Into the Lyons Den

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Into the Lyons Den Page 18

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

“Not sure yet.” Devin furrowed his brows. “Tanner just doesn’t seem to fit my personality.”

  “They should have named you dickwad,” Andrei deadpanned.

  “God, I love you so much, babe,” Devin smiled and took Andrei into his arms.

  Jason shook his head with a smile. “Who would have thought it? Andrei Panchenko and my little bro.”

  Devin narrowed his eyes at Jason and Josh. “How long did you guys wait to be together?” Devin almost laughed out loud as both of them shifted nervously.

  “Almost two years,” Jason finally managed.

  “Eh.” Devin shrugged. “Good enough.”

  “Can we go in now?” Andrei took Devin’s hands.

  “Yeah, Mom and Dad are going to want to talk to you. Maybe we can do lunch tomorrow?” Jason asked nervously.

  Devin took Andrei’s face in his hands. “You want to do lunch with the parentals?”

  “Yes, I think that would be nice.”

  “Okay then, we’ll do lunch.” Devin started walking back towards the house. He turned and looked at Josh and Jason following behind. “You only have one kid, right?”

  “Yes,” Jason said.

  “Thank God. If I have to figure out any more nephews I’m going to lose my mind. Can’t you guys come up with original names?”

  “Josh is mine biologically,” Jason said. “So I felt he should be named after his other father.”

  “Wonderful,” Devin sighed.

  “Well, the other kids will call you uncle,” Josh said with a laugh. “We are all ‘uncle’ to them.”

  “When we have a child, Andrei, we are naming him Bob.” Devin kept walking.

  “Bob?” Andrei’s brows pinched in thought. Then he stopped in the middle of the path. “Wait…when we have a child?” Andrei stammered.

  Jason grinned. “Well, we’ll just see you inside, huh? Looks like this conversation is going to be fun.”

  “You don’t like Bob?” Devin grinned, nodding to Jason and Joshua as they walked past. He walked slowly towards Andrei. “Okay, how about Elmer?”

  “Is that not a glue?”

  Devin walked closer. “How about Stanley?”

  “The carpet cleaners?”

  “How do you know that?” Devin chuckled.

  “The song is very catching. And annoying.”

  Devin stood in front of Andrei. “Marry me, Andrei.”

  “Do not do this to placate my fragile ego.” Andrei searched Devin’s eyes.

  “Oh I’m not. I’m doing this because I love you and I want you to know how much. The reason I’ve been alone all this time is because I only wanted you. I’ve never told another human being I loved them—at least not as Devin Lyons. I could never get close to anyone — until you. It’s always been you, Andrei, and it always will be. Even if I do remember my old life at some point, the feelings I have in this life are stronger. So marry me, Andrei. Make me Devin Panchenko, or Tanner Panchenko, whatever,” Devin chuckled.

  “You would take my last name?” Andrei’s eyes widened.

  “Well, sure, why not? Andrei Lyons or Andrei McKinley just doesn’t have that same level of fear attached to it. I could be Panchenko Lyons...or Devin Lyons Panchenko, maybe even Tanner McKinley Lyons Panchenko…”


  “What?” Devin looked up at Andrei.

  “I said yes. I will marry you, Devin.”

  “Yeah? Really?” Devin grinned from ear to ear.

  “Yeah.” Andrei did his best American accent. “I’ll marry you, dude.”

  “Oh God, don’t do that,” Devin laughed. “That’s freaky. I love your Russian accent.” He sobered. “I’ll tell you right now, though, if you think I’m going to become some blubbering girl all of a sudden, you’ll be waiting a long time for that. I’m still me.”

  “Thank God,” Andrei exhaled. “If you changed how you are, you would not be the man I fell in love with.” Andrei leaned in and kissed Devin. “My ruthless killer,” he whispered.

  “And you are mine,” Devin whispered back.

  “Well, shall we go deal with the masses?”

  Devin looked at the house. Laughter poured from it.

  “Yes, lets.”


  By the time they reached Andrei’s house, Devin could barely stand he was so tired. After the crying and laughing and hugging, he was drained emotionally as well. He’d decided to stick with being called Devin — for now. Just because his name was Tanner, didn’t mean he had to go by that. It would take some getting used to. He fell into bed and Andrei began stripping him. He watched his fiancé with a smile. Andrei carefully unzipped his pants and slid the jeans down his legs. Devin rolled over on his side and watched Andrei stripping. The man was beautiful.

  “Damn, you do have a nice ass,” Devin chuckled softly.

  “So I hear.” Andrei sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you sure you are okay?”

  Devin pulled Andrei down on top of him. “Yes, I am. Are you sure you are? You started out with Devin Lyons and ended up with Tanner McKinley.”

  “I love you, no matter what your name is. You saved my life, Devin.” Andrei ground his hard cock on Devin’s hip. “I want to make love to both of you.”

  Devin grinned. “Oh, hurt me, baby.”

  Andrei growled and gripped Devin by the nape of his neck. “Do not tempt me.”

  “Oh God, that’s so fucking hot.”

  Andrei smiled wickedly and made his way down Devin’s body. He stopped to give attention to a pert nipple, nibbling and sucking the taut flesh. Devin’s hands threaded into his hair and Andrei made his way lower, sliding his tongue in a circle around Devin’s belly button. He bit softly, sucking the skin and leaving a mark. Andrei looked up to see Devin’s chest heaving, his hands trying not to grip Andrei’s hair too tightly. He turned his attention to the beautiful cut cock currently leaking precum from the tip. Andrei lapped the pearly bead and ran his tongue around the rim, flicking the nerves expertly. Devin groaned, arching his back. Andrei buried his face in the soft hair at the base of Devin’s prick and inhaled the clean, manly scent of the man he loved. He gave equal attention to both testicles before taking Devin to the root.

  Devin gripped the sheets, pulling them from the mattress. Andrei kept the suction tight, bobbing up and down all while fingering Devin’s entrance. Andrei slid his finger in and an explosion erupted in his mouth. He swallowed some and used the rest on his cock. With one thrust, he entered Devin and bottomed out. Devin’s cry lodged in his throat and he gripped Andrei’s biceps, eyes wide, pupils blown.

  “You are mine,” Andrei growled, nipping at Devin’s lips. “Say it!” Andrei slammed into Devin.

  “I’m yours!” Devin’s eyes went wide as Andrei came unglued above him. The constant pounding of his prostate took his breath away as Andrei continued to slam into him as if he couldn’t get deep enough. Andrei came with a roar, gripping the headboard and thrusting his hips as his orgasm tore through him. The muscles in Andrei’s abs contracted as he continued to come inside him. Devin lost it. He threw his head back and almost screamed as another orgasm ripped through him. Andrei collapsed on top of him, breathing hard. Devin wrapped his arms around Andrei and buried his face in his hair.

  “Fuck, we should find out I’m someone else more often,” Devin rasped.

  Andrei chuckled until they both fell into full-blown laughter.

  “Ow, my ass,” Devin laughed harder.

  “Did I hurt you?” Andrei pulled his head up with effort.

  “It’s a good hurt.” Devin caressed Andrei’s face.

  “I love you, Agent Asshole,” Andrei chuckled softly.

  “I love you, too. Russian ass.”

  “That is the best you can come up with?”

  “I’ll think of something better tomorrow.”

  “We should get cleaned up.”

  “No, don’t pull out yet.” Devin held Andrei in place. “I like this, just the two of us, connected.”

  Andrei laid
his head on Devin’s shoulder and closed his eyes.



  “Do you want another child?”

  Andrei smiled. “I would love another child.”

  “Aren’t you a little old?” Devin cracked up as Andrei pinched his nipple. “Ow, kidding.”

  “Shhh, go to sleep.”

  “Cleaning up?”

  “Tomorrow,” Andrei mumbled.

  “Love you.” Devin closed his eyes.

  “I love you.” Andrei inhaled the scent of Devin. They would figure everything out. They had time.


  The next two days brought not only all of James’ teams together, but the Santorno and Youngblood teams as well. Devin gave up trying to remember everyone’s names. He got along with all of them, though. They were a funny group of guys. All the stories of how they met, fell in love, married and had children were hilarious. He heard which fathers had been the ‘crazy’ ones – the ones who punched doctors when they gave shots and picked fights with teachers they thought were unfair. He’d met the kids, too. Some of the couples had decided to use the same surrogates for some of their children, so there were several half-siblings among the children. (Devin had been relieved to find out that they weren’t the ones who were dating.) All in all, they were a lot like his own group without the ‘special’ guys they had. Meaning werewolves.

  The lunch with his parents had been okay as well. His mother and father didn’t push, just asked if they could call him now and then. He’d hugged them goodbye and Andrei promised they would see them more often. Andrei had been great through all of it. Devin looked out at the setting sun and closed his eyes as warmth covered his features. He still couldn’t remember his old life, but he’d seen enough pictures of himself to know he truly was Tanner McKinley. Devin opened his eyes and looked at the headstone in front of him. It sat up on a hill with a large willow tree shading it. White roses were all around and wedding rings sat on top of the headstone.

  He’d come out here at Andrei’s request. Maybe Andrei thought seeing his own headstone would trigger something. Devin picked up the bands and looked them over. An inscription was on one of them and Devin tilted it into the setting sun.

  “For all eternity,” a voice said behind him.

  Devin looked over his shoulder to see Joshua Reynolds.

  “That’s what the inscription says.”

  “Eternity was cut short, wasn’t it?” Devin put the ring back on the headstone.

  Josh ran his hands through his hair. “I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. One minute you were talking to me, the next…” Josh looked out over the lake. “It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life; instead I sat in the corner of your room holding your lifeless body in my arms begging you to come back to me.”

  “You healed, though.”

  Josh nodded. “It took a long time. I didn’t want to come back to this life, these people. Everything reminded me of you. I went to Greece for four months and tried to forget. Then one day Jason showed up.”

  “Even if I could remember everything, that life is gone. I’m in love with Andrei and you are in love with Jason.” Devin eyed Josh. “Why did you come here?”

  “To say goodbye for good. You’re here and I still love Jason and that will never change.”

  “You guys take good care of my headstone,” Devin smiled.

  “We’re here for every single one of your birthdays, Christmases and just about any other holiday we could think of. We always came here to celebrate your life.”

  Devin ran his hand along the beautiful marble stone. “At least I know I was loved.”

  “You are now, too. Andrei loves you, I can see it. He deserves to be loved after everything he went through.”

  “I would die for that man.” Devin said it out loud and realized he meant it. He looked at Josh; he was smiling. “Just like you would for Jason.”

  “Ain’t love grand?”

  “Hell yeah, it is.” Devin put his hand out to Josh. “So, you coming to the wedding?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Josh shook Tanner’s hand.

  “Good, I’d hate to have to kick your ass.”

  Josh chuckled.


  Devin found Andrei on the deck relaxing on a lounge chair with a beer. God but the man was beautiful. He snuck up the stairs only to hear Andrei chuckling.

  “I can hear you.”

  “Damn, I was hoping at your age you’d be losing your hearing,” Devin chuckled.

  Andrei sat up and cocked a brow at his fiancé. “Oh?”

  Devin sat on the edge of the lounge chair and ran his fingers softly over Andrei’s face.

  “You don’t look a day over twenty.”

  Andrei closed his eyes as Devin’s fingers trailed his lips. “If you keep talking like that, you may have to make love to me.”

  Devin stood up and pulled Andrei with him. Walking backwards, he smiled. “Oh, and that would be horrible.”

  “So horrible.” Andrei pulled Devin’s shirt off.

  “Last one to the bed tops.”

  Andrei ran.


  Andrei stood under the cover of the garden gazebo in a tux and smiled at the man in front of him. Devin looked dashing in his own tux, red rose tucked into the lapel. They had come to Russia to get married and everyone had come with them. All in all, over fifty people gathered to watch Andrei and Devin take their vows - all of them family in one way or another. Andrei’s hands were sweating as Devin gently circled the top of his hand with his thumb. The man who stood before him still fought with him, still threatened him and still turned him on like no other. It had been a month since they’d been back in Russia and Devin had threatened to strangle him just yesterday. It was arousing as all hell.

  “Do you, Andrei Alexei Panchenko, take Tanner Michael McKinley and/or Devin Lyons as your lawfully wedded husband?”

  There were small chuckles throughout the crowd.

  “I do.” Andrei slipped the band on Devin’s finger. “Always.”

  “And do you—”

  “Yes, I do.” Devin slid the ring on Andrei’s finger and lifted it to his lips. “Always, Andrei.”

  “Well, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss each other.”

  “Thanks for the permission, padre,” Devin winked, pulling Andrei into his arms. Their lips met amid loud shouts and clapping. Andrei smiled against his lips and Devin dipped him, stealing a far more erotic kiss.

  “Oh hell yeah!” Nikolai shouted. He turned to look at Chance, who slapped a fifty into his hand. “Easiest money I ever made.”

  Chance sighed and then smiled as Devin kept kissing Andrei. “Do you think they’ll come up for air soon?”

  Nikolai shrugged. His eyes met with Colin’s, who was standing across the way with his fathers. Colin averted his eyes and Nikolai sighed in frustration.

  “You want me to put a spell on him?” Chance whispered conspiratorially.

  “No. When Colin comes to me it will be of his own free will.”

  “And he will.” Chance punched Nikolai’s shoulder lightly. “He’s got it bad for you, anyone can see that.”

  Nikolai laughed. Devin was still kissing his dad. “Hey! I’m hungry! Sometime today, guys!” Nikolai laughed as Devin waved him off.

  The mansion had actually been crowded. Some of the guests had departed —the ones who weren’t part of their merry little band of killers. That left James and Derek Jacobs and their men, along with Damon Santorno and his son, Stefan, and all their men. Devin eyed the ginormous wedding cake in the middle of the large ballroom. He and Andrei had actually behaved while feeding a piece to each other. The guests who knew of their past had held a tablecloth over themselves as the cake was cut and fed. Andrei had called them chicken shits - nothing wrong with a little wedding cake on your tux, right? Devin chuckled and eyed the room again. He’d wandered into it once before out of curiosity and had been told it had been used in
the past for charity events. The kitchen was off to the right, hidden by two double doors. Andrei stood to the right of him, sipping his champagne. Devin had, of course, helped Dimitri test all the glasses first. He wasn’t taking any chances with his husband’s safety. Stefan strolled over to the group with a smile. James extended his hand and they shook.

  “Well, I’m glad we finally met in person.” Stefan motioned to his husband. “You remember Jordan?” Stefan chuckled.

  “It hasn’t been that long since we’ve met,” James smiled, shaking the other man’s hand. “I hear you’re a genius.”

  Jordan snorted. “Well, they haven’t come up with a better word for my far superior intellect.”

  Stefan rolled his eyes, and then turned his attention again to James. “I hear Caden Fournier is here along with Riley Flynn-Esposito and Wayne Maccon?”

  “Yes.” James got the attention of the men in question and waved them over.

  “I would love to give to their cause.” Stefan turned to greet the men as they approached. He shook their hands and eyed them all. “I had an idea for you to raise money, if you are interested? I have done it before and made millions for my causes.”

  Riley nodded. “We would love to hear it.”

  “Oh God, no Dad!”

  Riley turned at the voice. Two men stood side by side. “Hello, who might you be?”

  “I’m Heath Youngblood and this is my husband, Caleb. If my dad is suggesting what I think he is, you’ll be seeing a lot of flesh.”

  Riley cocked an eyebrow. “Is that right?”

  Caleb looked around the room at all the men standing around. He chuckled. “We could make billions with this group.”

  Andrei’s eyes widened. “You are not speaking of the striptease?”

  “A what?” Wayne choked on his champagne.

  Stefan laughed. “They weren’t completely naked.”

  “No, but it was cold!” Heath grumbled. “And some woman grabbed my junk last time.”

  Caleb raised both eyebrows. “We all got our junk grabbed, but we made a fortune.”

  Devin looked at Andrei. “Did you strip?”



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