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Jax Page 4

by Kim Fox

  The memory was so clear. Even now she could feel the beautiful warmth that had filled her up when that man’s amber eyes turned black. It felt like his soul had penetrated her body, merging with her own in the most pleasing way. She had been overcome with a feeling of safety and security by his side. It had been so long since she had felt even a hint of those feelings that she hadn’t even recognized it until she was in the car driving away.

  I should have stayed with him. He would have protected me.

  She didn’t even know his name, didn’t know what he was like, but she knew that it was true. She could feel it, sense it. She was safe with him.

  But she wasn’t with him. She was here by herself.

  And soon, Anton would be home.

  Go to him.

  The dangerous thought just sprang up in Violet’s head. It was a thought that could get her killed.

  Violet’s life hadn’t always been like this. She was happy once.

  Her childhood was a nice one, full of happy memories with two loving parents. She got along with her two sisters and they had a nice house among the vineyards in California. Her mother was a school teacher and her father was a floor manager in a factory. They went to the beach on the weekends or hiked along the beautiful trails in the countryside. Her father told the best stories and always had his family in giggles as he recounted the tails of when he courted their mother. Some were true, most weren’t. Violet liked to believe her father that he had slain a dozen dragons and stormed a hundred castles to save her mother, but she knew that his imagination was sharper than his skills with a sword ever were.

  After high school, Violet traveled around the country with one of her sisters in an old beat up Westfalia van that they had bought for a few hundred bucks. They had a blast touring the country and experiencing all kinds of adventures. It was on one of those adventures when she met Anton in Miami.

  He was so good looking and smooth and immediately had Violet wrapped around his finger. His voice was so soft and sensual in the way he purred like a cat. He had expensive clothes and a shiny sports car, and Violet was so stunned and thrilled that a man like him would even look at her, let alone fancy her. She gave him her virginity in the back of the van, and the next morning the two girls were off again to explore the southern states.

  She had been with other men since then, but a girl’s first always lingers in the back of their minds a little longer than the others. So when he called out of the blue two years later and asked her to meet him in Montana, she had agreed.

  It was a good time for another adventure. She was in between jobs and at twenty-two years old, she was itching to get out of her parents’ house and get to know the man who had lingered in the back of her thoughts for the past two years.

  She packed up her old blue car and drove out to meet him, expecting to arrive at a huge mansion in the mountains. She had concocted a whole Cinderella story in her head about how he would be madly in love with her, and shower her with praise and expensive gifts. They would get married and be happily in love for the rest of their lives.

  She couldn’t have been more wrong.

  The first red flag dropped when she pulled up to the address he had given her. It wasn’t a mansion, but a rickety cabin in the middle of nowhere. The closest town was an hour away, and the second closest, a small town called Colwood, was an hour and a half away.

  Maybe it’s nice inside, she thought to herself as she got out of the car, but her heart was pumping and she was nervous and unsure. Not a day passed since then, that she didn’t wish she turned around and drove home.

  But by then it was too late. Anton came out of the woods, looking disheveled with a wild look in his eyes. He took her keys and made them disappear. After that she was stuck.

  The first few weeks were terrifying. She felt like a prisoner. She was a prisoner.

  Anton wasn’t the smooth, charismatic ladies man who she had met in Miami. He was losing his mind and dragging Violet down with him.

  It was so confusing back then, but when she saw him phase into a tiger for the first time, it all made sense. The animal within him was taking over, eating away at his humanity.

  She was always walking on eggshells around him, always terrified to set him off. He had a vicious temper and got violent whenever she did anything to displease him.

  At night, she would close her eyes as he ravaged her body. It was easier to go to another place, back to the beach with her family, while he had his way with her.

  Anton would spend most days hunting in his tiger form as she went crazy in the cabin, desperately looking for her car key. It was only after Benjamin was born that she had found it under the front porch. Benji had dropped a toy between the cracks and when she went down to retrieve it, she saw a hint of silver. That had only been a few weeks ago and today had been the first day she had the guts to use it.

  Looking back, she wished she would have thrown Benjamin into the car the second she found it and drove as far away from Anton as she could get, but she had lived under his rule for so long and was terrified that he would find them. She didn’t want to know what he would do if she tried to start the car and it broke down a few feet away after being untouched for two years. She was afraid for her son. And for herself, if she was being honest. Anton wasn’t the type of man to disobey. He would make you pay in ways you couldn’t imagine.

  Violet had been terrified when her stomach first started showing. She had hated the baby all throughout her pregnancy. The baby was part Anton and the thought of having a part of him growing inside of her made her sick. She had nightmares of giving birth to demons and prayed for a miscarriage.

  But that moment when she had given birth on the rotting floor of the kitchen and saw his squished up little face looking back at her, it all changed. It was strange having a happy moment while in hell, but holding him in her arms had been the happiest moment of her life.

  He was all she had. He was the light of her life.

  But Anton was determined to make her life miserable so he made her give him away. Benjamin was only five months old the day he walked in and saw Violet and her son laughing at each other. He let out a low growl, sat down, and calmly said. “I don’t want him here anymore.”

  “What?” she said with her stomach churning as her face paled.

  “Tomorrow we’re getting rid of him.” She watched with horror as Anton got up and calmly walked outside.

  She had spent the night throwing up and shaking on the floor as Benjamin slept soundly, not knowing what was in store for him.

  It was better this way, she had told herself. He didn’t deserve to grow up with an evil man like Anton as a father, as a prison guard. He would be better off in the real world with a family who loved him. He would be better off spending the days hearing fun stories on the beach like she had or hiking with a loving adoptive family. Violet couldn’t provide any of that for him, and so she let him go. Like she had a choice in the matter…

  With a heavy sigh, Violet turned off the shower and forced herself to get up. She dried off with the towel and put on her ratty clothes. Anton would be home from hunting soon, and he didn’t like it when she cried.

  She was in the kitchen making dinner when his tiger came slinking in from the forest. She cringed as the horrible sound of his phasing hit her ears.

  “WHAT THE FUCK!?!” he screamed from outside. Violet’s stomach hardened as he stomped into the house.

  He knows…

  “You used the car!” he shouted as he whipped the door open with his face flaming red.

  It was now or never. She squeezed the handle of the butcher’s knife in her hand as he rushed forward with murder in his eyes.

  She knew the car was working and finally had a means to escape. Benjamin was safe and she knew deep down that the man with the amber eyes would protect her if only she could get to him.

  I’m not staying here another minute.

  He rushed at her with his hands squeezed into fists and Violet let him
have it. She sunk the knife deep into his stomach until the handle hit his skin and warm sticky blood poured out onto her hand.

  His eyes widened as the cords in his neck tightened to the point of snapping. “You… fuck,” he grunted as she let go and backed away in horror.

  Adrenaline pumped through her veins as the feeling of helplessness that was in her for so long finally melted away. He dropped to his knees and grunted in pain as he slid the knife out and let it fall to the floor with a clatter. There was blood everywhere and the sight of it had her frozen in place.

  Move, Violet. Now!

  The little voice inside jerked her out of her daze, and she took off in a sprint to the car. She grabbed the key from under the balcony and got into the car before his fast healing powers kicked in and he came after her.

  She floored the car backward, nearly running off the road as she turned it around.

  Her pulse was racing as she sped down the narrow dirt road. She glanced at the open door through her rearview mirror as her heart pounded in her chest.

  There was a turn coming up and she took one last glance at the open door behind her, expecting to see a tiger pop out but there was nothing there.

  With a breath of relief, she turned the corner and sped off to return to the firehouse.

  Chapter 8


  It had been an hour since Jax had put Beast to bed in his new crib, but it felt like a lifetime. He was pacing around the parking lot of the firehouse, looking up at the stars and thinking about her. Wondering about her. Worrying about her.

  He locked on the brightest star in the sky and wondered if she was looking up at the same one. For once he couldn’t eat. His stomach was in knots, his throat tight, his mouth dry. Even his inner lion was in bad shape, pacing around within, fighting to get out, clawing to go see her.

  “I’d take you to her if I knew where she was,” he whispered, trying to soothe his agitated lion, but it was no use. The crazy cat didn’t realize how complicated life could be.

  He walked inside and picked up the phone. Zane had left the number to his hotel on the coffee table and he was tempted to call him. The bear shifter was his best friend and the closest thing to family that Jax ever hoped to have. The two shifters had met in the orphanage that they grew up in.

  The kids were vile to Jax while growing up. They hated him and he hated them. Not only was he dealing with the abandonment from his parents, he was dealing with a wild lion inside him. Zane was the only one who understood what he was going through. He was the only one he could ever talk to.

  “I don’t want to bother him,” he muttered as he put the phone back down. They had been through so much lately with all of the dragon drama, and Gwen was so burnt out from her muffin shop suddenly exploding in popularity. They deserved to relax and enjoy each other’s company on their vacation. Jax didn’t want to ruin it by dumping all of his problems on him.

  He checked on the sleeping kid and walked back outside to continue his pacing.

  This is torture.

  He finally found his mate like Zane, Gunner, and Axel had, but he didn’t know where she was. He didn’t even know her name.

  A car turned down the sleeping street and Jax perked up as he walked to the end of the driveway to get a better look. His heart started pounding when he saw the same car that he had lifted up earlier that afternoon.

  “It’s her,” he whispered as a rush of adrenaline started tingling through his body. The car pulled up to the side of the road and the lights turned off as Jax rushed over.

  It was her. She was sitting in the driver’s seat, staring at him with a look of disbelief. His skin started tingling all over as she twisted the key out of the ignition and opened the door. The metallic scent of blood mixed with the fruity scent of her body wash filled the night air, making him panic.

  “Hi,” she said shyly as she closed the door.

  Jax quickly looked her over and ran to her side when he saw the blood on her arm.

  “You’re hurt?” he said, taking her arm and inspecting her soft skin. The blood was all dried up. She looked fine.

  “It’s not mine,” she said, staring at him with a look of awe on her face. “Where’s Benjamin?”

  “Who?” Jax asked, jerking his head back in confusion.

  “My son, Benjamin.”

  “Oh, you mean Beast,” Jax said with a soft laugh.

  “Beast?” she said, looking horrified. “You named my baby boy Beast?”

  Jax smiled at her. “It suited him. He eats banana purée like a beast.”

  Her tight jaw relaxed into a smile. “Can I see him?”

  “Of course,” Jax said, gently guiding her to the firehouse. He still had his hands on her, never wanting to let her go. “He’s yours. You can see him anytime.”

  They walked into the firehouse in silence and Jax showed her the way into his room where the crib was set up. Her chin started quivering and tears filled her blue eyes when she saw him sleeping.

  Jax wrapped his arm around her shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world, and she leaned into him, melting into his body as she cried.

  “I never thought I’d see him again,” she said, clasping her hands to her mouth. “I missed him so much.”

  Jax’s heart broke as he watched her, but she was okay now. She was by his side where she belonged and he was going to make sure that everything was okay in her life from now on. Not only did Beast have him in his corner, she did too.

  “You’re with him now,” Jax whispered. “And no one is going to take him away from you.”

  She looked up at Jax with wet eyes that were full of gratitude. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to hold him?” Jax asked when she turned back to her boy.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “More than anything, but he looks so peaceful. I’ll let him sleep for now.”

  Jax watched as she pulled back her dark hair, leaned over, and kissed the little guy on the cheek. It was such a tender moment, and Jax felt lucky to have witnessed it. He hoped for many more moments like that over the upcoming years. No longer did he want to be alone. Life was better with these two.

  Whatever their names were.

  They tiptoed back into the hallway and walked downstairs. “You look like you need a drink,” Jax said.

  She laughed as she wiped her eyes. “I really do.”

  “Wine?” he asked. “Or stronger?”

  “Stronger,” she said as she sat down at the kitchen table.

  Jax pulled out two glasses and filled them with the bottle of Scotch that Gunner had bought. He placed one in front of her and sat down beside her.

  “Want to tell me what happened?” he asked.

  It all came pouring out of her. From day one to the stabbing and everything in between. Jax sat there gripping his chair as he listened, trying to keep the murderous rage he felt for the man in check. His mate needed him now and he had to stay calm.

  But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make Anton pay at a later date. A later date that couldn’t come fast enough.

  “Look at me,” she said, looking embarrassed after she talked his ear off. “I just met you and I’ve dumped two years worth of problems onto you. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Jax said, moving closer to her. He took her hands in his and stared into her gorgeous eyes. “I want you and Benjamin to stay here.”

  She laughed. “We still don’t even know each other’s names. I’m Violet by the way.”

  “Jax. There, now we know. You can stay.”

  She swallowed hard, looking so fragile and vulnerable. All Jax wanted to do was protect her. The need to protect their mate was always strong with shifters, and Jax was feeling it now.

  “He can hurt you,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “No,” Jax said firmly. “He can’t.”

  “He’s a…” She caught herself, not wanting to say the words. “I shouldn’t say this, but for some reason, I feel safe with you. He’s a shifter… He ha
s a horrible tiger living inside him.”

  Jax straightened in his chair, unsure of how much to tell her. She’s your mate. It will be okay.

  “Violet,” he said softly. “I’m one too. I have a lion inside me.”

  She pulled her arms back, recoiling in fear.

  “A nice one,” Jax added quickly. “He won’t hurt you. You’re my mate.”

  “Your what?” she asked, looking unsure.

  He explained how every shifter had one person who was meant for them. A bond that would never be broken. One person who completed their soul.

  “Was that?” she asked, looking at him funny. “This afternoon. Your eyes went black.”

  Jax nodded. “That was the bond. Did you feel it?”

  “I felt something,” she said, reaching back toward him. She slid her hands back under his. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

  “Me too. That’s the bond you’re feeling. It’s only going to grow stronger over time.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment before she looked down at her lap with her cheeks turning an adorable red.

  “Violet,” he said softly. Her eyes met his once again, making his body tingle. “Will you and Benjamin stay with me? Please?”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the door. “But he’s going to find me, and when he does…”

  “I’ll be here when he does,” Jax said through a clenched jaw. “If I don’t find him first. I’ll make him pay for the way he treated you two. I promise you that, Violet.”

  She swallowed hard as she watched him.

  “Do you feel safe with me?” Jax asked. “Do you trust me?”

  She watched his face for a long moment before nodding. “I do. I shouldn’t. Especially after what I’ve just been through, but I do.”

  “Good,” he said, standing up from the table. “You look exhausted. Beautiful but exhausted. Come sleep next to your baby.”

  Her soft blue eyes were filled with an inner glow as she stepped on her toes and gently kissed Jax on the cheek. “That sounds like heaven.”

  They crept back up into his room and she sat down on the bed, staring at Benjamin with a deep sense of awe in her eyes.


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