ANARCHY (Iron Kings MC, #4)

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ANARCHY (Iron Kings MC, #4) Page 10

by Franca Storm

  “I was gonna let this go, because you looked so upset. But… fuck… I can’t. I can’t hold this shit in any longer.”

  “Hold what in?”

  “You bringing that pussy up here like he’s your goddamn boyfriend! Parading him around in front of Daddy. That piece of shit is a sexist, bitter shithead who doesn’t even know you. I warned you what a headcase he was after what he tried with you during that stupid-ass picnic. He’s a condescending piece of shit who wants to keep you down beneath his boot, then step on you so he can get ahead. What more do I need to do to help you see that? Please fucking well tell me and I’ll damn well do it, Hayley!


  “Well?” he pressed, stopping his pacing and coming over to me.

  “I don’t know,” I murmured, more than a little overwhelmed. By what had happened outside and now the insane intensity coming off him.

  “You don’t know?”

  “I’m not good at it, at dating, guys, any of it. I’ve never… I was never given the chance with all the protection on me. And I didn’t bring him up here with me. I ended it with him days ago. My dad invited him, because he’s the foreman on the Veil project.”

  That seemed to take the wind out of his sails. He stilled, his expression softened. Then he blew out a breath.

  The silence that fell between us was unbearable and I found myself blurting out anything I could think of to end it. Unfortunately, that became one of the worst things possible for the already majorly uncomfortable situation. “Is this you being jealous?”

  He flinched. “Jealous? Keep dreaming, woman,” he bit back, way too defensively.

  Like hell, he wasn’t. He’d just given himself away. “I don’t dream about you. I don’t think about you, for that matter.” And there was my lie.

  “You’re lying,” he accused.

  “You don’t know me well enough to—”

  “Wrong!” he snapped. “I’ve gotten to know you real fucking well with us being thrown together every damned day. Looks like I’m the only one who knows you. The only one who’s taken the time to see the real you and not the bullshit version of you that they all want you to be and the version you’re pretending to be for them all right now.”

  “I’m not pretending to be anything.”

  “Bullshit. Look at you,” he said, gesturing to my outfit.

  I looked down at myself in a pair of baggy jeans and a loose-fitting white blouse that was buttoned up to my neck, flats on my feet.

  “So, what? This is a family barbecue. I’m wearing what’s appropriate.”

  He scoffed. “This is because of what your old man said in the gym that day. He’s still in your head.”

  “I’m not talking about this,” I said, brushing past him and heading for the door that led back into the main house.

  “You’re not happy, Hayley.”

  I stopped in my tracks, his words hitting me hard. Turning back to him, I eked out, “What do you care?”

  He stepped up to me, so much intensity flashing in his fiery eyes that it was hard to maintain eye contact. It was beyond overwhelming. Hell, it was all-encompassing. “I care enough that it’s driving me fucking crazy seeing you like this. You’re not… this. You’re the girl who rocks leathers, who wants to ride her own bike so badly and feel the freedom of it, the girl with the fire inside, the girl who gave me a run for my money that night in that bar all those months ago. That’s the girl that you are.”

  Oh my God.

  He blew out a breath and then went on, “But the longer you’re home around all of them, the more that girl slips away from me.”

  What? “From you?”

  His eyes widened as he realized what he’d actually just put out there.

  He didn’t say anything more. He just kept staring at me, so hard that I felt like his eyes were going to burn right through mine.

  “Dammit,” I muttered. And then I just reacted, reaching out, grasping his face and urging his lips to mine.

  He hesitated for a moment. But then he stepped closer. “Ah, fuck it.”

  The next thing I knew, my back was against the wall and his mouth was crashing down on mine.

  He kissed me wildly, his hands running up and down my body frenziedly. And then they were fisting in my hair, angling my head in a deliciously dominating way that had a shiver of excitement shooting through me.

  I could barely breathe, barely think. It was so animalistic and passionate.

  “Fuck, lovely. I want you. I want you so fucking bad,” he said, his voice strained and husky.

  “Yes,” I cried out. “I want you, Anarchy.”

  “Call me Damien,” he whispered. He eyed the door and pressed his finger to his lips. “Gotta watch the volume.”

  I nodded.

  And then he leaned into me and whispered in my ear, “Wanna make you come, Hayley.”

  He was asking for my permission. Even though he knew I felt safe and comfortable with him and we’d been there before together, he was still asking, still making sure.

  “Yes,” I choked out.

  I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out as his fingers slid down the front of my jeans. His eyes were glued to mine as he dipped two fingers inside my panties.

  “You’re so wet for me already. I’ve barely touched you yet.”

  He dragged his fingers through my wetness, skillfully avoiding my clit and teasing me, working me up into a state of sexual frustration. “Please. Oh God, please,” I found myself begging.

  He unbuckled my belt and popped the top button to give himself more room.

  And then he slid a finger inside me.

  I fell into him and he caught me with his free hand, holding me against him as I buried my face in his chest to keep from screaming, while he pumped his finger slowly in and out of me. He twisted it inside me, stretching me and making me desperate for more. So much more.

  “Damien!” I cried.

  “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”

  “Fuck me!”

  That had him pulling his hands out of my jeans abruptly.

  He cupped my face and I saw regret in his eyes. “I don’t want to fuck you here, lovely.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want it to be dirty this time.” He grinned and added, “Or quiet.”

  Before I could argue back, he gripped my hips, hauled me up and carried me to one of the workbenches a few feet away lining the side of the garage. He put me down on top of it and then unceremoniously dropped to his knees. “I need to taste you right now, though. I can’t wait.”

  Oh my God.

  He hooked his fingers in the waistband of my jeans and panties and tugged them down my legs together.

  As he bared my pussy, nerves took me over and I started babbling. My emotions were so wild and out of control, that I ended up confessing, “That night… stayed with me. I never wanted to forget it. I think about it all the time.”

  He drew back a bit and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jesus, Hayley. I don’t deserve that. I fucked you up against a wall in a seedy bar. It was—”

  “It wasn’t just a quick fuck. I know it,” I told him, harshly. “The way you were with me… there was something there. I might not be experienced, but I know guys don’t care if it’s just a fuck to them. I’m a biker princess, remember? I know how you guys are with your whores. And what we did… it wasn’t that. There was something there.”

  When he didn’t say anything, I started worrying that I’d been completely wrong about it this entire time. I closed my legs, forcing him to move back.

  He grabbed my thighs and spread them again. His eyes were on fire as he admitted, “It wasn’t just a fuck to me either. I couldn’t get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.”


  He smiled. “I swear it.”

  The next thing I knew, his lips were smothering my thighs. He kissed a path across to my pussy. His tongue darted out and flicked my clit and I almost bucked off the table.
  He lifted his head and licked his lips at me, a sexy smirk on his face as he asked me, “Is this another first for you?”


  He winked. “I’m about to show you what you’ve been missing.”

  He pulled my panties and jeans off my ankles. I watched him eye my lacy black panties with a look of approval, before he bunched them up and rose up. He held them in front of my mouth. “You’re gonna need these, because, lovely, you’re gonna want to scream.”

  I grinned at him and opened my mouth and he gagged me with them.

  He settled himself back between my legs.

  And I nearly died as he plunged his tongue inside me.

  He fucked me hard.

  Oh God. It felt amazing. So good.

  And it was just the beginning.

  Within moments, I was digging my nails into the wooden table as he drove me into a haze of utter bliss. I screamed into the gag as he worked his magic.

  He was merciless.

  One moment, he was dragging his tongue through my folds with an intense pressure I could barely take. And the next, he was teasing my clit softly.

  He started flicking it rapidly.

  And then… he sucked it into his mouth.

  I was already right on the edge. So close.

  He plunged a finger inside me and started pumping in and out of me so fast and hard that I could hardly breathe.

  “Good girl. That’s right. Such a tight fucking pussy. Come all over my tongue. Gonna lick up every drop of your sweet taste. Come. Come for me.”

  I exploded then, screaming ferociously into the gag. My entire body shuddered as my orgasm hit.

  He didn’t stop licking my pussy. He just kept taking me higher and higher until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I collapsed back onto the table, utterly spent.

  He rose up over me and picked me up, holding me to his chest and stroking my hair as I slowly started coming down from it.

  “So beautiful,” he breathed into my hair.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stayed that way for a long while.

  Eventually, he put me down and he was so sweet that he helped me back into my panties and jeans.

  He slid his hand into my hair and told me, “I need you in my bed, Hayles.”

  Hayles? I melted at the cute nickname. I’d imagined this for so long, but I’d never thought it would become a reality. Having an actual chance at really being together, in spite of all the obstacles standing in our way.

  Finally, it was here and he was no longer pushing me away.

  But now the fog of sexual heat and intensity had faded away, the cold, hard reality slapped me in the face. Quickly, I stepped back. “I...”

  He frowned. “You’re not with me on this?”

  “No. That’s not it. I’m just… scared, I guess.”


  “Yeah, that you’re going to do that hot and cold thing again. Push me away and—”

  “Hayley!” he hissed. “Stop. I’m not gonna push you away. Don’t you get it? I’ve tried all of that. I’ve tried to put a distance between us, to deny how we felt about each other. I tried so hard until it drove me out of my mind. I can’t stay away from you anymore. I just can’t. Do you get that?”

  A huge smile spread over my face at his sweet, heartfelt words.

  “Why are you smiling, huh?” he teased, tickling my neck.

  I squirmed out of his grip. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”

  “I do, because I’ve been wanting to say it for fucking ever.”

  I slid my hands down the length of his cut. “How are we going to do this? I don’t want you to get hurt. But, if my dad finds out—”

  He pressed his finger to my lips. “We’ll figure it out.”

  Before I could utter another word, he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

  Being enveloped by him had a soothing, reassuring effect.

  With us wrapped up in each other, I just felt like everything was going to be okay. The rest of the world was just a distant, hazy thought.

  There was just us.

  Nothing else mattered.




  Leaning against the rear wall in Python’s office, I listened as he briefed Bow, Grim, Spartan, Wraith, Wrecker, and me on a developing situation. A situation that should have been dead and buried months ago.

  Python and his SAA, Grim, had been keeping an eye on their disgraced former enforcer, Eddie “Haywire” Griffith. When they’d kicked him out with little more than a beating after the maniac had gone after Deviant’s woman, Sky, they’d hoped for the best, thinking he’d disappear and start a new life as an outsider without causing any more shit.

  A few years back, he never would’ve had the option with what I knew about Python. He’d been a brutal bastard, trigger-happy, and quick to go for the kill, no mercy to speak of. But with the rumors of his ailing health, an altogether different man had emerged. A softer, easier going guy who’d turned his club around in a major way to go legit. Haywire had only fit in with the old ways of the club and he hadn’t been able to handle the new status quo. It’d had him losing it.

  He’d even consorted with their rival club, Hounds of Fury.

  In fact, word was that, despite what we’d thought, Haywire hadn’t given up that goal. We had reports that the Fury had been entertaining meetings with him to strike a deal for membership in return for him helping them to land a hardcore blow to the Outlaws.

  “I say we take him out now, do what we should’ve done in the first place,” Bow spoke up. “Put him to fucking ground.”

  I’d caught on quick that Bow had a short fuse when it came to Haywire. He was taking the whole situation with him real personally. Word was that he’d been the one to bring him into the club. He’d known he’d had a wild edge, but he’d defended him when Python had been wary about patching a renegade like that into the club, claiming it would be an asset having somebody who could think outside the box.

  Talk about making a bad call.

  Now, though, he was determined to clean up what he considered his mess, by any means necessary. Apparently, that now included murder.

  “He has broken the agreement we were holding him to,” Grim piped up.

  I watched a look pass between Python and Spartan.

  Python tugged at the sleeves of his white long-sleeve tee, as he thought on it.

  The next thing I knew, he was shaking his head at his boys, telling them, “Keep your fucking panties on. We ain’t put in all this work to stay on the straight and narrow just to let some maniac, good-for-nothing fuck all over that.”

  “Prez—” Bow started, tugging frustratingly at his dark-brown moussed-up hair.

  Python slammed his fist down on his desk, silencing the dissention. “He ain’t done nothing yet. It’s just all rumor. ‘Til we get more and know it’s a sure thing, we hold tight.”

  Bow grunted, but stood down, slumping back against the wall. Even though the guy was barely five-foot-ten and packing way less hulking muscle than Grim or the rest of us in the room, he had one hell of a presence about him. From what Deviant had told me when he’d interacted with him in the past, the guy had some major attitude too, didn’t back down easy.

  “I’ve got guys near his neck of the woods. I can have them get closer, get more solid intel,” Spartan offered up.

  Python nodded. “Appreciated. Good call.”

  Spartan informed him, “My boys have finished shoring up security around Lone Outlaws territory. We were gonna head back, but I can have Anarchy stay a while to keep running protection on Hayley if your boys are gonna be focusing on Haywire.”

  Wraith gave me a look, then told Spartan, “The kid’s been run ragged, split between his security work and round-the-clock protection detail. Why not have Wrecker take it from here?”

  I tensed, fighting hard to keep myself i
mpassive as all eyes were suddenly on me.

  “Nah,” Python said. “I’d rather keep it to Anarchy. It’s been going well. She respects him, because they got the security shit in common, so she ain’t given him no trouble. No point making a change when it’s already working.”

  I saw Wraith about to argue back and continue with his case, but Spartan shot him a look, silently asking him what was up.

  “Why don’t they take her back with them until we’re sure Haywire ain’t gonna stir up a threat to the club. He knows the way to come at you, Prez, is to go for the heart. Her,” Grim suggested.

  The struggle on Python’s face was obvious. He didn’t want Hayley to be away from him. I couldn’t imagine what he’d been like when she was off at college. Judging by her inexperience when I met her, I’d figured he’d probably had eyes on her the entire time. I got wanting to protect her, but the way he was going about it was fucking with her freedom left and right. She couldn’t breathe at all.

  “All right, yeah,” Python agreed, surprising all of us. “She’s done with her work here. You got something to keep her occupied down your way? Should stop her from taking any of those jobs she’s been looking at, all of them being hundreds of miles away from Taunton.”

  His plan for her was so fucked up. He wasn’t letting her live her life. Hell, he was controlling every aspect of it, like she was still a kid. And he was using her protection as an excuse to keep doing it.

  I shoved my hands into the front pockets of my jeans, my fingers digging into my thighs hard, a distraction so I could keep my shit together.

  As they continued working out the specifics regarding Haywire and Hayley, my phone started buzzing. I ignored it and so did the others.

  Until it did it again.

  And again.


  “You gonna answer that?” Grim demanded, getting pissed that he’d just been interrupted twice mid-sentence with it.

  “Yeah,” I responded as coolly as possible.

  I pulled it out and cursed inwardly as I saw three texts from Hayley. Right now? Seriously? I had to make sure I didn’t react.


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