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Retribution Page 6

by B C Morgan

  Unlike when Unya let go of her shroud of fire, Ishira was not left in a naked state. Instead she was left in an orange strapless top and, what appeared to be, black leather trousers. How she stopped the fire from eating away at them was beyond me, to be honest many of us even doubted she had a true form beneath the flames. Believing her very being had been created in the flame and that was why we had only ever seen her face unshrouded before.

  “Marcus you damn fool, you could have killed yourself, the state you are in, you could still very well die from your injuries. How are you not screaming in pain, better yet, how are you even coherent?”

  “I’m tougher than I look,” I wheezed in reply, the air struggling to fill my failing lungs.

  My skin had been completely charred and I was near enough blackened from head to foot, I could feel my skin flaking away and every movement caused me to lose even more.

  No one dared to approach me, even though I had been able to tell they wanted to help me.

  Ishira was the only one who didn’t shy away from my grizzly form, whether it was from a sense of guilt I couldn’t tell you, but she did not abandon me.

  She summoned a few people to our side, who only hesitated for a moment before rushing over. She then ordered them to move me into the housing portion of our camp, telling them it would do me no favours to lose precious seconds trying to go slow.

  The last thing I can recall before I succumbed to the darkness was Ishira vowing to not leave my stubborn side, as she called for the healers to fix me without delay. The moment their eyes fell on me I knew what they were seeing and trying not to say to the very volatile nymph. My injuries were far too severe for even their abilities, all they could do was ease the pain, to make my inevitable death occur more peacefully.



  By the time Unya had allowed me to pull away, she had relaxed a great deal.

  “I should go love, I need to source some earthly food for you. It has been a while since you had any sustenance.”

  “Will you tell me just one more story before you leave, I would like to hear another tale from our past,” she requested it so simply, I didn’t have the heart or strength to deny her. Truth be told, I doubted I could deny her anything and that little fact scared me half to death.

  I sat back down beside her, but would not allow her to coerce me into resuming my previous spot. That said spot had found me lying beside her, our bodies pressed together so close, without a single inch between us.

  “The third time we met you insulted my very nature, I’ll admit it pissed me off and I let you know it. You apologised afterwards but I decided there and then that maybe you weren’t worth the hassle. The guy you had been with the night we first met had done a number on my face. Leaving these ugly jagged scars, I couldn’t use a human to heal them without killing them in the process so I had been stuck with them.

  Well I had just given up on pursuing you, when you blindsided me by offering to help me heal. You had strict rules and made it clear it would be only a business arrangement, but I’ll admit I was eager to take you up on it, previous decisions be damned.

  We shared another kiss and it revealed something to me I couldn’t comprehend and I guess I didn’t want to accept, the thing is Unya when something happens and I can’t handle it, I disappear for a while. I don’t like to think of it as hiding, but I guess it could be perceived that way. When something is troubling me or something happens that shakes me to my core, I have to be alone to decompress I guess.

  That solitude helps me to work things out in my head and figure out if my first assumptions were in fact correct.”

  “Malachi that is the second time you have said something without offering further elaboration, the first time you mentioned realising something and then just now with this big reveal. Are you ever going to explain what the hell you are talking about?”

  “I will in time, but right now I should find you some food,” I replied, dropping a chaste kiss upon her mouth and then left her room.

  It was a dickish move, I will admit that now, but back then I hadn’t wanted to reveal something to this Unya that I had never had the courage to tell her before.

  You see the hardest thing for me was the fact that I had feelings for her still, but they weren’t as strong as they had once been. The big secret I hadn’t revealed to her, did not seem to apply to this new version. I was just waiting for some spark of her old self to resurface and hoped the old emotions would return.

  The one thing that terrified me was the worry that the real Unya wouldn’t be able to look past the lies I was made to be complicit it, even though Lawson was dead I still might never have her as my own.

  It was the first time I had returned to the surface since Unya removed me from her life, I always hated to admit having any kind of nervous inclinations, but I could feel them itching across my skin. It did not feel safe being up here, even if it was in Unya’s best interest.

  The Gods had gone quiet, but being in Hades’ inner circle had some advantages. Namely being able to tell what catastrophes and evil deeds were being controlled by their hands. For some strange reason they had taken to the role of puppet masters, controlling the strings that bound the mortals, making them dance, kill and die for their own amusement.

  Their end game hadn’t been made clear, although everyone with half a brain cell could tell you they still sought the death of the ebony child.

  But despite all of that, I still walked the bustling streets of central London. I had chosen that location, for the inconspicuous edge it could grant me. I could not let Ackley or Marcus learn of my reappearance, especially before I could return to the Underworld.

  All of that was plaguing my thoughts as I acquired food for Unya, my head had been so muddled, I hadn’t stood a chance at defending myself against the threat I never saw coming.

  I guess luck had been on my side, I can’t explain how I knew that, but it was rooted deep in my bones I had made a narrow escape.

  I hadn’t even been sure what had torn through the skin of my back, seizing a grip around my blackened heart. The only thing I could be sure of, was the tightness only stopped when a bright light flared and all the shadows were wiped from the vicinity.

  “Malachi, is that you?” asked a female I hadn’t expected to ever see again.

  “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you had shacked up with one of the rebels down in Devon,” I stated as Janelle stood before me, a blazing ball of light being bounced back and forth by some creature I did not recognise.

  “I didn’t shack up with anyone my friend, but the rest is true. I came here against the wishes of those I surround myself with, but after what happened to Marcus there was no way I could just stand back and not try to lend a hand.”

  Her words had thrown me for six, which I wasted no time in telling her. It was then she told me what had become of Marcus, after Ishira had leapt over the edge of her own sanity. What had driven her to it, Janelle would not say, just like she would neither confirm nor deny whether Marcus had perished under the damage Ishira inflicted.

  “I get why you would branch out, but why would you risk it? The last I heard you couldn’t leave the safety Devon provided you. Aren’t you putting yourself at risk?”

  Janelle cut a sharp glare towards the creature that was still playing with the strange ball of light, and it looked anywhere but in her direction or mine, come to think of it.

  “Not everyone is as familiar with my background as you are Malachi, I would prefer it if you wouldn’t reveal my secrets to every Tom, dick and harry that is within ear shot.”

  “Does David know?” Inquired the creature, who stopped playing with the light, and instead let it float up around us, still keeping any shadows from forming.

  Janelle turned her back to me and stared at the, what now appeared rather human like, creature. She gave a quick shake of her head before returning her attention to me.

  “A lot of crazy shit is going down, Ackle
y has been rather closed off since you disappeared. I can’t even describe how your disappearing act has affected him. I’ve kept my distance but my ‘friend’ here has been keeping a watch for you. She felt you resurface, which means others may have. You need to return to the Underworld while you still can, something is trying to stop whatever plan you have put in motion. You would have died had we not interfered.”

  I had taken on board Janelle’s warning and descended back into Hades’ domain, trying to figure out just how a shadow could piece my flesh and fill my body with an icy chill that refused to leave me.



  When Malachi returned he seemed rather shaken up, I wasn’t in the right mindset to bombard him with questions, as I was still feeling quite shaken myself after what happened.

  I believed that Adiran posed no real threat to my well-being, but I had felt him trying to merge himself within me, when I’d been fighting through the pain that had coursed through my body.

  He soon returned, not long before Malachi had himself but I refused to acknowledge his presence. I knew he was growing angry with me, but I refused to give him what he wanted. It became clear he craved my compliance and my will, for what purpose hadn’t yet been revealed to me at that point, but he seemed to need it whether or not for a nefarious purpose.

  “I was only trying to help you Unya, I didn’t want you to be harmed.”

  “You are a liar, you just want me to submit so you can do with me as you will,” I screamed, forgetting that Malachi was next to me.

  “Unya calm down. I would never ask you to submit to me,” he stated confused by my outburst.

  “I wasn’t talking to you Malachi, stay out of what you do not understand. And as for you, I am no puppet and I have no strings for you to control. Just leave me alone.”

  I knew that to Malachi, I was just shouting at an empty corner but I was beyond caring about my image where others were concerned.

  “He thinks you’ve gone crazy, he believes you to be unhinged. He knows so little of this version of you, do you want to keep him around? All he will do is hold you back and squash the power that is surging from within.”

  I looked at Malachi, who returned the stare, but his was filled with worry and unease. It made my blood boil and my head thump, I couldn’t take anymore judgements.

  “Get out. I don’t give a damn what you think of my sanity, so leave before I make you wish you hadn’t returned here.”

  Malachi looked shocked and hurt, but instead of arguing he just set the food down, placed a gentle kiss upon my forehead and walked out.

  Adiran was smiling, but I couldn’t give a damn about his happiness as I called for a servant to help me to de-stress.

  You could imagine how my anger fared when all the servants refused to enter my chambers, cowardly weasels.

  “Why wait for them to come to you, wouldn’t it be more thrilling if you were to hunt your kill beforehand?”

  I was still trying to ignore Adiran, but he made such a good point. Clapping my hands in glee as I jumped up and down, A wide toothy grin spread across my face.

  I’d chosen a deep red bodice and supple black leather trousers for my first hunt. I had a pair of wedged knee high boots, that had sharpened spikes climbing up the back and were secured by laces at the front.

  I was thrilled by the prospect of actually seeking out my next toy, it was almost orgasmic, the amount of pleasure that was coursing through my body.

  It was the Nymphs who had been so forward with Malachi who crossed my path, joined by the other little slut who wanted to steal Malachi from me. A searing hot rage settled within my core, as jealousy ignited within, and merged with my already volatile state.

  I walked over to them,, my gait screaming predator, but they wouldn’t lose the stupid smiles that were plastered upon their faces.

  “Oh my, the ebony child seems to have a problem. Don’t worry dear, few females could satisfy the hunger of a being like Malachi. I would offer you some pointers, but where’s the fun in that? He will run to me when you no longer satisfy him. Oh no, I’ll allow his fascination with you to run its course, he’ll be gracing my bed before you know it.”

  A growl emanated from deep within me, sounding feral and a hell of a lot unhinged. A twisted smile spread across my lips, my teeth were flashing at her and before she could even blink I pounced.

  My feet landed on her chest, while my nails scored her pretty little face. I could hear her shrieking in fear, but it was muffled by the haze that had overtaken me.

  I let one of my hands become engulfed in flames, as I placed it upon one her cheeks and refused to remove it until her flesh was dripping off.

  Her screams continued to bounce through the air, as my anger grew and without even knowing how it happened a bolt of electricity shot through her stomach.

  Her body convulsed under the surge and it split her stomach open, leaving enough space for me to slam a fist through her flesh and have a tinker within.

  The first thing I removed was her intestines, which I began shoving into her mouth, rejoicing in the retching that pursued. I marvelled at how much pain this Nymph could endure, as I called a few of the shadows, that resided within me, out to play.

  They submerged themselves within, not leaving until the life that shone within her, was thoroughly extinguished.

  By that point, my rage had dissipated so I allowed Adiran his usual folly, which comprised him removing her shadow and devouring it.

  Her little friend had ran off while I was busy having my fun, but it was of no consequence, I’d get my moment with her too.

  By the time it came for yet another banquet, my madness had receded and I felt a lot calmer. Malachi still came to get me, but as predicted his eyes went to the Nymph who I nailed to the wall besides my vanity. I always believed that wall was too bare, and rather enjoyed the new addition to the décor.

  He didn’t utter a single word to me as I finished putting my hair up into a high pony tail and stood up to face him. Adiran remained in the corner, looking at him with utter disdain and murderous intent. I’ll admit I hadn’t been happy about that, but knew I could not question him with Malachi present. He already believed me to be insane and I didn’t think it would be wise to add to that belief.

  “Why, Unya?” That was all he said as he stared at the nymph, she still had some of her intestines dangling from her mouth.

  “I needed to blow off steam, plus she’s so much easier to handle now that she’s no longer locked inside her weak flesh. She thought it would be fun to taunt me about you, she now knows how wrong that was. She’s also asking me to tell you, that she hopes we can all be friends.”

  Malachi just looked at me gob smacked, and then the voices began to talk to me yet again.

  “I told you to shut up, mummy is talking, do not make me punish you children,” I stated, as I slapped the side of my head, repeatedly.

  “Maybe we should give tonight a miss, it isn’t compulsory for us to attend,” he stated, giving off the air of worry.

  “Don’t be silly, they will be quiet now, they just needed a little reminder to not interrupt. Come on lover boy, let’s go see our Lord.”

  For the first time since I had awoken, Persephone was in attendance. She had taken her seat besides Hades, but I got the impression she was not happy to be there.

  Troy was once again sitting across from me, with his gaze never leaving mine for long. The rest of the night was un-noteworthy, with the usual suspects unable to stop themselves from staring at me.

  Malachi was quiet, only speaking when it was required of him. He placed one hand upon my bare knee, but other than that, he would not acknowledge my presence.

  “Before the festivities draw to a close, I have an announcement to make,” stated Hades, which made every being refrain from speaking, and every set of eyes fall straight to him, none wavering in the slightest.

  He placed a hand upon Persephone’s shoulder, squeezing until she flinched and stood by
his side.

  “As you are all aware, the ebony child has once again returned to us. This comes as no surprise, seeing as none of you have seemed to be able to refrain yourselves from staring, whenever she is within your presence.

  Now, as we all know my siblings will soon conspire a way to take this realm from me, and end her life in the most delicious way. We will not allow that to happen, and with Unya beside me we will win the battle that is on the horizon.

  None of that was the announcement, so you should hold any premature cheering back, until I am done. Now this dear girl has been through a lot, how could she know who she can trust when she no longer remembers everything we have done for her. With that in mind I have decided that it is high time we had something to celebrate. So with that said, I am here to announce, Unya will be married in a month’s time.”

  No one clapped or made a sound, except from Malachi who drew in a harsh breath once he had made the announcement. It pissed me off that I hadn’t been granted any say in the matter, but it did not stop me from noticing the fact that Hades never mentioned Malachi’s name when he spoke of my wedding.

  “Who is the lucky groom then, my lord?” Asked Troy, his gaze still burning into mine, a hunger so intense it shook me to my very core.

  “Our girl has many suitors who wish to take on the title of groom, but it is for Unya to choose the two finalists.”

  The choice words confused me, but despite his place in the hierarchy, it did not stop Malachi from pushing himself up and sending his chair flying backwards into the wall behind us.

  “Finalists, you led me to believe I would be the one to marry her, after you announced to Unya we were engaged.”

  The rage was clearly written across his gorgeous face, which just made him all the more enticing.

  “That is true Malachi, but we are all aware you have both been having a few problems adjusting to one another. It is only fair the other suitors get a fair chance.”


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