Bound by Steel

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Bound by Steel Page 14

by J. B. Havens

  “Is Flynn going to be mad we’re using his car?” Roza asked as she climbed into the passenger seat.

  Laughing softly, Red pointed to her outfit. “Girl, this ain’t just for show. He might think he has a problem with it, but I’ll change his mind.” She started the sports car and with a squeal of tires and shifting gears, they were on their way.

  If Roza hadn’t been with Red, she never would have realized that they had arrived at the club. After leaving Flynn’s prized possession parked in a gated and guarded lot, they walked to the door of what looked like an abandoned warehouse. Red knocked three times, waited a second, and then knocked twice more. A small window opened in the door and a pair of electric blue eyes stared back.

  “Key,” a male voice demanded.

  Red handed over a white key card, like you’d get from a hotel. The card was embossed with a black bell and K&D written under it. Once the man took the card, the window closed.

  “What’s the card for?” Roza asked.

  “He’s swiping it to make sure my membership is current and that I’m cleared for play.”

  Almost before she was finished speaking, the door swung open on silent hinges. They followed a man to a desk where he stopped and picked up Red’s key from the shiny surface. As he returned the key, Roza took a moment to look around the room. While it wasn’t really decorated, it wasn’t plain either. Softly lit with old fashioned gas lamps, it had the appearance of a Victorian drawing room. An antique fainting couch was along the far wall. The only other furniture was the desk and its matching chair. Off to the side of the desk was a set of massive wooden doors. They reminded Roza of the doors to the castle—heavy, studded with iron, and covered in carvings. Taking a closer look, she saw that the carvings were people, men and women tangled together in writhing piles. Hands and mouths were everywhere; it was the most erotic piece of artwork she’d ever seen. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she wiped her suddenly sweating palms on her short skirt.

  “Welcome back, Mistress Red. I see you have a guest tonight.” The man respectfully kept his eyes downcast, waiting for her reply. He was dressed in black leather pants and a blue shirt that matched his eyes perfectly. A white band encircled his left wrist and a black choker was around his neck. He was barefoot and devoid of any other jewelry.

  “Good evening, Joseph. Yes, this lovely lady is my dear friend, Rozalina. She’s a bit curious and I thought I would bring her to have a look around. See if this is something she’d like to try.”

  “Welcome, Rozalina, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled at her, doing his best to put her at ease. Turning his attention back to Red, he continued. “As you know, while here with a guest, neither of you is cleared for play. You must be available to accompany your guest at all times. Please hold out your wrists so that I may attach your bands.”

  Joseph clipped yellow bands on both women with swift, practiced movements. “I’m going to need you to fill this out please, Rozalina.” He handed her a clipboard with a paper attached.

  “This is a basic non-disclosure agreement. By signing it, it means you won’t tell anyone about who or what you see inside. It is legally binding.” Red spoke from beside Roza and handed her a pen. Roza wrote her name, hesitating for only a second before writing Rozalina Riley, using Rook’s last name. She signed the bottom with a flourish and handed the clipboard back to Joseph.

  “Thank you; please, go in. Have an excellent evening, ladies.” Joseph opened the wooden doors and waved Roza and Red inside.

  The doors led into a large foyer. As they walked deeper inside, Roza realized it wasn’t a foyer at all; it was the top of a grand double staircase. A ballroom was below, filled with people in various stages of dress. Some were in suits, others in leather shorts or teddies. A few were completely nude, except for the collars around their throats or the ropes binding them.

  “Oh my,” Roza gasped. It was unlike anything she could have imagined.

  “Give yourself a few minutes to get used to it.” Red placed her palms on the wooden banister that extended around the circle-shaped landing at the top of the stairs.

  “I’m going to need more than a few minutes.” The sounds were as startling as the sights, those that she could hear over the heavy metal music vibrating up through her shoes. The atmosphere was filled with the distinct impact of flesh smacking flesh, the distant crack of a bull whip, and the cries and screams of pleasure and pain.

  “If it’s too much, we can go.” Red looked over at her.

  Roza’s eyes went wide. “No fucking way. W…” She didn’t finish the word before the soft click of shoes on marble reached her ears. There was someone behind her.

  “You’re the last two people I expected to see here tonight.” The rumbling voice was familiar. Turning to face the source of the voice, Roza’s eyes met the pale blue eyes of none other than Carter.

  “Carter? What the hell are you doing here?” Red asked in disbelief.

  “I could say the same of you two. No Rook? Or Flynn?” Resting his arms on the railing, Carter leaned forward, showing off his leather-clad assets.

  “We’re on a fact-finding mission and I don’t remember telling you about myself and Flynn. I know you were at Castle Steel before Christmas, but that was before I got there. What gives?” Red’s voice was sharp and quick enough to cut.

  “Let’s just say I heard it through the grapevine. Spies are a small community; you know that. We gossip.”

  “No, Liam gossips. I’m going to strangle that fucker.”

  Chuckling, Carter turned his blue eyes to her. “Roza, I knew Red was in the lifestyle; why are you here?”

  “That’s my business,” Roza snapped in irritation. She had thought that she’d be able to come here in complete anonymity; yet here she was exchanging words with T. Fucking. Carter.

  “Fair enough, but watch your tone in here, little one. Speaking to a Dom like that will get you in trouble, no matter the color of your wrist band.” He turned his attention back to Red, but Roza hadn’t missed the heat that had flared in his eyes at her words. Mouthing off to Carter was like poking a bear; you could only do it so many times before you got swiped at.

  “Red, Liam tells me that Mic and the team are in France, solving their Russian problem. Why didn’t I get a phone call?” He seemed genuinely hurt that he’d been excluded. Roza knew from what Rook had told her that Carter and Mic had a strange relationship, one that Jordon resented.

  “You’d have to ask Mic. I have no clue. We’re here to have a girls’ night and maybe introduce Roza into the lifestyle. Unless you can help with that, be on your way, Master Carter.”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely.” Winking and smiling slightly, he held his arm out to her. “Roza? May I have the pleasure of escorting you to the floor level? I promise to be on my best behavior. Scout’s honor.”

  Roza laughed in spite of herself; the spy’s charm really was lethal. She accepted his arm and began the descent to the bottom level. While it was strange being there, something also felt right about it. A few hours passed with little conversation; it wasn’t really necessary. And she was pretty sure that both Red and Carter knew that she was deep in thought.

  Carter took his leave after a while with a short, black-haired woman on his arm. “There’s something with him, don’t you think? He’s hiding. From someone or something.”

  Red nodded in agreement. “That man is an enigma. I can guarantee there is no one like him in all the world. Mic probably knows him better than anyone and even she can’t figure him out all the way.”

  “I’m ready to go, if you are.” Roza yawned as her eyes followed the bright red ass of a sub. Considering what she’d been through, she wasn’t sure why the thought of that being her red ass intrigued her so much. She and Rook would have a lot of talking to do when he got back.

  “Sure thing. Let’s roll, girlfriend.”

  They drove back to the castle in silence. Roza wasn’t sure if she was more or less confused than before. She
just knew that she needed something and she was hoping that she and Rook could figure it out together. After they picked the team up, she’d try to find the courage to broach the subject with Rook.

  Chapter 17

  I dropped my bag by the door and let out a sigh of relief. We were home. “It’s good to be back.” I hung up my coat and headed for the kitchen. I needed something to eat and a cup of coffee.

  “Mic, can we debrief later?” Heavy dark circles hung under Rook’s eyes. I was sure that if I bothered to look in the mirror, I’d see the same.

  I waved him off. “Go. We have plenty of time for that later. Colette is supposed to be letting us know if they dig up any more Russians, but I know it’s finally over. If there are any left, they won’t have the balls or manpower to come after us.”

  Rook put his arm over Roza’s shoulder and headed for the stairs. She had a sly little smile that I’d never seen before.

  “Mic?” Roza got my attention.

  “Yeah?” I ran my hand through my hair, dreading whatever problem that had cropped up around here while we were gone.

  “Carter says hi.” Beaming at Rook, she tugged him by the hand, laughing as she went. I realized in that second that I’d never heard her laugh. It was more shocking to me than her words.

  “Carter? What’s that bastard doing here?” Chris growled in irritation.

  “He wasn’t here. Roza and I went out and ran into him. I think he took quite the shine to her.” Red wrapped her arm around Flynn’s waist, leaning against him.

  “Oh good; as long as that bastard is someone else’s problem that’s fine with me.” Chris kissed me quickly. “I’m headed to bed. See you in a bit?”

  “Yeah; I need some food, then I’ll be up.” Shaking my head at the antics of Carter, I didn’t have the energy to worry about what he was up to now. Nor did I care.

  I had the kitchen all to myself, the others all bypassing food for sleep. Truth was, I was more in need of some quiet time than a meal. I contemplated making coffee, then decided against it. That would just keep me awake and everything I wanted was upstairs in my bed. I grabbed a yogurt and an orange and sat at the big table. As I dug my fingernail under the skin of the fruit, slowly peeling off the rind, my mind drifted. I saw the blows we’d dealt in France, the faces flashing before me. Some kills were like that, stuck on repeat with you unable to shut it off. We’d done the right thing, I knew that. Their deaths had prevented the murder of potentially hundreds more.

  The sweet flesh of the orange burst on my tongue as I popped a segment into my mouth. There was much to be done here, I thought as I looked around. We had clients waiting to be trained. A future to build. While I felt hopeful and excited for the things to come, I was also nervous. As I twirled the ring around on my finger, the metal caught the light and reflected it back. Would our lives always be like this? Forever fighting for a future that we were grasping at and never really reaching? There were more enemies out there, more vengeance moving against us. Or maybe not. I was all out of crystal balls. We could plan and prepare. And live. I was determined to have a real life, here in this home with my family. Who knew, maybe I’d grow it. Glancing down at my belly, I tried to imagine what it would look like swollen with a growing child. It was impossible to imagine right now; but for the very first time, it was an option.

  I smiled and finished my food. My mind and body were at peace. The future was uncertain for us, as it was for anyone. But that was the beauty of life, living each day and reaching for your dreams. I had a dream of my own; here, with my family. Steel might be gone, but it was not forgotten. Spring would come, and with it, there would be new beginnings.


  Summer in Scotland was very different from summer in Pennsylvania. People here didn’t even own air conditioners; they didn’t need them. Not that I was complaining; none of us missed the sweltering heat. Darkness had fallen and the stars had appeared. It was a clear night and from our perch atop the castle roof, we could see for miles.

  “Are you ready?” Jordon stood beside me, a box of fireworks in his hands.

  “As I’ll ever be. I told the local cops we’d be doing this. Here’s hoping we don’t get a visit. After Flynn’s speeding ticket, I don’t want to see them again for a while.” I hefted myself out of the camp chair, my bulk making it difficult.

  “Are you sure you should be doing this?” Flynn gave me a hand, pulling upward.

  “Doing what? Celebrating my country’s Independence Day? Or being on the roof while I’m eight months pregnant?” Soon after we had gotten back from France, I skipped my period. Turns out, my pills had failed and even as we were chasing down the Russians and shooting them in the airport, I was carrying a life. Having a child wasn’t something that Chris and I had discussed in passing, let alone in a serious conversation. The timing could have been better, but once we both got over the initial shock, we realized that a baby was exactly what we wanted without evening knowing it.

  “The latter of course. We’re Americans and it’s the Fourth. Fireworks is what we do.” Flynn was shirtless and wearing a red, white, and blue striped top hat which matched his shorts that were also decorated with Old Glory.

  “As long as I don’t fall off, I’m fine. Let’s do this.” I followed them closer to the edge of the roof in order to be better able to watch the fireworks exploding above us.

  Jordon handed Pierce the box and came to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Leaning close to my ear, he whispered, “How’re my favorite girls?”

  “We’re good and it could be a boy.”

  “We would know if you’d just let us find out.” He kissed my neck, making me laugh.

  “If you two are done? We’d like to start sometime before dawn!” Pierce shouted at us.

  “You just want to blow stuff up!” I shouted back, laughing.

  “Well, you won’t let me buy any C-4, so I have to settle for this stuff.”

  Without any further warning, a whoosh and a pop from Pierce’s position had us tracking the smoke trail of the firecracker into the night sky. Half a second later, it exploded into bright gold lights. One after the other, and in every color of the rainbow, they lit the sky up. The loud booms echoed off of the mountains. I cradled our future with my hands and watched the gorgeous fireworks explode above us. These were the only kinds of explosions that we experienced anymore. Just the way we wanted it. Peace felt good and I’d found more happiness than I ever thought I deserved.

  The End

  Bonus Content

  9/11 Remembrance

  I saw America today. I felt Her. I smelled Her. Today is a day of remembrance—of sorrow and triumph.

  The sun was hot on my shoulders, as it was on theirs. The wind was cool on my face, as it was on theirs. Today, I saw people—every color, every creed—united.

  Fifteen years ago today, tragedy struck our nation. Towers fell, hope felt lost. From the ashes rose a flag, Stars and Stripes flew over the rubble. Words were spoken and countless tears were shed.

  Today, I saw tears again, I felt them myself. Our hearts beat with the rhythm of the engines as thousands paid tribute to the fallen and the brave. Harley-Davidson, Honda, Suzuki, every brand, color, and shape. They were here. Riding as one, remembering as one. The ground shook and horns blared. Fingers raised in peace, they passed us. Those that didn’t ride, observed, some silent, some not.

  I saw patches and clubs, brothers and sisters. I saw a people united. For on this day, more than any other, we grieve—and rejoice.

  Again, the dust roiled through the air, the chalky thickness coated the skin. I saw the crumbling Towers and a now empty field. I saw monuments and fountains—names carved in stone.

  I saw America today. And I felt Hope.

  Written 9/11/16 after observing the 9/11 Memorial Ride in my community #neverforget

  About the Author

  J.B. Havens lives in rural Pennsylvania, and is a wife and mother of three, a boy and twin girls. She has
a love for a good cheesesteak and anything that involves coffee or chocolate. When she’s not caring for her family, she is busy researching and writing her next novel.

  Other Books By J.B. Havens

  Steel Corps Series:

  Core of Steel

  Hardened by Steel

  Forged by Steel

  Co-Authored with Samantha A. Cole:

  No Way in Hell Part One- Crossover Steel Corps/Trident Security

  No Way in Hell Part Two- Crossover Steel Corps/Trident Security


  Beyond the Night – An Anthology

  Ashes and Madness – A Molly Everett Short Story

  If you enjoy my books, please tell a friend and please leave a review on Amazon!

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  On my website, where you can find character bios and even a short story or two. I love to hear from readers, so reach out and tell me what you think! Better yet, to keep up on the latest news, join my mailing list here:




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