The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 123

by J P Sayle

  Greg gave himself up freely, his body stretched open for Aaden. Aaden pushed in with one deep thrust. Greg’s channel convulsed, feeling full. The stretch burned as Aaden stilled.

  Sweat coated Greg’s body as he willed himself to relax. Feeling the burn ease back to a throb of need, Greg swayed, allowing his body to clasp and caress the naked cock pulsing in his arse.

  He tilted his head sideways, sealing his mouth back to Aaden’s, unwilling to let him go for a second. Not even to breathe.

  I can breathe anytime.

  His mind clouded, not sure if it was the lack of oxygen or just the building orgasm that was bubbling inside his sac. A sac that now sat so close to his body he wasn’t sure it would ever come back down.

  Greg winced as his balls tried even harder to push into his body when Aaden nailed his prostate. It had him release Aaden’s mouth in a breathless moan. Greg swiped his tongue across Aaden’s puffy lips. His hot breath mingled with Aaden’s when he gasped for air.

  He eased back, groaning when Aaden’s cock stretched him wider. Greg released the chair he’d been gripping and pushed his soaking hair out of his eyes.

  Greg blinked, struggling to see out of his stinging eyes when Aaden lifted his hand, taking hold of his chin and twisting his head back to the bed. Greg moaned and writhed on Aaden’s cock, watching Joe thrust his slicked cock into Stuart. Stuart’s loud cry was silenced as Joe slammed his mouth down onto Stuart’s. The visual was too much to take, and Greg’s heart stuttered in his chest. He slammed his eyes shut. His whole body felt like it was amplified. Much like the Red Arrows when he watched them spiralling in the sky, getting ever closer. Unsure whether this would be the time they’d make a mistake and crash and burn. A burn he could feel now as his body crashed back down on Aaden. The impact spread across his body, heading straight for his cock. Molten heat had it go painfully hard as Aaden shifted, slamming up into his body. His body danced as if he could again feel the fires of the pyre before he erupted all over Aaden’s powerful thighs.

  Greg felt his emotions swim through him when Aaden bit his neck. He growled, powering several more times into his convulsing channel. The roar Aaden smothered in his neck had Greg shudder.

  The feeling of warm cum dripping out of his aching hole had him finally open his heavy-lidded eyes to smirk at Aaden. He grinned at the look of exhaustion Aaden wore. Greg moved and leant his sweat-soaked skin against Aaden’s equally sticky skin.

  Hovering over Aaden’s lips, he whispered, “We gave them a run for their money. Joe will have plenty to watch when he’s finished with Stuart.”

  Greg chuckled at Aaden’s eye roll, but he didn’t miss the gleam of satisfaction.

  He pressed a quick kiss to Aaden’s mouth when he felt his cock twitch in his aching arse. Before he could speak, the sound of a low growl to his left had him look over at Brad and Martin. The look of bliss on his friend’s face as Martin slammed into his body while working his cock had Greg biting his lip. The tingle in his cock had him shift. Aaden’s sticky cock slid from his body, distracting him when cooling cum slid over his skin.

  He gave an alarmed look at the leather between his thighs, completely forgetting everything else when he saw what a mess they were making.

  Oh, shit. I hope that doesn’t stain!

  “Stop worrying. It will wipe off.” Aaden’s quiet words had him relax. Greg grinned at Aaden. This mind reading thing is just too cool for words. The responding chuckle inside his head had Greg lean back against Aaden’s damp chest and focus back on the scene in front of him.

  On the twelfth day of Christmas my true friends gave to me:

  The delight of voyeurism


  Christmas Eve

  Brad went into the bathroom and stripped. He threw his clothes in the hamper. Switching on the shower, he reached for his cherry scrub. He let out a relieved sigh, feeling only slightly better that he’d managed to get everything done. The fact that Aaden had come over minutes after Greg had arrived had been a godsend. Though Greg might not have seen it quite that way when Aaden had stood saying nothing, his mouth opening and closing for what felt like forever.

  Brad gave him brownie points for keeping the mirth that lit his eyes contained after he’d moved and dragged Greg in for a blistering kiss. A kiss he was sure had them all wondering if the party was about to get started early. And on his kitchen floor, the way Greg had humped at Aaden’s thigh.

  Brad shook off his errant thoughts and pointedly disregarded his semi-hard erection as he stepped into the heated shower.

  He was just pleased Aaden had been able to help with moving the kitchen table with Martin. Who knew the thing weighed a bloody ton?

  The cursing and swearing had made his ears ring and why he was now hiding out upstairs, deciding a shower would help the throbbing in his head and neck.

  Brad swivelled his head to the opening door.

  “Did you think you could hide from me?”

  The growled question had Brad going from semi to a full erection. He bit his lip, trying to concentrate on finishing soaping his body as he felt Martin’s azure stare press against his naked back.

  He resigned himself to the conversation that was about to happen after Nick’s interruption and a house full of people had prevented earlier.

  Brad rinsed off. Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed for the towel sitting on the radiator. He made a concerted effort to try and hide his cock. His shoulders sagged when Martin spoke.

  “There is no need to hide from me. You, baby, are in big trouble for not talking to me.”

  As he spoke, he stepped closer to Brad. His musky aftershave invaded the steamy air surrounding him. Brad saw Martin’s hand lift, revealing what he must have been holding behind his back.

  Brad gulped.

  “What are you going to do with those?” He regretted lifting his hand and pointing when it trembled much like his voice.

  The devilish glint in Martin’s eyes and wolfish smile had his cock drip in expectation.

  “What do you think I’m going to do with them? Hmmm.”

  When Martin plucked at his full lower lip, letting the silence lengthen, Brad wanted to beg for mercy, even while his body betrayed him.

  “Bend over the bath, now.”

  The harsh demand brooked no argument, but the light of mischief in Martin’s eyes had Brad’s feet betraying him. He moved quickly, spreading his legs wide, knowing what was about to happen. He felt slightly conflicted. His sensible side was mortified at the thought of what was coming, whereas his cock was totally on board with the idea of a spanking and a butt plug.

  The little devil Martin seemed to have created whispered, “Isn’t this what you wanted? To show everyone your tight little arse, full with my butt plug.”

  Brad shuddered right before he felt the first slap. He lurched forward and gripped the cold cast-iron bath, making sure his cock didn’t touch the icy surface as Martin warmed his backside. Heat spread into his lower body. The glow spread over his sensitive skin, causing his cock to drip. Wanting more, Brad went to move his hand off the bath.

  “No, you don’t. No touching, Brad.”

  Martin’s hot breath ghosted his cheek as he felt the plug breach his arse. Brad whimpered when Martin carried on tormenting him. The next slap hit the plug, making it push against his prostate. Brad clenched his jaw. His teeth ground together with the need to scream.

  “You’ll wait until we get to Joe and Stuart’s later tonight. I want you on edge all day. When I slip this plug out of your arse tonight, you’ll be nice and ready for me to thrust straight into your tight channel. And then I’ll fuck you hard in front of your friends. Isn’t that what you want, baby?”

  Brad mewled, unable to form any words.

  Chewing his lip, he tasted the slight hint of copper as Martin continued to drive the plug in and out of him, taking him to the edge several times before stopping. Brad wanted to whine in despair when Martin helped him to stand, feeling the fullness press
down against his rim. The pleasure when he squeezed had his eyes cross and his legs quiver.

  He blinked away the moisture, struggling to swallow past the need running rampant through his body while his pulse gave chase.

  He stuck his nose in the air when Martin only grinned at his swollen, leaking cock, which bobbed like crazy as he moved past him to the door.

  He halted when Martin shouted after him. “I can’t wait to see everyone looking at you when I make you scream my name.”

  Brad balled his hands before grabbing a towel. He stalked out, clenching his backside while swiping the towel over his dripping cock. He cursed silently, praying it would ease the throbbing, even when he predicted that nothing would do that except Martin.

  He groaned and went in search of clothes that would help to hide his predicament.

  Brad breathed out a relieved sigh when the kitchen was finally tidy and everything had been put back to rights. He turned to Joe and Greg. “It looks like we’re all done.” His quietly spoken words seemed to reverberate like a foghorn, blasting them all with reality.

  He tugged on his ruby-red cable-knitted jumper. He hopped from one foot to another, his eyes landing on Princess’s empty velvet cushion pushed into the corner of the room, where he’d put it earlier.

  He had a sudden thought. Where is Princess?

  Brad tried to recall when he’d last seen her. His brow furrowed.



  How could I not have noticed her missing?

  Brad’s head swivelled frantically around the room, searching for any signs. Skipping to the patio, he looked out into the darkness. When he only saw his reflection, he cursed.

  A large warm hand cupped his backside and nudged the plug nestled inside him. His mind shut down as his body took over. He panted past the wave of desire that made his cock spring to urgent life. “Come on, baby, show time.”

  Brad was propelled out of the kitchen, and all thoughts of where Princess were lost under the wave of want, of need, that was pulsing through his body. He felt it beat in time to his heart. A heart that bounced against his sternum as if trying to escape and find Martin’s touch. A touch his body desperately wanted.

  All afternoon Martin had touched, caressed, and teased him to the point where he didn’t know if he was Arthur, Martha, or Mary. At one point when he’d been talking with one of Martin’s clients, Martin had purposefully placed his hand to ensure the plug pushed deeper inside of him. He’d completely lost his train of thought, not even sure what he’d been saying. He’d waffled, trying to recall the conversation. All the while Martin had beamed at him like he was doing nothing wrong.

  Brad sighed. He couldn’t lie to himself when his body had clearly enjoyed Martin’s little game of sexy torment.

  He was sidetracked from his thoughts when the icy air whistled through his woolly jumper as he stepped out of the house. He hugged into Martin’s warmth, feeling his arms flex as they pulled him into his solid frame.

  The dark sky offered no light as the clouds shrouded the moon and the stars. The sound of rustling leaves mixed with the excited chatter coming from Greg as they walked to Stuart’s house. Brad groaned in relief when a wave of warmth hit his chilled skin as he stepped into the house.

  He watched Stuart disappear up the stairs as Joe guided them to the kitchen, offering them a drink. He took the glass of chilled white wine, if only to wet his now parched throat. Joe left the room, making Brad’s belly clench. He was grateful he’d eaten earlier in the day. Unsure now, with all the anticipation of getting naked and showing his back to the others, he wouldn’t have to run to the bathroom to hurl. Though he would probably have to fight Greg for that, seeing as he’d disappeared in the downstairs loo and had yet to come back.

  Brad jittered at the sound of Joe shouting them to come upstairs. As he shifted, the plug reminded him of its presence. Not that he could forget it when every time he moved, it rubbed over his prostate.

  Brad gave Martin a small smile when he lifted his chin. His azure eyes searched his face. For what, he wasn’t sure. But the gleam of desire that fired to life had Brad’s tongue feel two sizes too big for his mouth when Martin followed it up with a mischievous wink.

  Martin walked to him. The strong grip on his hand gave Brad the courage to follow.

  Aaden paused outside the bathroom and knocked on the door. Martin moved past Aaden as Greg stepped out of the bathroom, looking petrified. Brad could empathise. He was sure he looked the same as Martin pulled him along behind him.

  Brad felt moisture slither down his spine as they crested the top of the stairs. He heard the heavy footfall behind him as they entered Joe and Stuart’s bedroom.

  Brad pulled up short halfway inside the room. He heard the others follow, but his attention was drawn to Joe, who stood naked as a jaybird by the side of the large queen-size bed. The lights danced over his supple body. Brad gave an appreciative sigh. Joe would never be able to compete with Martin in Brad’s estimation, but he had a gorgeous, tight, lithe body that Brad would have been proud of.

  The thought had him cringe. Proud, it was not a word he’d ever associate with his own body. Martin’s devotion to him when they were naked eased some of his negative thoughts about his scars. Still, the fear lingered about what others would think. And yes, both Stuart and Joe had seen him with his top off, but the others hadn’t.

  Will they judge me?

  The feel of fingers tugging on his lip, which was gripped between his teeth had him looking up. His breath choked at the back of his throat. The depth of emotions swirling in Martin’s dark, heated gaze had him push his shoulders back.

  I can do this.

  When Martin gave the silent command to undress, Brad was glad he’d worn a jumper instead of a shirt. He kept his gaze on Martin as he removed his jumper with clumsy fingers, hesitating over the white vest underneath. His hope died when Martin gave a shake of his head. Martin’s eyes offered him a warning, all or nothing. The lift of his dark eyebrow reminded him he’d asked for this.

  Brad silently cursed. Defiantly he pulled off the last remaining barrier to reveal his scars. The glow of pride on Martin’s face had his wilting cock spring back to life.

  Brad glanced over his shoulder when he heard a door open. He chewed his lip, hoping to stop the saliva from dripping down his chin at Stuart’s glorious, naked, golden, and tattooed flesh.

  It took a second to register Joe’s harsh demand that no one touch Stuart. Brad smirked at his friend. He could totally get on board with that. He turned to Martin, giving his full attention.

  There is no way anyone is touching what belongs to me.

  The deep golden tan had hardly faded from their recent holiday. It seemed to make the tattoos scattered over his chest appear darker against the gold. Gold that glowed under the flickering candlelight. The naked muscles ripped sexily as Martin moved to sit on the navy leather chair. He spread his thighs open, beckoning Brad closer.

  The allure of all that naked flesh was too much to resist. Brad slid in between his rock-hard thighs.

  He felt rather than saw Joe move before he heard a clatter of items hitting the table next to their chairs. Brad felt his pulse spike when Martin positioned him so his arse and back were on full display before talking to the other men.

  “Brad was a naughty boy for not asking for what he wanted. So this was his punishment.”

  Brad felt his face burn with mortification when he knew all eyes had landed on his arse.

  “He has had to endure this little beauty in his arse all afternoon. For the entire party, hey, baby.” Martin’s words trailed off when Brad felt him slowly tugging on the end of the plug, right before pushing it deeper.

  Brad mewled. Unable to stop the sound from escaping, he gritted his teeth. The feel of the plug pushing against his sweet spot after hours of torment left his legs quivering and his cock dripping like a leaking tap.

  Brad knew without a shadow of a doubt that Martin was ensuring the ot
her men’s focus was solely on his bottom and not his back. He would have kissed him for his thoughtfulness if he hadn’t been restraining him with his thighs and hand.

  He ground back, lost in the sensations that were lighting up his channel. He encouraged Martin to go deeper. Or pull out the plug and use his fingers, his cock, anything. He just needed more. The plug was no longer enough to take the edge of the need that had been building since Martin had teased him in the bathroom hours earlier.

  Brad felt the sweat gather under his hair. His pulse beat frantically as he tried to get some friction on his throbbing cock. A cock that was currently trying to attract Martin’s attention by dripping all over Martin’s balls and cock. The visual as the liquid gleamed under the flickering flames against Martin’s tanned skin had Brad’s tongue slide out of his mouth, licking his dry lips.

  The sounds from around the bedroom seemed to infiltrate past Martin’s need to torment him because he finally stopped making Brad suffer and removed the plug. Brad immediately wished Martin would push it back inside him when all he felt was empty. So at odds with how full he’d felt all day, he now felt bereft.

  He had no chance to complain when he watched Martin from under his lashes twist and grab the lube. His feral snarl as he pulled Brad closer, making him straddle his lap and face the bed had Brad tremble in anticipation of what was to come. The tiny hairs on his arms and legs leapt to attention, pleased to have what they’d been missing for the last few days. Days that had felt worse than all the years he’d tolerated with no sex. Hell, they paled into insignificance. There was just no comparison for him now.

  Brad writhed. His thoughts fled when large hands guided him down onto Martin’s large engorged erection. The bulbous head stretched his loosened pucker. The slight burn was welcome, taking the edge off his need to shoot cum all over the floor in front of him.

  Brad impaled himself on the steel rod that was Martin’s cock. His lips opened on a low moan. He sucked in a breath, struggling to hold still and allow his body to adjust to the intrusion. Sweat beaded his brow and upper lip. He willed himself to relax when Martin stroked his hands down his body before directing his gaze to the bed.


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