Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5) Page 27

by Kenya Wright

  The image showed Valentina in a chair with duct tape over her mouth. Leonid stood next to her, holding Natalya in his arms. A text message came in that said, Call me.

  “Let’s go.” I dialed the number and rushed off. When the person on the line picked up, I spoke. “What do you want?”

  Leonid’s voice came on. “It took some digging to find your secret, but I did. Congratulations. It’s a girl.”

  My body drummed with fury. “You want me? Then let’s keep this between us.”

  “Did you keep it between us when you killed my brother?”

  “Listen. I will do anything. Please. That’s the Lion’s niece you hold in your arms.” I made it to the front of the club, shoved the door open, and stepped outside. “Let them go and this battle is still between us.”

  Cold air hit my face. “Hurt Valentina or my daughter and you will have all of the Brotherhood after you and everyone that you love. There will be no Turgenev family after that.”

  Leonid’s dark laugh rode the line. “My men told me that you ran off to Paris after you killed my Xecutioners.”

  So, you think they’re dead? Interesting. I’ll use that against you, son of a bitch.

  “I had business. I’ll be on a plane to head back to St Petersburg within the hour.”

  “I would make that faster.”

  “Don’t hurt them.”

  “They’ll remain alive until you come.”

  Naveen and Maxwell appeared outside. Both of their faces showed dread.

  I spoke into the phone. “And when I come?”

  “I’ll let them go, but you. . .well. . .you and I will have fun.”

  My jaw twitched with anger.

  We sure will, Leonid.

  A baby cried on his side. My heart ached. I touched my chest, feeling more powerless than ever before in my life.

  “Aww.” Leonid laughed. “I think it’s time for the little one to eat. Who knows with babies? You should hurry.”

  “Don’t hurt them,” I pleaded with my entire soul. “Please. I’m on my way. I’ll be there.”

  “You have twelve hours. Call this number when you land. Then I’ll give you the location.”

  The call ended.

  I put the phone in my pocket and turned to Maxwell and Naveen. “I have to go back to St Petersburg.”

  Maxwell nodded. “Naveen told me Leonid took Valentina and your baby girl.”

  I rubbed my face with both hands. “Once again, I’ve shoved everything out of order and put people in harm’s way.”

  “Cry about that shit later.” Maxwell placed his hand on my shoulder. “Now, handle business.”

  I nodded. “We have to get Emily back. Maxwell, take my limo and some men. Go with Kazimir. You’ll need to be my main contact person with him. Kazimir will want to talk to me and that’s fine, but. . .I’ve realized that he is in love. Which means he won’t have a straight mind to make the tough decisions. He’ll want to create chaos. This means you’ll have to secretly keep my team and I updated. Anything you need, text it.”


  I gave him Circuit’s number. “On my way to the plane, I’ll catch Circuit up. Maxwell, you’ll have the whole unit at your hands. Kazimir will bark orders my way, but keep them updated until I land.”

  “Got you.” Maxwell walked off, stopped, spun around, and returned to me. “Yo. . .”

  My body trembled with terror. I couldn’t get the image of Leonid holding my little girl out of my mind.

  I cleared my throat. “What’s wrong, Maxwell?”

  “Just in case we don’t see each other again.” Maxwell grabbed and pulled me into his arms, giving me the biggest hug I’d ever experienced. “Your daughter is going to be okay, man. Leonid needs her to be bait. There’s no reason to hurt them.”

  Maxwell leaned away but didn’t let go of me. “You keep me updated too.”

  “I will. Just promise me one thing.”


  “Don’t tell Kazimir about Valentina’s kidnapping until Emily is back with him.”

  “I promise.” Maxwell released me. “Remember keep me updated too. Valentina may be a demon, but no one fucks with her.”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  Maxwell walked off and called out, “I’ll see you later, man. We’ll fix all of this shit.”

  I hated watching him leave. For the past weeks, we’d been a strong team and bonded as brothers. “Take care of my cousin, Maxwell. Kazimir is going to be a lot today.”

  “I’ll do my best. Em would kill me if I didn’t.”

  Naveen got in front of me. “Do you want me in Paris or in St Petersburg?”

  “Paris. Get as many hackers as you can here. We’ll need every resource on getting the Devil. Since the terrorist bombings, Paris has implemented a high-tech monitoring system. In this country, there are cameras in traffic cams, all public transportation, etc.”

  “I have a few hackers I can grab.”

  “Find a home base. Make sure they feed all footage to Circuit’s crew. It will make everything go faster. And answer to me, not Kazimir. The Lion will be like a walking bomb ready to explode. If he knows about your base, he’ll be there screaming at everyone and slapping people around for no reason.”

  Nodding, Naveen studied me. “And what is your plan with Leonid?”

  “I’m going to him so that he’ll free Valentina and Natalya.”

  Naveen frowned. “Who will be on your side?”

  “Get the Mouse back to the Lion and those codes on our side. That’s your only focus.” I turned around.

  Naveen grabbed my shoulder. “Hold up. You can’t go to Leonid by yourself. He’ll kill you.”

  I faced him. “That’s not your problem. I told you what your goals—”


  “All of this—the codes, kidnappings, Leonid, and the Xecutioners—ends today.”

  “But how?”

  “I have a long flight.” I pulled out the unicorn chess piece. “I’ll figure something out.”

  Naveen’s frown deepened. Then, he did something surprising. He also yanked me into a hug and tightened his hold. But with his embrace, he rocked us from side to side.

  Stunned, I asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m embracing you like Maxwell, and I’m hoping that this isn’t the last time I’ll see you.”

  I left his hug. “You’ll see me again.”

  “Will I?”

  “Promise.” I shook my head. “And when we do, we’ll need to have a conversation on how to properly hug another man.”

  Naveen gave me a sad smile. “Too strong?”

  “You bruised my ribs.” I forced a smile back. “And the rocking?”

  “Thought it added a little jazz.”

  “It added something.”

  “Maxwell will have to teach me his gentle embrace.”

  “We’ll talk about jazzy hugs later. For now, get the fucking Devil.” I turned around and walked away.

  Naveen called back at me, “Be safe, Misha.”

  “You too. I would make the headquarters on the outskirts of Paris. With the Lion pissed this city won’t be safe.”

  Chapter 26


  I woke up to loud noises outside my door. Yawning, I rose from the bed, put on my robe, and went over to the door and opened it. To my surprise, Yefim stood on the other side.

  I yawned again. “Why are you out here?”

  “We’re at high-level security.” Yefim gazed at the craziness in the combat room. “Circuit asked me to stay by the door and make sure nothing happens to you.”

  “He thinks someone is going to come down here?”

  “He’s just on edge.”

  The hectic chatter rose. I left my bedroom and scanned the combat room. Yefim walked on my side. My guards followed. Rainbow Hats rushed around. Computers beeped and flashed. Others typed as if their lives depended on it. If they weren’t on their laptops, then they ran around checking illuminated

  I checked the map. “That’s Paris. What’s going on? Is Misha okay?”

  “A lot is going on, but Misha is fine.”

  On another wall, several screens displayed live footage. It was all scenes of chaos. In one neighborhood, men fought each other. On another screen, men shot at each other. A diesel truck crashed into a restaurant on the other screen.

  Oh my God.

  My nerves frazzled. Panic filled my heart. “Paris is a war zone!”

  Yefim kept his voice low. “Don’t worry. Misha is on a plane back to St Petersburg.”

  I let out a long breath. “Thank God. Then what is going on?”

  “The Lion’s lover has been kidnapped.”

  “Kazimir’s girlfriend?”

  “Yes.” He bobbed his head. “Circuit and the rest of the team are tasked with getting her back. That’s why there’s so much mania.”

  “If they don’t get her, then. . .”

  “The Lion will come here after destroying Paris and he’ll blow us up. However, that’s just my assumption.”

  I searched for Circuit. After scanning all the frantic people, I found him on the phone, shaking his head. “Misha, I-I understand, but. . .what do I know of these sort of people? I’m a computer guy.”

  I inched closer and made sure I was out of the way.

  “But. . .no. I don’t think it is a good idea for me to leave now.” Circuit paced. “Our Rainbow Hats are good, but not good enough to be without me. Not for something so important. I have to guide them if we’re going to get the Mouse back. Yes. Yes. But. . .Misha? Misha?”

  Circuit slung the phone at the table and wiped the sweat off his face. “He’s crazy. What do I know about gangsters and—”

  He paused when he saw me. “You’ve got to go back in the bedroom, Ava. We don’t need any more people kidnapped.”

  I raised my hands in the air. “I’m safe. Yefim is protecting me. I just want to know how I can help.”

  “How you can help?” Circuit grabbed his now cracked phone and handed it to me. “Maybe you can call up Misha and tell him to calm down. He’s doing too much. We have to focus on one tragedy at a time.”

  “One tragedy at a time?” I stepped closer. “What else is going on?”

  Circuit frowned. “Have you talked to Misha?”

  “I did right before he got on the plane and left for Paris.” I turned to Yefim. “What else is going on?”

  My guard replied, “Valentina and her daughter were kidnapped by Leonid Turgenev.”

  “The baby?” I widened my eyes. “Where are they?”

  Circuit spoke. “We have people on that. But not as many as we have on getting the Mouse back. We’re already dividing this by three ways—finding the Devil, searching for the French, and figuring out where Valentina is kept.”

  I gestured to the phone. “What did Misha want you to do?”

  “He wants me to go to the Xecutioners and ask for their help in getting Valentina and the baby back.” Circuit’s hands shook. “I can’t. I’m a tech man, not a gangster. I don’t even know how to shoot a gun.”

  I glanced at all the gun battles on the screens. “Where are the Xecutioners?”


  I looked back at Circuit. “I can talk to them. They know me.”

  Well. . .they were going to kill me. . .so that counts as them knowing me.

  “That is a bad idea.” Circuit’s face went red. “I mean. . .but. . .they are on our side now, but what if they aren’t?”

  “They’re with us. That was the last thing Misha said to me. And if he was going to have you go over there, then he knew you would be safe. He needs you—”

  “Not as much as he needs you.”

  “Misha hid them. Do you know where?”

  “This is a bad idea, Ava.” Circuit shook his head. “Just go back to your room.”

  “Look. I know it’s a bit crazy, but why would he send you instead of one of his men?”

  “I don’t know, because I would look harmless and believable?”

  “Exactly. And I look harmless and believable. Plus, they know my face. They may not know yours. And all of Misha’s men are hiding them, which means I should be safe.”

  Yefim spoke, “And I’ll be with her.”

  Circuit glared at him. “Yefim, you should be with me on this, buddy. If you get her killed or hurt, Misha is going to do disgusting things to you.”

  With no fear, Yefim nodded. “Which is why I will make sure she is safe.”

  I gestured to all the chaos around us. “I just want to help. And right now, I agree with what you told Misha on the phone. You need to be in here, making sure that everyone is found. I can go and deliver a message to the Xecutioners.”

  Circuit paced. “We should call Misha. Granted, he is on the plane and the reception has been shit. Kazimir keeps calling too and—”

  “This will be quick, Circuit. Give me the address for the Xecutioners. I go, ask for their help, and return.”

  Circuit stopped pacing. “We have to get this approved by Misha.”

  “Misha is in the air and he’ll say no but in the end, you and I know that I can help.”

  Circuit directed his attention to Yefim. “How many men can you get to protect her?”

  Yefim considered it. “Ten down here. Ten up above. I could get ten more to follow us. Plus, whatever of Misha’s men are at the bunker where the Xecutioners are.”

  I shrugged. “I’ll be more protected than anybody today.”

  “I’m going to regret this.” Circuit went over to a desk, pulled out silver earrings, and handed it to me. “You need to wear these and keep it on the whole time.”

  “What is this?”

  “A tracker.”

  “You just happen to have earrings with trackers in your desk?”

  “I give a pair to a girlfriend or boyfriend when I have one. . .or both.”

  “You like to track them?”

  “Of course.”

  I shook my head. “Misha and you have problems.”

  “You just focus on wearing those damn earrings!”

  “Got it.” I held them. “Okay. And the address?”

  “I’ll give it to Yefim.” He pointed at my nightgown. “How about you get dressed? We don’t have much time.”

  “You’re right.” I hurried off.

  I knew Misha would hate this plan, but it could work. Due to me, he let a lot of stuff get out of hand. Even more, Leonid would have never taken Valentina and Misha’s daughter, if not for Misha protecting me. Due to that, I had to do more than pirouette and look pretty. Misha needed people to put out all the fires threatening to consume him.

  I’ll talk to the Xecutioners. From what Misha has told me about them. . .they’re reasonable.

  I did a quick clean up and searched for something to wear. One of the biggest things that I remembered about Misha’s story on the Xecutioners was that they appreciated a well-dressed person. Therefore, I pulled out an Alexander McQueen pants suit. It was all black and exuded dark romantic opulence. Shimmering crystals embellished the black single-breasted crepe blazer.

  This may be over the top, but at least it will make more of an impression than jeans and sneakers.

  I put on the suit. The pants hugged my legs. I finished the outfit off with black six-inch heels and brushed my hair back into a smooth bun. Before leaving, I grabbed my gun, checked that it was loaded, put it on safety, and placed it in my purse.

  Just in case.

  I headed out of the bedroom.

  Yefim met me in the center of the room. Shock covered his face. “You look. . .nice.”

  “I thought it would be smart to make a good first impression.”

  “You. . .” He looked away. “You will.”

  “Awesome. Did you get the address?”

  “Yes. The limos and vans are ready.”


  “Most of your men will be in the vans.”

  “All right.” I nodded.
  I’m so out of my element, but that’s okay. I’ve got this.

  Circuit appeared. “Jesus Christ, are you going on a hot date or what?”

  “Misha said they’re into style.”

  Circuit drank me in. “I don’t know what will annoy Misha more, that you went to handle the Xecutioners or that you did it looking this gorgeous.”

  I pointed to my ears. “I have the trackers on.”

  “I know.” Circuit gestured to the screen in the right corner. “That’s you.”

  I checked and spotted a bright pink dot within the layout of Misha’s underground offices. “It’s already tracking me?!”

  “Never take it off. I can also hear anything that is said, so if you need help someone will be listening. We need a code word.”

  Yefim offered one. “Danger.”

  Circuit rolled his eyes. “That’s too obvious. How about kludge?”

  I quirked my brows. “What’s kludge?”

  “It’s a poorly programmed piece of software.”

  “Uh. I wouldn’t remember that.”

  “Oh. Let’s go with sneakernet.” Circuit looked proud of himself. “It’s the old-fashioned way of transferring data using external, portable media by copying the data to disk and then walking it over somewhere.”

  I shook my head. “Perhaps, we can use. . .wait. Don’t they call Misha the Mosquito?”

  “He doesn’t like it.”

  “I think it’s cute.” I beamed. “If I’m in danger, I’ll say something like there’s a mosquito here or—”

  “But I think the Xecutioners know that he is called that.” Circuit waved it away. “We’ll need something else.”

  Yefim added, “The ballerina.”

  Circuit frowned. “That makes no sense. Why would the ballerina say the ballerina out loud?”

  “He has a good point, but it was a great idea.” I gave Yefim a weak smile. “I do like the idea of using something ballet related. Then I’ll remember it during a stressful moment. Do you know any ballet terms, Circuit?”

  Circuit shrugged. “All my knowledge of ballet is the movie the Black Swan. And even then I never finished it. I’ve tried three times.”

  “That’s it.” I nodded. “Black Swan is the code word. If I say that, send in the troops.”

  Minutes later, we rode to the Xecutioner’s new location—an old bunker that Misha used long ago.


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