Theirs to Share

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Theirs to Share Page 12

by Jaye Peaches

  She wore two layers: the outer gown, which was a deep shade of green, and a thin slip underneath for extra decency. There was nothing she could do to stop them. They drew the dress over her head and pressed her back onto the examination bed. Naked, blushing, and impatient, Shayla wished she’d fine-tuned her plan.

  The Gotti returned to the bedside. “I need to scan her stomach for blockages.” She picked up a handheld device.

  The scanner buzzed as she held it aloft over Shayla’s belly button.

  “Mm, nothing obvious,” the Gotti said.

  “That’s good.” Jago folded his arms. “Anything else?”

  The scanner circled Shayla’s breasts. Her nipples were erect. How could she hide them? To her horror, other parts of her were feeling strangely aroused, too. This was nothing to do with the Gotti. It had to be due to Kriss and Jago; their display of concern was touching and affecting her heightened libido. If she hadn’t had that wild dream...

  “You used her with your mouth?” the Gotti asked Kriss.

  Shayla frowned. Used was a horrible expression and commonly applied to droids.

  “With my tongue. I might have kissed her too hard.”

  “Mm.” The Gotti put the instrument on the table. She held up her hands, right in front of them. Her forefinger started to swell. Shayla swallowed hard, and a huge lump in her throat formed in her throat. The finger extended another two or three inches in length.

  Then the Gotti said the words Shayla was dreading. “I will perform an internal examination of her vagina. Please raise your knees and spread your legs.”

  “Go away. I’m fine.” Shayla shot up and hugged her knees.

  “This is most impractical.” The Gotti wagged her long finger at Shayla. “It won’t take long.”

  “Nope.” Shayla buried her face in her knees.

  Jago clucked his tongue. “Shayla, it won’t hurt. Look at her finger. Kriss’s cock is longer.”

  “Nope.” She covered her head, blocking them out. “It’s not necessary. I’m not in pain down there. I’m very much not in pain.”

  “Then, why won’t you—”

  “It’s not important—”

  Kriss snorted. “This isn’t working. I should spank her. Then when she’s bent over with a red ass, the medic can take a good look.”

  Spank her! God, no. The humiliation of her ass turning red while somebody looked on.

  The Gotti came to her defense. “This is an examination room, not a prison cell. She’s supposed to be sick.”

  Jago rested his hands on Shayla’s back. “Nobody is going to spank you, Shayla. Kriss is just flexing his muscles. Lie back and we’ll get this over with quickly.”

  “How quick?” She dared not look up. She was fighting back the tears. This idea of hers to find an oracle had gone horribly wrong.

  “A minute or two.” The Gotti stroked her fingers through Shayla’s tangled hair. She seemed kindly enough, like a doctor would be on Earth, and Shayla had been examined numerous times back home without any fuss or bother. Although, men weren’t usually present. Even the medical on the orbiting space station had been easy compared to this.

  That trip seemed such a long time ago.

  “I really feel better now. It was indigestion. I’m sorry that I made a fuss about it.” Shayla chewed on her lip. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger.

  The scanner was buzzing around her head.

  “I’m not detecting any worrying symptoms, sirs,” the Gotti confirmed. “Just a raised pulse. Capillaries widened, which is why she is flushed. Respiration a little faster than expected. Brain activity indicates full alertness. Indications of... arousal.”

  What! Shayla wanted a hole to swallow her up.

  Jago’s warm hand stilled. “Sexually?”

  “Yes. I can confirm with the examination. I suspect this is why she doesn’t want an internal.”

  Jago stood back. “Shayla, please stand and bend over the table. Now!”

  What should she do now? She lifted her face, hoping her forlorn expression might provide mitigation.

  “Is this necessary?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said curtly.

  She was on dangerous ground now. She couldn’t claim she was ill, she’d dismissed her symptoms and the medic had confirmed she was physically fit. She shuffled to the edge of the table, and eased her legs down, twisting her body at the same time. Kriss pressed her back down and behind her, Jago used his booted feet to part her legs.

  “Please conduct your examination,” Jago said to the Gotti. “We want confirmation of her condition.”

  “Of course, sir.” The Gotti moved between Shayla’s legs.

  Shayla cringed. She closed her eyes and covered her face again. The deft fingers parted her folds. The tip of the long finger ran down her labia. She didn’t need to see for herself. Shayla knew she was pink and puffed up with hot blood. Just like her nipples and clitoris. Her body had betrayed her darkest thoughts, like the dream in the night. She wanted wicked things to happen to her, but she never expected anyone to know about them.

  The sturdy finger slipped inside her vagina. It stroked the inside of her walls, stretching and probing, searching for nonexistent damage. She was intact, unharmed, and very wet. The shame of hearing it was mortifying.

  “The indications are she is sexually receptive. Her flesh is unmarked. Her opening is dilated. This is most interesting.”

  Shaya pressed her lips together, stay quiet, and not let her personal feelings interfere. The Gotti didn’t have vaginas. What a thrill it must be to see one. Shayla might as well be an anatomical lesson for the medic.

  “She is easily aroused,” Jago said with obvious amusement. “And definitely not sick?”

  “Quite healthy.” The Gotti stepped back. “I’m intrigued. She is open, but according to my calculations, she can’t accommodate an erect member. She would need to expand by... this amount.” The detail was provided visually, and out of sight for Shayla.

  Kriss chuckled. “We’ve achieved the ultimate act of double penetration, and she still fitted me in.”

  “Simultaneous stimulation?” The Gotti sounded amazed.

  Shayla snapped her knees together.

  Jago looked over her head, speaking as if she wasn’t even there. “If you’d like to conduct a scan of her aperture for medical purposes, I’m sure this would be invaluable data.”

  “Oh, yes, indeed.” The Gotti spoke with unbridled enthusiasm.

  Shayla jumped to her feet and folded her arms across her chest, hiding her nipples. “Aperture! I’m not a thing.”

  Kriss ignored her. “Why not? The readings can be uploaded into the oracle’s repository for analysis. I’d be interest in your opinion of her elasticity.”

  “Analysis...” she stuttered. More questions buzzed in her busy mind. What kind of planet was Gott? Why did Hezara need it?

  “For educational purposes.” The Gotti nodded in agreement. “We respect the privacy of our clients. You have to appreciate, you are a rarity on this planet. To have this information accredited to my clinic... the prestige.”

  “Quite,” said Jago.

  “I’m not a thing,” Shayla snapped.

  Jago spun her around to face him. Without pausing, he leaned over her, pressed his mouth over hers, and kissed her so hard, her air was sucked out of her lungs. Her arms dropped to her sides and her heart skipped a beat or two. Against her hip rested the bulge in his pants. So hard. So demanding. She wanted it in her. All the talk of sex had infected her with lust; that was her real affliction, not some made-up illness.

  He released her. There was a notable sparkle in his eyes. “Would you like me to masturbate you? For the records, of course,” he said, smiling. Jago was incorrigible. His suggestion should be offensive, but it wasn’t. She squished her thighs together.

  How easily she was sold by an orgasm. How needy and demanding she was in her own way. Her sex ruled her too much. But, then, maybe if she came spectacularly, she could use
the outcome to her advantage

  She looked over to the oracle. “Alright. On one other condition. Afterwards, I’ve some privacy to... compose myself. This is very emotional for me. I want to walk out of here looking respectable.”

  Kriss shook his head. “These humans and their strange feelings. She fucks without shame, then wants dignity.”

  “If that is what she wants.” Jago shrugged. “Then I’m happy to help her.”

  The Gotti was enthusiastic. “I shall set up the monitors.” She turned her attention to an instrument panel, her fingers danced across the keys. Behind her, the tail swung like a pendulum. Shayla didn’t want to think about its purpose. She was starting to suspect it wasn’t a tail in the conventional sense; it seemed to have a mind of its own.

  Jago cupped Shayla’s hot cheeks in his hands and lowered his lips. “I’m glad you’re not ill.”

  “So am I,” she whispered.

  Moving closer, Kriss skated his hand down her spine, across her ass and under, then he lifted his finger high inside her. She rose up onto tiptoes and her legs started to quiver. She closed her eyes, tipped her head back and decided to do nothing, let them taunt her, have their fun. The Gotti could look on with her scanners and devices. It was all a game, wasn’t it? A means to an end for all of them. Her nestors had their thrills, the Gotti acquired some precious data, and with luck, Shayla would have a moment alone with the oracle.

  Somebody, probably the eager Kriss, bent her over the table and spread her legs. One pair of masculine hands held apart her ass cheeks, exposing all of her to the observing medic, while another purposeful hand dove between her thighs. The firm tip of a thumb circled her clit, while a long finger, although not as dexterous as the Gotti’s, slipped into her drenched pussy. The two men, one on either side of her, demonstrated their new acquired skills in finger fucking a willing human. Any humiliation was drowned out by their enthusiasm to see her orgasm, as if it was their lust that was on display and not hers.

  She moaned and reached out to find the edge of the table. She gripped it, clinging on to the rigid frame. The hands got faster and now, her puckered entrance was targeted, too. Fingers thrust in and out, and they rubbed her sensitive spots and tender clitoris with unnecessary force. But, shockingly, the harshness seemed necessary. She liked the rough use and the shame of succumbing to it. Flattened underneath her, her breasts started to spasm—a familiar accompaniment to her clenching pussy. She curled her toes, sensing the orgasm was impending, and nothing now would prevent it.

  She writhed, and ignoring the lack of comfort in her surroundings, she imagined her dream again, the one she thought she’d forgotten. It came racing back to life in her mind. Men, countless men, and just her, the one human to satisfy their urges. She was their prize. Yes, she had power to satisfy all those men. She must never doubt otherwise.

  “That’s it,” Kriss urged her, his thumb inside her bottom.

  “She’s flooding.” Jago plunged three, maybe four fingers deep inside her pussy. “She’s coiling, tightening.”

  Shayla screamed. The climax was agony and the pleasure it brought was amazing. She wasn’t expecting it to be so successful. She humped the edge of the table, knocking her hips against it and kicking her legs. The scream died and left her breathless. Their hands continued to torment her, keeping her open when she wanted to close up and relax. The probing continued, and so did the orgasm. Tears dripped down her face. The emotional release was tremendous; it destroyed the humiliation that she’d brought into the room. She loved fucking and even more shocking, she loved being the center of attention. Back on her Earth, her tutors, Alfraya, they all told her she was a natural flirt under her submissive surface.

  She collapsed onto the table, spread-eagled and spent.

  Voices muttered. The nestors had stepped to one side, giving her space.

  Jago took charge. “She asked for privacy. Perhaps a bowl of water to refresh—”

  Shayla crawled onto the exam table and flopped onto her back. The lights above dazzled.

  “Yes, naturally.” The Gotti followed the nestors toward the door. “She can manage on her own now.” The Gotti hesitated by the door. “I’ll be back in a while, take your time. There’s water in the corner and napkins. And, thank you, Shayla, for showing me what a truly amazing species you are. Earth must be very proud of you.”

  Shayla was at a loss as to what to say. She hadn’t expected gushing gratitude. Her thoughts were already moving to the oracle, and what she had to do. Alone, she grabbed a few napkins and conducted a speedy cleansing before throwing on her clothes. She hurried to the oracle and flexed her fingers.

  The question had to be simple. She pressed her palms to the globe and thought the question. Immediately, she was bombarded with images, words, a multitude of things, bundled up and presented in a confusing mass. She focused harder. The oracle was used to the experienced Gotti, not a human. Gradually, she started to make sense of some of it. Eventually, her subconscious would think it through fully. For now, she had some answers, and they shocked her. Her hands slipped off the oracle and she slumped in a chair, lost in thought and worry.

  Nestors weren’t even half-brothers. The queens weren’t simply mothers, they only provided the core of the genetic makeup. The rest came not from natural sources, but laboratories. The nestors were genetically engineered to be exactly what Hezara needed. And that was men. They only wanted men; females were discarded. They could make women, but that wasn’t what they wanted. The warriors were key to the survival of their species, but why? Why weren’t women important? And why had the Junta convinced the nestors that women were obsolete when there was no reason why women couldn’t be selected?

  The Gotti knew this from their oracles. They had access to this information because they helped raise the nestors in the incubators. Somebody had to do the science. They were probably the ones that conspired with the Junta to help with the research. Their kind faces were a lie, a deception to gain trust. They weren’t the nice females she believed them to be. They were hungry for something themselves—technology? Was that the reward they received in return for sending their women to soften the hard edges of Hezara’s decisions?

  All this new knowledge swirled around in Shayla’s mind. What did it mean for her? For other humans sent to Hezara? Were they really necessary? What if they stopped arriving, would Hezara die out? Not if they re-established the balance in their world. They had to stop interfering with nature.

  “What are you doing?”

  The Gotti had returned. She strode across the room, her bald head red-hot, her eyes black ovals. Now she looked evil with a devil’s forked tail.

  “I... I was looking at the data you recorded and—”

  “Nonsense, it hasn’t been deposited in the oracle yet.” The Gotti planted her hands on her narrow hips. “This is sacrilege. Using the oracle in here is especially forbidden. Only medical staff can access hospital oracles; they’re different.”

  Shayla could guess why. She’d bet everything that the nestors had no idea of what the Gotti knew and did behind the scenes. A secret pact probably existed between Hezarans and the Gott home world.

  “I’m just curious...” She backed away.

  The Gotti touched the oracle with the long digit. Shayla hated the ugly finger. She wished it had never touched her.

  “You lie. You asked forbidden questions.”

  A red light flickered above, on the ceiling—a silent alarm had been triggered.

  Shayla ran to the door and flew down the corridor.

  “Kriss! Jago!”

  But her nestors weren’t there. Marching toward her from both ends of the corridor, armed droids.

  Shayla dropped to her knees. There was no escape. She was caught.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kriss paced the tiny room. They weren’t allowed into the court to hear the evidence given by the Gotti who’d accused Shayla of touching the oracle. Jago was crouched in a corner, his palms pressed together and his h
ead down.

  “Please, stop,” said Jago without looking up.

  “I can’t. I’m so angry.” He clenched his fists. “She betrayed us.”

  “The Gotti?”

  “What, no... I meant Shayla. But, yes, the Gotti could have come to us first instead of sending for the guards.” He ceased pacing. “She looked so pale.”

  They’d arrived only in time to see her cuffed and led away to be tried. The law of Hezara was simple. All cases must be heard within one day, while facts were straight in the mind and evidence fresh. Hezara had long ago done away with the assumption of innocence. The guilty had to plead for mercy. The judges were chosen from the ranks of the best warriors. Instilling fear was a key deterrent. Unfortunately, Shayla had not been told any of this before she foolishly touched the oracle. They still didn’t know why she’d done it, especially after they’d caught and punished her once already.

  “Her curiosity is her weakness,” Kriss said. “We need to talk to her.”

  “I know, but how?”

  The door opened. A court official, a faceless droid, snapped his metal heels together. “You are summoned to hear sentencing.”

  Kriss followed Jago into the room. There was only one chair, which was occupied by the grim judge in his black uniform. An old man, by Hezara standards, battle scarred, bald and holding a thick staff in his right hand.

  Shayla was kneeling, cowered and tiny. Her hair was hanging limp around her white face, while her nose and eyes were red from crying. Kriss wanted to take her into his arms and hold her tight. The feeling was overwhelming. What was wrong with him? He should be striving for discipline. He straightened his back and stood to attention.

  The Gotti, the callous woman who’d accused Shayla, waited in the shadows. Her duty was finished, her words of condemnation spoken. She showed no guilt, nor pity for Shayla. The Gotti liked to watch, Kriss realized. They liked the thrill of seeing other people’s emotions, but never showed their own unless pushed. They were the perfect servants, eager to please, and hard to break, especially the women. The men were puny in comparison, left behind on Gott with no purpose. This is what their oracle told him. He believed it. He had to; there was no other source of information.


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