Her Angel: Eternal Warriors Romance Series Complete Series Box Set (Books 1-5)

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Her Angel: Eternal Warriors Romance Series Complete Series Box Set (Books 1-5) Page 94

by Felicity Heaton

  She closed the door and Apollyon immediately muttered something to Serenity. Her cousin would handle him and his concerns. Liora was only planning to remain here as long as it took Asmodeus to regain his strength and then they would need to find a new home. She had no doubt that if the Devil had sent a dragon to kill Asmodeus in Hell, he would gladly send the same one to kill him in the mortal realm.

  Asmodeus flopped down onto the bed, wrecking the cream bedclothes with his soot-covered body.

  “You dare bring me back here?” he grumbled and she didn’t quite hear the usual level of anger and indignation in his voice. It seemed more like grousing to keep up appearances. Was he secretly glad they were safe and she had brought them here, to Apollyon and Serenity? Her cousin and his twin were powerful, more than able to keep them safe for the time being.

  “Consider yourself lucky my spell worked and we’re still alive and not toast. It was a pretty close call.” Liora pressed her hand to her side and flinched. The bastard had got her. She had feared as much.

  Asmodeus’s eyes darkened but not with anger. Concern filled them. “You are injured.”

  He held his hand out to her and she went to him. “Let me see.”

  Liora lifted her top up and revealed her left side where the dragon’s tooth had pierced her. Asmodeus sighed and relief filled his eyes. He touched the wound, fingers gently brushing her skin.

  “It is not deep. You are fortunate, my little mortal. A dragon has a poisonous bite when it intends to wound and toy with its prey, able to inject a nerve toxin into the veins with a single scratch of its fangs.”

  Her heart shot into her throat and she leaned her hip outwards so she could see the wound. It was nothing more than a small red crater on the fleshy part of her side. “I’ve been poisoned?”

  “No. Hence, you are fortunate. The dragon feared my master. His mission was to capture you unharmed. He did not dare poison you.” Asmodeus bent his head.

  She gasped when he sucked the wound, the feel of his mouth latching onto her flesh taking her back to making love with him and his biting her, and sending another shivery aftershock rocking her.

  Asmodeus drew back and smiled. “You think wicked things even at a time like this?”

  His voice had gone thick and gravelly, raw with passion, just the way she liked it. Liora stepped between his legs and raked her fingers through his short wild black hair. He tipped his head back and looked up into her eyes.

  “I do, but you are in no condition.”

  He frowned. “But I owe you more fantastic sex.”

  There was that flicker of pride in his eyes again, the one that made her smile in spite of her attempts not to. He liked that he had pleased her.

  “Rest now. Making love later.”

  “Making love?” he whispered, huskier than before. “I like the sound of that.”

  “It’ll give you something to look forward to while you rest.” She gently pushed his shoulder and he fell backwards onto the bed.

  “You must rest with me too.” He tried to catch her hand and she evaded him.

  “I need to speak with my cousin and warn them about what they might be in for. Besides, I have the feeling that if I crawl into this bed with you, we will do anything but rest.”

  He growled and his eyes darkened.

  Liora leaned over him, pressed her hands into the mattress on either side of his head and kissed him slowly, drawing it out and pouring her feelings into it, relishing being able to do this with him. She pressed her forehead against his so their noses touched and sighed.

  “You do need to take more care of yourself.”

  “Why?” he whispered and she shook her head.

  “Because you’re not alone now. You have a responsibility to be more careful, because I don’t want to face a world without you. It would break the heart you stole from me.” She kissed him again before he could respond and his hands claimed her waist, keeping her on top of him. He kissed her softly, far more gently than she had anticipated, as if he wanted to savour it too.

  He settled back against the bed and kissed her cheek. “I will be more careful.”

  She drew back to smile and thank him, and frowned when she found him with his eyes closed.

  “Asmodeus?” She patted his cheek, afraid he had passed out again.

  His lips parted on a snore.

  Liora smiled, kissed his chin, and stood. She gathered the duvet and covered him as best she could while he was laying on top of it. “Pleasant dreams. Hope your first one is a doozy.”

  She turned to the two hellhounds and checked them over, taking note of any bad wounds. Remus licked a particularly nasty gash on Romulus’s back while Romulus licked one on his left front leg. She patted Remus on his shoulders and he moved aside for her. She placed her hand over the cut on Romulus’s back and focused there, watching the flesh knit back together. Once it was closed, she moved to the next wound, and then the next, until both hellhounds were healed.

  She went to the door and opened it. Romulus curled up on the floor beside his master. Remus followed her out into the pale living room.

  “He likes you,” Serenity said, her French accent thick with her amusement.

  Liora patted Remus on the head. “He’s a sage seven hundred year old puppy and my hero. He woke me up before the dragon could eat us.”

  “May I stroke him?” Serenity didn’t look certain.

  Apollyon looked outraged by the request. “No.”

  “Yes.” Liora frowned at him. He really needed to loosen up. Remus wouldn’t bite Serenity’s hand off. At least, she didn’t think he would. She caught him under his jaw and turned his head towards her, staring deep into his red eyes. “No bitey.”

  His jaws parted, his tongue lolled and he began panting.

  “That’s a green light.” She patted him between the ears and glanced at her cousin. Serenity nervously flicked her fair hair over her shoulders.

  “He understands?”

  “Sort of. He’s better with that demon language. I don’t speak it, but he always pants when he agrees to something.” She approached Serenity, keeping her arm around Remus’s neck. The hellhound made her feel small but Serenity looked even tinier next to him.

  Her cousin bravely reached out.

  Apollyon reached for the blade at his side.

  Liora rolled her eyes and felt an incredible rush when Remus proved her faith in him to be right and didn’t bite Serenity’s arm off. Her cousin clumsily patted him between his ears.

  Remus’s left ear drooped.

  “Oh!” Serenity said with a smile. “I broke him.”

  Liora fixed his ear for him, hiding her own smile. “We’re working on that, but it does help me tell them apart.”

  “We’re?” Apollyon said, his tone pure darkness. Now he sounded more evil than Asmodeus.

  “Yes. We are. As in, me and Asmodeus.” She gave him a fierce glare that challenged him to find a problem with that.

  He muttered something beneath his breath and stalked into the kitchen. Liora was surprised he didn’t drag Serenity with him. He was probably going in search of chocolate cake.

  “How is Asmodeus?”

  Liora’s eyebrows rose and she looked back at her cousin. “At least you call him by his name. I appreciate that. He’s asleep. His first dreams. I wished him doozies.”

  Serenity smiled.

  “Even when they come and go between the mortal and other realms as frequently as Apollyon had, there are still things that are new to them.” Her cousin sidled closer and dropped her voice to a whisper, “I, um… caffeine is new to him, no?”

  Liora blushed. “Yes, and it is still new to him. You seriously could have warned me about the stamina thing.”

  Serenity turned beetroot red. “I was not expecting you to fall for an angel… you have fallen for him, haven’t you?”

  Liora didn’t even try to deny that truth. Serenity sighed.

  “Apollyon will fight you on this.”

It’s none of his business… and you won’t?” Liora couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You wanted him the hell away from me before.”

  “He protected you, and I have always been able to see when angels have found love, and he has found the deepest sort with you. I feel more good in him now.”

  She did too. It was growing, coming to the fore as he accepted it and didn’t try to fight it.

  “He struggles at times.” Liora wanted to flop onto the couch and have a big girly chat but she was a complete mess and covered in black soot. She didn’t think her cousin would appreciate her wrecking her nice cream furniture. At least they could wash the dirt out of the pale bedclothes.

  Apollyon passed through from the kitchen, still grumbling under his breath, and headed into the other bedroom. Remus’s sharp red eyes followed his every move, his ears pricked and body tensed. As soon as Apollyon disappeared, Remus’s left ear flopped forwards and he began panting again.

  Had the hellhounds known of Asmodeus’s twin? They didn’t seem to like him, but then he had threatened their master and he probably reeked of Heaven. She imagined that didn’t go down well with any creature from Hell.

  Liora leaned on Remus and he didn’t budge, easily supporting her weight. She had never had a pet before, but she was beginning to think of him as hers too. She lazily stroked his sleek black fur.

  “I need a glass of wine,” Serenity said and those words were music to her ears. “You do too. Come on.”

  Liora followed Serenity into the small kitchen. Remus stuck to her like glue. Serenity poured two large glasses of white wine and handed one to her, and led her out on the balcony. Liora stepped out onto the terracotta tiles and sighed at the view. She never tired of looking out at the leafy park below her.

  Remus shot to the balcony railings. His head darted around, his eyes scanning and ears pricked. If a canine could frown in concentration, he was doing it. He looked back at her and she detected a flicker of uncertainty, and then his thick whip-like tail thumped against the side wall of the terrace.

  Liora sighed. “I don’t think Asmodeus would be happy if we took you for your first walkies in the park without him.”

  She could just imagine the horror that would show on people’s faces if they saw Remus galloping through the park with half a tree trailing behind him, bringing it to her to throw.

  “Perhaps when it’s dark?” Serenity put in and Liora nodded to back up the suggestion.

  Remus whined and wagged harder, catching her in the side. She flinched and almost spilled her wine.

  “You are hurt.” Serenity set her glass down on the small round wrought metal table.

  “Just a dragon bite. Nothing serious. It’ll heal. I’ll bandage it later when Asmodeus is awake.” She lifted her crimson top to show her cousin the small wound. It had already stopped bleeding thanks to whatever Asmodeus had done and was looking less angry around the edges.

  Liora lowered her top and stroked Remus again, trying to soothe him. He settled after a few minutes of petting, happily watching the people coming and going through the park. He ignored the dogs. Did he recognise the mortal realm variety of his breed?

  Serenity picked up her glass and brought it up to her lips. Liora sipped her wine and relaxed into her chair.

  A horse and rider passed along the path she could see through the trees.

  Remus barked at ear-splitting volume. It echoed around the park like thunder. He shifted restlessly, bouncing up and down the length of the railing, watching the black horse. He barked again and dropped his front, sticking his backside high in the air and wagging his tail. Liora held her arm out in front of her, blocking it and avoiding being assaulted.

  “Remus,” she said and he ignored her, still intent on initiating play with a horse. “Remus!”

  He shot up and knocked the glass of wine from Serenity’s hand. It shattered on the terracotta. Serenity cursed. Apollyon’s voice boomed from inside like the Devil himself and he appeared in the doorway, took one look at her cousin, saw the tiny cut on her palm and turned on Remus.

  She wasn’t sure what he said.

  It sounded nasty though and Remus cowered, his ears flattening against his head.

  Liora got to her feet and stood between Remus and Apollyon. “It was my fault. I shouted at him and he was just turning to look at me. He didn’t mean to knock the glass.”

  “I want him out,” Apollyon barked and she clutched Remus’s scruff for support when Apollyon’s power rose around her, pressing down on her. “Now!”

  “No.” Liora stood her ground, shielding Remus and weathering the force of Apollyon’s power. It grew stronger, a heavy weight on her shoulders, driving her downwards. “If he goes, we all go. I go with them.”

  “No, Liora,” Serenity said and turned to Apollyon. “Please, mon ange.”

  “Go where?” Apollyon snarled and Remus growled behind her. “Who in this world would take you in and have the power to protect you?”

  Liora somehow managed to square her shoulders in spite of the oppressive force of Apollyon’s power and realised she didn’t have an answer to that question.

  An arm shot across Apollyon’s throat and Asmodeus loomed behind him, clutching his shoulder and grasping the back of his head with his other hand, pushing it forwards and choking him. The weight of his power decreased and she stared over his shoulder at Asmodeus.

  His red eyes locked on her.

  “The Devil’s daughter would.”


  Asmodeus’s first dream was a nightmare. He saw Liora battling the dragon, bloodied and beaten, one arm hanging limp at her side. Remus and Romulus were beside her, trying to protect her, launching themselves at the immense beast whenever it dared to near her. He tried to intervene but Apollyon held him back, blue fire in his eyes, twisted amusement that showed the intense pleasure he took from seeing her fighting for her life.

  Asmodeus had been like that once. Never again.

  Liora needed him. He took no pleasure in her suffering. He wanted to make her feel safe again, protected. He wanted to protect her.

  The scene whirled and he saw a closed white door, and then it shifted and he saw Serenity through a red haze. Liora was with him, standing above him. He looked up at her. He liked her. She was kind to him and his master. He had taken a vow to protect her together with his brother. He did not like when his master mated with her though. There were some things you could not unsee.

  His master?

  The Devil?

  Asmodeus saw a park. Green. Bright. Colourful. Small furry demons escorted mortals through it. They did not interest him. A big black dog with a male on his back did interest him though. His heart lifted and beat harder, pumping excitement through him. He wanted to play with the big black dog.

  Someone shouted at him and then someone called him a wretch that deserved to feel their wrath.

  Sweet Liora protected him. Strange. She was still taller than he was.

  Asmodeus bared his fangs at the other one, the one who looked like his master.

  Not his master. Apollyon looked like him. Not the Devil.

  Power. Pressing. Crushing. Protect Liora for his master.


  Wake master.

  Something wet slapped his cheek and Asmodeus shot up in bed. Romulus whined and nudged him towards the white door. Door.



  Asmodeus burst from the room, his legs aching and protesting. He stumbled through the living room, looking for her. Remus had commanded Romulus to wake him. Apollyon had threatened Liora.

  He spotted the bastard angel with his back to him, vulnerable, open to attack.

  Saw Liora bravely facing him, holding out against his power and protecting Remus.

  “If he goes, we all go… I go with them.” Brave Liora. Sweet Liora.

  His focus swam and he grabbed the doorframe of the kitchen to steady himself. Serenity said something he missed.

  “Go where?”
Apollyon snarled and Asmodeus heard Remus growl. “Who in this world would take you in and have the power to protect you?”

  Liora tipped her head up and squared her shoulders. She had no answer. He could see it in her eyes. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t have to know. He would speak for them. She had made her intentions clear. She wanted to leave with him and he had an idea about who might take them in.

  He came up behind Apollyon, wrapped his arm around his throat before he could move, and shoved his other hand against the back of his head, choking him. The weight of Apollyon’s power decreased and Asmodeus stared over his shoulder at Liora.

  Her hazel eyes locked on his.

  “The Devil’s daughter would,” he said and she frowned. Serenity stood. Apollyon chuckled at the suggestion. Asmodeus shoved him harder against his arm, killing that mocking laughter.

  Erin was with child and the Devil had vowed to leave her and those who fell under her protection alone, unharmed, until she had given birth. It was a risk, but if he could convince her to extend her protection to him and Liora, she would be safe.

  He was willing to bet that the Devil wouldn’t dare launch a full-scale attack on Erin’s location in order to get to him and Liora.

  “Erin will take us in, and you know it.” Asmodeus shoved Apollyon behind him and released him, swiftly moving in front of Liora and Remus to protect them. His head turned again. Not good. How long had he slept? It didn’t feel like long enough.

  Apollyon went to rush him but Serenity stepped between them, her hands on her hips. The blood drained from Apollyon’s face. Scared of his petite witch?

  Romulus growled from behind Apollyon, his fangs close to his neck and his nose against his ear.

  Asmodeus smiled. It was nice to have the upper hand over his twin for once.

  “We will take you to her and you can speak with her,” Serenity said, the voice of reason. He appreciated her backing him up. It only added to his victory. Apollyon was alone. Asmodeus had everyone behind him. He could get used to this.


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