Tainted Souls

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Tainted Souls Page 13

by Alice J Black

  “Vaughn, my boy, what on earth are you doing?” Tom asked.

  My head snapped up to see him striding towards us, down the middle of the two rows of pews. He held his hands out in front of him, frowning.

  “I was just showing them what the stage looks like from this angle,” Vaughn said. “It’s so different.”

  Luka nodded.

  Delta grabbed the curtains, feeling the fabric and nodding. “It certainly is. How interesting.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Tom’s frown melted into a smile. “And I’m so glad you’re taking an interest in our little community theatre. But I’m afraid we’re well overdue today, and I have a busy night ahead. So if you don’t mind.” He gestured towards the door.

  “Oh, of course.” Luka jumped down from the stage. “Sorry to keep you.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Maybe we could get the full tour?” Delta said.

  “The full tour?” Tom frowned.

  Delta raised his hands. “I’m sure a building this size has much more to offer.”

  “Nothing but the office and the clock tower. Oh, and the basement. But nobody ever goes down there. Perhaps once the play has finished you can get the tour. I’m just too busy at the minute to contemplate it.”

  Luka nodded. “That would be great. We’ll get out of your hair now. I can see you’re busy.”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  Tom followed us all the way up the aisle, like a shepherd herding unruly sheep. He bustled us through the door, and as soon as we were out, he pulled it shut and locked it.

  “Well, that was a bust.” Delta shook his head as we stood outside in the waning afternoon light.

  “We need to figure something else out,” Luka said. “We have to be in there after dark.”

  “We will be.” Delta nodded. “We’ll be in that building when night comes, and we’ll figure this out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When my alarm went off the next morning, my eyes flicked open, taking in the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I pushed the notification off, then rubbed my eyes as I sat up. My gaze drifted over to my left, where Vaughn lay still. Beneath the duvet, his arms and chest were bare, muscles on full display. His chest rose and fell as he inhaled. Even in sleep he was beautiful. His strong, sculpted jaw, bronzed skin, dark hair pushed back from his face. The longer I stared, the more my thoughts began to wander. My gaze followed his arm muscles as they disappeared beneath the blanket, and I wondered just how bare he was. I sucked my bottom lip in between my teeth and forced myself to look away. I was nothing short of perving.

  I got out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and drifted into the bathroom, where I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked good. The dark circles beneath my eyes had diminished, and I looked fresh. I was glad about being kicked out of the community centre by Tom and being able to go to bed early had been the icing on the cake for me. It wasn’t over by a long shot, and I knew we were going to have to get in there at some point, but right now I felt much better.

  I turned the shower on and yanked my arm back as a blast of cold water hit me. I stripped my pyjamas. Having a shower in complete privacy was one thing I was going to miss when I returned to St. Helen’s. Going back a few months I might have said the opposite. When I first found out I was a Hunter and the Cursed—and more—seemed to plague me, the bathroom seemed to be a hot spot, but now I would kill for a bit of time alone in the bathroom.

  I stepped into the shower, the water hot, and steam was already clouding the stall. I pushed my head under the spray and let it beat down on me. After a few minutes of just standing there enjoying the heat, I lathered my hair in shampoo and washed up. Then I finally switched the power off. Wrapping the towel around me, I stepped from the stall, then dried off and pulled on my cropped jeans and a black t-shirt. When I smoothed it down, I saw that I’d chosen one of my band tops. Becca would’ve hated me for that. For some reason, she had an aversion to them and insisted I looked to grungy when I wore one. I shrugged and pushed my wet hair back from my face. I liked it.

  I unlocked the door and stepped out into the cooler air of the room. Goosebumps rose, and I shivered. After folding the towel, I hung it over the radiator.

  I had just turned to find my brush, when Vaughn said, “Longest shower ever!”

  I turned to face him. He lay with his head on his arms, biceps bulging. He watched me with those keen blue eyes, and for a second, I was stunned. The blanket now lay at his waist. His chest was completely naked. I saw the smooth triangle of his waist, leading beneath the covers, and my cheeks instantly heated.

  I turned away and grabbed my brush, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t realise you were awake.”

  “Just woke up.”

  My gaze slid back to him. He stretched and yawned, and the blanket inched down that little bit further, exposing more skin.

  I bit my lip and pried my eyes from the delicious scene, focusing on the mirror instead as I brushed my hair.

  “I didn’t realise your hair was so long.”

  I pulled the brush through to the end. “Neither did I.”

  It hung midway to my waist. When my hair dried, it would spring higher because of the curliness.

  “You got a message.” He nodded towards my phone, then thrust the covers back, giving me a glimpse of the boxers that covered his decency.

  As he stood, he adjusted the waistband, and I felt myself flush with the thought of what was hidden beneath. He padded across to the bathroom and I watched. His legs were toned and muscular, the dark hairs curling all the way up beneath the leg of his boxers. And his backside…well, that was something else! He certainly wasn’t making this sharing-a-room thing very easy.

  Groaning, I turned away and picked up my phone. I needed a distraction and Becca would provide it.

  You said you’d get back to me last night, not drop off the face of the planet.

  I grimaced as I typed back. Sorry. Things ended up changing and I fell asleep much earlier than I thought. Did you go?

  I lay back down on my bed, propping myself up with the pillows as I waited for her response.

  Yeah. I went.

  And? Don’t keep me in suspense.

  He wasn’t alone.

  I bit my lip. Who was it?


  My stomach plummeted as I stared at the word on the screen. Jenny. Now it was all beginning to add up. The fact that he’d dumped her right after the school dance. The way Jenny was with Becca the day at the beach. They were together then and just hiding it.

  Are you okay? I stared at the screen, waiting for a response.

  Not really. I stood there like a dope for ten minutes just staring at them until a waitress asked if I wanted a seat.

  Did you speak to her?

  No. But I’m not going to let her get away with it either.

  What are you going to do?

  Hatch an evil plan for world domination and make sure she gets hurt along the way.

  I’m so sorry Becca. And here I was halfway down the country and unable to help her. We’ll plot and scheme when I get back.

  That’s what I like to hear. PS: Did you wake up in your own bed today?

  Yes. But my God he was half naked. Like only in boxers. This is not easy. I bit my lip as I waited for her response.

  I’ve told you what you need to do, Red.

  I locked my phone and shoved it into my pocket. Would it work if I pounced on Vaughn? Maybe if I’d gotten the vibe that it was a mutual attraction rather than a one-sided crush, it would be easier and maybe I could just go for it. The way things were now, I stood to lose him as a friend if I did something like that, and there was no way I was jeopardising that.

  I picked up my book, opened it at the marked page, and tried to concentrate while Vaughn took a shower. I read the same paragraph over and over, not taking any of it in, and I finally gave up and dropped it back on the bed. This was stupid. Yes, Vaughn was in the shower, but we had done this s
o many times in training. But it wasn’t the same when I was waiting in a bed like he was going to come out for me. I bit my lip as I imagined him in there. I saw water streaming down his chest, dripping down his stomach, and—stop! I shook my head and sat up. I had to get my mind out of the gutter.

  The shower turned off, and I snapped my head towards the door. Then I caught myself and hurried to grab my book just as the door opened. Vaughn strode from the bathroom. He was barefoot and still wore nothing but a pair of boxers. I lifted my book a little higher to block the sight. I sensed movement behind the words, and when I finally peeked over the paperback, I saw that he was dressed in dark grey jeans and a black top that clung to his muscles.

  “You ready for breakfast?” he asked.

  “Sure.” I stood up and followed him downstairs.

  We took our usual seat in the dining room. Mary-Anne came through a few minutes later and offered a selection of drinks. Vaughn took a coffee, and I asked for tea. For a while, we both sat there in a comfortable silence, sipping our drinks. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and saw the cup pressed to his lips. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have those lips pressed to mine.

  Staying in the same room was putting intense pressure on us. Pressure I wasn’t sure how to handle. We were friends, but it was like there was another layer spooned on top. I wondered if he felt it, too.

  I was just about to speak, when Luka and Delta walked into the room.

  “Good morning.” Luka’s gaze skimmed between me and Vaughn. “How are we this morning? How did you sleep?”

  “I slept great,” Vaughn said.

  “Ruby?” Luka said.

  “Me, too.” I nodded. I wouldn’t tell them that I attributed it to not spending a night in a building that was swarming with Cursed. “You guys?”

  “Yeah, good.” Luka nodded. “I just wish your dad didn’t snore.” He glared at Vaughn.

  “Why do you think I wanted to share with Ruby instead?” Vaughn grinned.

  “Hey,” Delta shrugged, “I’m a deep sleeper. What can I say?”

  It wasn’t long before Mary-Anne reappeared with more cups and offered more drinks, with a promise that she’d be back soon with our breakfasts.

  I could get used to this. Full English was the best breakfast option.

  “I’ve had an email back from Sheila,” Delta said.

  “What did she say?” Vaughn asked.

  “She’s sending reinforcements as soon as she can.”

  “Who?” asked Vaughn.

  “Justin and Roan. But until then, we’re on our own, and I still want to get into that building after dark. It’s the only way we’re going to figure this out.”

  Vaughn sipped his coffee, then set the cup down and stared at it. “I have an idea.”

  “Shoot.” Luka leaned back.

  “I’m going to blackmail Tom.”

  “What?” we said in unison.

  “He wants me in this play, he’ll have to play by my rules.” Vaughn looked up, and his eyes had taken on a steely edge. “I’m going to get him to give me the key for the community centre.”

  Delta shook his head. “He’ll never agree to that.”

  “You got any better ideas?” Vaughn asked.

  The table remained quiet.

  “It’s worth a try,” Delta said. “Just be careful how you say it. I think an all-out blackmail attempt will make him feel like he’s in a corner, and he won’t give out anything.”

  “I know exactly how I’m going to play it. Don’t worry.”

  “Okay.” Luka nodded. “So we have a plan.”

  “I think we play it cool,” Delta said. “Vaughn goes to rehearsals like normal, and we see how it goes. We’ll go suited with full kit and guns, ready for anything.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  After breakfast we each made a beeline for our room, with the plan to pack kit and head out, but Vaughn had jumped back into bed and was covered by the duvet. I think he was protesting his part in the play.

  “It’s time to go,” Delta told us. His massive frame engulfed the doorway as he stared at us.

  “Guess so.” Vaughn grumbled as he shoved the covers back with enough force to knock them off the bed.

  “Don’t forget your lines.” Delta smiled.

  “I hate that I have to do this.”

  “The things we have to do for work.” Delta winked at me, then turned away and headed to his bedroom to grab his kit.

  “Come on.” I grinned, slapping Vaughn’s thigh as his legs swung over the bed. “It’s time to get your Romeo on.”

  “You think this is funny, don’t you?” He scowled.

  “Yep. Besides, Tom is right. You’ll look good up there.”

  I clamped my lips shut as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I couldn’t believe I’d said that out loud. His stare caught mine, and I sucked in a breath. This was supposed to be a secret crush, but I wasn’t doing a very good job of keeping it secret.

  He held my gaze for a few seconds and then shook his head, standing up. “Come on, it’s time to face the music. And I guess I can’t get the keys from Tom unless I actually go.” He grabbed his backpack, shoved his lines in there, and then filled it up with Hunting tools.

  I shuddered as I opened up my own backpack. My torch and salt were already in there, and I grabbed the gun from my duffle bag and slid it into the bottom of my pack, alongside the rock salt casings. As I slung the bag over my shoulder, I glanced at myself in the reflection of the window. Dressed completely in black, and my body had taken on a firmer quality through all the training I was doing. My calves were lean and pale, and my arms toned. My eyes looked darker, as if hunting the demon world had taken its toll. I saw the glint of red nestled there which had earned me my nickname, and I smiled. I would do my dad proud tonight, whatever happened.

  I placed my hand on my neck, where the silver cross hung, obscured by my t-shirt. I thought back to when I’d gotten it when I came across the Silver Grind. It had appeared from nowhere, in my time of need, before I knew I had Hunter genes. And I would never forget what that woman had given me—protection.

  “You ready?” Vaughn asked.

  I focused on him. He wore his leather jacket, and I tried to ignore the way it clung to his frame. However, tonight’s mission wasn’t far from my thoughts, and it left me with a grapefruit-sized knot in my stomach. Knowing that those things would be outside, swarming the building while we were stuck inside, was enough to make my blood run cold. But I was a Hunter, and I had signed on to make the world safer from the demons that plagued it. I just hoped we had enough salt to secure the place properly.

  “Are you okay?” Vaughn asked. He stopped in the doorway, frowning. His hand lingered on the doorframe, while the other held his backpack.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Just a bit nervous.”

  “We’ll secure the community centre don’t worry. And we have our guns just in case.”

  As much as having guns should’ve set my mind at ease, knowing that might need to use them made my stomach clench.

  I forced a smile. “Ready.”

  I followed Vaughn from the room, and as the door shut, the knot in my stomach tightened, sensing the imminent horror. Delta and Luka were waiting for us in the corridor, also dressed in black and carrying backpacks. Everything now rested on Vaughn. Unless he could get the keys, we couldn’t go ahead.

  As we headed toward the centre, atmosphere tense, we talked but the words were clipped, like everything we said could be our last. The community centre soon came into view, and I sucked in a deep breath while gritting my teeth. Just the sight of it was taking its strain on me.

  We advanced around the roundabout, passing several officers on the way, who watched us closely. I recognised the female officer from the other day. She said nothing, but I wondered how long it would be until she followed us into the centre. We made it around the front, the doors open wide, and I took a deep breath as I followed Vaughn inside.

welcome!” Tom greeted us with a big smile.

  He was waiting just inside the entrance for his cast to arrive, and his smile brought my apprehension down a peg or two. Seeing the place in full light as the rays of the sun beamed through the stained-glass windows dampened my nerves, and I relaxed into the hug he offered me.

  “How are we all this morning?”

  “Good, thanks,” Luka said. “We got fed well, so Vaughn is ready for the day.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “The Traveller’s Rest,” Luka said.

  “Ah, yes.” Tom nodded, still smiling. “Mary-Anne is known for her breakfasts. She’ll keep your energy up. Just what my star needs.” He patted Vaughn’s arm. “I suspect she would’ve been here auditioning herself if it wasn’t for the busy period this summer. She loves acting. But never mind. We have our cast and aren’t they just perfect.”

  Tom’s eyes lit up and his smile widened as his gazed moved past us, towards the door. I turned and saw Summer. Her hair hung around her shoulders. She wore enough makeup for a night out on the town, but it suited her. And I was back to hating her. She was going to spend the day with Vaughn while I waited around for night to come.

  “Good morning, Summer.” Tom moved towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You look lovely this morning.”

  “Thank you.” She grinned. “I’m looking forward to rehearsals.”

  “Right. Vaughn, Summer,” Tom rounded them up, one into each arm, “if you’d like to come with me. The rehearsals are about to start. As for you guys, make yourselves at home. You know where the café is if you want a drink.” He guided them towards the back of the hall.

  I saw Vaughn leaning down to say something to Tom, and the older man smiled and nodded.

  “I think he’s going to kill us for this.” Luka grinned.

  “More like, you guys.” I raised my brow.

  “What?” Luka pressed his hand to his chest, jaw hanging open in fake shock. “You act like we forced him into it.”


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