Into the Lyons Den

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Into the Lyons Den Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “It is easier to deal with the officials if you allow them to do their job. What is the American saying? Kill them with kindness?”

  Chuckles filled the room, as the older family members nodded in agreement.

  “It will take a bit for them to see we are legitimate. We have to remember, most of these men had fathers who worked when Borkosky was in power.” Andrei turned to look at Mikhail. “I do not wish to show disrespect, but you must understand.”

  Mikhail lifted a hand in consent. “It is all right, Andrei. You speak the truth. I am not proud of my father’s … accomplishments.”

  Devin snorted and then laughed.

  Mikhail regarded the man at Andrei’s side. “Something amuses you?”

  “I wouldn’t use the word ‘accomplishments’ if I were you.”

  Mikhail stood and eyed the man from head to toe. “Just who are you?”

  Devin frowned comically. “Aw, did I hurt your fragile ego?” Devin glared at Mikhail Borkosky. “I don’t trust you. What’s more, I don’t like you.”

  “Devin…” Andrei began.

  “No, Andrei,” Mikhail walked over to the man. “Please, speak your mind -Devin is it?”

  “It’s Special Agent Lyons to you, Mikey.”


  “Yes,” Devin stood a couple inches shorter than the asshole, but he lifted his chin and smiled.

  “I know this name.” Mikhail furrowed his brows.

  “Yeah? Good, then you know how I operate.” Devin turned toward the men in the room. “I am in charge of Andrei’s safety from now on. I suggest you get used to it. I think the meeting is over?”

  Andrei stood up and shot Lyons a look. “Yes, I think we have said all there is to say for now. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.”

  The room cleared out slowly and Devin kept his eyes trained on Mikhail. He had stayed behind and Devin wasn’t leaving Andrei alone with the guy. Once the room was cleared completely, Mikhail crossed the room to Andrei.

  “Andrei? I was hoping we could have dinner one night?”

  Andrei hid the shock from his face and tried to smile. “I suppose that could be arranged.”

  “No fucking way.” Devin shook his head. “Why do you want to have dinner with Panchenko?” Devin’s brows arched as a flush dusted Mikhail’s cheeks. “You’ve got to be shitting me! You expect me to believe you want to date the man who killed your father?”

  “I do not broadcast my sexual preferences, Agent Lyons. I desire both men and women. I find Andrei to be exceptionally good looking.”

  “Well now,” Chris strolled into the room smiling. “We agree on something. Who’s this guy?”

  “Mikhail Borkosky,” Devin said wryly.

  “Borkosky?” Chris raised his brows. “As in Vladimir? That one?”

  “Yes,” Devin said sarcastically. “And he’s asking Panchenko out on a date. Suspicious much?”

  “Not everyone has an agenda, Agent Lyons. You seem to have forgotten that I married Vince, the man who killed my father,” Andrei snarled. He took Mikhail’s hand and smiled. “Please call, we shall set up a date and time. It was good to see you.” Andrei left the room and almost ran down the hall. He heard footsteps behind him and then he was grabbed by his bicep and spun around. Lyons was glaring at him.


  “Are you out of your freaking mind!?” Devin shouted.

  Andrei opened his mouth and was interrupted by Chris.

  “He’s right, Andrei. I have to agree with Agent Psycho.” Chris had to smile when Devin turned to glare at him. “I’m sorry – Special Agent Psycho. What? I did my homework on you. I am Andrei’s best friend.”

  “I am a grown man! If I want to go out on a date I will! Let me remind you of who you are and who I am, Agent Lyons. I make the decisions in this house! Do not make that mistake again!” Andrei stalked into his room.

  “Excuse us?” Chris said to Devin, before following Andrei into his room and shutting the door. “What the hell is going on? This is Vladimir’s son!”

  “I am lonely,” Andrei sighed. “Can I not go out on a date?”

  “With that guy? I mean granted, he’s good looking, but really? You’re not that hard up, Andrei.”

  “I miss the attentions of a man,” Andrei sat on the couch and looked up at Chris. “I miss being held and kissed. Is that so wrong that I wish to have that?”

  “No, it’s not wrong,” Chris sat down next to Andrei and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “But not with this guy. I do hate to agree with Lyons, but this is pushing it. Let me call Dimitri and ask him if I can hug you and kiss you.”

  Andrei chuckled at Christophe.

  “Besides, I can see who you really want.”

  Andrei stiffened. “It will not happen. I told you—”

  “Yes you did, but I see something you don’t.”


  “Attraction. Not to mention a protective streak a mile wide.”

  “He is just doing his job.”

  Chris shook his head. “No, I see it differently.” Chris hugged Andrei tightly. “I’m not going to tell you what to do, but please be careful.”


  Devin caught up to Mikhail as he was reaching his car. He spun the man around and glared at him. “You touch one hair on Andrei’s head and I will put you down.”

  Mikhail rested on his car and gave the agent a once over. “It seems to me that you are taking your job of bodyguard above and beyond. Could it be that you desire Andrei as well?”

  Devin laughed loudly. “Oh, and that would explain everything for you wouldn’t it? Let me make this crystal clear for you, Mikey. If I think for one second you are out to hurt Andrei, I’ll take a whole lot of pleasure in taking you apart.”

  “Another Vicious Vince Markov?” Mikhail leaned into the agent’s face.

  “No, I’m much, much worse. I have nothing to lose, which makes me your worst nightmare, Mikey. I knew your father and your brother, so I know how you assholes think - how you operate. Don’t test my words. You’ll fail.” Devin walked back towards the house.

  “So, I’ll see you on the date then?” Mikhail smiled. His grin dropped as Agent Lyons turned to look at him. Those eyes spoke volumes. Oh yes, the rumors of the man were quite true. Mikhail felt a chill as Lyons’ lips rose in a murderous grin.

  “You bet, Mikey. I look forward to it.”


  Devin stalked down the hallway in the morning with one thing on his mind. Coffee. And a lot of it. Andrei and Chris had kept him awake half the night giggling in the room and watching porn. Listening to men grunt and moan wasn’t doing him any favors. Devin turned down the hallway and stopped. A woman stood at the other end of the hallway talking to Ivan. Devin walked closer, trying to remain unseen but to listen in as well.

  “Is Daddy crazy? He can’t seriously think this Mikhail guy is honest? Leonid is dead, and all of a sudden Mikhail Borkosky comes into the picture? Doesn’t this seem a little too suspicious? I want someone watching Daddy at all times!”

  Ivan sighed. “Viktoriya…”

  Devin frowned. Viktoriya? Wasn’t that Vince Markov’s sister’s name?

  “I don’t get it, Ivan,” Viktoriya continued. “Why is he accepting a date from this guy?”

  Ivan opened his mouth and then noticed Agent Lyons. “Well, well, Agent. Good morning. I’d like you to meet Vince and Andrei’s daughter, Viktoriya.”

  Devin came to a stop in front of the woman and tilted his head. Long black hair with curls and slate grey eyes looked him over.

  “Daughter?” Devin asked.

  Viktoriya grinned. “Adopted from the orphanage in town. I shared my Pop’s sister’s name and he felt it was a sign.”

  “There’s no information on you…at all.” Devin stammered.

  “That is because we have kept her well hidden.”

  Devin turned to see Andrei walking toward them.

  “As sexist as it sounds, a female Panchenko
-Markov is prize kidnapping material.” Andrei came to a stop in front of his daughter and hugged her hard. “How have you been?”

  “Jet setting as always with my man,” Viktoriya winked. “I stopped in to see Katiana, too. She looks good.”

  “Katiana?” Devin felt like his head was going to explode.

  “Yes, she is Nikolai’s half-sister. Vince and I used the same surrogate as some friends of ours,” Andrei explained.

  “My head hurts now.” Devin sighed in frustration. Where was all this information being kept? Keegan had all the files on the Youngblood and Santorno families. Viktoriya was grinning at him. “What?”

  “I can see your little brain working overtime, Agent. You don’t really think the Youngbloods didn’t know they were under surveillance? How stupid do you think we are? Certain information is allowed to be seen. We give you just enough to think you’ve got the upper hand.”

  Andrei smiled at his daughter. Just like Nikolai, she had been trained in lethal combat and was extremely ruthless. She and her fiancé, Jared Youngblood, had met as children and were now a couple. “How long are you here for, darling? I have missed you.”

  “I’m here for a few days.” Viktoriya narrowed her eyes at her father. “What’s up with the Mikhail dude? Why the hell would you accept a date with this guy, Daddy?”

  Devin expelled a big breath. “Thank you!”

  Viktoriya noticed Christophe making his way down the hall and grinned.

  “Uh oh, the troublemaker is here!”

  Chris laughed. Reaching Viktoriya, he pulled her into his arms.

  “How are you? You look so good! Have you been getting it on?”

  “Christophe,” Andrei groaned.

  Devin had to laugh; Andrei looked green at the mention of his daughter’s sex life.

  “Now, now, Uncle Chris, you know I can’t discuss that in the company of my father. I’ll tell you later,” Viktoriya giggled. “How’s Evan?”

  “He’s good! Hanging out with Ryan.”

  Devin’s head bounced from Chris to Viktoriya as they chatted about the group of people he’d only read about—and that had only been some of them. He really needed to talk to Keegan. It was like the ‘Who’s on First’ comedy routine, except this one was ‘Who’s on Whom?’ He hadn’t realized he was being spoken to until Viktoriya was right in his face.

  “Excuse me?” Devin took a step back.

  “I asked if you were watching my dad’s back. My brother says you want him dead. Is that true, Agent?”

  Devin glanced over at Andrei to see a smirk in place. Bastard.

  “Yes, that is true, but I know what my job is here and I will keep him breathing.” Devin stood his ground as Viktoriya moved even closer.

  “I would hope so, Agent Lyons. You may not know who I am, but I can assure you, I am just as ruthless and vicious as the rest of my family.”

  Chris spluttered. “Ain’t that the truth!”

  Devin put his hand out. “You have my word.”

  Viktoriya smiled. Nikolai had told her the whole story about Agent Lyons and her dad. She could see the sexual tension around the two of them. She grasped the agent’s hand firmly. “Good to know.”

  Viktoriya turned her attention back to Chris. “So, where’s the vodka, lightweight?”

  “Oh them’s fightin’ words, Precious!” Chris laughed.


  Throughout the course of the day, Devin sat back and listened to not only Chris, but Andrei talking about Viktoriya’s life. She hadn’t escaped the Markov-Panchenko lifestyle completely. She’d had her own crosses to bear throughout the years. Andrei was very sweet with his daughter and Devin had to hold back a smile more than once watching the two of them together. Andrei would absentmindedly pull his daughter’s curls as he spoke. Devin could tell Viktoriya loved Andrei with all her heart. He listened in as Viktoriya recalled the story of Andrei’s trip to the orphanage, how he had always brought her a different doll every time. How he doted on her and all the other children. Andrei yawned and stretched his arms out.

  “I shall retire,” Andrei stood.

  “I’ll come with you, Daddy.” Viktoriya stood as well and regarded the FBI agent in charge of watching her father’s ass. “I hope you do your job well, Agent. It would be a shame if you disappeared.”

  Christophe snickered.

  “You are a Panchenko, aren’t you?” Devin grinned.

  “To the core, Agent.” Viktoriya took Andrei’s hand. “Come on, Daddy.”


  Andrei opened his bedroom door and went straight for the bed. The vodka was going to his head. He felt the bed dip and smiled at his daughter sitting on the edge.

  “What is it?” Andrei took her hand.

  “You like this guy, Daddy. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Do not be ridiculous,” Andrei scoffed.

  Viktoriya crawled on the bed and snuggled into her father.

  “I can see it, Daddy. The way you look at him, it’s the way you used to look at Pops.” Viktoriya’s brows furrowed. “Except there’s more to this guy, isn’t there? I’ve never seen you lose control like this.”

  “I have not lost control,” Andrei objected quickly.

  “But you have. If I can see how you feel about him, what makes you think he can’t? What is it about this guy? Because he yells at you? Wants you dead? That worries me.”

  Andrei sighed in frustration and rubbed his face with his hands. “Why is it everyone thinks I am suddenly a helpless kitten? I find the agent attractive, yes, but only because no man has ever spoken to me the way he does.”

  “You want to bang him,” Viktoriya giggled.

  “You have spent too much time with your brother,” Andrei laughed.

  “Nik feels the same way. He also thinks the agent has the hots for you.” Viktoriya studied her dad’s face. “What?”

  “Christophe seems to think the same.”

  “Well see? There ya go! Turn on your sexy charm, Dad.”

  “What sexy charm?” Andrei chuckled.

  “Come on, all the guys think you’re hot; hell, women think you’re hot, too. You’ve got that sexy smoldering Russian mob boss thing going for you.”

  “Do not forget my mouthwatering ass,” Andrei laughed.

  Viktoriya’s nose twitched. “Ew. I’ve heard Uncle Chris say that more than once, though. I just want to see you happy, Daddy. You deserve it.”

  “Maybe I will be, someday,” Andrei sighed.

  “I love you, Daddy.” Viktoriya squeezed him.

  “I love you, too.”


  After Monday’s meeting, Andrei didn’t think he’d hear from Mikhail – but he called Wednesday. Andrei paced his room while getting ready for the date. He hadn’t been out on a date in over twenty years. The divorce from Vince had left him vulnerable, and Lyons’ teasing didn’t help. Andrei looked in the mirror. Grey eyes looked back. Why was he so nervous? Mikhail was just a man. Right? Andrei shaved and rinsed his face. He applied gel to his hair and styled it. He left the bathroom to see Christophe placing clothes on his bed. He had to smile. Christophe had been the one man he could count on through everything.

  Andrei crossed the room and inspected the clothing on the bed. He picked up a pair of leather pants and eyed Christophe with raised brows.

  “What? I have always said you have a spectacular ass. Put them on.”

  “I do not think Mikhail is taking me out to a restaurant where people wear leather pants.”

  “Okay, then. Just put them on for me,” Chris pleaded. “And then do a little dance.”

  Andrei stifled a laugh and put the pants back on the bed. He picked up the dress slacks and pulled them on.

  “So,” Chris crawled on the bed and watched Andrei sifting through shirts. “Are you going to kiss this guy goodnight?”

  “I do not know. I guess we will see how the date goes.”

  “I know who you’d like to kiss,” Chris waggled his eyebrows.
/>   “Oh? And who might that be?”

  Andrei spun around to see Lyons leaning against the doorframe.

  “Do you not knock?” Andrei scowled.

  Devin pulled his gun from the waistband of his pants and knocked it on the door.

  “Better?” Devin pushed off the door frame and crossed the room to the bed. He put his gun back, and picked up a grey long sleeved dress shirt and handed it to Andrei. “Wear this.”

  “I do not want to.” Andrei shook his head.

  “Um, Andrei. He’s actually right, that color will pop your eyes out.”

  “I wish my eyes to stay in my head.” Andrei put the shirt back on the bed.

  “Yes, but wouldn’t you like to get freaky on the bed?” Chris laughed as Andrei sighed in frustration.

  “Well, I got the schematics of the restaurant he’s taking you to and it’s ritzy. So dress nice.” Devin walked to the door.

  “You did what?” Andrei turned slowly.

  Devin shrugged. “It’s my job to keep you alive. I’ll do what I have to do and let me make this clear right now. I don’t like Mikhail Borkosky and I don’t trust him with you. Period. He uses the butter knife and I’m blowing his brains out.”

  “What if he has a bread roll?” Chris chuckled.

  “He better use a finger then.” Devin left the room, running right into Viktoriya. “Excuse me.”

  “Ohhh, yeah, he’s jealous.” Chris fell back on the bed in a fit of laughter.

  Andrei grinned. “Shut up.”


  Andrei turned to find Viktoriya in the open doorway.


  “Agent Do-Right seems angry.” Viktoriya walked into the room and flopped onto the bed with Chris.

  “It’s because your dad is going out with a hot guy,” Chris snickered.

  “Will you stop?” Andrei narrowed his eyes at Christophe.

  “What! It’s true! He threatened to kill Mikhail if he so much as picked up the butter knife.”

  “Maybe I should plant one on him?” Viktoriya grinned maliciously.


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