The Sovereign of Psiere

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The Sovereign of Psiere Page 5

by K. Aten

  Perhaps it would be a good night for a cup of golden mead and a book on the Divine Mystery. There were worse ways to spend her time and she knew Lt. Commander Seevert Bello would arrive in the morning thus beginning the hand-off of command so she could make the return trip north.

  THE FOLLOWING DAE went by faster than anticipated for Castellan. Like a highly-oiled automaton, her replacement arrived at exactly seven hundred, as the previous dae’s recall notice had stated. Lt. Commander Bello had a look about him that she didn’t appreciate. Her intuition channel had given her fits from the moment she met him stepping off the railer. But it wasn’t her call to put Bello in charge of the forces around Ostium and she would have no say in the matter once she boarded the railer back to Tesseron. All she could do was impart as much information as possible in such a short time and wish the lt. commander luck. She did take a meen to debrief First Lieutenant Cando though.

  “Ser, you wished to speak with me?” Cando had come to Castellan Tosh’s office near the end of her final dae. Rather than speak in the office itself, she gestured to the first lieutenant to precede her back outside. There was nothing left of hers in the office so she closed and locked door behind her. Once outside, Castellan led them around the back of the building and over to a nearby copse of pelma trees. One never knew if there were spies about and in the small grove they only had to watch for falling coacas.

  The light breeze carried the ever-present salt tang that she’d grown used to in Ostium. Tosh gestured for the other officer to have a seat on the bench and she took one as well. “You’ve worked with Lieutenant Commander Bello throughout the dae now and have had a chance to see his command style. What is your first impression of him?”

  Cando thought for a sec then she leveled a serious look at Castellan. “Permission to speak freely, ser?”

  “Of course.”

  A dark look came over Lt. Cando’s face. “I don’t trust him. I mean, I’ve always had...vaguely negative feelings toward Praefectus Havington, but Bello twangs my intuition channel even more.”

  Castellan looked at her curiously. “What’s your strength again?”

  “It’s a five.”

  The ranking officer sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Cando was startled at the gesture because she’d never seen her commanding officer anything less than neat and professional. She found it endearing and even more attractive if possible. “That’s high enough to know then. I have my concerns but for obvious reasons there is nothing I can do or say about them. It is abnormal to only have one dae to train an officer replacement but I also found the half-hearted attack on the beach yesterdae to be highly suspicious. There was simply no reason for it on the Atlanteen’s part.”

  Tosh made a face. “Something here smells worse than the stink of the harbor and I will no longer be around to unravel the mystery. However, if you ever see anything that you know to be wrong or improper, contact me. I will give you my personal voteo code. Following the way of the just is a hard road, Cando. But know that you have an ally. I worked hard to put this region together, I have no want to see it fall apart again. Even if I am on the northern continent, I will not abandon you to the wills of wicked men. Understand?”

  “Thank you, Commander, that means a lot to me. You know there is an impromptu going away party for you at the south you plan to attend?”

  Castellan stood and grimaced at her junior officer. “Unfortunately. However I have no plans to stay late because I have to be on the railer first thing in the morning. It leaves at eight hundred oors and I have no wish to travel the dae away with a sick head.”

  “But, Commander Tosh, a sick head is the only way to properly say goodbye!”

  The senior snorted. “I don’t think so.”

  Cando smirked back at her. “We shall see, won’t we?”

  AT EIGHT HUNDRED the following morning, Castellan Tosh was safely aboard the railer. Her items were packed away in a single large duffel and stored in her sleep cabin, leaving only a small satchel for personal items and entertainment. Even though she was technically between assignments she was perfectly put together in her casual uniform of tan pocket pants and a short sleeved tan shirt. Her tall black boots were polished to a high shine. She wore her pistol holstered at her side but her sword was stowed with the luggage. As always, her hair was perfectly combed without a strand out of place. Lt. Commander Tosh was leaving Ostium the same way she came in, every ince of her the soldier’s soldier. And she never once gave any indication that misery washed through her in waves with every sec that passed.

  Rather than let common sense dictate the actions of her night, she got carried away with her friends from the town and the other officers that had previously been under her command. Even First Lieutenant Koryne Cando was feeling clearer that morning, which was surprising indeed considering how drunk they had gotten together the night before. It was a fun evening made more fun by pleasant company. And none of it was against reg since Castellan was no longer Koryne’s senior.

  Castellan figured that she’d try to lie down once the railer got underway but by eight mins after the oor it was still sitting at the station. Finally at quarter after, her patience and temper broke, most likely exacerbated by the pain lancing through her skull with each heartbeat. She went to the nearest door and swung down off the railer. The First Pilot was standing off to the side joking with two porters and she called out to him. “What seems to be the hold up? This railer was supposed to depart at eight hundred sharp!”

  He was a military pilot so he acknowledged the lt. commander’s rank with a smart salute. “Ser, we are still waiting on the arrival of the Royal Sovereign Connate. She got detained at the temple but should be here shortly. I apologize for the delay, ser!”

  Castellan snarled and waved him off. “Of course we are! No, don’t apologize, it’s not your fault some people think that the randomness of birth allows them special privilege above all the rest.” She turned away and marched back to the railer, unaware that the Connate had heard her entire diatribe and was fuming.

  “And just who the deep sea darkness was that?” While she was too far away to see who had said the words she certainly heard them. Olivienne Dracore was livid that someone had all but called her spoiled. She worked hard for her position and she had been quite successful in the rotos since she’d finished academy and her military service. Not to mention that her delay was caused by the Queen herself. Her mother had contacted her to request a few sensitive cases of documents from the temple, which is what threw off the railer schedule. But you don’t say no to the Queen.

  The pilot cleared his throat nervously. “Connate Dracore...” Angry purple eyes turned to the shorter man and he continued with much trepidation. “By your leave, that is Commander Castellan Tosh. She is one of the best soldiers I’ve ever seen and this region wouldn’t be half of what it is without her stabilizing presence over the past four rotos. I’m sure she didn’t mean to imply anything untoward about your pedigree or work ethic.”

  Olivienne was not to be swayed from her ire. “I don’t care if she is the general of the entire Psi Defense Corp, she’s rude and needs a lesson in respect!” She looked toward Lt. Savon, the man who was temporarily in charge of her Shield unit with no proper captain at the helm. “Are all the cases loaded?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Connate Dracore.”

  “Good.” She turned to the nearest porter. “Can you show me to my sleep car? I was up all night searching through the archives and desperately need some rest.”

  The younger woman stood in awe of the sovereign before giving a quick bow and swallowing down her nervousness. “Yes, Connate Dracore! If you’ll follow me?”

  They entered through a different door than the one Castellan Tosh had taken, which was how the Connate never realized that the first class sleeping segment only held two cabins. One was occupied by the Royal Sovereign, the other by a certain Lt. Commander. The First Pilot knew though and he mopped his sweaty brow with the rag he kept in h
is pocket. It was going to be a long couple daes back to Tesseron. He predicted that he’d be hiding in his own cabin much of the time the other pilots were on duty.

  Chapter Four

  THE FIRST DAE of travel was fairly quiet. The Connate stayed in her cabin sleeping the entire morning, then ordered noon meal in so she wouldn’t have to deal with marching around the railer segments with a trail of black clad guardians scaring the other passengers. She also wanted to put some time in on the document they had found at Ostium. It had a pair of symbols at the bottom that she was certain meant a match to the one they found at the cave wekes before. Unfortunately it wasn’t yielding to the usual encryption key and she suspected that it was another undecipherable message from the Makers.

  Olivienne thought about the impossible task of trying to find the new translation key. Six daes a weke, four wekes a lune, and ten lunes a roto. Solving the mystery of the rumored third temple would give her letters of a new encryption key thus possibly releasing a vast amount of knowledge currently locked within the untranslated texts in each temple. It could make her career.

  Her newest artifacts and documents alluded to that old rumor of a third temple and she desperately wanted to find such a thing if it existed. She was one of the believers and she wished more than anything to deliver proof. With that thought in mind, she shoved the remains of her noon meal away and redoubled her efforts at translation.

  Castellan managed a few oors of sleep herself before she finally ventured out to prowl the different segments of the railer. As soon as she exited her cabin, she knew immediately who the other first class guest was. Unlike the standard passenger segments, the sleeper segment had a hallway that ran toward the back of the railer on the right side. Castellan was in the first private cabin, then there was a small lounge area, and the second private cabin was at the end of the segment.

  Even if her powers of deduction were drastically off, she would have guessed her fellow first class passenger by the black clad guardians seated in the small lounge. There were also two more cluttering up the hall in front of the other suite and at each end of the sleeper segment. Their segment had been hitched last on the railer, probably to cut down on foot traffic near the Connate, as well as make the space easier to secure. They obviously trusted Castellan, most likely because she was a ranking military officer.

  It was half past fourteen hundred oors and just after the stop at Cordeesh when she finally ventured out for food with a book in hand. As Castellan passed through each seg on her way toward the front of the railer, she got quite a few curious looks. And the dashing soldier drew more than her fair share of appreciative glances. She was attractive but beyond that she carried herself with a certain dignity that people responded to. Many on the railer were from Ostium and knew who she was. Lt. Commander Tosh had become almost famous for her ability to bolster the frequently Atlanteen-harassed region. Because of her accomplishments, Castellan made them feel safe. Even though it hadn’t been long since she got the recall notice, news had spread fast throughout the region. They simply didn’t know what to make of the fact that their long-time protector was being called back north. No matter what continent one was on, Psi didn’t like change.

  Castellan was recognized and hailed as soon as she stepped into the dining segment. “Lieutenant Commander Tosh, what a pleasant surprise!”

  The woman who spoke was seated at a table near where Castellan entered the seg. She had a smooth brown mug held casually in one hand and the remains of her meal lay cold on the plate in front of her. Castellan smiled when she saw her. “Doctore Shen! The pleasure is all mine.”

  Dre. Shen waved to the seat opposite her. “I’ve finished with my meal but you’re more than welcome to join me. We haven’t caught up in ages. Besides...” She paused and glanced around her. “Tables are at a premium here, apparently.”

  Sure enough, Castellan looked up at the rest of the railer segment and saw that all the tables were indeed taken. “I wouldn’t mind sharing a table but I’m afraid I’m not the best company right now. Strained my channels two daes ago and I’m only now feeling well enough to eat some food.”

  The doctore raised an eyebrow. “Strained channels wouldn’t keep you from eating, Castellan.”

  The lt. commander blushed and scratched her ear. “Well, stone brew and my reassignment party might.”

  Gemeda Shen laughed gently at her long-time friend. “I a sick head on top of the rest?” The tall soldier nodded. “That hardly seems like you, my dear. Well get yourself some food and you can tell me all about it after I patch you up.”

  Castellan held up her hands in dismay. “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that!”

  “No? So it wasn’t you who made sure the hospital and orphanage in Ostium got a significant donation of armicruste meat after your now infamous battle? Information travels fast my friend. The news reached Cordeesh by evening meal. Come now, it’s the least I can do for the Hero of Temple Beach.”

  Castellan made a sound of discomfort low in her throat at receiving such a horrible moniker. But rather than engage in a battle of wits or words she was not fit for at the moment, she turned and walked farther down the aisle to the food station. Quiet laughter followed her.

  Once she returned and settled onto the bench opposite Gemeda, the fair-haired woman held out both hands palm up. “Before you start eating let me see if I can alleviate some of your discomfort.”

  “You mean you can promise never to call me that awful name again?”

  Gemeda shook her head and grinned. “Oh no, I’ll be using that for many rotos to come, if only to annoy you. Now hold out your hands.” Castellan complied and placed her hands palms down and let Gemeda clasp them in a casual grip. Not only was she a doctore, but she was one of the few with the telesana ability. Dre. Shen was a Psi-healer but also carried three other channels, all of which helped to make her one of the most renowned medicans on either continent. She carried both telepathy and empathy, as well as eidetic memory. It was as if the fates wanted to build the perfect medican and that Psi was Gemeda.

  Proving her ability and reputation, Castellan started to feel significantly better within secs of their initial touch. Lt. Commander Tosh sighed when the doctore pulled her hands back a meen later. “Ah, that is much better. Thank you, old friend.”

  Gemeda waggled a finger at her. “Friend yes, old never! I was able to take care of your sick stomach and head, and alleviate the pain of your strained channel, but you should avoid using it for a dae or two.”

  The lt. commander laughed. “Well, as it’s highly unlikely I’ll face down a tun and a half of armored sea-bug while on the railer, I’d say complying with the doctore’s orders shouldn’t be a problem.” The savory bowl of tender grain, fungi, and shredded fowl were beckoning her empty stomach so Castellan began eating. She spoke between bites of the surprisingly tasty railer food. “So what brought you down to the southern continent? Or are you posted here now?”

  “I’m stationed on Dromea for the time being.”

  Castellan made a face. “And you never contacted me?”

  The doctore shrugged. “You’ve clearly been busy. Besides, I’m posted up at Gomen and I’ve just finished a tour of the facilities in all the major cities down here. It was requested by the Queen herself that I instruct the other doctores with telesana in best practice techniques that will allow them to heal longer and cleaner.” Her indigo colored eyes twinkled as she took in the palest blue of Castellan’s. “All work and no play I’m afraid. I just finished my final weke in Cordeesh and now I’m finally headed home.” She played with her utensils while Castellan continued to eat. “What about you? You’re venturing a little far from the southeast province, won’t your soldiers miss you?”

  The lt. commander shrugged and swallowed. “Not my soldiers anymore.”

  A pale eyebrow went up at her words. “Oh? Where are you headed now and aren’t you about due a promotion?”

  “Tesseron. And I’m surprised you haven’t a
lready heard about my recall the way rumors fly.” Castellan grimaced and pushed her empty dish aside. “And yes, I was promised a promotion if I stabilized the region around Ostium.”


  She shrugged again. “I don’t know. The missive just said I was being recalled to Tesseron with no mention of my next post. I guess I’ll find out when I get there.”

  Gemeda touched her hand. “I’m sure it will work out, Castellan. You are a magnificent officer and news of your accomplishments have even reached the Queen.”

  Castellan looked at her curiously. “And how do you know that?”

  “A few lunes back I happened to be at dinner with Queen Olivara and King Keshien, as well as a variety of other esteemed guests, when talk of Ostium came up and your name followed soon after. It was all effusive praise, I assure you.”

  “Effusive or not, I refuse to waste my time pondering and worrying. I’ll find out what my next post is when I report for duty in a few daes.” She leaned forward and let some of her non-officer character shine through as she whispered to her friend. “Between you and me though, I really don’t care what happens as long as I’m off this sun-scorched continent!”

  “I don’t mind it so much. Spend a rotation in the mountains and you’ll be glad for the heat.”

  The soldier shook her head. “Not me. I’ve been down here four long rotos and I never got used to the high heat. So when does the railer reach Gomen? I haven’t had time to look at my schedule yet.”

  Gemeda pulled out a small tele-typed slip from the satchel that hung at her waist then made a face as she read the time. “Nearly twenty-two hundred. Just in time to get home and get about six oors sleep before I have to be back at the hospital.”

  Castellan looked at her curiously. “Why so early?”


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