Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5) Page 32

by Kenya Wright

  I raised my Glocks, shot, and missed.

  The big guy cursed, changed his hold on the shotgun, and tried to hit me with it as if the gun was a bat. I ducked. He slammed it against the wall.

  I twisted around him.

  He reached for one of my Glocks.

  I rammed one into his gut. The move did nothing for him, but it gave me a great angle. I shot him in the leg.

  “Ah!” It didn’t stop him. He grabbed my sides into a bear hug.

  Pain hit my sides. I slammed the butt of the Glock on his head. He took it like a champ, raising me in the air.

  More of Leonid’s men rushed in, shooting at my people barging into the kitchen.

  Still in a bear hug, I shot at his other leg. The bullet missed and hit the floor. He hurled me against the wall. Somehow I held onto the Glock as I crashed into that hard surface.

  Grunting, I jumped up and aimed for his chest. The bullet put a hole in his big belly. Roaring, he charged forward.

  Go down!

  I shot several times into his head.

  He stumbled forward and then fell to the floor.

  I stepped over him and aimed at the few of Leonid’s men that remained. Smoke rose in the kitchen. It was mania. There must’ve been forty fighting people packing the space. Dishes splattered everywhere. Huge metal racks were turned over onto dead bodies.

  We rushed through, searching for Leonid.

  When I ran out of bullets, I charged for another huge guy and punched him in the jaw. The blow landed. He staggered back but stayed on his feet. I gave him an uppercut under the chin. His head snapped back in a mist of blood. Some of the liquid got on me.

  I wiped it away, moved forward, and stepped over more dead bodies.

  I’d brought a massive army. There was almost no one fighting from Leonid’s side. His men roared in pain. Others shouted in agony.

  I spotted the exit. It was open. Several of Leonid’s men lay dead in the doorway. I checked the side and caught sight of Leonid hiding behind a metal table that was holding desserts.

  I sneered. “There you go.”

  Dima got to my side.

  “Give me your gun.”

  He handed it to me.

  I aimed and shot at Leonid.

  “Wait!” Leonid ducked lower and tossed butcher knives my way.

  I slid to the side, dodging them. Violence wasn’t his world. It was mine.

  “Let’s talk!” Leonid yelled.

  “Come on out.” From ten feet away, I had my gun trained on Leonid’s chest. “We can sit down and have a proper conversation.”

  “Put the gun down.”

  I shot his way. This time, I intentionally missed him.

  “M-Misha! Are we not men? Perhaps, we can f-finally handle this like—”

  I shot his way again. “You kidnapped my daughter.”

  “I-I could help you with the Xecutioners!”

  That grabbed my attention.

  “You made a deal with them. Right? You outbid my contract somehow! I can. . .I can help you with them.”

  I yelled to my people. “Put your guns down.”

  Everyone followed.

  I glanced at Dima. “Get some duct tape.”

  Nodding, he left.

  “Come on out.” I kept my gun to the side. “Tell me about the Xecutioners.”

  Leonid’s voice went shaky. “Y-you’re not going to shoot me?”

  “Get up!”

  Slowly, he rose with his hands in the air. Some sort of tomato sauce covered half of his face and shirt. There was a big stain on his crotch. I wasn’t sure if he’d pissed himself or spilled soup on his pants.

  I sneered. “Over here.”

  Leonid stumbled my way but kept five feet between us.

  “Get on the ground. Face down.”

  Leonid raised his eyebrows. “Me?”

  I raised my gun his way and fired to the ground near his feet. The gun boomed and kicked. The sound bellowed through the kitchen.

  Leonid screamed, “No!”

  “Get on the floor.”

  Shaking, he lowered to his knees like he was praying. “Please! We can work this out. I can help you with them. I swear!”

  “Get down.”

  He did.

  Frowning, I put the weapon down.

  Dima showed up with the duct tape.

  Leonid didn't move.

  I took off my jacket, placed it on a table, and glanced at Dima. “Tape him up.”

  He rushed over and worked fast. With precision, he wrapped Leonid’s wrists and then his ankles. Once he finished, he moved out of the way.

  I undid the buttons on my wrists and rolled up my sleeves.

  “W-wait. Why am I being taped up? Misha?”

  I walked over to the stove. Small flames blazed under a huge pot. I turned off the stove and looked at Leonid. “Tell me about the Xecutioners.”

  “F-first, promise me that you’ll let me go.”

  I picked up the pot. It burned my palms. Quickly, I slung it at him. Blazing hot stew flew in the air and landed on Leonid. He screamed in pain. The liquid covered him. He wiggled on the floor, shrieking in agony.

  I leaned my head to the side. “What did I need to do first again? I didn’t hear you.”

  Leonid cried.


  I went to the sharpened knives on the cutting board. “Tell me about the Xecutioners.”

  Leonid blinked some of the stew away from his eyes. “Hiro is the Dragon’s brother.”

  I snapped my attention to him. “What?”

  “T-that’s his brother. H-half-brother. They share the same father, but have different mothers.”

  “Interesting.” I picked up the butcher knife and twisted it around. “How does that help me?”

  “Hiro wants to get rid of the Dragon, but I don’t think he’ll ever kill him.”

  I walked over to Leonid. “Why not?”

  “Honor or something like that.”

  “Does the Dragon want to kill Hiro?”

  “I don’t think so. I had a deal with the Dragon to hand the Xecutioners over. I didn’t know what he would do with them.”

  “Anything else?”

  Tears left Leonid’s eyes. “Please. . .don’t kill me.”

  “I won’t kill you immediately, Leonid.”

  He widened his eyes.

  “I’m going to take my time.” I lowered and kneeled in front of him. “First I’m going to start with each toe. I’m going to cut it off, one by one.”

  Leonid screamed.

  Smiling, I leaned his way. “I’m going to put the toes in your mouth so I don’t have to hear your voice anymore.”

  “P-please, Misha. I-I have money—”

  “Then I’ll take off parts of each leg.” I glanced over my shoulder and spoke to my men. “Someone record this. I want the other families to see what happens when they fuck with me.”

  I turned back, knowing that it would be handled. “When I cut off your little dick, that’s when the fun will really happen. I’ll take your toes out of your mouth and put your dick in their place. Have you ever sucked your own dick before?”

  “Misha, i-it was my grandfather. W-what could I do? I-I had to retaliate.”

  “Let’s hope you love the flavor of your own dick.” I gestured to his feet. “Take his shoes and socks off.”

  “Misha, don’t do this. I-I have money!”

  “You took my daughter and made her cry.” I pierced him with my gaze. “I’m going to take as long as I can with you. I’m going to cut around your spine and vital organs. Keep you alive as long as possible. And trust me, Leonid, I’m going to enjoy every inch of meat I slice off, every fucking cut.”

  He screamed, and I began.

  Chapter 31


  When the limo pulled up to the building, Yefim climbed out and held the door.

  I got out.

  Scowling, Valentina held Natalya closer to her. The little one had stopped crying. Cur
rently, she pulled at Valentina’s diamond earrings and giggled.

  That’s his daughter. Wow. Misha is a father. I still can’t believe it.

  I turned my attention back to Valentina who didn’t look pleased to see me.

  She sneered. “Where is Misha?”

  “Busy killing the man who kidnapped you.”

  “That’s not good enough. He should have killed him before he took Natalya and me.”

  I gestured to the limo. “I have bottles of water, sandwiches, fruit, and—”

  “Are we going on a picnic?”

  I struggled to keep my composure. After all, she was the person who murdered my best friend. Misha’s baby mother or not, I wouldn’t have minded her dying today.

  If Natalya weren’t involved in your kidnapping, I wouldn’t have volunteered to help. I would have stayed in Misha’s bunker, smiling and doing pirouettes all day.

  I forced a smile on my face. “Where would you like to go, Valentina?”

  “In my limo?”

  I quirked my brows. “Your limo?”

  “This belongs to the Brotherhood.”

  “No. This is Misha’s limo.”

  “Misha belongs to the Brotherhood as well as I. You’re the only one that doesn’t belong.”

  “That’s fine. Since I came to Russia, I’ve been used to not belonging. Do you want a ride in your Brotherhood limo or not?”

  “Take me straight to Misha.”

  “That is not happening.”

  “Oh really? You think you’re going to protect him?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest.

  She turned to Yefim. “Why were you sitting in the limo with her? That’s inappropriate.”

  Yefim gave no response.

  Valentina walked forward, passed me, and climbed into the limo with Natalya. “Make sure he rides upfront. I’m tired of seeing men today.”

  I glanced at Yefim. “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.”

  Yefim lowered his voice. “I don’t want you to be alone with her.”

  “This is the mother of Misha’s daughter. If I’m going to be with him, then I’ll have to deal with her eventually.” I pointed to the front of the limo. “I’ll be fine.”

  I climbed in, grabbed my purse, unzipped it, and placed it on my lap.

  Frowning, Yefim closed the door.

  I put my hand in the purse and held my gun. I wasn’t stupid. I knew Valentina thought that she could get Misha’s little ballerina alone and bully her. Too bad for her, I’d been bullied enough in this cold, crime-riddled country. I was finding that I didn’t enjoy being pushed around anymore.

  Valentina sat across from me. Natalya spotted the bottles of juice and reached for them.

  Valentina glared at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I am here to give you a ride.”

  “Who were those Asian men that freed me?”


  Natalya whimpered and tried to climb out of her mother’s arms.

  Valentina repositioned her daughter, picked up one of the bottles of juices, and opened it. “When I ask you questions, I want long and well-thought-out answers.”

  I kept my hold on the gun hidden in my purse. “Ask Misha, when he has time.”

  “Very cute.” She handed the juice to Natalya and then eyed my purse. “What type of gun do you have in there?”

  “The kind that shoots bullets.”

  “I’ve never known you to be a bitch, Ava.”

  “We all have many sides to us, Valentina. This is the first time you’ve needed to see this one.”

  “Do you think that being Misha’s girlfriend means that you can talk to me any way you want? If anything, you should be even more scared. If I get pissed, I’ll slap him and you.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Natalya sipped on her juice and leaned her head against Valentina’s breast.

  Meanwhile, Valentina never moved her gaze from the gun. “Do you plan to shoot my daughter or just me?”


  “Then why hold it?”

  “Because I don’t trust you.”

  “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “You killed my best friend.” My eyes watered. “And I miss O very much. I get why you did it. But there could have been other ways to handle the situation.”

  She gritted her teeth. “You get why?”

  “I do.”

  She frowned. “That’s a very dangerous secret, Ava.”

  “Is it?” I shrugged. “Your daughter’s parents are known. O clearly didn’t do it, even though she claimed that she did.”

  Valentina blinked. “You don’t think she did it?”

  “Put your brother’s sperm inside of you?” I shook my head. “No. I think she told you that to make you mad. O was several levels of crazy, I knew that about her. Again I get why you did it. O would have never left you alone. But. . .”


  “I just wish. . .” I sighed. “I just wish I could see her again.”

  Valentina looked away. “Me too.”

  The limo drove off. My phone rang.

  I used my other hand to answer. “Yes?”

  Yefim spoke. “Where are we taking her?”

  I stared at Valentina. “Where do you want to go?”

  She sneered. “To Misha.”

  “Take us to Misha’s condo.” I hung up and set the phone down.

  She continued to sneer at me. “Is that where he is?”

  “That’s where you’re going. You both need rest and time to—”

  “Don’t tell me what I or my daughter needs!”

  Natalya looked up at her mother.

  Valentina steadied her voice. “You are not in control.”

  “You don’t speak to Misha until I’ve spoken to him.”

  “You’re lucky my daughter is here.”

  I tightened my grip on the gun. “Maybe you’re lucky too.”

  “Be careful, Ava. This isn’t the theater or the stage. You’re in my world now. And here, I’m the prima ballerina.”

  I nodded. “I don’t doubt that. But it’s been a long day. I want to make sure Misha is okay and that Leonid is dead. After that, it’s up to him when he’ll go to you and get yelled at.”

  “And does Kazimir know? If I were Misha, I would go into hiding.”

  “My understanding is that Kazimir doesn’t know.”

  Valentina laughed and extended her hand. “Wait until I tell him. Give me that phone.”

  I didn’t move. “He’s busy too. The French took his girlfriend in Paris. Misha was there until Leonid showed him that he’d taken you and your daughter. We’ve all been running around today from Paris to St Petersburg, making sure that you all are safe.”

  She set her hand down. “They took Emily?”

  I nodded.

  “And my brother is fighting them in Paris?”

  “After Misha kills Leonid, he’s going to supervise the exchange between Kazimir and the French.”


  “Kazimir has the French’s girlfriend.”

  Valentina widened her eyes. “Jean-Pierre?”

  “I think that’s his name.”

  “The Butcher.” Valentina shook her head. “Dear God. It’s best we let Kazimir focus.”

  The limo went silent for a minute.

  Then Valentina broke it. “And I loved Paris. Only God knows what it will look like after this.” She studied me. “So, Misha has been helping my brother?”

  I nodded. “All of Misha’s resources have either been focused on you or Kazimir.”

  She sighed. “When they took me, I thought he wouldn’t free us in time. Misha was in Paris. I didn’t know how he would manage this. He’s already fucked up so much since Uncle Igor passed.”

  “He’s working on it.”

  Valentina studied me. “You think you’re going to be by his side? Through the blood and violence?”

  I swallowed. “I’m going to try.”

“There is no trying, Ava. Either you’re in or you’re out. That is the only option.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet. Tension rose in the limo. She continued to watch me. I wasn’t sure if she wanted to kill or fuck me. Knowing Valentina, it would be both.

  Of all the women you get pregnant, Misha, why did it have to be Valentina?

  She would be a difficult bitch for a long time. I saw a future of her bothering me as much as possible. She was the sort of person that only knew how to bully and dominate. I couldn’t see a soft side to her.

  Am I going to have to keep a gun around her all the time?

  When the limo stopped at Misha’s building, a new set of his men met us. Yefim must’ve called ahead. An older woman with a gray bun stood there too.

  Valentina sighed. “Thank God Angelina is okay. I thought they might have killed her.”

  The old woman held a worried expression. Yefim hurried out and opened the door. I left the purse there and exited the limo.

  Valentina came out with Natalya and handed her to the old woman. “Angelina, take Natalya up for her bath. It’s been a long day.”

  “Aww. I bet you both had a rough time.” The old woman held onto Natalya and gave her several kisses on her cheeks. “Come little one. Angelina is here, my sweet.”

  Angelina walked off with Natalya.

  Valentina turned around and stared at me. “Misha is lucky I don’t want my brother worried right now. He must focus on getting Emily back and then leaving France. However, when Misha is done helping Kazimir, you have him come to me immediately.”

  Girl, are you crazy?

  I shook my head and headed to the limo.

  Valentina grabbed my arm and turned me around. “Did you hear me?”

  I snatched my arm away. “Don’t touch me.”

  Yefim and Misha’s guards looked unsure of what to do.

  Valentina leaned forward. “When I give you an order, you say yes or no to let me know that you understand.”

  I didn’t know what came over me. Perhaps, it was my playing gangster for the day or seeing the Xecutioners kill so easily. Maybe, I was exhausted and had enough of the bullshit today. Or it could have been something else. I knew that if I continued to let Valentina talk to me any sort of way, then I would spend the rest of my life being punked by her.

  So, I slapped the shit out of Valentina. So hard, pain exploded in my fingers. It sounded like the crack of a bullwhip.

  Shocked, she stumbled back and held the side of her face. “You fucking bitch!”


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