WHITELOCK, B., Memorials of English Affairs (London, 1732)
WITTMER, C, & MEYER, C. J. (eds.), Le Livre de la Bourgeoisie de la Ville de Strasbourg 1440–1530 (Strasbourg & Zurich, 1948–61)
WOLF, Josef & BURLAN, Zdenek, The Dawm of Man (London, 1978)
WOLLSTONECRAFT, Mary, A Vindication of the Rights of Women (London, 1792)
WOOLLEY, Hannah, The Ladies’ Directory (London, 1661); The Gentlewoman’s Companion (London, 1675)
WU CHAO (ed.), Women in Chinese Folklore, Women of China Special Series (Beijing, China, 1983)
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Abbeville, France, 163
Abelard, Peter, 133
abolition of slavery, the, 232, 237, 242, 256
Aboriginals, the, 35, 39, 58, 126, 158, 214
abortion, 136, 272–3
abortion law reform, 273
Acland, Lady Harriet, 175
Acland, Commander John Dyke, 175
Actium, battle of, 50
Acts of the Apostles, the, 88
Adam, 20, 95, 124, 137, 140, 238
Adams, Abigail, 217
Adams, John, 217
Addison, Mrs, 222
Adelaide, Queen of Italy, 137, 139
Adler, Alfred, 288
Adonis, 43, 85
Adriatic, the, 61
‘Advice to a Wife’, 97
Aelgifu, Queen, 137, 138
Aeschylus, 51, 68
Aetharius, Bishop, 119
Aethelflaed, 138
Afghanistan, 196
Africa, 20, 21, 22, 28, 37, 44, 66, 72, 115, 125, 126–7, 149, 150, 160, 165, 203, 209, 214–16, 222, 247
Agnes of Courtenay, 137
Agnodice, 71–2
Agrippina, Empress, 47
’A’ishah, 90
Al-’Adawiyyah, Rabi’ah, 128
Al-Humayriah, Afra’ Bint Ghifar, 89
Al Hunnud, Hind, 94
Al-Kindiyyah, Khawlah Bint al-Azwar, Princess, 89
Al-Manat, 94
Al-Mukkarram, Sultan, 137
Al-Uzza, 86, 94
Al-Uzzat, 94
Alaric the Visigoth, 67
‘Alchemist of Alexandria’, the, 75
Alexander the Great, 92, 197
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 269
Alexandria, 67, 75, 77
Alfred, King of England, 138
Algeria, 270, 273
All About Eve, 285
Allah, 46, 87, 90, 93, 94, 96, 116
Albutt, Dr H. A., 260
Almasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths, 67
Ama-terasu, 66
Amazons, the, 51–2, 179, 181, 267
Ambrona, 32
Ambrose, Saint, 95
America, 21, 44, 109, 135, 150, 151–2, 161–2, 164, 169, 170, 173, 175–6, 178, 186, 189, 196–7, 200, 204, 217, 221, 222, 224, 226, 232, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 247, 254, 257, 258, 273, 274, 275, 277, 283, 284
American Assembly, the, 174
American Civil War, the, 205, 232, 268
American Gynecology Society, the, 227
American Revolution, the, 172–6
American Voluntary Parenthood League, the, 244
American West, the, 200, 203, 209, 210, 236, 242
Amina, Queen, 138
Ampusa, 40
Amsterdam, 197
Anaitis, 43
Ananda, 134
ancien régime, 178, 229
Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 241
Angles-sur-I’Anglin, 38
Anglo-Saxons, the, 70
Angola, 138, 160
Angoulême, Isabella of, 127
Anne of Beaujeu, 138
Anne of Brittany, 138
Anne, Queen of England, 239
Anthony, Susan B., 236, 237, 238, 254
Antony (Marcus Antonius, ‘Mark Antony’), 50
Antrim, Ireland, 50
apartheid, 102, 109, 214
Aphrodite, 52, 86–7
Apollo, 66, 84
Appeal of one half the human race, Women . . . , 235, 239
Apuleius, Lucius, 37
Aquinas, Thomas, 20
Arabs, the, 48, 62, 86, 89, 94, 100, 103, 106–7, 111, 117, 168, 222
Aranda, the, 58
Arbella, the, 161
Archidice, 54
Arctic, the, 152
Ardrey, Robert, 25, 28, 29, 30
Ares, 84
Argos, 52
Aristoclea, 129
Aristotle, 20, 68, 72
Arizona, 203
Artemis, 84
Artemisia, 55
Arundel, Countess of, 127
Arwa, Queen, 137
Asa, King, 94
Ascent of Man, The, 27
Ashanti, the, 44, 127
Ashton, T. S., 194
Ashur-bani-pal, King, 42
Asia, 21, 37, 60, 94, 126, 127, 194
Asia Minor, 37, 44, 51, 74, 105, 111
Asma, Queen, 137
Aspasia of Miletos, 55, 129
Assam, 164, 196, 203
Assyria, 39, 42, 46, 63
Astell, Mary, 239
Astor, Nancy, 276
Athenaeus, 152
Athene, 59, 84
Athens, 49, 52, 55, 71, 83, 152
Atlantic, the, 161, 233, 259, 273
Attis, 43, 85
Augustine, Saint, 93, 96
Aurelia Aemiliana, 38
Aurungzebe, 150
Austen, Jane, 145, 149
Australia, 37, 39, 58, 126, 158, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 209, 210, 214, 241, 242
Auschwitz, 266
Ayatollah Khomeini, the, 284, 286
Azimba, the, 28
Aztecs, the, 44, 58, 66, 70, 213
Babylon, 40, 42, 47, 48, 54, 57, 63, 65
Bacon, Francis, 193, 196, 197, 264
Bacon, Nathaniel, 173
Badr, battle of, 94
Bald, Robert, 191
Balonda, the, 72
Bai, Mira, 144
Ban Zhao, 75
Banat, 248
Banbha, 65
Bandaranaike, Sirimavo, 276
banfheis rigi – see ‘marriage-mating’
Banks, Lady Mary, 177
Bantu, the, 44
Barak, 47
Barbarossa, Frederick, 133
Barber, Elizabeth, 201
Barking, Abbess of, 233
Barry, Elizabeth, 169
Basses-Pyrénnées, 33
Bastille, the, 179, 181
Batuta, Ibn, 126
Bayley, Emily, 208
Beale, Dorothea (‘Miss Beale’), 240
Beagle, The, 70
Beard, Mary Ritter, 130, 131
Bedouin, the, 89
Beecher, Catherine, 240
Beeton, Mrs Isabella, 230
Behn, Aphra, 169–70
Belfast, 273
Bengal, 102, 119
Beni Shaybah, the, 86
Berenice II, Queen of Egypt, 66–7, 82
Beresford, Mrs, 206–7
Berkeley, University of, 20
Bermant, Chaim, 109
Berne, 168
Bertha, Queen of the Saxons, 138
Besant, Annie, 260
Bhutto, Benazir, 277
Bible, the, 140, 237–8, 257
Bird, Isabella, 209
Birkett, Lord Alfred, 272
‘birth control’, 124, 244–63, 271–2
‘Black Mother’, the, 40–41
Black Stone, the, 87
black women, 204–5, 232, 242, 277, 283–4
Blackfriars Playhouse, the, 169
Blackstone, Sir William, 221
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 241
Blanche of Castile, 138
Bleier, Ruth, 19
Blunt, Lady Anne, 209
Bocanegra, Gertrudis, 268
p; Bocchi, Dorotea, 168
Bochkareva, Mariya, 268
Bodichon, Barbara, 240
Bodin, Jean, 135
Bogadottir, Finnis, 277
Boke of Saxon Leechdoms, The, 247
Book of Husbandry, A, 158–9
Book of the Knight of the Tour Landry, The, 163–4
Bologna, University of, 168
Bolsheviks, the, 268
Bose, Abala, 241
Bosphorus, the, 118
Boston, Mass., 161, 174, 201
Botswana, 22
Boudicca, Queen, 50, 82
Boulding, Elise, 26–7, 53, 128
Boupacha, Djamila, 270, 273
Bourbons, the, 138
Boutel, Mrs, 169
Bradstreet, Anne, 170
Brahma, 57, 61
Brandywine, battle of the, 174
‘Brant, Molly’, 213
Brazil, 267
Breed, R. F., 199
‘Brides of Christ’, the, 130
‘Bride of the Yellow Count’, the, 71
bride-sale, 113–14, 127
Brigetines, the, 131
Brigid of Ireland, Saint, 131
Brigid of Sweden, Saint, 131
Brioude, France, 156
Britain, 196, 236, 247, 252, 264, 276
British Empire, the, 112, 196–217, 236
British Geographical Society, the, 209
British Government Official Census of India, the, 113
British Medical Association, the, 260
British Resident of Delhi, the, 206
‘Britannia’s Daughters’, 216
Britanny, 138
Britons, the, 47, 61
Bronowski, Professor Jacob, 27
Brontë, Emily, 145
Broumattin, Agnes, 165
Brunhild, Queen, 74–5
Buddha, 46, 83, 87, 88, 98, 103, 134
Buddhism, 81–102, 128
Bulette, Julia, 211
Bulgarians, the, 268
Buonaparte, Princess Marie, 263
Burke, Edmund, 172, 181
Burma, 153, 158, 165, 196
Burton, Sir Richard, 86, 267
Butler, Josephine, 254
Byzantine Empire, the, 73, 74, 89, 137, 149
Calder, Nigel, 20, 25, 64
Cambridge, England, 144
Cameroons, the, 165
Canaan, 158, 163
Canada, 58
Cape Colony, the, 197, 216
Capet dynasty, the, 179
Carlini, Sister Benedetta, 132
Carlyle, Thomas, 29, 228
Carpenter, Edward, 79
Carrington, Margaret, 204
Carmenta, 128
Carmichael, Stokely, 275
Casanova de Seingalt, Giacomo, 248
Castiglione, Baldassare, 140
Castile, 138
Castro, Fidel, 267
Çatal Hüyük, 38
Catalonia, 53
Catherine of Siena, 131
Cato, Marcus Porcius ‘Censorius’, 68–73
Catullus, 228
Cavanagh, ‘Kit’, 268
Cavell, Edith, 265
Cawnpore, the fall of, 217
Celts, the, 38, 47, 50, 53, 63, 65, 101
‘Century of Revolution’, the, 232
Cerne Abbas Giant, the, 61
Ceylon – see Sri Lanka
Charles II, King of England, 170, 233
Charles VIII, King of France, 138, 167
‘chastity belt’, 114–15
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 124
Chester, Alice, 166
child marriage, 71, 97, 112–13, 120
China, 37, 66, 69, 71, 75, 83, 86, 99, 101, 117, 129, 142, 149, 150, 153, 194, 209, 267
Chinese Communist Party, the, 269–70
Chinese Women’s Association, the, 270
Chinese Revolution, the, 270–71
Chisholm, Caroline, 200
Ch’iu Chin, 268–9
‘Choisir’, 273
Christ, Jesus, 46, 65, 87, 98, 102, 144, 163, 177, 178, 238, 286
Christian Fathers, the, 125
Christianity, 20, 38, 77, 83–102, 105, 109, 110, 118, 124–5, 157, 200, 222, 237–8, 257
Chronicles II, 94
Chrysopeia, 75
Civil Rights Movement, the, 283
Clark, Lieutenant Ralph, 196, 197
Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus), Emperor, 47
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, 50
Cleopatra ‘the Alchemist’, 75
Clisby, Harriet, 241
Clodia, 50
Club des Tricoteuses, the, 185
Cnut, King, 137
Cochrane, Cecilia Maria, 221–2
Code of Hammurabi, the, 48, 54
Code Napoléon, The, 229–30, 235
Codrington, Dr, 212
‘coil, the’, 271–2
Cogul, 53
Coleridge, Sara, 221
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 221
Colinet, Marie, 168
Collier, Mary, 172
Colombia, 36
Columbus, Christopher, 150, 249
Comstock, Lodes, the, 211
Confucianism, 83, 91–2, 99
Congo, the, 165
Connecticut Courant, The, 174
‘consciousness raising’, 268–9
Constable, John, 32
Contagious Diseases Act, the, 256
Constantinople, 67
Constantius III, Emperor, 67
contraception – see ‘birth control’
Copenhagen, 44
Copernicus, 287
Corner, Caterina, Queen of Cyprus, 138, 239
Corsica, 229
Cortes, Hernan, 213
Counter-Reformation, the, 125
‘country wives’, 213
Court of the Queen’s Bench, the, 221
courtly love, cult of, 139–40
Courtier, The, 140
Coventry, England, 166
‘craniology, science of, 226
Cremonesi, Heather Gordon, 149
Crete, 49, 55
Crimea, the, 210, 232, 256
Cro-Magnon, the, 32
Cromwell, Oliver, 233
Crusader Queens, the, 137
Crusades, the, 114
Cuba, 268, 270
cucking stool, the – see ducking stool
Cybele, 38, 43, 84
Cynethryth, 138
Cyril, Patriarch of Alexander, 77
Cyrus the Great, 50, 66
Cyprus, 138, 239
Czechoslovakia, 37
DNA, 20
Dachau, 266
Dahomey, 267
Dalrymple, Learmonth White, 240
Damascus, 89
d’Aragona, Tullia, 239
d’Andrea sisters, the, 239
d’Aubigné, Agrippa, 143
da Gama, Vasco, 150
Dakota, the, 109
Dare, Virginia, 197
Dark Ages, the, 128, 133, 145, 230, 253
Dart, Professor Raymond, 29
Darwin, Charles, 29, 70, 227, 238
Dano, 129
Danton, Georges Jacques, 185
Dati, Bandecca, 251
Dati, Ginevra, 251
Dati, Gregorio, 251
Davies, Emily, 240
Dawson, Mrs, 221
Dawson, Texas, 211
‘Day of Blood’, the, 85
‘Day of the Market-Women’, the, 179
de Beaufow, Alice, 114
de Beauvoir, Simone, 45, 273
de Brantôme, Abbé, 115, 257
de Breauté,Falkes,114
de Certaldo, Paolo, 160
de Caen, Roger, 98
de Condorcet, Marquis, 183
de Diaz, Beatriz, 140
de Erauso, Catalina, 268
de France, Marie, 140
de Gournay, Marie le Jars, 182
de Gouges, Olympe, 183–4, 185, 242
de Hagemon, Agnes, 166–7
de l’Enclos, Ni
non, 144
de Méricourt, Théroigne, 181–2, 185
de Mirabeau, Comte, 180, 184
de Paris, Matthew, 114
de Pisan, Christine, 124, 141–2, 145
de Riencourt, Amaury, 20, 230, 277
de Sevigné, Françoise, 251
de Sevigné, Madame, 249
de Staël, Madame, 229, 250
Deborah, 47
‘Declaration of the Rights of Women’, 183, 185
‘Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions’, 221, 223
Delacroix, 186
Delhi, 206–8
Delhi, Bank of, 207
Delilah, 266
Delos, 61
Delphi, 66
Demeter, 37, 43, 82
‘Demeter’s people’, 40
Denmark, 137, 242
Déroin, Jeanne, 276
Desmoulins, Lucille, 185
Desraismes, Maria, 236
Devaki, 128
Dialectic of Sex, The, 275
Diana, 84, 135
Diary of Samuel Pepys, The, 156–7
Digby, Jane, 209
di Novella, Maria, 168
Dio Cassius, 50
Diodorus, 49, 51, 71
Diotima, 129
Diseases of Women, The, 167
Disraeli, Benjamin, 172
divorce, 48, 74, 89, 100, 105, 131, 221–2, 223, 229, 235, 242
Djibouti, the, 116
Dolguruky, Princess, 118
Dolní Vstonice, 37
Dordogne, the, 32
Dorset, England, 61, 177
Dorset, Countess of, 233
dowry system, the, 117–18
Drake, Fanny, 191
Drakensberg, caves of, 35
Drayton, Michael, 196
droit de seigneur, 111
Drummond, Sarah, 173
Drusilla Livia, 74
Dublin, 273
ducking stool, the, 106, 121
Dun Sobhairche, 50
Duncan, Mary, 191
Dutch, the, 196, 197, 265
Dworkin, Andrea, 103
Dyer, Mary, 201
Eadburgh, Queen, 138
‘Earth Mother’, the, 66, 70, 86, 102
Ecclesiasticus, 92
Edenton, N. Carolina, 175
Edward III, King of England, 121
Edwards, Mary, 206
‘Egalité des Hommes et des Femmes’, 182
Egypt, 37, 40, 47, 50, 53, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64, 67, 71, 74, 92, 111, 129, 247
Ehringsdorf, 33
El Saadawi, Nawal, 89
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 140
Eleusis, mysteries of, 39
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 130
Elmy, Elizabeth Wolstenholme, 244
Elstob, Elizabeth, 239
Endongo, 138
Engelmann, Dr George J., 227
Engels, Friedrich, 253
England, 70, 99, 121, 122, 137, 138, 150, 151, 152, 156, 158, 162, 173, 186, 197, 201, 221, 235, 241, 247, 253, 256
English Royal Council for Virginia, the, 196
English Civil War, the, 176–8
Enheduanna, 36–7
Epic of Creation, The, 57
Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 42
Erasmus, Desiderius, 154, 162, 240
Erikson, Erik, 78
Erech – see Uruk
Eskimo, the, 28, 31, 41, 69, 152–3
The Women's History of the World Page 38