The Sentinel

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The Sentinel Page 33

by C Cato

  “Yes. Sometimes the buyer is nice. Once me and the guys pooled our meager resources together and bought one. She stayed at our place and hung out until her time was up, and she could go back to the Valkyrie.”

  “That’s barbaric.”

  “Rebellions don’t form in a utopia, Cole.”

  Ray was right. There was no place for naivete here. He’d observed things just as bad during his time in the military and out of it, but that was different. Seedy back alley dealings and missions to dangerous war-torn countries. Atrocities were expected in those places, but this—this is supposed to be the last city of humans left, and it was full of monsters.

  Ray stopped at a rundown part of the city. Cole hopped down and tied his horse to a hitch near the entrance. The interior was a once-sleek glass and chrome lobby. Where the chrome had probably once had a shine to it, it was largely dark and tarnished. Cracked tiled floors showed the wear of centuries of footsteps traveling over them. Ancient couches and chairs filled the space along with newer bag chairs and small tables. The space stood empty.

  “Most will be sleeping now.”

  “Will your friends be awake?”

  “They will after I wake them up.”

  Cole hoped they wouldn’t be angry for the intrusion. Ray went to the second floor. Cole assumed they’d reached their destination when he pounded on the door.


  It opened in seconds, an angry Nor on the other side. “Ray? Cole?” He poked his head out the door and scanned the hallway. “Hurry. Come in.”

  “Something we should know about?” he asked.

  Cole was already moving into the larger room. Risa sat surrounded by Tessa and her men. Head in her hands and shoulders bouncing. Risa never cried.


  Her head snapped up, and Cole gasped at the red-rimmed pain on her face.

  “God. What’s happened?”

  She was out of her seat and in his arms in seconds. He babbled nonsense words to try and calm her as he stroked her head. Cole was equal parts panicked at what to do with a bereaved Risa, and frightened to find out what had caused her episode, he could only hold on to her.


  “Is she okay? Have you spoken to her?” He held her at arm’s length and searched her face for answers.

  “They’ve been… she’s… she’s not dead.”

  Cole’s knees wobbled, and he listed to the side. Nor and Ray were there to keep him from falling. Someone else pulled up a chair for him. His heart raced, and he was in real danger of hyperventilating if he didn’t get things under control. Eyes closed, he took in a deep, cleansing breath and released it. After several of them, he could open his eyes and focus on the issue at hand.


  Risa stood at attention, her red eyes the only indication of her breakdown, and recited what she’d experienced since coming to the city and Sonya’s arrival.

  He had to grip the edges of his chair to keep from running out the door. Through clenched teeth, he asked, “Can you communicate with her from here?”

  “Barely and only if she’s conscious. She wasn’t when I left.”

  “Not. Conscious?” he said in a low growl.

  “They were running some tests or something. I’m not high enough on the food chain to be allowed in the labs.”


  “You can’t get in there, Cole. Men don’t go inside Central Haven. Except her harem, and I would kill you myself before letting that woman touch you.”

  “As would I,” said Ray.

  “Noted. Options?”

  “We can’t delay. We need to get her out soon. I need to get the journals, too.”

  “Your priority is Sonya.”

  “We need those fucking books, Sarge!” said Risa, some color flooding back into her cheeks. “It’s the only way to know what was done to us exactly and how to control it.”

  “We can’t leave Talic and the others either,” said Ray softly.

  “I’m open to suggestions,” said Cole, his voice cold. It matched the seeping chill that was encasing his midsection. This was bleak. How were they going to get her without an all-out frontal assault against the Valkyrie?

  “I have guard duty tonight,” said Risa. “I can contact Sonya tonight to check on her and see if I can find the journals. Let’s meet here in two days to finalize our plan.”

  Cole leaned forward, elbows on his knees and hands steepled between them. He narrowed his eyes. “You will bring my girl home, soldier. Is that understood?”

  “Understood, Sarge. I don’t want to leave her in this awful place any more than you do.”



  Tessa had a firm hold on her hand as they made their way back to her apartment. Technically, it was past curfew. Risa knew Tessa could probably pull the Councilwoman card, but she was the least favorite woman on the council. It was best she didn’t push her luck.

  Evening Watch at Central Haven gave a sly wink as they passed. “Finding some unusual spots to play with your new toy, Hunter?” she called after them.

  Risa stiffened. She hated it when anyone belittled Tessa. She didn’t deserve it. So, what if she gets a dicking now and again. For women so hellbent on having children, they weren’t exactly putting effort into it. Tessa had a vice grip on her hand, and Risa held her tongue. There was a note tacked to the door when they arrived. It had the official seal of the Valkyrie. Tessa took it down with shaking fingers, and they went inside.

  Risa went to the small kitchen and put a kettle on to make tea. She made two mugs and carried them out to sit next to Tessa on the couch. The note sat opened on the table in front of her. Risa passed Tessa the second mug and reached for the paper with her free hand.

  Jenna’s scrolling handwriting was all over the page. It took Risa a few minutes to decipher the words.

  Councilwoman Tessa,

  Although I am thrilled to see that you have

  taken an interest in my newest Guard, I would

  like to remind you that she is still mine. After

  her duties are completed tomorrow I expect

  her in my chambers for the evening.

  In Service,


  Risa crumpled up the paper and threw it across the room.

  “It’s official now. You’re prepared for this,” said Tessa, her voice thick.

  Risa put down her cup and took Tessa’s, doing the same. She clasped their hands together.

  “I hadn’t gotten to know you when we made that initial plan, Tess. I really care about you, and where I come from one doesn’t just go around sleeping with random people.”

  “I sleep with other people.”

  “Your little gaggle of boys is not random people. We get along. They’re on the approved list. Add anyone else, and we’ll have to talk.”

  Tessa answered with a soft laugh, but it petered out. “I hate to be the hypocrite here, but I don’t want to share you. Especially with that woman.”

  Risa pressed their lips together. Tessa sighed, opening, and Risa took full advantage, savoring every dip of her tongue. She participated in a lazy duel that had a fire burning in her belly and her core throbbing. When she came up for air, Tessa had glazed eyes and her mouth was swollen and wet. Inviting.

  Risa groaned and backed away enough to try and keep out of temptations reach. “Mission,” she muttered. “If I can avoid sleeping with Jenna woman I will, trust me. She’s vile. But I need to do what’s necessary to get what I came for. We need those journals. They might be in her chambers somewhere. I haven’t found them anywhere else.”

  “They could be in the lab or in her harem chambers. You haven’t had a chance to look there without access.”

  “True, but do you really think she would just leave them out in the open?”

  Tessa deflated. “No.”

  “Baby, I’m all yours for as long as you want me. No matter what happens with that woman. Okay?”

  Tessa lowered her chin, her nod almost imperceptible.

  “Good. Let’s go cuddle. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

  In bed, Tessa snuggled into the crook of her arm, and Risa inhaled the soft rose scent of her shampoo. She closed her eyes and drifted off, listening to the steady heartbeat and soft breathing of the woman beside her.

  She was able to sleep in, but the bed was cold beside her when she woke up. There was a note on the table in the living room letting her know Tessa had had a meeting to attend and would be gone most of the day. Risa hated that she wouldn’t get to see her again before having to go in for duty.

  Hopping in the shower, she put her head under the spray and thought about her reaction. It’s never bothered her before. Very few things she’d done had. Psych profiles always had her just shy of sociopath. It’s what made her a good soldier and an effective killer. But she wasn’t going in to kill that woman tonight. Doing that wouldn’t pose a problem for her almost nonexistent conscience. She would have to sleep with the woman. What’s the big deal? Having to give it up in the line of duty was just work.

  So why did the thought of laying naked with that bitch make her want to jump out her own skin? Where was the detachment? What was this place doing to her?

  Knowing she wouldn’t find any answers in her shower head, she got out and toweled off. Wiping her hand through the steam condensed water on the mirror, she revealed her reflection. Nothing was different. Her hair was longer, but not so long it needed a cut yet. She’d have to hit Ditre up when she saw him next. Her eyes were still the same freakish blue they were when she first woke up after surgery. She missed the hazel of her original eyes but didn’t mind the benefits of the artificial ones. So, what was different?

  Sudden realization bowled her over, and she had to hold on to the counter as her legs shook with reaction. She was falling in love with that woman. A state of mind she’d managed to avoid her entire life. Of course, she loved her brothers at arms, but they were family. Not the same. She found herself wanting to protect Tessa from anything and everything. Even the things necessary to get the job done. She wanted to make love to her. Words she’d never applied to the act. Worse, she didn’t want her first time with Tessa marred by the memory of whatever that woman would do to her. With a wet finger, she traced a heart on the foggy corner of the mirror. Then wiped it away.

  There was no room for sentimentality, regret, or indecision. She had a mission to accomplish and someone’s life hung in the balance.

  Donning her uniform, she made her way to the Temple after picking up a late breakfast with the street vendor. She was scheduled to be on duty in the audience chamber. Inside, she stepped into the elevator, but the doors stopped when a hand thrust inside. Willow stepped in. Risa swore the General had perfected Resting Bitch Face. She stepped back to make room and Willow turned away from her to face the doors.

  Funny enough, Risa could respect the woman. Her first concern was always for her Valkyrie. If she wasn’t on the wrong side, Risa might’ve liked her.

  When they reached the audience chamber floor, she remained a few respectful steps behind. Being new and having gained Jenna’s attention made her stick out enough. Wouldn’t do to be singled out by the General, too.

  Mother Superior sat on her obnoxious throne, her eyes gleaming like a shark about to snap up a seal. Risa’s stomach rippled with revulsion. Sonya and Sarge were going to owe her big time for this.

  Risa took a knee at the same time as Willow.

  “Mother Superior, I’ve received reports from the field.”

  Jenna frowned. It was the smallest tic at the corners of her mouth. Like she didn’t want to ruin her face with frown lines.

  “Two of the units left in the passes to find the others were found dead. Slaughtered,” she said, choking on the last. “Thirty women lost.”

  Jenna waved her hand in dismissal. “Send more. I want them found! Once we get what we need from Sentinel One, I’ll have her autopsied. We’ll need the other live specimens.”

  Risa closed her eyes against the red that flashed across her vision. It wouldn’t do to lose control.

  She wasn’t the only one affected by Jenna’s nonchalance. Willow’s back stiffened, and she visibly shook. Her head lowered to the ground to show respect, but Risa imagined daggers shooting from her eyes and embedding in the floor.

  “With all due respect,” she ground out. “The Valkyrie aren’t just expendable toy soldiers. These are women. The last women.”

  “You’ve always been so sentimental about them,” said Jenna. It was more statement than question. “You know what I’m trying to accomplish. This is more important than a few bodies. We have the chance to live forever. That woman down there was born before the plague. Think about that. She looks no older than you or I. That’s astounding! If we were able to harness that. Imagine it.”

  This was the plan? To find the fountain of youth in Sonya? Risa didn’t know much about the technology coursing through her, but she knew removing or reproducing weren’t options. The nanobots were invisible to an X-ray and if removed from the body they self-destruct, leaving no evidence behind. Ian had said that the Halos were similar. Made of specially formulated plastics, it took special equipment to see them and would stop working if removed. Of course, the owner of said Halo would be dead, but they probably wouldn’t care at that point. What did they think they could get?

  “I’ve read the journal, Jenna. You are playing with fire. Those mutated horrors downstairs came from this very same thought, and—according to that book—so did the plague that destroyed the world. They had better technology, more knowledgeable physicians, and trained scientists. We are children in comparison. Instead of destroying the doctor, we should be mining her for what has been lost.”

  Risa’s opinion of Willow rose to near idol-worship levels.

  One thing was clear, Risa needed to get that journal. It had some answers they desperately needed, and probably some they didn’t want to ask, but it was too dangerous to leave in the hands of Jenna and her merry band of Murder Bitches.

  “Stay steady, Willow. I want you by my side in this new era. Send the Hunters and the Hounds. In fact, I’ll have Tessa head up the operation. We have how many teams currently?”

  “Eleven, Mother. Twelve with hers.”

  “Excellent. This can be their last little adventure together before disbanding them. Now, come and take your place at my side.”

  Risa had her eyes glued to the floor but heard the creak of leather as she pushed to her feet. Then she would have sworn heat from Jenna’s gaze was burning a hole into the top of her head.

  “Risa,” she said with a purring hum at the end. “Come here.”

  Rising to her feet, she closed the short distance to the dais. Jenna struck like a snake, wrapping thin fingers around her wrist and yanking her into a silk-covered lap. Risa’s face fell naturally into the crook of Jenna’s neck, and she decided to keep it there to hide her disgust. She was finding it impossible to school her face.

  A hand crept up her inner thigh and settled flat over her mound. She couldn’t repress the full body shudder that rocked her. Mother Superior moaned in appreciation.

  Sahara. Gobi. Kalahari. None of them compared to her at that moment. There was nothing dryer than her cooch.

  “I have been dreaming about taking you,” whispered Jenna. “Tasting you. All this time, that that awful woman has had her head buried in your luscious thighs.”

  Jenna was taking things to an all new level of creepy.

  “Mother Superior. You have grievances for the day. Perhaps you can play with your,” Willow paused, and Risa could hear her teeth scraping against each other. “New toy, later.”

  Score ten more points for the General.

  Jenna released her, and she slid off the woman’s lap as quickly as she could without being obvious and took up her position behind and to the right of the throne, while Willow positioned herself next to it on Jenna’s left.

/>   “Send in the first petitioner,” she bellowed.

  Law stated that men couldn’t enter in Central Haven, but once every two weeks there was an exception. Escorted in from the gates, they could air grievances that the local area male magistrates couldn’t arbitrate. The first was a rotund man that waddled into the room and wheezed like a deflating bagpipe on his way down to a knee.

  She took the time to contact Sonya. “Hey, Doc. How are you?”

  “Risa? I’ve had better days. I’m in what appears to be a glass case or cell. The A’amoth are with me.”

  “Okay, but how are you really? If I don’t get a good report, Cole will have my ass, and not in a good way.”

  Sonya’s chuckle tickled her head and warmed her soul. She would spare this woman the things she’d gone through if she could. She was tough, but Cole had told her about the PTSD. There hadn’t been any more episodes, but who knew what would trigger the next one. Risa didn’t want to see this woman—her friend—broken.

  “Is he here? In the city?”

  “Not in the city now, but yes. Apparently, he made a new friend.”

  “A… friend?”

  “No need to worry, Doc. The man practically threatened my life about ensuring your safe return. He’s still madly in love with you.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “Don’t play coy with me. The whole team knows. We all approve.”

  “Okay,” a pause, “thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I have found out some things that are not going to make you happy.” Risa relayed everything she’d heard in a detailed retelling of the conversation. God bless perfect recall.

  “We need that journal, Risa. All of them. I need to know what they were talking about and I’m sure the A’amoth will want to know as well. This concerns them directly.”

  “I bet. I’ll be with Mother Superior this evening in her room. Once she’s asleep, I’ll look for the book. When I have it, I’ll come and let you out. We may have to power our way out of here. Then we’ll meet Cole at the Hound barracks. Are you up for it?”


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