Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5) Page 18

by Kenya Wright

  A red tint covered his face as one of the men spoke. “Mr. Stronz, management would like clarification for your guests’ actions.”

  “I have no problem with Club Pleasure, the management, and staff. This deals with Mr. Turgenev and his associates.”

  The other man touched the bud in his right ear. When he put his hand down, he said, “It is our policy to remain out of any disputes as long as our rules are followed.”

  “Upon the hour, I will clean up my mess and compensate all damages. Please send the bill to the usual place.”

  The men bowed and moved out of my way. My people continued to jump in the pool and stab the Solntsevskaya.

  Maxwell shook his head. “Yo, Russia is a different place.”

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Circuit.

  Circuit sounded like he was munching on something. “When will you be back? We’re almost ready to pull the plug on the Japanese power plants.”

  “I may need you to hack into Club Pleasure’s system too.”

  “I would rather not. I thoroughly enjoy my membership. And please don’t ruin the place.”

  “It’s just the doors. I want you to unlock them. Management is standing to the side.”

  “Hack into Club Pleasure? Security is important to them, Misha.”

  “And your livelihood is important to you, not to mention your life.”

  “Really? You’re threatening me?”

  “I’m reminding you of loyalty and friendship.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Down in the underground suites. I want the room that Leonid rented and the door to open for my handprint.”

  “Damn it. They’ll know it’s me.”

  “Or they won’t. Get it done and I’ll find you another Club Pleasure.”

  He whined. “There isn’t another.”

  “One day there will be. I have a friend who’s interested in starting one.” I hung up, put my phone away, and glanced at the pool behind me. Several bodies floated on the surface. A few women continued to rush away. My men walked through the pool with their knives above water, searching out any survivors.

  The two men that had approached us earlier now stood in front of the long hallway of suites.

  I headed over to them.

  One of the men sat at the high desk. “Mr. Stronz, can we still help you with anything after you’re done?”

  “My guests will need rooms after we clean up. Please, have some new women available.”

  The man typed into his laptop. “And will you need any condoms, creams, or toys?”

  Maxwell grinned at the guy. “I just wanted to tell you that this is such a nice place. Please tell management that they’re doing a lovely job.”

  “Review them later.” I shook my head and finished. “After my cleaning crew is done, put condoms, creams, and toys in all the rooms.”

  “Yes, sir.” He watched me walk down the hall. “Will you need a key for any of the rooms?”

  “Not this time.”

  Both men frowned.

  Sorry, Circuit. I’ll make this up.

  I gazed down at the long hallway.

  Four guards stood at the end. They stared at us. Neither moved.

  “They don’t look like the S group, but they’re killers,” Maxwell whispered. “Do we handle these guys?”

  “Yes, but stop at the room next to them, and then we’ll charge.”

  “Good idea. They may have guns.”

  We slowly walked down.

  Somehow Maxwell stuck his hand through the duct tape and wore it as a thick uncomfortable bracelet.

  I took my phone out and dialed Circuit. “What do you have?”

  “Last suite on the right. He ordered two buckets of lobster, three bottles of champagne, five women, a half kilo of cocaine, and a jumbo stuffed white pony with a pink and yellow bow around its neck.”

  I continued to the room. “Why would he order a jumbo stuffed animal?”

  “You clearly haven’t done a half kilo of cocaine before.”

  “Clearly. Have the door ready for my print.” I hung up, placed the phone in my pocket, and continued forward.

  The men switched their calm stance, lined up in the center of the hallway, and faced our way as if attempting to block us.

  You’ll need to do a lot more than that.

  None took guns out yet.

  “No need to fake a charge.” Maxwell unbuttoned his jacket and kept his hands to the side. “They’re ready for us.”

  “At least they think they are.”

  My guys moved in front of me.

  The tall man behind them tapped the suite door. It slid open. The sounds of moans and grunting entered the hallway. Five more men stepped outside, holding machetes.

  “Good.” I undid my jacket. “They’re going to follow the rules.”

  Four feet away, two of Leonid’s guards charged at us. The two men revealed long swords—one blue and the other green. In a flash, they sliced two of my men in half. Four parts of my men fell to the floor. Blood dripped from the swords. Victorious, the guards flashed wicked grins.

  “Damn. I need to get in touch with their carver.” Fast, Maxwell wrenched out a machete. The duct tape still dangled on his wrist. “After we kill them, I’m taking those swords.”

  “You can’t have both. That’s just being greedy.”

  “Maybe I’ll give you one.” He winked. “Maybe.”

  I pulled a knife from my jacket. “Fine, but I get the green one.”

  “No way. You take the blue.”

  “How about this.” I glanced his way. “The person with the most kills picks?”


  I turned back to Leonid’s guards. “Most important. Make sure you don’t get killed.”

  “Aww.” Maxwell stepped forward and held the machete in front of him. “You love me. Don’t you?”

  One of Leonid’s guards spoke in Russian. “Mr. Turgenev is not taking any visits at this time.”

  Quick, Maxwell whipped the machete in the air. The blade hit the center of the guard’s neck. Blood gurgled out of his mouth. Dropping the sword, he crashed to the floor.

  “One for me.” Maxwell took out another machete with duct tape. “You’re zero.”

  “Damn it.” I charged for the other. He slashed at me. I jumped back and tossed my knife. It hit his chest but wasn’t good enough. While he tried to pull the knife out of his chest, I punched him in the face, grabbed his hand holding the sword, and shoved his own blade in his stomach. He fell to the floor. I pushed the knife deeper into him.

  Sweat coated my forehead. “One.”

  On both sides, all joined the fight. I would have picked up the swords, but the hallway was too narrow. Only an idiot fought with a sword in this space. That’s why the two men had gone down so easily.

  As I pulled out another knife a man sliced my waist. The pain throbbed through me.

  “Asshole!” I gave him all my attention and went to work.

  Maxwell screamed behind me. “Two!”

  “Fuck you.” I jammed the knife into the side of my guy’s head. It got stuck. “Shit. Die already. You’re messing with my count.”

  I slammed my fist into his throat. He went down. I punched the air. “Two!”

  Maxwell roared. “Duck!”

  I did.

  A machete zipped through the air.

  Maxwell laughed. “Three!”

  Rising, I pulled out another knife. “No one cares.”

  “You’re just mad that I’ll have new swords.”

  One of Leonid’s guards rushed for Maxwell. They wrestled with each other. Maxwell grunted and slammed the big guy into the wall.

  I walked up to them, stabbed his man in the back, and winked. “Three.”


  “You’re welcome. I just saved your life!” I rushed off for any free guy that wasn’t fighting with my men. One guy crashed into me. My knife fell from my hand. He punched me in my jaw. Pain rattled my teeth. I t
ried to grab the knife on the ground. He had his hands around my neck. Seconds later, he stopped my breathing. It felt like I’d swallowed a jug of cement and it was drying. I gave him several jabs. He kept his grip on my neck. I shoved my knee in his crotch. It didn’t loosen the hold. I batted at his arms. My head went dizzy. I almost lost my footing. I punched him in the crotch. He grunted and let go. Right as I began to attack, a knife sliced his throat.

  The man fell.

  Maxwell winked at me. “Four.”

  “No one cares.” I rubbed my neck and searched the ground. All around me men barreled and punched, jabbed, and shoved. Blood splattered the ground and floor. I was glad I’d told Naveen to have a cleanup crew ready. Finding a butcher knife, I picked it up and scanned the packed hallway of violence. “Where are you, lucky number four?”

  Dead men scattered the ground. Just as I was about to go for the last guy by the door, Anatoly snapped his neck.

  “Fuck!” I scowled at him. “He was mine.”

  Anatoly gave me an odd look. “You didn’t want me to kill him?”

  “Sorry.” I straightened my jacket. “Ignore me. I’ve let a game get out of hand.”

  Anatoly backed away and took out another knife.

  Maxwell appeared with his jacket off and shirt torn. “Five.”

  I frowned. “Bullshit.”

  “Five, man. I’m a beast with the knife game. What can I tell you?”

  I glanced back. “Where?”

  Maxwell pointed. “Dude on the ground over there.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t see him.”

  “You didn’t look.”

  Dima came up. “No, Maxwell. I killed him.”

  “Not really. He was getting back up,” Maxwell countered, “I helped the dude stay down.”

  I shook my head. “Doesn’t count if you didn’t give the kill shot. You only have four.”

  “I still win.”

  “The game is not over yet.”

  I pressed my hand against the door. It slipped open.

  Moaning rose in the air. All of us turned our attention to the events of the room. One Asian woman licked another’s pussy while a blonde lapped at her asshole.

  “Yeah. That’s what I like.” Maxwell tilted his head possibly for a better look.

  And where’s Leonid?

  I checked the left. Another woman snorted lines of coke off a black woman’s breast.

  Maxwell nudged my shoulder and gestured to the right. “That’s your man over there.”

  Sniffing cocaine off his finger, a naked fat man pumped his dick into a stuffed animal. As Circuit had said, it was a jumbo stuffed white pony with a pink and yellow bow around its neck. I vowed to never buy one for Natalya. I could never get this image out of my mind.

  Anatoly and Dima entered before us. Then Maxwell and I walked inside. So drugged out, none of the room’s inhabitants stopped what they were doing.

  Maxwell pointed to the disgusting guy. “If I kill him that counts as two.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  “It should. He’s the bad guy. In a game, the bad guy is worth more.” Maxwell looked down as if just realizing he no longer wore his jacket. “Damn. No more knives.”

  “Aww.” Grinning, I showed him the butcher knife in my hand. “Is that right?”

  Frowning, Maxwell grabbed his duct tape and pulled out a strip. “I don’t need it anyway. I’ll go old school on this motherfucker.”

  “What are you going to do with that?”

  “Duct tape his nose and mouth. It’ll suffocate his ass.” He rushed his way.

  “Fuck!” I charged for him.

  Maxwell grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back.

  The man finally noticed the noise, stopped pumping, and slung the white pony at us. We both jumped out of the way, not wanting to be touched by that particular stuffed animal.

  He jumped on the bed. His small dick wiggled. He screamed in Russian, “No! No! It was my brother! I have no problem with you, Misha!”

  Even with him jumping on the bed, the women continued to lick and lap at each other.

  How drugged-out are these people?

  I gestured to Dima. “Get the women out of here.”

  “No way.” Maxwell waved me away. “Allow me to handle these fine young ladies.”

  I returned my attention to the naked idiot on the bed and switched to Russian. “What do you mean it was your brother?”

  “Leonid hired those Chinese guys or wherever they’re from. I told him to leave it alone. He said he couldn’t. My brother was always stubborn. Please don’t kill me.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Aleksander Turgenev. I’m the baby.”

  “That’s why you like to fuck ponies?” I gestured to the brutalized stuffed animal on the ground.

  “It’s just a little hobby. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “You said you’re the baby. Any other siblings?”

  “My sister Taya.”

  Maxwell snapped his fingers at the women. They stopped and turned to him. With a wicked smile, he whispered in Russian, “Come.”

  The blonde paused from licking the Asian woman’s asshole, wiped her mouth, and took in all of us in the room. Terror hit her eyes. The other women realized the same thing. The three hurried off the bed and followed Maxwell outside.

  I directed my view back to the man that supposedly wasn’t Leonid. “Prove it.”

  He kept his hands in the air. “Prove what?”

  “Prove that you’re not Leonid.”

  “My phone. Just do a search.”

  I turned to Dima. “Check his phone and look up Aleksander Turgenev’s picture. This guy kind of looks like the one I saw, but I need to make sure.”

  He headed over.

  Maxwell returned, went over to the two women snorting, and clapped his hands. “Come.”

  The same effect happened. They paused from their activity, took in all of us, and rushed away with him.

  Maxwell winked at me. “You see? Skills.”

  I eyed him. “Since when do you know Russian?”

  “I can say come in any language.”

  I decided not to ask why, certain the conversation would linger into debauchery.

  Dima walked back and showed me the phone. “He’s right. The idiot is Leonid’s little brother.”

  “Did he show you?” The dumb ass scratched his balls and then used the same hand to wipe at his nose. “Leonid told me to hide out here until those Asian guys killed you.”

  I gripped the knife. “Come here.”

  “Y-you understand now? I’m not the one you’re looking for.” He stepped off the bed and fell to the floor.

  Maxwell returned. “All right. I’m back.”

  I glanced his way. “I’m surprised you didn’t fuck them.”

  “They reek of cocaine and stuffed animal. Even I have my limits, Misha.”

  I smirked.

  Maxwell shrugged. “But I did get their numbers. Once they get some sleep and take a nice shower, anything can happen.”

  I returned to the Turgenev idiot.

  Aleksander took his time rising from the floor. He stumbled over. Tiny cotton balls scattered across his erect dick. “You have to believe me. I would never mess with you. I didn’t even like my grandfather.”

  Stepping to Aleksander, I wasted no time, raised the butcher knife, and slammed it into his chest. “Four.”

  He crashed to the floor.

  I smiled at Maxwell. “It’s a tie.”

  “Bullshit. This motherfucker isn’t even a half a point.”

  “Oh, really?” I scowled. “What happened to he’s the bad guy so he should be two points?”

  “Fuck that. I get the green sword!” Maxwell rushed out of there.


  “Dima, cut off Alexander’s head and bring it with us!” I chased after Maxwell.

  It took us five minutes to find the swords. More men had come behind us. Blood and dead bodies littered t
he hallway. When we did, Maxwell found the green one and I picked up the blue.

  “Ah-ha!” Maxwell raised it in the air. “It was my destiny!”

  I studied mine and found that I actually preferred it better. “Perhaps it was.”

  The cleaning crew passed us as we left Club Pleasure. I didn’t even glance at any of the staff knowing that they would be grimacing my way. We’d made a proper mess of the club. More than Valentina and Kazimir had ever done.

  Maxwell whipped his sword from side to side. “We still didn’t get Leonid.”

  I handed my sword to Anatoly. “But we have his baby brother’s head. I told Dima to grab it.”

  Maxwell stopped ogling his sword. “What will you do with his head?”

  “Send it to the Turgenev household.”

  “Not a bad touch.” Maxwell sliced at the air.

  “This needs to end, but every time I pull at one string, more strings unravel.”

  “At least you have Ava.”

  “I told her about Valentina and the baby.”

  We walked out of Club Pleasure.

  “I bet she was cool with it.”

  “She was.”

  Maxwell swung his sword by his side. “And have you talked to Valentina yet?”

  “No.” I pulled out my phone and dialed her.

  Maxwell shook his head. “That wasn’t a suggestion to call her. I doubt her drama will get fixed soon.”

  “Or maybe it will.”

  Annoyance rode Valentina’s voice. “What do you want?”

  “To begin some form of parental visits with Natalya.”

  “Are you in Paris?”

  “I will be heading—”

  She hung up.

  I put the phone back in my pocket. “You’re right. I’ll deal with her later.”

  Anatoly opened the limo door.

  Maxwell climbed inside.

  I followed.

  He set the sword down and pulled out a joint. “What will you do if Valentina doesn’t let you see your daughter?”

  “Kill her.” I glanced out the window.

  Maxwell laughed. “No. I’m serious.”

  I turned back to him. “Me too. If she denies me my child, I will kill her. It would have to be in a way that keeps the blame off me, but that’s what I will do.”

  Maxwell held the joint in mid-air. “Yo. Kazimir would carry out an airtight investigation. There’s no way you could get away with it.”

  “There are ways.”


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