Born Dark

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Born Dark Page 5

by H G Lynch

  Straight ahead of him as he pushed open the heavy wooden door to the library, Ember was standing on her tiptoes, trying to reach a book from a high shelf. With the way she was stretching, her t-shirt rode up to show a strip of smooth, pale flesh between the hem and the waistband of her jeans. She had her tongue caught in the corner of her mouth as she tickled the spine of some book, not quite tall enough to pull it down.

  Unable to resist the temptation, Reid skulked up behind her. She didn't even notice. Her hair shone like brass under the dim lights of the library, the watery light coming in the window barely brushing its fingers on her. This close, her strange scent was yet more intoxicating, and he could feel the body heat coming off her. Wonderful, He thought with a wicked smile, what better snack than a pretty girl? Too bad I can’t snack on her. Yet, anyway. He'd never encountered a girl like Ember before; a girl who could spurn his advances. Oh, it was only a matter of time, he knew, but meanwhile, her rejection just made him want her more.

  So, still with the urge to tease her, and now with the urge to touch her, Reid looped one arm around her waist while simultaneously plucking down the book she was reaching for. Instantly, Ember yelped and tried to leap free of his grasp, but he had her pinned against him. His hand was resting on her bare flesh, so warm and soft, and he could hear her heart thrumming in her chest. Yes, he'd surprised her, but he'd surprised himself, too. Normally, it took more than just touching a girl's skin to turn him on, yet, with Ember held against him and his fingers brushing the waistband of her jeans, he was undeniably hot for her.

  "Reid! Let go of me!" Ember snarled in a low whisper, obviously not wanting to attract attention. She wriggled in his grasp and it did nothing for his self-control. Chuckling in her ear, Reid released his grip around her waist, and she leapt away from him, straightening her t-shirt and holding it down as if he might try to take it off her. He'd like to, but he wouldn't. He preferred girls to come to him willingly. "You daft, sneaky, arrogant tosser! What do you think you're doing?" Ember hissed, her blue eyes aglow with fury. Her heart was still hammering, and he could see her fluttering pulse beating away at the base of her throat.

  "I thought,” he said slowly, deliberately eyeing her up and down, much to her obvious irritation. She folded her arms across her chest and blushed slightly. The faint pink was startlingly lovely against her pale skin and freckles. "That I was helping you out by getting down this book for you.” Casually, Reid held out the book he'd taken down from the shelf, balancing it on his palm. Ember snatched it from him, and then hastily tried to back away. She fetched up against the bookcase behind her, though, and her eyes widened as she realised she was trapped. He was blocking the only way to the door.

  “Get out of the way,” she commanded but Reid shook his head. He wasn't letting her go anywhere, not when he had her right where he wanted her. Instead, he stalked forward until he was right in front of her, only inches away, and placed his hands on the bookshelf on either side of her head. Now she really was trapped, between the books and his body. And she clearly didn't want to be there. Her pulse jumped up a few notches, and at the same time, so did his. In the dimness, her face was cast in light shadows as she glowered up at him, but he could still see every eyelash and every freckle, and the curve of her mouth. “Reid, grow up and get away from me before I scream,” she warned in a low voice. Reid couldn't help it. All his naughtiest nerves lit to a blaze. It was her accent that undid him. Normally, that husky Scottish lilt to her words was attractive, but when she was angry, it turned every 'R' into a sexy growl.

  Reid dug his fingers into the wood of the bookshelf he was holding and bit back his fangs, which were throbbing insistently. Ember continued to glare at him, oblivious to the effect she was having. What, in God's name, is this! Reid thought, half-desperately. This was a wildfire attraction he'd never experienced in his life, and it was driving him nuts. She was only a girl, like any other. Not even particularly stunning; she was short, blonde and lacked curves, but still, somehow, he wanted her like he'd never wanted another girl. Kill it, a voice whispered in his head, the voice that always got him into trouble, Kill the desire for her. You mustn't pant after one girl like this. It isn't in your nature. Obedient to the voice, Reid tried to douse the desire, but with her still so close, it was impossible.

  He shoved away from her, still grinning just to annoy her, and purred. “As you wish. But there are other ways I could make you scream if you so choose.” At that, Ember turned a very bright shade of pink and she looked inclined to lob her book at him. With a visible effort, she clamped her jaw shut, digging her nails into the cover of the book she was holding hard enough to leave marks. Then she turned and walked away, flipping her hair indignantly.

  Reid waited until she was out of the library and her scent was no longer teasing his senses, and then he collapsed back against the bookcase and heaved a sigh. Slowly, his skin began to cool, and his fangs stopped throbbing. He stared mournfully at the high, beamed ceiling of the library, watching dust motes spiralling in the light. Why couldn't she just be like every other girl? He thought pleadingly. Why does she affect me like she does?


  “Hey, Emz. You okay?” Sherry asked her, strolling into the room after the final bell. Ember was spread on her bed, still thinking of things to do when Sherz went out on her date.

  “Yeah, just tired. I had to dodge Reid twice today. I think he followed me into the library earlier, because I doubt he was there to find a copy of Pride and Prejudice for English.” Ember chuckled, leaving out the part where she'd actually talked to the blonde boy. It wasn't a conversation she wanted to relay to her friend, who already thought she was secretly in love with the guy.

  “Maybe you should put that scheming mind to work instead of avoiding him. Make a trap for him or something, or come up with a plot to embarrass him. After all, it’s a war you’re in. He might take avoidance as forfeit,” Sherry said smartly, dumping her textbooks on the desk and slipping off her shoes. But her words sparked an idea in Ember, an idea of what to do tomorrow night.

  “You’re a genius, Sherz!” Ember cried, launching herself off the bed to hug her friend, and then pulling out her sketchpad to make plans.

  Sherry laughed. “I know,” she said but didn’t ask why. Sherry knew by now that she’d find out in time whatever Ember had planned. And this was going to be one hell of a plan.

  After Ember bid Sherry good luck on her date, giving Ricky a smile, she began to put her plan into action. It was going to take a lot of sneaking, and some real caution. But she thought she could pull it off. Just as long as Reid was where he was meant to be. She’d heard from Ricky that Reid was supposed to be at the pool, practicing for the swimming meet next week. Since it was late, she hoped there wouldn’t be too many people milling about.

  She got lucky. She reached the pool, and found that it was empty aside from Reid and an uninterested lifeguard who barely glanced up from his magazine. The smell of chlorine in the air was choking, and the white walls were irritatingly sterile. Ember kept her eyes off the pool itself, not wanting to see Reid and not wanting him to see her. She swiftly ducked past the lifeguard, and round the corner, stopping at the Boys’ Locker room door. She took a deep breath and knocked, hoping to hell nobody answered.

  After a few minutes with no response from inside the locker room, she slipped in. It was exactly like the Girls’ Locker room, the only difference being the pile of clothes sitting on the bench. It was more than she’d dared hope for. She’d assumed she’d have to scramble with a locker to get at his clothes. But, being Reid, he didn’t bother with one.

  Ember giggled as she bundled the clothes into her arms knowing full well that this was the oldest trick in the book, and if she got caught…Well, she didn’t waste time thinking about that, unlikely as it was and rushed out of the Locker room.

  She snuck past the lifeguard easily, and stashed the clothes in a safe place under the bleachers. He’d never find them. Then, hiding in the stands with he
r camera, she waited. She crouched and watched the blonde-haired phenomenon that was Reid Ashton swimming. He was a brilliant swimmer, Ember had to admit.

  She didn’t have to wait long in her hiding place, because Reid did only a few more laps before climbing out of the tepid, green-blue water of the pool.

  Ember ignored the way his smooth muscles rippled as he padded round the pool, didn’t notice the way the water glistened on his chiselled, lovely chest, and she completely missed the fact that he looked amazingly gorgeous with his blonde hair dark and wet and dripping over his sculpted face. Ember didn’t care about any of that. Or at least that’s what she told herself. She was here for her great plot. And it was show time. She watched the dripping Reid saunter off to the Boys’ Locker room.

  She followed after him carefully, waiting at the door to hear the rushing of the shower. Perfect. She slipped in silently, and nicked the wet swimming shorts sitting on the bench. He mustn’t have noticed his clothes were missing. Idiot. She crept out of the room, and took the shorts back to her hiding place behind the stands. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she got her snapshot, so she lifted her camera to her eye and bit back a giggle.

  Sure enough, three and a half minutes later, Reid came rushing out of the Locker room, clutching a towel round his waist. Ember starting clicking the camera, catching Reid’s bewildered, angry expression perfectly. She watched him stride over to the lifeguard, who still hadn’t looked up from his magazine, and she could hear him saying something to the poor guy in the high chair. She couldn’t catch words, but she could tell his tone was furious. Reid was gesturing wildly, and the lifeguard just looked nonplussed.

  Then, the money-shot! Reid looked down and paused, bent onto one knee to pick something up and held it up to the light while the lifeguard looked down, baffled. All in all, it looked very much like a half-naked Reid proposing to the poor lifeguard.

  She snapped the camera once more, capturing the scene, and took off.

  She waited until she was back in her room before she burst out in hysterical laughter. She could feel tears rolling down her cheeks she was laughing so hard as she flicked through her digital camera to her favourite photo.

  She’d left his shorts sitting behind the stands, and God if she could see his face if he found them there. But she’d gotten what she needed, and she instantly plugged the camera into her laptop and transferred the photos across.

  It was only after she’d gone through the photos and laughed herself out that Ember realised something: her necklace was missing. Uh oh. While she’d been taking the photos, she hadn’t stopped to think about what Reid had been picking up. It had just been a better pose than she could’ve hoped for in her life. It must’ve been my necklace! She thought with sudden panic; it must’ve gotten snagged on the bundle of clothes when she’d stolen them and then fallen off.

  Ember bit her lip, pondering over what to do for a moment, before deciding it didn’t matter. Reid was going to know it was her anyway; necklace or no necklace, he’d have figured it out. It just meant she had to work faster. She printed out copies of her money-shot on A4 paper, lots of copies. And, grabbing a little box of thumbtacks, along with the stack of papers, got to work on the final part of her plan.


  Hey, how's your date going? Be back soon? U might want to brace yourself when u return. X.

  Sherry glanced at the bizarre text from Ember. She knew already that whatever prank Ember had pulled, was going to have severely pissed off Reid. She replied swiftly.

  It’s going great. Kee’s so sweet. Whatever u did, give me details when I get back. X.

  Sherry shook her head, smiling to herself.

  “What’s funny?” Ricky asked quietly, a sensitive smile on his mouth. He really had been so sweet all evening. He’d taken her to a cute little restaurant that his parents owned, and he’d complimented her a hundred times over and now they were just chatting about little things, getting to know each other a bit better. Sherry was enjoying every minute of it. The dim, cosy atmosphere of the restaurant added a romantic air that sent silly little shivers down her spine.

  “Oh, just Ember, being Ember.” Sherry replied to him vaguely, not daring to mention her friend’s undoubted cruelty to his roommate.

  “Yeah, she seems quite… loyal. She really cares about you doesn’t she?” Ricky asked, his eyes the soft aquamarine colour of the Mediterranean ocean in sunlight.

  “Mh-hm. We’ve been best friends since nursery. Ember can be a little over-protective sometimes. She worries that it’s her responsibility to take care of me, but she’s a great friend. I can always trust her,” Sherry replied calmly despite the butterflies in her stomach. She always got a little nervous just looking at Ricky. He was really overwhelmingly gorgeous, with his soft dark hair and deep blue-green eyes.

  “That’s sort of like me and the guys. We’re really close since we sort of grew up together. We’re like brothers really. Although you wouldn’t know it with the way Brandon and Reid fight sometimes. Like lions in a cage.” Ricky hesitated, and then said, “I know you and Ember don’t think much of Reid, but he’s really not all that bad. He acts like the ultimate man-whore, and the world’s champion asshole, but he’s secretly a nice guy. You won’t believe that, I know. But I think his war with Ember is his way of saying he likes her.” Ricky flashed a dazzling smile, and wrapped his fingers round her hand on the table. She blushed and repressed a giggle. The giggle wasn’t borne of shyness, but from the very idea that Reid liked Ember. If Sherry were to tell her that, Ember would have a fit. Sherry, personally, didn’t doubt what Ricky said, but she knew her friend would think she’d gone crazy. Ember didn’t respond well to seemingly ludicrous ideas like that.

  “It’s late. We should probably get going,” Ricky said, glancing at his watch and grimacing. Sherry was reluctant to leave, but he was right; it was late. And she supposed she should find out what it was that her roommate had done while she was away. She shuddered at the possibilities.

  They were just pulling up to the dorms when Sherry thought to check her phone again for a reply from Ember. Sure enough, there was a text.

  Trust me, I won’t need to explain. You’ll see. X

  The text read. Sherry rolled her eyes, mentally questioning the idea of placing Ember in some sort protective home. As in to protect the rest of the world from Ember.

  Ricky walked her to the big wooden doors of the students’ dorm and led her in, giving a quick smile and a dip of his head, looking as charming as could be. It wasn’t until they reached the staircase at the end of the hall, that Sherry spotted something out of place. There was piece of A4 paper pinned to the wall at the base of the stairs. She leaned over to take a look, and almost bent double with laughter. Ricky looked back at her questioningly, and walked back to see what she was laughing at.

  “Uh oh. Reid won’t be happy.” Ricky’s voice was strained; he was fighting to contain his own laughter. And failing. His mouth was bent into a funny line, but his eyes were bright with humour. “Ember’s work?” he asked, nearly gasping the words through silent laughter. Sherry could only nod, her sides aching from laughing so much. Well, Ember had really outdone herself this time.

  Sherry and Ricky climbed the stairs, Sherry wiping tears off her face and Ricky biting his lip to silence his chuckles. When they reached the second floor, they found many more posters pinned along the walls. And several people gathered round each of them, laughing. They made their way past the chortling students to Ember and Sherry’s room. Ricky placed a quick kiss on her cheek, but lingered with her for a moment, looking like he had something to say. Sherry waited patiently for him to speak.

  “You know, I really like you. And I know Reid isn’t going to like Ember’s newest battle position… So, I thought I should say right off, that I’m going to try to make him give up. I can’t have him at war with my gi… with your best friend… if we’re going to keep dating. It would be awkward. Not to mention possibly dangerous.” Ricky pulled an
expression of mock fright, and then smiled weakly, blushing just faintly. Sherry felt her heart slam into her ribs. He wanted to keep dating her. And he was going to try to talk Reid out of trying to kill Ember… for her sake. Awww! How sweet.

  Sherry smiled helplessly at him and he kissed her again. This time on the mouth, chastely. She almost reeled from the intoxicating sweetness.

  “Goodnight,” Ricky whispered into her hair, and then strode away past the still-chuckling students in the hall.

  “Oh, wow,” Sherry breathed, feeling dizzy. Somehow, she managed to push open the door and get over to her bed before she collapsed with a happy sigh. She buried her face in her soft pillow.

  “Good night?” Ember’s voice was gentle, but edged with excitement.

  “Mh-hm,” Sherry nodded, her voice dreamy.

  “Like my prank?” Ember let out a small giggle.

  “It’s hilarious. Reid’s going to go… nuts.” She was interrupted by a yawn. She let her eyes slide shut, not caring that she was still fully dressed. She suddenly felt dead tired and seeking peaceful dreams. She felt a hand on her shoulder, patting her lightly.

  “Good. On both counts. You deserve some sleep,” Ember’s voice was little more than a whisper. Sherry rolled over, kicking off her shoes and lazily slipping under the covers. She was sure her dreams would be full of Ricky tonight, and she looked forward to it. She just had to get to sleep first.


  “Uh, hi Reid,” Ricky greeted him, coming in from his date. Reid himself was half asleep, resting off the aches from a trying swimming practice. He mumbled a vague response to Ricky and groaned when he turned his head to see his friend. “I take it you haven’t left the room recently?” Ricky asked him, his voice oddly mocking, causing a kind of stupefied suspicion to rise in Reid.


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