Harlequin Presents: Once Upon A Temptation June 2020--Box Set 1 of 2

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Harlequin Presents: Once Upon A Temptation June 2020--Box Set 1 of 2 Page 32

by Dani Collins

  She pushed and he tumbled. She rose above him, savouring the sensation of having his strength between her legs. She didn’t just open up and allow him in, but actively claimed what he was offering. She took, her hands sweeping over him, and she drew on the hot, slick power of him. She couldn’t contain her desire any more—it was utterly unleashed and she was hungry. So hungry she was angry with it. With the depth of the need she felt for him. The ache that only he filled yet that grew larger every moment she spent with him. She wanted to end it—this craving. The sheer ferocity of it stole her breath so for a second she stilled.

  He reached up and cupped the side of her face. ‘Don’t stop. Do what you want.’

  ‘I want you.’

  ‘You already have me. Hester.’

  The way he sighed her name was her undoing. She slid on him—taking him right into her soul. She heard his muttered oath, the broken growls of encouragement as he urged her on, fiercer. Faster. His sighs of pleasure scorched her, catapulting her beyond her own limits. Until she shrieked as he exploded her world.

  Dazed, she collapsed on him. She’d felt nothing like this kind of physical exhaustion or satisfaction.

  ‘Hester,’ he whispered. ‘Hester, Hester, Hester.’ He shuddered and his arms tightened again. ‘What you do to me.’

  Alek sprawled on the ground, holding her close, shattered by the most elemental experience of his life. He wasn’t sure his heart rate would ever recover. She was a chaotic bundle of limbs in his arms. He didn’t want this fragile connection to be severed—for her to retreat behind her emotional walls again. So he slid his hand beneath her jaw, tilting her face so he could kiss her and keep her soft and pliable and warm. But she shivered. He moved, gathering her properly into his arms and rising to his knees, then feet. He carried her to the pond and carefully stepped in, holding her to him so they were both warmed and soothed by the thermal water. She floated in his arms and he teased with pushing her away only to pull her close and kiss her over and over and over until, impossible as it was, his body hardened with need again and he slid deep into her, locking her close on him, rocking them together until the pleasure poured between them and through them, brilliant and free.

  A long while later he lifted her from the water. As he climbed out after her, something dug into his heel. He reached down and picked up the small chunk of obsidian. He weighed it in his palm for a moment. He could give it to her so she could put it in that box of hers and remember this even when she’d walked away from Triscari. When she left him.

  He glanced at her—she looked shattered by the passion that had exploded between them. She didn’t speak. Nor did he. For once he had no idea what to say—no smooth little joke or something to lighten the intensity. He’d lost all charm, all calm. It felt as if he were still standing on something sharp and the only way to ease it was by touching her.

  So he dressed alongside her in silence, pocketing the stone and swiftly readying Jupiter because he needed to feel Hester resting against him again soon.

  They still didn’t speak as they rode back to the homestead. He knew they were going to have to address their ‘contract’ at some point. But that time wasn’t now. Now was the time to keep holding her in his arms and pleasuring her.

  But that was a fantasy too far. Instead the world was waiting for him. As soon as he saw his assistant together with his housekeeper, he knew duty had come knocking, otherwise they’d still be off-site. He cursed inwardly as Hester stiffened. Of course she understood what the welcome committee meant.

  ‘Your Highness.’ His assistant bowed stiffly while looking apologetic at the same time. ‘An issue has arisen. We need to return to the palace immediately.’


  ALEK GLANCED AT his watch and grimaced. His eyes felt gritty and he could hardly concentrate on what it was his advisor was asking.

  The ‘issue’ dragging them back after only one measly night away was nothing that couldn’t have waited another day or three. It had just been palace officials stressed about his absence and using the smallest drama to summon him back. And that annoyed him. Why couldn’t he spend a full day making love to his wife? But now he’d stopped to think about it, that he’d wanted to do that was even more of a concern.

  It had been Hester who’d solved the foreign dignitaries issue—with a few quiet suggestions to him that he’d amplified to his advisors. She was intelligent and diligent and a damn good problem-solver. He’d selfishly kept her with him as he was consumed by meetings and obligations until he’d seen her losing colour and remembered how tired she’d been. So he’d sent her in the direction of her apartment and continued without her late into the evening. She’d been fast asleep when he’d returned to the apartment and he hadn’t had the heart to wake her.

  And now he was back there was no escape from the duties, the questions, the decisions that everyone wanted from him. He’d ended up back in conference with courtiers first thing. Which was good. Space from her would shake off that lingering concern, wouldn’t it? He’d concentrate on the multitude of tasks at hand and push back that creeping sense of discomfort.

  But it felt as if a craggy boulder were slowly and inexorably rolling into his gut, weighing him down further and further as every second ticked by. Those conversations he’d had with Hester at Triscari Stud had been too raw, raising elements of his past that were better off buried. Things he’d not thought of in for ever. Things that, now he’d recalled them, didn’t seem inclined to return to that safe stasis easily or quickly.

  He’d forgotten so much. And now he’d remembered? That stuff hurt. That stuff wouldn’t be shaken. So it was good to lurch from meeting to meeting, to force every brain cell to focus on debates and decisions and stupid, tiny details that really didn’t matter.

  Except his brain kept returning to Hester. To those moments at the thermal springs. Her unfettered incredible response had been a searing delight. He’d wrapped around her, holding her close—not wanting her to retreat. Wanting no barrier to build between them again.

  He stilled, suddenly realising there’d literally been nothing between them physically at all. He’d not used contraception. In that wild, free moment, he’d not stopped to consider anything other than getting closer to her. In all his years, in all his exploits, he’d never once failed to use protection. He’d never once risked it. But at the time it hadn’t even occurred to him. He couldn’t have cared less in his haste to have her.

  Which meant he might’ve got her pregnant. Hester might be carrying his child.

  His vision tunnelled. He’d not wanted children. Ever. Even though he knew he was going to have to at some point, he’d figured he could delay it for as long as possible. But now?

  Now he had Hester. And she might be pregnant.

  He felt as if parts of a puzzle had slid into place without him paying attention. But now he did. If she’d got pregnant would it really matter? Wouldn’t they just stay married?

  Surprising as it was, that thought didn’t horrify him at all. In fact, completely weirdly, that rock weighing on his gut actually eased off. They worked well together—she was skilled and capable. There was no reason why this couldn’t become a successful marriage long term. It would answer all their issues, wouldn’t it?

  She would have the security and safety she’d never had. The viciousness of her cousins and her school bullies appalled him and, while she seemed well free of them now, he didn’t want her to suffer like that ever again. He could keep her safe with him. The media might have their moments, but they could shake that off. His life was constricted and that would impact on her—but surely it was better than what she’d had. Surely what he could offer her outweighed those negatives?

  He glanced up as the door opened, half hoping Hester might’ve come to check on him—drawn to him in the same way he was to her. But it was his private assistant who entered.

  ‘I apologise for the
interruption, Your Highness, but you requested we update you on your wife if—’

  ‘What’s happened?’ Alek’s instincts sharpened.

  ‘She’s walking in the gardens, sir.’ His assistant flashed a deferential but reassuring smile. ‘But I don’t think she realised that it’s public viewing time.’

  Alek frowned. ‘Has she been seen by someone?’

  ‘Her bodyguard believes they might be family members, sir.’

  ‘Damn.’ Alek strode straight to the door.

  * * *

  ‘I didn’t realise you were still here.’ Hester remained still, refusing to obey the urge to run away. She didn’t have Alek and Fi either side of her, but she could handle the unholy cousinly trinity of Joshua, Brittany and Kimberly now, right?

  ‘The invitation included staying for the coronation,’ Joshua said with the faintest edge of belligerence. ‘We’re looking around the gardens.’

  Hester nodded, momentarily unable to think of a reply. They reminded her of crocodiles with their toothy smiles and tough skin and she was instantly cast into freeze mode.

  ‘You look pale,’ Kimberly commented with a concern that was a touch too solicitous. ‘Are you feeling well?’

  ‘Very well.’ Hester breathed slowly to regulate her skipping pulse. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I imagine it’s been frantic,’ Kimberly added. ‘Such an unexpected whirlwind wedding, Hester. How fortunate he found you.’

  ‘Yes.’ Brittany had been watching closely with her sharp eyes. ‘You’ve done so well for yourself, I could hardly believe it was you when you walked into that chapel. What an amazing dress and make-up job.’

  Their peals of laughter reverberated with a cruel edge and Hester all but choked. Because they knew and she knew—it was all a façade, as fake as their flattery and smiles were now. Smoke and mirrors.

  ‘And now Alek can be crowned King.’ Brittany sent another stabbing look towards Hester. ‘But I’d have thought you’d look more like a blushingly happy bride.’

  Her cousins had said nothing overtly cruel. Not even they would dare spit bare barbs and bitchiness at her in the palace grounds. No, this was a subtle poison, wrapped in layers of saccharine politeness. But they’d always known where to strike for maximum hurt—mean girls from the moment she’d met them.

  Don’t reply. Don’t give them ammunition.

  But that was the old Hester whispering. The one who’d been too afraid to speak or stand up, who’d hidden every reaction, who’d run away…

  As Alek had pointed out, there was nothing wrong with choosing not to stick around to be abused. It had taken strength for her to walk out and because she had, she was even stronger now. So she wasn’t going to let them chip away her new-found confidence. She’d taken on a huge job here and nailed it. What was more, while Alek mightn’t love her, he liked her and he respected what she could offer.

  ‘Oh, I’m very happy,’ Hester dredged up enough serenity to assure them. ‘Just a little tired from our secret honeymoon. We weren’t supposed to go away, what with the coronation so soon, but—’ she shrugged and her oh-so-polite tone matched theirs ‘—Alek’s very used to doing and having what he wants.’ She paused for a moment to bestow them with a smile as brilliantly fake as theirs had been. ‘And he wants me.’

  It was true, after all. Even if only for now.

  The satisfaction she felt wasn’t from seeing her cousins slack-jawed, but from the sudden lightening of her soul. What these people thought of her truly didn’t matter and she didn’t need to bother any more.

  ‘If you’ll excuse me…’ She stepped past her cousins only to see her security officer standing at a slight distance behind them. Worse, Alek was standing beside him.

  She froze. She’d been so focused on her cousins she’d not noticed him arrive. Now she saw the question in his eye and knew he’d heard some of that conversation. Her composure began to crumble.

  ‘Is everything all right, Hester?’ he asked, his gaze fixed on her.

  ‘Perfectly fine, Alek,’ she said clearly, despite her pulse pounding again in her ears. ‘But Kimberly, Brittany and Joshua were just explaining that unfortunately they’re unable to stay for the coronation. They need to return home tonight.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Alek swiftly turned to their security officer. ‘Could you please escort our guests back to their hotel now and ensure they get on the next available flight this afternoon?’

  ‘Of course, Your Highness.’ The security stepped forward with an authoritative air.

  Hester watched as her cousins—with furious wordlessness—walked out of her life.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Alek asked softly once they were beyond earshot.

  She nodded. ‘I’m fine.’ She flashed a wobbly grin at him. ‘I actually mean that. I handled them fine.’

  ‘Not fine, Hester.’ A chuckle broke his tense expression. ‘You eviscerated them.’

  Alek watched a raft of expressions cross Hester’s face. She was much easier to read now—anger melded with satisfaction, but quickly faded to wispy sadness, to settle on bittersweet relief. It was a mash-up of conflicting emotions that made her so very human. He’d watched, frankly awed, as she’d stood her ground and despatched her former bullies. She’d breathed ice-cool fire.

  Those flames within her were so well hidden, but when she let them show? She was incredible. He guided her through the gardens to the terrace and into his private study. He closed the door, determined to be alone with her again.

  ‘I was thinking,’ he muttered. ‘I don’t think this should end.’

  ‘Pardon?’ She shot him a confused look.

  ‘Our marriage.’ He cleared his throat and discovered how truly horrible awkwardness felt. ‘You realise we had unprotected sex yesterday.’

  Her skin mottled and she ducked her head, brushing the swing of her hair back with a shaking hand. ‘Oh, I should have told you at the time but I… I wasn’t thinking,’ she mumbled. ‘I won’t get pregnant. I’m on contraception for other reasons. I’m sorry if you’ve been worried.’

  * * *

  ‘Worried? No.’ He needed a moment to absorb the hit of disappointment. It was startling and he had to clear his throat again. ‘Well, I think that we should tear up the contract.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘Tear it up?’ she echoed. ‘You want this to end already?’

  ‘No. I mean stay married,’ he clarified.

  ‘Stay married.’

  She seemed to be stuck on repeat.

  ‘That’s right.’ He nodded. ‘For good.’

  She just stared at him.

  ‘I will have to have children some day,’ he said.

  She didn’t even blink. ‘I thought you had years to figure that out.’

  ‘I think perhaps I’ve figured it out already.’ He watched her closely. ‘I’m not going to lie. I didn’t think I wanted them. Partly because I don’t want to burden them with…everything. But perhaps the sooner I have children, the longer I’ll be around to be King, so they can have as long as possible to shape their own lives, have their own careers, their own dreams.’

  She was still staring at him, still unmoving.

  ‘We work well together, Hester. We could make a good team.’

  Why wasn’t she smiling? Why was she staring at him aghast, as if he’d said something insane? Why did he feel as if he’d just tried to run through a boggy field wearing woollen socks?

  ‘You’re willing to settle for…’ She trailed off. ‘Just for that?’

  ‘What do you mean “settle”?’ This made sense. ‘I don’t think I’d be settling, Hester.’

  ‘What about your dreams, Alek?’

  ‘My what?’

  ‘Your dreams.’

  He shook his head blankly, because that wasn’t the point. That wasn’t ever the point.

ou don’t have any?’ she asked softly.

  His gaze narrowed as she stepped closer. She’d done a magnificent job of masking her emotions with her hideous cousins, but her façade had truly cracked wide now. Now there was pure golden fire. ‘What about mine?’ she asked.


  ‘You want me to stay married to you?’ she clarified. ‘To have children with you? So are you saying you’re in love with me?’

  Hester held her breath, but for once in his life her charming, usually so smooth husband was lost for words.

  ‘Didn’t think so,’ she muttered. ‘You rebelled so much against the control the Crown—that tradition, your father—all exerted over you. Would you really just accept that little now? Really agree to live such an empty life?’

  His gaze narrowed. ‘Who’s to say it would be empty?’

  Had he been concerned he’d got her pregnant and decided he’d better offer to make this a permanent deal? Her heart ached because for a second there, just for a second, she’d wanted to believe he meant it for real.

  ‘For so long, I’ve felt like I didn’t fit in,’ she said.

  ‘You fit in just fine here. You know we could make this work.’

  ‘I want more than to just make something work.’

  And when he bored of her? What then?

  ‘We’re a lot alike, Hester,’ he argued. ‘You don’t really want all that either. You were happy to accept a convenient marriage.’

  ‘Temporarily, yes. But, actually, I do want “all that”.’

  She wanted the whole package—marriage and children, a family built on a foundation of love. The love she’d not had since her parents died. And the irony of it was that it was thanks to the confidence and appreciation Alek had given her that she finally recognised that she could and should.

  ‘I deserve “all that”.’

  ‘You could have everything here.’

  ‘And what’s that? What’s “everything”?’


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