The Sentinel

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The Sentinel Page 39

by C Cato

  “Ren! We have a situation here!” Cole pulled the knife from his chest sheath and waded through the frightened and confused men in the stands that blocked his way.

  The Hounds were shoving the Hunters to the center of the field, but Valkyrie were regrouping and surrounding them. Sonya fought alone with Keet and Lafa. Cole left Risa to handle the fight with the Hounds and pushed his way down to the field. A sword swung at his neck. It was tricky to block with his shorter weapon, but he was able to disarm her and knock her out with a punch to the head. Another woman took her place, slowing his progress to his real goal.

  “Sonya, baby, can you make it to me?”

  “I don’t think so. There are so many. Cole, I’m running out of power fast.”

  The nameless dread from before bloomed into a directed panic. “How much do you have?”

  “Eleven percent, and it’s dropping.”

  “Shit!” Cole renewed his effort to push back the wave of women that were advancing on him. “Baby, I have a bracelet that will help you stay above the red, but you have to get to me.”

  “We’re trying.”

  “Soren! The fuckin’ lights!”

  “We are coming,” said Lirra, her voice grim.

  It was all going to shit. Surrounded by a sea of white, dotted with the darker colors of his allies, he wondered if he’d underestimated the Valkyrie?

  Suddenly, everything went black in the best way.



  Ray didn’t have any trouble slipping into the city. There was too much going on with the populous pouring out to make it to the arena as required. He pushed against the tide of bodies until he was able to break through in front of the central park. Valkyrie were marching in formation toward the entrance in full regalia. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, he backed away from the procession and moved toward the Central Haven wall.

  There would be a skeleton crew while the event was going on. Just enough to make sure none of the citizens tried to get in while no one was watching.

  A citizen like him.

  He had no plans to use the front door, though. The city wasn’t built with invasion in mind. The inner wall only served the purpose of keeping unwanted citizens out. At the front gate, between the apartment buildings that bracketed the portal, the top of the wall was thick enough for armed patrols, but at the back it was a simple barrier easily scaled by someone with balls enough to do it.

  Ray was going to have to prove he did.

  When he reached the edge of the park and the remainder of his cover, he had to move more casually. Dressed like a vendor, the rope and hook Nor had provided wrapped around his midsection under his clothes. At the now empty, and dark barracks of the Hounds, he slipped inside. The front windows had been smashed, exposing the lobby to anyone walking by. The furniture inside was destroyed. There was evidence that squatters had already begun to take over the space. He didn’t care. Once out of sight of the lobby, he ran up the two flights of stairs to Nor’s apartment. Like most of the Hounds, he and his men had a small cache of weapons. There hadn’t been any time to take them the night they ran, but Ray hoped they were still there. The devastation was worse inside their place.

  Ray crossed his fingers that what he needed was still there.

  Using the dagger Nor had given him, he pried a part of the wall away by the door in the bedroom. It came free with a pop and fell to the floor. Inside were two short swords, and a crossbow. A full-size crossbow. Securing it to his back and the bolts to his hip, he made his way back to the street and hid in the shadows until the streets were quiet.

  Sure that all the citizens had left for the arena, he ran to the inner wall and along its edge until he reached the slums of the city and the back end of Central Haven. Working quickly, he unwound the rope and hooks. There would still be random patrols. No good if one caught him. His heart pounded in his ears as he threw the rope and hook in an underhand toss toward the top of the wall. He had to attempt it twice more before he didn’t miss.

  Tugging to make sure it was secure, he climbed hand-over-hand up the rope, using his feet to walk along the wall. At the top, he pulled the rope up and dropped it down to the inside. He could only pray it would stay hidden from prying eyes.

  Sweat dripped liberally from his hair and neck by the time he reached the ground. The grounds inside the walls were as eerily silent as the streets outside it. Instead of making his way to the Temple directly, he ran to the closest apartment building and jumped on to the fire escape to get to the roof. The building was only two stories taller than one he stood on but a good 1000 feet away. Not a problem for the crossbow, but his aim wasn’t great.

  Tying one of the hooks to the end of a bolt, he loaded it and took aim. The hook and rope would make it heavy, so he aimed higher than his target and let fly. The shot glanced off the wall and clattered to the ground below.

  Ears straining and heart in near fits, he waited to see if anyone had heard. After a couple of minutes, he tried again. This one was closer, but still missed. Loading his last hook onto a bolt, he took a slow calming exhale sighted and let fly. This time the shot was true. The hook carried the rope to the terrace above and created a drooped bridge between the two buildings.

  Tying off the end, he jumped up and hung from the length to test its strength. The hook held. Hooking his feet over the rope, he pulled himself with his hands across the expanse. Twice he had to stop as a patrol passed beneath him, and he dangled precariously, praying furiously that no one gazed up.

  When he reached the other side, he almost sobbed.

  Climbing over the railing, he knelt on the sundeck and collected himself. When his legs were no longer shaking, he ran inside and down a set of stairs that led to the audience chamber. Instead of the elevator, he ran for the stairs and down a flight. The harem was kept here and so were Jenna’s treasures.

  A quivering hand reached for the knob and opened the door, but there was nothing on the other side. Nothing jumped out at him, there was no pain; it was just a hallway. Like most of the upper floors in the Temple, the hallway was circular, and all the rooms were to the inside. The harem’s rooms and Jenna’s playroom made up the entire floor. Ray wanted to run screaming as he stood in front of the playroom door. The books would be there. He had no doubt.

  The door swung open without a sound when he tried it. Of course, it would be. No one in their right mind would enter this space without invitation, and no one would want to receive one.

  Inside, the room was well-lit. A large metal table with straps sat center stage. Ray kept his eyes to the wall. An ornately carved wood door led to her toy closet. It was where she kept her most valuable possessions. He’d witnessed her pull out documents once after one of her sessions. It was in the same place as he remembered.

  An ancient metal safe sat at the back of the closet. The combination lock was long gone, so it was only a metal box. Ray swung the door open, and a siren began to sound. He glanced back in alarm. Fear glued his feet to the floor, and spots appeared in front of his eyes.

  They would catch him. When they did, he’d end up back in the harem.

  Cole would be so disappointed in him. Cole. Thinking about that handsome man calmed his nerves. He always seemed so cool and put together. He was magnificent when he led the others. It was true he’d have to stand in line. There were so many others that had expressed an interest in Cole while he was at the Enclave. He would have to be content with only admiring from afar.

  But the thought of his stern face was enough to galvanize him into action. On the top of a stack of papers were two journals. Weren’t there supposed to be more? Where were the rest? There was no time to continue the search. He reached in to grab them when he heard heavy footsteps from the outside hall.

  Shoving the books under his tunic, he plastered himself to the wall by the door. Biting his lips between his teeth, he did what he could to silence the ragged breathing.

  “Check the harem, and I’ll
check the playroom. The alarm is coming from this floor,” said a woman from the hall.


  There would be no saving him. He was on his own for this. A booted foot appeared in the doorway… and the lights went out.

  Ray wanted to cry with relief, but he knew he wasn’t safe yet. Shouldering past the blind Valkyrie hard, he ran to the stairs. She was yelling behind him, but it would take them a moment to find an alternative light source. By then he hoped to be gone.

  Racing down the stairs, he made it to the atrium in record time. He could make out the forms of Valkyrie running around and standing. He dashed past them and into the open air beyond. There was no reason to return to his rope, he opted for the front gate, running past the disoriented guards. Not stopping, he ran until he was outside of the city and kept going until he reached the trees.

  “Cole! I’m out. I got two of them,” There was no response.

  His only option was to get to the meeting point. Willow was there.

  Kofa had been making some progress with her. She’d been less angry the last time he spoke with her.

  As he approached the temporary campsite, he caught the strong metallic scent of blood mixed with the pine and sap of the forest. With renewed energy, he quickened his steps and skidded to a halt as his sister fought viciously with the last remaining A’amoth. He didn’t stand a chance, but Ray had to try and help.

  What he did was mindless. Instinctual. He should have known better, but all he could see was his baby sister. Reaching for him. Crying.


  Her blade cut through her opponent’s neck with ease and with the momentum of her swing, she turned carrying the weapon through a perfect arc that slashed hard across his belly.

  Eyes wide, she stepped back, covered in blood and gore and breathing heavily. “Ray?”

  Ray clutched his hand to his gut and dropped to his knees.

  “Damn it, Ray. Damn you.” She was gone.

  Ray collapsed onto his back, one hand tight to his stomach as hot fluid gushed over it. The other pulled the journals out of his tunic and pushed them as far from his bleeding body as he could get them. If he was going to die, at least he wouldn’t die having failed.

  “Cole… Willow free… she’s… coming.”



  “Behind you!” shouted Lafa. All pretense at not speaking was gone.

  Bending backward at the waist, Sonya avoided the swing of a sword aimed at her chest. Not that the warning made a difference. The moment she’d jumped out onto the field, she’d gone into full weapons mode. Now as she cut down one woman after another, she watched the action with the distance associated with observing a movie. Sonya found it strange to be a passenger in her own mind, but that’s what she was. Not too long ago the sight of someone dying at her hand would have sent her into a full panic attack. Just seeing the blood and gore alone would have triggered her. Did she hate these women that much? Whatever it was, it ate away at any remorse or regret she had for what was being done. Sonya wondered if she would recognize herself the next time she had a mirror.

  Unfortunately, using her Halo to defend herself had dire consequences.

  Power: 9%

  Keeping powered up and using her Halo weapons system was sapping what little power that was left. There was a real possibility that she wasn’t going to make it out alive.

  “Sonya! Power down! Do it now!” pleaded Cole.

  “Do what he says,” implored Keet. “We’ll protect you!”

  Lafa pressed against her back, and Keet maneuvered himself to protect her in front when the lights went out. She allowed the power to drain away, and the sword dropped from her hand.

  The dark was absolute after the blinding floodlights. Shades of green covered everything as night vision activated. There were screams and cries from the Valkyrie and Mother Superior to regroup giving them a slight reprieve.

  “Lirra, get your ass down here. Get these people out!” barked Cole.

  Sonya lifted her gaze enough to see the greenish-white figures of A’amoth converging down on them at the bottom of the arena. Searching for Cole next, she wanted to sob when she found him. Shoving blinded Valkyrie to the side, he waded through them in a straight line to her.

  “Cole!” she ran the last few feet remaining between them and jumped in his arms.

  “Oh, baby. You’ve had me so worried.” His arms around her were like a vice, but she didn’t mind. He licked his lips to wet them and then slid them across her own, but there was no time for romantic and sweet.

  Sonya shoved her tongue into his mouth. He moaned around her invasion and cupped the back of her head to hold her in place.

  “Really? Do we need a chaperone for you two as well,” teased Lafa. “We could use your help here.”

  Sonya realized she had wrapped her legs around his waist and put one foot at a time on the ground. Cole continued to hold her gaze.

  “I love you, Sonya.”

  “I love you, too. We should probably go, though.”

  Reluctantly, she turned away to find Lafa who was with Risa. They both were trying to get a woman to stand, who wouldn’t let go of a dead man.

  “No,” whispered Cole and brushed past her to kneel by the woman.

  “We have everyone out,” said Lirra. “You’re the last.”

  “I’m so sorry, Tessa,” said Cole.

  Risa was openly weeping.

  “Nor and Riley wouldn’t have wanted you to die here. Risa, pick her up. Dallas, I’ll lead you and Morgan out. Sonya stay close to me.”

  Sonya didn’t know who the woman was, but it was clear Cole and Risa both did. Risa, her inner light absent, dragged Tessa to her feet and flung the woman over her shoulder. Then Keet led the way with Lafa up the tiered steps and through the throngs of scared men, that trampled and pushed each other to find a way to safety in the dark. Cole held the hand of another person she didn’t know and towed him through the crowd as another clung to them both. Sonya did her best to keep up, but there were too many people.


  She desperately searched for him. The press of bodies making even her night vision useless. All she could see were people and the tiers took away her height advantage.

  She started pushing her way through when red lights illuminated the area.

  “Damn it! They have backups! Sonya, baby, please hurry!”

  “I’m trying!” Her heart was pounding, the desperation in his voice fueling her own fear. An elbow met her in the sternum, and she lost her balance. When she regained it, some of the men had cleared out, leaving an opening.

  Willow filled the gap. She was something out of a nightmare. There wasn’t an inch of her not covered in blood, and her eyes were wild.

  Sonya gasped at the sharp poke at her belly and dropped her gaze to the bloody sword pointed at her.

  “Sonya! I’m coming. Willow! I swear to all that’s holy, if you hurt her no one will be able to protect you from me!” bellowed Cole.

  Sonya moved backward, prompted by the hard prods until her feet were once again on the sand.

  Willow was able to communicate like the A’amoth? All the times she’d spoken with the others. She’d known. It left a sour taste in her mouth.

  Over the General’s shoulder Sonya caught sight of Cole again. A small group of Valkyrie surrounded him, and he was as bright as a beacon in the dull red lights. Her own guardian angel.

  “Soren! Cut the emergency power! Cut it. All power!”

  Sonya backed up until her foot landed on something hard. It was a sword! She bent down to grab it, but then she had a choice to make. She wouldn’t be able to fight on her own. Lacking real skill and experience, Willow would win hands down. Or she could power up and risk running out.

  A moment later the choice was out of her hands. The General charged her with a primal scream and Sonya had seconds to call up her defense. Warmth flooded her body as the nanobots went into action. Her arm raised like
a puppet on a string and blocked the attack.

  Power: 7%

  This wasn’t good. She needed to end this and get out with everyone else. The sound of women shouting and feet stamping came from behind her. Were the Valkyrie going after the others?

  “Risa, Keet, did you all get away?” asked Sonya.

  “We’re safe! You and Cole need to get out of there. More are coming. They’ll close off all the escape routes.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to make it.” Sonya backpedaled and then stopped to suddenly thrust forward.

  Power: 5%

  Warning: Low power. Critical failure imminent.

  “Cole, I’m losing power. I can’t maintain this,” she warned, kicking Willow in the gut sending her flying.

  Until now, she’d been using only the defensive part of her system, not wanting to really hurt anyone, but it came down to her or Willow.

  Halo? Activate Weapons System Offense.

  Weapons System Active: Offensive mode.

  Sonya lurched forward as her body no longer only defended attacks, but Willow was just as fast and was ready for everything she threw at her.

  “Sonya, we are coming,” said Keet and Talic together.

  No, this was all wrong. They couldn’t throw their lives away for her. She needed to end this, but there wasn’t anything she could do. She didn’t even have control of her own body.

  “Don’t! Don’t come back for me! If you get hurt, I couldn’t live with myself. Please!”

  Power: 3%

  Weapons system failure.

  Willow lunged as Sonya’s body became her own, and she wildly threw her arm out to try and stop it.

  Sonya barely moved out of the way in time. As she threw herself to the sand, a blade punched through Willow’s chest, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Cole flung her to the side, picking up Sonya.

  “Willow!” screamed Jenna.


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