped through the doors of The Dark Odyssey.

  Sex, and sex with someone who isn’t Kirk.

  It’s laughable that I would even think about it like that because it wasn’t even like Kirk was really mine towards the end of our relationship. It all started when he got drafted to play pro ball for the Warriors; Chicago’s home football team. He changed. That was a year before we ended so I don’t know why I’m even thinking about him now as Josh circles me waiting for an answer. People might think the sun shines from Kirk’s ass because as the quarterback he led his team to victory at nationals, but he’s got nothing on this guy.

  Josh stops in front of me, waiting for my answer.

  “I’d take it,” I say and something dark and sinful lights up his eyes.

  Chapter Three


  His silver coin is in his pocket.

  He pulls it out and shows it to me, then hands it to me.

  Just like I took his hand earlier, I take it and look at it.

  “Do… I have to give you mine?” I ask. I’m not sure if that’s how it works. It would make sense to.

  “How about you decide in a little while.” He lifts his chin appraising me.

  “A little while?”

  “Yes… you might decide you’ve had enough fun with me and move on to someone else.”

  I’m not like that, but he doesn’t know that. “What if you decided you wanted to move on to someone else?” I counter.

  He moves closer, and my nerves scatter. “Call me old-fashioned, or maybe I have my own spin on the term, but if I give you my coin, it’s you I want for the night, but you have a choice. You get to decide after the taster session.”

  My mouth waters.

  “Taster session?” I ask, feeling like his echo now.

  Another step closer and my breath hitches. He’s so close I can smell the musky scent of his aftershave. It tickles my nose and makes my pussy clench with anticipation.

  “I’m a firm believer in sampling and getting a taste of the main. How else will you know if you like what I have to offer?”

  I can’t bite back the smile that arches my lips. “I won’t.”

  “So, how does a taster session sound, Giselle?”

  “Good…” I answer. It’s clear my body took over long ago, succumbing to curiosity.

  “Well, maybe then I’ll be deserving of your coin.” That flash of something sinful comes back into his eyes. It reminds me of something predatory and dominating. It suits the strength in his personality. “I will need your permission to give you the taster, it might not be what you’re used to for a first meeting,
but then again we did meet in a sex club.” He holds my gaze, and my lungs constrict. “Do I have your permission, Giselle?”

  “Yes,” I say, as if by default. I don’t think my body would allow any other answer than yes.

  “Okay.” He raises his hand to his mask and takes it off, smoothing it over his face then his hair, and wow… the full vision of him takes my breath away.

  I get the feeling he knew that would happen though.

  In the subtle light his blue eyes are more striking and I see I was right about the deep angles and planes carved into his face.

  He has a face that looks like God took his time to carve to perfection. He arches one dark brow, and the smile now reveals a dimple in his left cheek.

  “Does my appearance please you?”

  I don’t know what kind of question that is. Maybe he just wanted to hear me say yes.

  “It does,” I answer. I guess it’s my turn now, so I pull the mask off my face and give my hair a shake when it gets tangled in it.

  Thank God I seem to please him too.

  “And me?” I ask, my voice sounds meeker than I want it to.

  “You had me at hello,” he replies and I find I can’t look away.

  He steps even closer and lowers to my lips. I lift my chin, readying myself for his kiss. I don’t know what I expected to feel when his lips touched mine, but it wasn’t the rush of heat that pulses through my whole body. It makes me ache all over.

  Fire sweeps through me, like someone poured liquid fire all over me bathing me in it.

  When he kisses me harder, a little moan escapes my lips. He takes advantage of that moment to sweep his tongue over mine and damn…

  I melt against him. I melt and I press into the hard walls of his chest while he cups my face and slides his hand into my hair to deepen the kiss.

  The kiss makes me hotter, then it turns from hot to hungry, to greed and he moves with me over to the wall that pulls my attention from the thrill of him when it lights up the same iridescent color as the floor.

  He moves away from my lips and we both look at the wall and the wall running behind the glass. It makes me feel like I’m immersed in a sea of fluorescent water.


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