The Sovereign of Psiere

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The Sovereign of Psiere Page 15

by K. Aten

  Olivara addressed the subject as well. “We obviously heard nothing of this event ahead of time but I can assure you that we have our best Shield investigators on it. General Renou said she was sending two top agents with the psychometry channel to go through the assassins’ effects. Hopefully we’ll find out something soon.”

  The King shook his head in frustration at the lack of information and returned to the subject at hand. “What happened after she reprimanded you?”

  The Connate shrugged. “She went back to her own cabin and refused to speak with me. I was able to catch up with her when we arrived at Tesseron to apologize and beg forgiveness but she said friendship was beyond her at this point.” Olivienne shook her head regretfully. “I’m afraid that my mistake will surely stay with me on this one.”

  The Queen had to work hard to keep from giving anything away as her face was notoriously expressive, at least to her family. But she managed because to do otherwise would jeopardize everything she and the generals had set in motion. “It does seem a shame. After all, it’s not every dae that one meets someone who both shares an interest in their life’s work and would take a shell for them. This Tosh must be quite the soldier.”

  Olivienne remembered back to those few oors of passion and sighed wistfully. “Oh, she certainly is.”

  Olivara mentally groaned at the fact that her daughter certainly hadn’t made it any easier for their plan to succeed. But rather than dwell on potential issues, she turned to the next steps of Olivienne’s discovery. She sat up straighter, prompting close attention from both her par and her daughter. “This is what I want to happen, first I don’t want the information on the second document known. ’Vienne, you can keep it with you but if you think that your security could be compromised again give it to me for safekeeping. Second, we will announce the information from the first document to the Imperium and the general population of Psiere. People are always thirsty for new information about the Makers and the Divine Mystery.”

  Keshien could see the direction that his par’s mind was going and picked up the narrative when she stopped speaking. “Knowing the name of the third temple will kick off an immediate round of translation of all the as of yet un-deciphered documents in the Temple of Archeos and the Temple of Illeos. We don’t know what those documents will say so if we really want to keep the antoraestones a secret, we should limit the interpretists working on the project to just the ones with top security clearance. We need a task force.”

  “I was just going to say that!” Olivara looked fondly upon the man she had fallen in love with so many rotos before. While his appearance was attractive enough, she was first enamored with his intelligence and wit. “I want an analysis done on the potential political, societal, and economic ramifications should these antoraestones be discovered. Keshien, I will entrust you the task of putting together such a team but if I had to make a recommendation I’d at least include General Renou of the Shields and General Leniste of Defense.”

  Olivienne dug in her satchel for a blank booklet of vellum and a stylus. “Why don’t we run down the list of different Corps and decide which should be involved with the third temple task force and list the names of who should be on the team.” She quickly wrote in both Shield and Defense, and added General Renou and Leniste after each. She moved down a line and looked up at the Queen. “Who else? If you need research done, I would think you’d want to include Academic Corp. Do you want Instrae Keeley Greene added?”

  Olivara glanced at the King. “You know Instrae Greene better than I, what do you say?”

  Keshien shrugged. “She has done similar such projects for me in the past. She is trustworthy. My only concern is whether or not she has time to serve on this task force.”

  “Instrae Greene may be neck deep in responsibility but she is as passionate about the Divine Mystery as I am. I bet she makes time.” Keeley Greene was one of Olivienne’s favorite instructors when she went to Academy, back before the highly intelligent Psi advanced and became the youngest head of the Psi Academy Corp. It was a massive division that oversaw not just all lower education of Psiere, but all the higher education and job training that university provided as well. When both parens nodded, she added Academy Corp with Ins. Greene’s name.

  The Queen spoke up, ticking off each different Psi Corp on her fingers. “I think we can safely eliminate Service, Resource, and Stock. This is not something that we will need feedback from the arts, farms, or mining. I also think for obvious reasons we will eliminate the Politia Corp since we will not be telling the Imperium, nor the local governors and representatives about the second document. What about Security, Salvo, and Codice?”

  The topic flipped back to Keshien. “Local law enforcement and local fire and rescue need not be in this. I think we can safely exclude the adjudication and penal system head as well. Psi Medi Corp?”

  Olivienne shook her head. “The document didn’t mention any physical side effects from its use and I think that if they were a danger to us it would have mentioned it. We probably don’t need anyone from the medican’s group. That only leaves my own Psi Divinity Corp, and the Engineers.” The Connate cocked her head to the side. “Templar Zane Aislyn knows a lot about the Divine Mystery, and she may have unique insight on the question of both the third temple and the mystery stones. I’ve spoken with her a number of times over dinner and I would trust her with the secret.”

  The Queen stared off into nothing and tapped her bottom lip in consideration. Finally she returned her gaze to Keshien and Olivienne. “I say yes to Templar Aislyn and no to the Psi Engineering Corp. We’ll wait on that one for now until we have more data.”

  When Olivienne was finished writing in the vellum book, she handed it to her father. He read the names aloud just to confirm one last time. “So we have Shield, Defense, Academy, and Divinity Corps. I’ve actually spoken with Instrae Greene recently and she’s pretty busy right now. I don’t know if she will want to be on the task force or if she will assign someone who can better help us with time and information. I trust her judgement with a replacement if it comes to that.”

  The Queen nodded. “I’m all right with that.”

  “And what am I to do?” Olivara looked to Keshien and Olivienne sensed communication between the two. That knowledge worried her. She was afraid that they may attempt to limit her career after the assassination attempt. She didn’t want to be left out of the loop on this new development. It was her discovery and she felt a drive to solve the mystery that went beyond that of most people. Before she could worry herself any further her mother spoke aloud.

  “I want you to see this though. I feel like you are the best adventurist for this particular job and you have always been particularly successful with all things related to the Divine Mystery. I also know that you’ve been one of the few people who was certain of the existence of a third temple.” Surprise and elation crowded for room on Olivienne’s face until her mother added the dreaded “but.” “But, before you can go on any more trips, you will need a fully staffed Shield unit. You’ve been running too low for rotos. Unfortunately, we cannot staff the unit for you; that is the job of your Shield unit leader.”

  Olivienne looked confused. “Lieutenant Savon?”

  Her father’s deep voice cut in. “No ’Vienne, Captain Shendo’s replacement.”

  Hope turned to dismay. “But how long will that take? You’ve been trying to find a replacement for wekes now! Maman...papan...this discovery is big, I cannot afford to be tied down right now while we wait to fluff out my guardians!”

  Olivara held up her hand to stall her daughter’s rapidly rising tirade. “I understand how you feel, ’Vienne, but this is non-negotiable. Security will have to be tight for all of us now, and on the new information. And think for a meen, there isn’t much you can do until we put together the task force and we get a secure team of interpretists started translating those stored texts that were never decrypted. It’s going to be at least a weke, maybe two before we start se
eing results from them. Consider yourself on holidae.” Olivienne started to sputter angrily but was stopped by her mother’s voice in her head. “Please, love...I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.”

  Olivienne knew when she was beat. She sighed and nodded. “Fine, holidae it is I guess.”

  “Thank you...” The Queen was interrupted by a knock at the door. She used her telepathy to see who was on the other side and called out to him. “Enter!”

  Her Shield unit captain walked through the door and saluted all three royals. “My apologies to you all but I have urgent news for Queen Olivara.” She cocked her head curiously at him and the captain cut a glance sideways toward Olivienne then looked back to the Queen. “It is a message from General Renou.”

  “Oh!” She stood and turned to both her daughter and par. “Keshien, can you get started right away on what we were discussing?” He nodded and she turned her gaze to her only daughter. “And you stay out of trouble, savvy? I’m sorry I can’t stay to talk any longer but I have business I must attend to.” She leaned down to kiss Keshien on the lips, then did the same for Olivienne and followed Capt. Torrin out of the house. Keshien was well aware that the Queen had been meeting with General Renou to find a solution to their daughter’s Shield unit dilemma. But Olivienne had no clue and was left feeling more than a little curious about her mother’s sudden departure.

  Chapter Eleven

  CASTELLAN TOSH SWAM up to consciousness fairly quickly despite being sound asleep in the noon sun. She wouldn’t have fallen asleep to begin with if she had not felt secure in her surroundings. But as she mentally cast her awareness around her, she was surprised to find someone near. With slow precision she opened her eyes to greet her guest. It took a lot to shock the intrepid officer and dashing lt. commander, and when she was startled she never let it show on her face. But even so, when she realized the Queen of Psiere was sitting in a lounger less than ten paces from her, Castellan visibly twitched.

  Luckily her scotch glass was empty at that point or she would have spilled the amber-colored liquid all over her dress whites. She set the glass aside before quickly jumping to her feet and giving the proper salute. “Queen Olivara, it is an honor!”

  “Relax, Lieutenant Commander Tosh, I’m here in a less than formal capacity.”

  Once her heartrate had returned to normal, Castellan did what any guest turned host would do. “Would you like a drink, my Queen?” Olivara smiled at her offer and for a moment Castellan was caught up in how similar she looked to her daughter. Both had the same dark hair pinned up on their head, and the same deep violet eyes. But where the Queen’s eyes seemed to smile more, Olivienne’s expressiveness was all in the sweep of her dark brows as well as the fullness of her mouth and set of her chin. The Connate was very much a child of both parens but the similarities between mother and daughter caused a spark of discomfort in Tosh’s mind.

  The Queen motioned toward Castellan’s discarded glass. “What were you drinking before your nap?”

  “Scotch, my Queen. The stuff that Psero Pendar Renou showed me in the house is very good. I can fetch you some if you’d like?”

  Olivara nodded and smiled at the younger woman. “As long as you don’t mind, I would be delighted to try Renou’s scotch. They have certainly sampled enough of mine over the rotos.”

  Unsure how to react, Castellan could only nod and snatch her own empty glass from the small patio table. “I’ll return shortly, my Queen.” Just as promised she was back meens later and handed the two fingers of amber liquid to the Cathedress of Psiere. Olivara lifted it in salute and as custom, Castellan touched the Queen’s glass with her own before taking a healthy swallow. “So what brings you to see me, my Queen?” She was smart enough to guess that the Queen had heard about her refusal of the Shield Commander position but she wanted to hear it from the woman herself.

  “Please, call me Olivara, I insist.”

  Tosh dipped her chin in acknowledgement but her military training wouldn’t allow her to be so informal with the highest leader of the land. Instead she resorted to official military address. “Yes, ser.”

  The sovereign smirked at the officer’s response then thought hard on how she would broach the subject of her daughter’s security while enjoying the comfort of the Renou estate. There was intelligence written in Castellan Tosh’s pale blue eyes but she sensed a healthy dose of stiff military stubbornness lingering beneath the surface. “Let’s not pretend we don’t know why I’m here. I’m aware of how difficult my daughter can be at times, and of exactly how rogue her mentality is when it comes to personal security. But I also know she deeply regrets her actions in Penterole yesterdae.”

  Castellan sighed. “Be that as it may, she is reckless and insufferable with her hard opinions regarding proper procedure. May I speak openly without incurring the wrath of both Queen and mother?”

  “I would prefer that actually.”

  “It is well known that the Connate is...difficult to work with, I’m not surprised half her previous captains have quit. And after witnessing the events yesterdae I’m also not surprised that the rest were injured out of active duty. Not everyone can be lucky enough to have a doctore with telesana nearby. I will not have my career or life cut short by a reckless woman with no regard or respect for the people around her!”

  The Queen took a sip of her scotch, savoring the burn of it while she contemplated her next words. “What you don’t understand is that until yesterdae you would have been correct with your assessment of her personality. But after speaking with her this morning I can see that has changed, things have changed in her that I don’t see going back in the future.”

  “Well, it’s understandable that she would gain new insight after the assassination attempt but that doesn’t really alter my assessment regarding her attitude and lack of respect.”

  Olivara gave the officer a knowing smile. “On the contrary, I don’t believe that it was the assassination attempt that elicited this change in my daughter. It was you.”

  Castellan looked back at the Queen in shock, drink forgotten in her hand. “Come again?”

  “I have never seen it before but there is certainly something about you, Lieutenant Commander Tosh, which has gained from Olivienne what none of her captains have before...respect.” Tosh snorted but let the Queen continue. “She has railed against her security detail from the time she entered the Academy. It has only gotten worse over the rotos as she became established in her career. No matter the experience, every single captain that has been placed at the head of her Shield unit has been met with disdain and disregard.” She leaned forward with scotch glass in hand. “I’m well aware that they can’t keep up with her. Between Olivienne’s high channel rating and her career, I’ve come to realize that my daughter is different, Tosh, and she needs a different kind of team.”

  Despite her irritation with the woman who had nearly gotten her killed, Castellan was intrigued by what the Queen was saying. “How do you mean?”

  “As you may or may not already know, I had a successful career as a judex before ascending to the Divine Cathedra. The job of judging other’s crimes and assigning punishment as dictated by the Psiere Legibus made it fairly easy to guardian my personal safety at all times. The great Hall of Decretum itself is quite secure. I cannot say the same for Olivienne’s profession, nay...her passion. She needs a Shield unit that can not only keep up with her, but can also contribute to her team in some way.”

  Castellan thought on the Queen’s words and slowly they began to make sense. “I begin to see your point. To be truly successful, her team would need to be adventurists as much as Olivienne. In order to protect her, they would all need to be trained and capable in the middle of the fray. Why, it would nearly require rebuilding her team from the ground up in order to put together such a mix of talents to accomplish the task you’re suggesting.”

  Olivara nodded. “Not only that, but the team would require a leader who understands the requirements needed t
o guardian both a sovereign and an adventurist. Even better if that leader carried the same fire of discovery within them...” She trailed off, letting her words sink in and spent the next few meens enjoying her scotch.

  “And as a commander I would have control of the entire process? You could assure me that she would not go haring off to another mission before her team was properly assembled?”

  Sensing she was on the cusp of success, Olivara nodded. “She has agreed to remain on holidae until a leader of her unit was found and her team expanded to proper size.”

  Castellan was deeply interested in the position but she had doubts about the intentions of the Connate. Before she could dwell any further on the ramifications were she to accept the position, she needed to provide full disclosure to the Queen. It was made more awkward by the knowledge that the Queen was also Olivienne’s mother. “Before we go any further down this path of inquiry, I informed the generals, Leniste and Renou, that honor precluded me from accepting the post of Shield Commander.”

  Olivara cocked her head at the officer. “Honor?”

  “Yes, ser. Olivienne and I have had...relations. We were intimate on the trip north to Tesseron and I believed that it would be inappropriate to accept a position as her senior protector. General Renou told me it was of no consequence but I would like your opinion on the matter. To perhaps make things worse, I fear that with the way our personalities clash we may never achieve something close to friendship.”

  “Hmm...clash? How do you mean?”

  Castellan thought of the first moment they met. “From the beginning, our acquaintance was fraught with disagreement and verbal sparring. Before and after our intimate relations. I don’t know if we would be as successful a team as you seem to think and I wanted to be completely honest with you about the why of it.”

  Olivara sighed and tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully. “I’m not going to lie and say that it doesn’t complicate things but I stand by my decision that you are the best person for this job. I have complete faith in your professionalism as an officer in all matters. And if we are being completely honest with each other, I have another task for the unit leader alone, one that has nothing to do with Olivienne’s safety.”


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