12- Open Your Eyes: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 12

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12- Open Your Eyes: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 12 Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “I’m sorry I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to be that guy,” Arron said softly so only Victor could hear him. “How are you doing?” He asked. If someone else had asked him that he probably would have said something sarcastic and walked away, but Arron was a genuinely gracious and caring individual.

  He wasn’t asking because he wanted to know the scoop. He was asking because he wanted to know if he could help. The man was a treasure and Victor decided then and there that he was going to put some effort into making this man his friend.

  “Not well,” Victor said in all honesty and gave Arron a quick glance before looking around the room. “But I can’t force someone to be with me, and I need to accept that.”

  Arron placed his hand on Victor’s arm, garnering his attention. “Don’t give up stay open to the possibilities. You two belong together, and he will find his way back to you. Don’t harden your heart, don’t miss out on this extraordinary fated union.”

  “I won’t give up.” He said and meant it. Arron smiled, grabbed his tray, and headed off to his section of the great room. Victor had underestimated Arron’s perception and depth and his ability to give sound advice. He was definitely friend material.

  Victor was not giving up on his beloved. He had no clue as to Grant’s feelings at the moment. He’d shut himself off from their burgeoning connection as an act of self-preservation. But this was his beloved, there would be no other, and he had to try and at least talk to him. He thought of his phone and decided that he would get it operational and see if his beloved had reached out to him.

  The possibility that he hadn’t hit Victor like a punch to the gut, and he quickly pushed the thought from his mind. He glanced over to where Caspian had been sitting, and the table was empty, with a sigh of relief he picked up his tray and got back to work. He’d take his break at twelve and then finish out the night.


  Although he knew it was futile, Grant tried once again to call Victor. He just needed to be doing something positive, even if it was fruitless. Then he had a thought, a real and constructive thought for a change. He hit Kristof’s number and waited.

  “Hello Grant, what can I do for you?” He answered.

  “I need your help.” Without going into too many of the gory details, Grant explained his position and his desire to see his mate. “He hasn’t spoken to me since that final phone call. I need to explain myself and beg his forgiveness, but so far, he has refused contact.” There was silence for a few moments as Grant waited to see if Kristof would help him. As a mated Alpha wolf, he must understand Grant’s need to be with Victor and heal the rift between them.

  “He’s working, he took on some hours tonight and will be going on break at midnight. He usually takes his break outside on the bench by the back door off the kitchen. It’s secluded back there, and he likes the fresh night air.” Grant listened closely, wondering what the plan would be. “I’ll get you inside. You can go out the back door of the garage and walk around to the back of the Club and meet him there at the bench.”

  “Thank you,” Grant told him as he let out the breath he’d been holding. Finally, a plan and a way forward, he hoped.

  “He will be able to see you coming, and if he runs from you back inside the Club, don’t follow. I can’t authorize you to be inside and in pursuit, if he doesn’t want to talk to you. Do you understand?” Kristof made himself crystal clear.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “If that happens, call me, and we’ll figure something out. You’re his mate; he won’t be able to deny you for long.” Kristof was both a hard-liner and understanding when delivering his instructions, which was the sign of a good leader and Alpha. “Go to the garage at midnight you will have permission to enter the back lot.”

  “I appreciate your help, sir.”

  “Don’t fuck it up.”

  “I won’t.”


  Victor dropped his tray at the bar and headed out back with a bottle of water. He was more than ready for a break, not that it was busy, but the activity in his head was exhausting him. The image of Grant Dorsey all gorgeous and sweaty kept popping into his mind and making him yearn for the wretched wolf. As soon as he got off at two, he would fix his phone and check for texts or calls and come morning; he would go to Andrew and withdraw Grant’s name from the banned list.

  He admitted that it had been petty to put Grant’s name on the list. He claimed it was for his own mental health, but in reality, it was the only way he could strike back at him. At the time, it was satisfying, but now it just seemed childish. He wondered how he would react and what he would say the next time he saw Grant, if he ever saw him again.

  He was deep in thought when he heard someone approaching on his right. He turned to see the object of his obsession coming around the back of the Club and walking towards him. Grant’s clear and clean scent of evergreen washed over Victor stimulating nerves and heightening awareness. The sight of him was pure exhilaration and had Victor wanting to jump and run to meet him, but he didn’t; he stayed seated and waited for Grant to come to him.

  Grant’s eyes zeroed in and never left him, and they seemed to sear right through to his soul. The closer he got, the faster he moved. Was he anxious and pleased to see him? Victor needed to open his heart to know, but he was still too tender from the last assault to risk such pain again.

  His beloved looked so good in his t-shirt and jeans, and his hair messed up. The ruggedness of his features was highlighted by the stark light of the backlot making him seem even more handsome than Victor remembered. It had been two days since he’d last seen Grant, and it seemed like forever. The closer he came, the harder Victor’s heartbeat nearly pounding out of his chest.


  Grant hurried to the Club. He was being given a chance, and he wasn’t about to waste any time. He parked across the street and headed to the garage; thankfully, the guards there were expecting him, and he didn’t have to go into explanations. One escorted him to the back door and showed him which way to go from there.

  It was dark in the back lot except for a few lights on the periphery and a few along the back wall. The minute he cleared the side of the building, he could clearly see his mate and his scent was heavenly. Not having had the pleasure of that beautiful tender sweetness for so long, he greedily drank it in.

  The rush of excitement at having his mate so close caused his wolf to push forward not to take over but to see their mate. His wolf was at peace for the first time in days. The power of the presence of one’s mate was absolute.

  He watched as Victor saw him and at first looked startled and then settled back on the bench. It didn’t seem as though he were going to bolt. If Victor had run from him back inside the building, it would have crushed him.

  The fear of losing him forever was a desperate and intense feeling and left Grant ready to do anything, say anything, become anything his mate desired. There were no limits for regaining Victor’s favor. How he could have ever said those things to his mate was unimaginable to him now.

  When Grant stood in front of him, Victor dropped his head to gaze at his hands, which he held knotted together between his knees. Insecurity and uncertainty were coming off him in waves making Grant feel like a heartless asshole. He didn’t wait and abruptly dropped to his knees on the cold and damp asphalt.

  “I’m sorry.” He said and raised his right hand, wishing he could touch his mate, but knowing that acceptance was unlikely. He placed his hand on the edge of the bench beside Victor just as close as he could without actually touching him. “What I said was groundless and cruel. The only excuse that I have, and it is weak and not worthy of you, is that I was recently played for a fool by someone I thought was true. The embarrassment was doubled by the fact that I’m a detective trained to recognize lies and deception and yet I bought the whole package. It resulted in a brutal and stinging public humiliation. I was still raw from that interaction when the guard told me about you.”

/>   “Were you in love with this person?” Victor’s question caught him by surprise. He shook his head and moved his hand to rest gently against the side of Victor’s thigh. He needed the contact.

  “No, but I thought we were being honest with one another.” Grant paused, wanting to get away from discussing his ex and get back to the subject of forgiveness. “I’m sorry that I reacted so harshly and unfair when presented with gossip about you. You are my mate, and I don’t care about your past. All I care about is our future together. I swear to you that nothing else matters.” Grant brought his left hand up to rest on Victor’s other side and moved a few inches closer. His body trembled for want of him. “Please forgive me, take me back.” Victor had his eyes closed, and it was clear he was struggling. “Please open your eyes, love. Open your eyes and see me.”

  Victor could smell the truth of his words, but what about the next time Grant got angry, would he once again throw hateful words at him? Would this be his life or does Grant really not care about the past? “I believe you. I believe that you’re sorry. You called me a whore because someone told you that I slept around, and it brought back bad memories for you. What guarantee do I have that it won’t happen again next time someone upsets you?”

  “It won’t ever happen again. These past few days have devastated me, and my wolf is inconsolable. I tried to apologize immediately after the words were out of my mouth, but you hung up and then wouldn’t answer my calls or texts. I’ve been trying to fix this. I know what I did and how it affected us both, and I will never do it again.” Victor heard and recognized the plea in his tone and wanted to pull Grant into his arms, but things between them weren’t settled yet. Things needed to be put to right or this hurt would forever hang between them.

  “I smashed my phone when you called me a whore. I threw it against the wall. I haven’t received any of your calls or texts.” Victor decided that he needed to explain himself. Grant would hear his side of the story, not just the guards.

  “I haven’t been an angel, but I haven’t hurt anyone either. No promises were made, and no expectations existed apart from the physical. Everyone knew the score, and that was, I didn’t do commitments.” Victor felt Grant tensing as he continued his explanation, but he didn’t interrupt, and he appeared to be listening.

  “A couple of guys got possessive, and I broke it off immediately, which caused some problems, but they got over it. Unfortunately, one guard and I believe him to be the one who spoke to you, didn’t get over it. His resulting behavior caused him to be passed over for a promotion, and he has blamed me for that misfortune to this day.”

  “Bastard,” Grant mumbled.

  “Yeah, he is that.” Victor agreed. “Anyway, after my brother Simon met his beloved Killian, I realized that was the kind of connection I wanted. I wanted real love and devotion, not meaningless sex, so I stepped back, and for the past ten months, I have been with no one. I think that maybe I knew in some far corner of my mind that you were coming.” Victor gave a sad smile and finally looked up at Grant capturing his gaze and holding it.

  “You are a far better man than I,” Grant admitted and moved to slip both hands up to rest gently on Victor’s hips. Victor liked the feel of his beloved’s hands-on him in such a loving way. He wanted to forgive him, and he would forgive him, but he needed one more assurance.

  “Will you love and honor me above all others? Will you be faithful and true?” Victor put his greatest fear out there for consideration. After the cruelty of his remarks, Victor wondered if Grant could fully commit to him body and soul or if there would always be a shadow of distrust.

  “I swear to you on my life and everything that I hold dear that I will love, honor, support, and provide for you. I will hold you in my heart above all others, and I will be faithful and true to you, our bond and our future together.”


  Grant poured his heart into every word willing his mate to accept and forgive. These few minutes here with his mate in this back lot would shape the rest of his life. He could not afford to hold back or dare to put a foot wrong. He could feel his mate wavering and the desire they had for one another churning around them.

  Victor was softening, and their bond was helping to ease the divide. Those soft blue eyes so full of sadness and disappointment were now looking at him with hope and anticipation. Their connection was growing stronger, and Grant’s wolf urged him forward, and this time, he did not dissuade. He leaned in and took Victor’s lips in a kiss that was tender and yet begged for more.

  He pulled back and ran his fingers through Victor’s hair, holding him as he searched his sweet little face for understanding. “I am so sorry I made things so hard and messy. If it hadn’t been for my childish, self-centered behavior, we would be . . .” He didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence because Victor cut him off.

  “No, we aren’t going there ever again. I forgive you, and we have put the past behind us where it will stay.” He was forceful and firm, and Grant felt his heartbreak with gratitude and relief. Grant stood up and extended his hand to Victor who took it readily. He pulled him to his feet and then wrapped his arms around him pulling him in for a desperate embrace.

  “Let’s go to my place.” He said, and Victor nodded looking expectant and happy for the first time. His mate was genuinely smiling, and it was the single most spectacular event of his life so far. His mate had forgiven him and was looking forward to their time together; everything was right in his world. What a blessing and joy to have his mate by his side once again.

  They stood silently, holding one another breathing in the scent and awareness of each other. The bond had been strained but thankfully not broken. Never again would Grant take for granted what was a rare and special gift. The love and regard he felt for his mate was without parallel. He kissed the top of his beautiful head and began to turn him towards the side back door of the garage.

  “Do you need anything, or can we just go?” He whispered into his ear, eager to be on their way. “My car is parked across the street. We can go through the garage. I’m not really dressed for cutting through the club.” He smiled and kissed Victor’s cheek anxious to get this little man in his home and into his bed. The need to claim was on him fierce and focused, and nothing was going to get in his way.

  “Let’s go,” Victor said, and before they could take the first step, Grant heard movement from beyond the perimeter lights. He stopped and remained still as he listened. It was there again, movement and it wasn’t one, it was many.

  Grant turned abruptly and pushed Victor behind him. “What is it?” Victor asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Go inside, please.” Grant urged Victor towards the kitchen entrance while never taking his eyes off the approaching shadowed figures. “They’re after me, and I don’t want you getting hurt.” Grant assumed this was related to the perceived threats against him regarding Julian’s demise. He hadn’t put much stock it when he was warned, but apparently Jordan Turnbull was more of a danger and had more pull than he realized.

  As the men approached fanning out, it became clear to Grant that they were not human. The leader, a large imposing individual with murderous intent, was a vampire as were the men with him. That struck Grant as odd, how would Turnbull have access to such men as these?

  ‘I’m not leaving you here.” Victor declared and tried to step up beside Grant. “I’m not helpless.” He insisted when Grant did not respond but stepped to the side, countering his move in order to keep Victor behind him.

  Victor wasn’t clear as to what was happening, but Grant’s cautious intensity put him on alert. The group that was coming forward from the darkness exuded a growing animosity the closer they came, and that animosity felt strangely familiar to Victor. When the leader stepped into the light, Victor understood, and fear clenched at his chest.

  “They’re not here for you, Grant. The vampire is Caspian Forge, and he wants me. He’s here to make me pay for disrespecting him.” Victor swallowed hard
and kept his eyes trained on Caspian as he marched towards them with his legion. Victor knew the man was angry, but to storm the Imperial was insane.

  “Oh, fuck that. No one is touching you.” Victor caught his breath and jumped back when Grant suddenly, in the blink of an eye, shifted into the largest beast he’d ever seen. It was awe-inspiring for Victor had never witnessed a shift before. Grant was magnificent and terrifying. Victor watched as Grant charged forward and leapt at Caspian landing a bloody strike to his upper body before Caspian had the chance to evade.

  The others instantly rushed at the wolf, and Victor could not stand there and do nothing. He ran to join the fight and help his beloved. He felt nothing but the overwhelming need to save Grant from the onslaught of the vampires coming after him. One member of the group turned and rushed Victor targeting him for an attack, but before contact was made, guards flowed from the Imperial and swarmed the back lot. One of them charged in front of Victor and took the brunt of the vampire’s attack.

  Victor was knocked backward onto his ass, and he quickly rolled to stand but was suddenly picked up and carried back to the bench. “You need to stay out of this. You’re only making it more difficult for your beloved. He can’t fight and worry about you as well.” Kristof commanded as he pushed Victor back down onto the bench when he tried to stand up.

  “Sit there and don’t move.” Came an adjoining order from Josef who had come to stand beside Kristof. He gave Victor a hard stare and then added with a touch of understanding. “Grant and the guards are well able to handle this. He’ll be fine, I promise.”

  Victor watched with his heart in pain and his stomach in knots as he saw his beloved so powerful and amazing. He went head to head with that formidable and vicious vampire never swaying or losing focus as they clashed over and over blood and tissue were torn and bodies pushed to the edge. Victor realized that he must have been showing his anxiety because Josef reached over and place his hand on his shoulder, and Victor found that his turmoil instantly subsided. He feared for his beloved, but he was no longer panicking.


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