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Retribution Page 12

by B C Morgan

  The front of his body was returning to my line of sight as I let go of my Hunga Munga and sent it soaring through the air. Troy’s show boating would prove to be his downfall, as he hadn’t even lowered his head to check where I was. He had no idea my weapon was coming for him, not until it lodged within his chest and he too fell to the ground.

  We both slumped over together, as we battled with ourselves, trying to hold on to our lives. I had no idea how he was fairing, but a new pain took over, it felt as though something was squeezing my heart. It was like what happened that time on earth, when Janelle had shown up just in time.

  But I knew no one would help me this time, I tried to pull myself closer to Troy, to steal the last of his essence but I was already too late. His head was tilted back, and his lifeless eyes stared straight through mine.

  I had no chance of saving myself now, I couldn’t even hear what was going on around me. All I could focus on was the tight and excruciating pain that was still radiating from my chest, until everything went dark and I said farewell to what I thought was my immortal life.



  I leapt down from our pedestal and rounded on Malachi’s lifeless form, I knew I couldn’t confront Adiran but there was no doubt in my mind he was the one who was ridding Malachi of his life.

  I gripped hold of his chest and felt the icy tendrils of Adiran’s form, I sent my own shadows into the lifeless form before me and Adiran was soon forced to vacate.

  His look was murderous, but one flick of my wrist sent a blazing ball of fire over our heads and the light soon wiped him from our vicinity.

  I didn’t know how I managed to summon the fire in that moment, but I was relieved that it worked.

  I felt other beings closing in around us and a chilling growl shook itself free from my throat, no one dared to come any closer until Hades’ ominous presence descended upon us.

  “It seems neither of the challengers were worthy of your hand. It is a shame but there are plenty more creatures for us to choose from my dear,” he said, as he placed his palm upon my shoulder and yanked me away from Malachi.

  I stood up, glowering at my lord, and the arena went silent. No one would dare look upon our lord the way I had, but it did not concern me in that moment.

  “He still has life left within him, your healers can restore him,” I replied, my tone leaving no room for arguments.

  “That is neither here nor there, I will allow them to return him to his quarters and will give him a week to return to us unaided by anything but his own will. But should he fail to awaken, you will marry whoever I put before you. Your wedding will go ahead Unya.”

  “If he doesn’t make it, I will do no such thing, you have no power over me,” I yelled, sending a ball of flame straight for him.

  The gasps that filled the air were loud, but my flame did not meet its intended target. Instead his loyal servant Semias appeared in front of Hades and took the full force of my blaze. It barely even grazed him, but his audible exhale showed he had at least felt the strength of my power.

  He looked upon me with no hint of any emotion, appearing to be nothing more than a walking statue. Hades walked around his servant and closed the distance before us.

  His hand went around my neck, and my feet were left dangling at least a foot above the ground.

  “You will do as I command child, do not presume to be safe from my wrath. I may have allowed you certain luxuries in my realm, but I am still your lord and your life will forfeit to me. I can kill you in the blink of an eye, it would be wise for you to not continue to test my patience.”

  With that said, he sent me flying, I crashed into the wall and found myself impaled on a spike I hadn’t noticed before.

  Black blood oozed from my mouth, but no one dared to help me, not with Hades as angry as he was. He soon left the area, trailed loyally by his two dogs, Semias and Yana. Although Yana did steal a glance at me before she left.

  A few hours must have passed by the time I was freed, but I wouldn’t utter a single word of thanks when my eyes fell upon my rescuer, Yana.

  “Hades sent you, I presume.”

  “No, he wished to keep you here until the night before your wedding, I didn’t agree,” she explained, smiling cheekily.

  “Yana no, he’ll kill you when he finds out,” I hissed, anger surging to the forefront of my mind.

  “I’ve been around for hundreds of years Unya, I look twelve yet every daemon here quakes in fear. Do you think Hades would get rid of me now? He’ll be peeved for a while, but he’ll get over it, I’ll just put it down to my usual recklessness.”

  I laughed at that. “What you call reckless, I call psychotic, but I love it about you.”

  “Malachi won’t make it off his own steam, he needs you Unya. And then you need to get out of here, just for a week or two earth time. Hades needs to calm down and it would be better if you two weren’t down here while it happens.”

  I was stumped, dumbfounded even. She gave me a way to make it to the earth, I could have used the shadows but Adiran had always dissuaded me from that course of action. Claiming it would be too dangerous when I didn’t know where I was going. Although in that moment Adiran could go to Tartarus for all I cared, he’d be sorry he ever hurt my Incubus.

  Malachi was put in his room and Hades had left him to it. That Man would pay eventually, I just had to bide my time and wait for the opportune time to get my revenge, although I saw it more as retribution for everything, he had caused to happen to me.

  I knelt beside the creature who although I hadn’t remembered, had become a huge part of my life.

  Knowing I was crazy, possibly even as psycho as Yana herself, Didn’t mean I couldn’t still love and I did love him. I knew I went about it all wrong, forcing him to become the monster he hadn’t wanted, but why shouldn’t he be complete. He was keeping a vital part of himself suppressed, he wasn’t living if he was only half existing.

  No matter what the others in his life thought, to me he was perfect, and I didn’t want or need him to change. I just needed him to survive and stay with me.

  I placed my mouth over his, but nothing happened, it never occurred to me that he had been the catalyst between us sharing our life forces. How could I help if I couldn’t get him to take it from me?

  It was at that point when I fell to my knees as a pain insurmountable ricocheted through my skull. I cried out in agony as my vision turned hazy and my mouth filled with blood as I sent my teeth through my tongue.

  It felt as though something was trying to claw its way out of me, but nothing was happening, except from the pain intensifying every fucking second it last for.

  I clawed at my skull trying to rip the phantom intruder free, when all of a sudden, I lost consciousness.

  “I won’t let you die for me Malachi, I’m not worth it not by a long shot.”

  “Unya, whatever you are planning don’t. You have been through too much you won’t be strong enough,” stated Lawson as he came to stand by us.

  “Lawson thank you for helping me, but I think you should leave. Throwing him off me when he was trying to save my life was not the right thing to do and I don’t think you should be here if, no, when he wakes up.”

  Lawson looked as though he wanted to say something, but he dropped his head low and did as I asked. I didn’t want to be harsh with him, but he acted rashly, and he needed to realise how serious that was.

  I lowered my head towards Malachi and whispered the words I could have sworn he said to me, when I had still been trapped in the spirit realm. Pressing my lips against his, I willed my energy to flow into him, I honestly didn’t think it was going to work until I felt his hand weakly brush against my arm.

  That gave me all the confidence I needed to continue as I moved next to him, making sure our bodies were flush against one another. Ackley helped to raise his shirt so that my bare stomach could press against his and with one hand in his hair and the other pressed against his lower back, I kis
sed him again and knew I would not stop until he awoke.

  I was beginning to feel lethargic and drowsy as my eyes kept closing, I could hear others talking around me but their words weren’t registering as my eyes drifted shut and everything slipped away.

  When I came back around that scene kept flashing before my eyes. The first question was, who the hell is Lawson? But that didn’t matter, the only thing worth any relevance was trying to restore Malachi. I couldn’t see what I was doing wrong but decided to act out what I had done in my dream.

  I pulled my top over my head and released the clasp of my bra, before placing my body flush against his. Wrapping his arms around me, I placed a tender kiss against his mouth.

  I stayed in that one position, for gods knows how long and then I felt a pull. I could feel my life force being pulled from my body, but this wasn’t euphoric or enjoyable, this fucker hurt.

  Malachi was still unconscious, and his body was taking everything it could get from me, I tried to pull away but my energy was ebbing and I didn’t have it in me to move. So I yet again lost myself in Malachi, but this time it could prove deadly.

  When I awoke for the second time, it was to Malachi sitting with his head in his hands shaking.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, my voice coming out in a croak.

  “I thought I killed you, Unya it nearly destroyed me. I don’t care what kind of man I must be, as long as I’m yours. I won’t live in this fucked up world without you.”

  With that said he plundered my mouth with his eager tongue and we lost ourselves in a haze of lust, licking, kissing, stroking and thrusting. We didn’t stop until we both shattered, and we pieced each other back together. I never wanted it to end, but once I told him of the plan to get to earth, he couldn’t be stopped. He seemed more eager than I was and that was a hard thing to get my head around.

  When we did make it to earth, the sun had already set and I was once again greeted by Adiran, but my fury knew no bounds and I soon held him captive using his own shadowy creatures against him.

  “You tried to kill him you vile little creature, how dare you show yourself before me after what you did.”

  “I’m sorry dearie, please forgive me. I did not realise you had become so attached to the Incubus, I thought I was doing you a favour, ridding you of another weakness.”

  “Weakness, pray tell, just how many weaknesses do I have? Because as far as I can see I hold all the power here, and I could banish you from my sights whenever I choose.”

  “Unya I am your humble servant, but being in this place does weaken you. You have no idea what these creatures did to you before we unearthed your abilities. None of these mortals can be trusted, especially Jackie,” He replied, his eyes glowing brighter at the mention of her name.

  “I do not know any Jackie, besides what does it matter what they did to me in the past, I am no longer the pathetic little creature I once was. I am stronger, I would never allow an insignificant human the chance to hurt me in any way.”

  “I understand mistress, I only thought you would want to get the revenge that you deserve. But it is your choice to spare the wicked bitch if you so choose, what does it matter if she laughs at your defeat every moment she gets. If you no longer remember, then I guess it doesn’t matter how she tarnishes your name and makes you appear weak and meaningless to anyone who should listen.”

  I tried to ignore his words and not let them affect me, but it seemed Adiran would get what he wished. I could not allow a mortal to hold any kind of power over me, no matter how mislead she may be. I would make her suffer and watch the life flee from her eyes.

  But first there was Malachi, seeing as he could only hear my side of the conversation.

  “I need to find a human called Jackie, she did some less than savoury things to me before, well you know, I can’t let her get away with it.”

  “Pet, this person you’re talking to, what is it?”

  “I’m not sure, but he’s an ally. He helps to keep the crazy at bay for a little while, he is in my bad book because of what he did to you, but he’s learnt his lesson. Adiran will never try to harm you again,” I said as I stared right into the shadow man’s eyes.

  We followed Adiran to search for this Jackie through the shadows until we arrived inside a spacious living area, I wondered how such a snivelling creature could afford such a place and so many fineries.

  There were shelves full of crystal ware, a large television that dominated the wall it was mounted upon. With plush sofas and a recliner positioned before it, as though she were the queen and it was her throne.

  I stayed within the shadows, waiting for her to show herself and was surprised when a lady who had to be within her late thirties appeared. She wore thick makeup, which hindered her appearance more than aided it. With a figure-hugging wrap around dress and three inch heels.

  She seemed rather pleased with herself as she ogled her own reflection, but her pleasantness soon faded away to shock as I appeared behind her. She stared at me through her reflection in the mirror and a sinister smile played upon my lips.

  “You said I would never see you again if I did as you asked. I returned your money to you, so why would you come back?” She asked, working hard to keep the fear free from her voice.

  “Jackie, Jackie, Jackie. Look at this place, it seems you put my money to a lot of frivolous uses. Did you hope this luxury would make you seem more appealing to the males of your species? You can put diamonds and glitter on shit, but it doesn’t make it any more appealing.”

  “You vile little girl,” she said, as she spun around and connected her hand with my cheek.

  “I’ll give you that one for free hag, but the next one will cost you.”

  She must have seen something within my eyes, because she was running through what I assumed to be the kitchen door. I followed her at a leisurely pace, knowing that she stood no chance of escaping me.

  “What did you do to her? I want to know every vicious act,” demanded Malachi, as he influenced her mind and she soon spilled all the nasty little secrets.

  “I beat her black and blue on numerous occasions, belittled her whenever I could, spoke badly of her mother to try to hurt her. I even tried to kill her with my partner so we could have all the money. But what I want is to see her suffer, for her to be in agonising turmoil for the rest of her existence.”

  “The things you did to me pale in comparison against the damage I could inflict upon you. I am your better in every way, so why don’t you get down on that floor and beg me to spare your life. Kiss my feet, grovel and plead with me like the dog you are.”

  “I will never beg you for anything,” she shrieked as she ran at me and thrust a knife straight into my abdomen.

  It was fun to let her think she had won for a moment, but her eyes soon filled with fear, as I pulled it out in one swift moment, letting the blood fall from the blade burning a hole wherever it landed.

  “Jackie, I told you the next one would cost you, and I am a girl of my word.”

  Grabbing her by the back of her head, I slammed it into the glass pane on her back door, there was a sickening crunch and she left a smear of blood in her wake.

  “My dearie, humans are a lot weaker than what you are used too, you may want to take your time if you want to draw out the pleasure you will feel from killing this thing.”

  Adiran was right, I did not want her to have an easy death, I had to make her suffer and suffering was becoming my very own sweet nectar.



  I had set the stage, with Jackie restrained to a kitchen chair. I started off by destroying what she held dear, aka, her appearance.

  I started off by tearing chunks of her hair out, revelling in her cries. I got tired of the task and instead hacked the rest of her hair off with a sharp knife, ensuring that I nicked her scalp with every swipe of the blade.

  While I did that Malachi busied himself looking for something in the drawers, but I wasn’t concerned with what
he was doing.

  She was snivelling pathetically, especially as I ran the tip of my blade from the corner of her left eye, down her cheek and past the corner of her mouth. I carried the knife across her chin and up to the opposite eye. The blade I used for this was serrated and pulled against her flesh, scarring her face beautifully.

  Her eyes kept following the direction of the knife as I continued to carve into her face, I appreciated a captive audience but that didn’t stop me from jamming the tip of the blade into her right eye.

  She screamed out more profusely than before, as I pulled her eye straight out of the socket, she howled like a banshee, but I knew no one would hear her tortured screams.

  “Please Unya, please just stop. This isn’t you,” she pleaded with me, her one eye begging me with an anguish filled look.

  “You don’t order a three-course meal and then leave once you’ve finished the starter. Oh no, I have no intentions of stopping anytime soon.”

  I disappeared out into the garden and discovered a pair of pliers inside a toolbox, they were a little rusted, but they would get the job done.

  As soon as her eye landed on it, she began to scream even louder than before.

  “You may want to save your vocal cords Jackie; you will be screaming a hell of a lot more in a minute.”

  I walked closer to her and grabbed hold of the fingers on her left hand, snapping them backwards and breaking them.

  She almost choked on her screams, until they were released as I gripped hold of her nail with the pliers and pulled it clean off. I repeated that action with all her fingers and thumb and then began again on her opposite hand.

  “Dearie, are you having fun?” Adiran asked, a gleam sparkling within his eyes.


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