You're Cursed

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You're Cursed Page 2

by Kat Quinn

  Kieran looks just as pissed as ever, but I don’t care. He can drench me with the hose all he wants; I’ll just lay in the puddle until he leaves. I can be stubborn, too.

  Lin pushes on Kieran’s shoulder, backing the fuming man away from my meltdown. “Maybe let’s call this one good enough for now, eh?”

  “She needs to be ready!” Kieran growls back.

  “I agree,” Lin replies calmly, “But it’s pretty clear Dizzy’s done for the morning. Maybe even for the day.”

  “We can’t waste time like this!” Kieran’s harsh hands cut sharply in my direction.

  “We don’t know how much time we have to spare, maybe it’s worth wasting a bit here and there for our own sanity,” Lin suggests.

  “We don’t know that we aren’t already out of time, either!” Kieran barks out. “We all have to be ready!”

  Eyes closed, Lin exhales slowly while lightly touching two fingers to his forehead. “Honey pot, I get it, I really do, but your crazy is showing and it’s getting us nowhere. Go punch a tree or whatever it is you need to do to calm down.” Lin shoos, flicking one wrist softly. “Right now, you’re not helping anyone, least of all Dizzy.” He smoothes a hand down Kieran’s arm, “And you do want to help Dizzy, right?”

  “Yes, but-“

  “But nothing,” Lin interjects quickly. “Time for a break, or do you want me to force the point upon you?” He cocks his eyebrow in challenge, expression darkening as his head tilts downwards in the barest hint of menace.

  Kieran scowls in response, but says nothing. Eventually, he clenches his fists and huffs a deep breath.

  Lin gently pats Kieran’s cheek twice, “Good choice.”

  Sweeping down an arm in my direction, Lin offers his hand. “Come now, Love, I’ve a feeling you managed to do yourself a smidge of damage with that last kick and likely need a bit of a visit with Monty.” First time having someone literally feel my pain has actually come in handy. Or ankle-y, as it may be in this case.

  Right on cue, Monty leans over the deck’s railing and hails us with a wave, Aria lazily lounging across his shoulders. “Come on you lot of hooligans, breakfast’s just about ready! Wash up!”

  Grateful for the well-timed coordinated efforts from both men to end this hellish fighting torture, I clasp Lin’s forearm and let him help me up so we can hobble towards Monty’s magic fingers.

  2. Dizzy

  “I’m fine, Lin!” For the fifth time since Monty healed my ankle, I bat away his helping hands. Honestly, walking up a set of steps is hard enough to do without falling when I’m alone, triply so when someone else is involved in the semi-complicated process of placing one foot in front of the other on an incline.

  “Oh yes, you surely are,” he purrs salaciously, fingers dancing incredibly unhelpfully along my skin just as I manage to successfully ascend the final step. He grabs both my hands and yanks me towards him, plastering me against his chest to slide his touch along my spine. His hands cup my backside along their descent and he hoists me up into a slow, sensuous kiss. “I’d say you’re quite fine, indeed, Love.” Pausing, Lin cracks a devilish grin, “Though I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to making a more thorough investigation. For safety reasons, of course.”

  I steal another quick taste of his lips, “Right. Safety reasons. You don’t fool me, scoundrel.”

  “What ever do you mean? I’m honor-bound to ensure that you’re in tip-top shape, in case that big, bad, shadowy phantom man comes to whisk you away from us again!” At that, Lin holds me tight and spins us around, whisking us both towards the bathroom at the front of the hall. “Now, why don’t you be a dear and let me get a better look at you.” His hands graze up my shoulders, gliding beneath the collar of my jacket and sliding it down my bare arms, exposing the tank top beneath. Fisting the hem of my shirt, he tugs us both through the doorway while locking our lips together once more.

  I smooth my own hands down his taut chest, grateful to finally get a chance to play with the body he toyingly kept on display all through our practice. Pretty sure he did that because he knows the distraction is enough to keep me from running out of rope to hang on to, but it could just be because he’s developed a sudden shirt allergy. Shirt allergies seem to be a strangely catching illness around this household as of late, but I don’t mind because I’ve developed a severe allergy to looking away when man bits are on display. Hopefully, nobody thinks to bring in antihistamines.

  Lin’s touch glances delicately up my sides as he slowly teases my tank top off, flinging it away into the mysterious bye-forever-zone where all shirts seem doomed to go. He slips a finger under the strap of my sports bra, nudging it to the side. “Now let me see here,” Lin’s lips feather a trail along my exposed shoulder, goosebumps prickling to life along the path. “This bit seems to be in working order.” He does the same to the other side, each tender kiss eliciting a soft giggle from my giddiness goldmine. “Le gasp! But that is just the tip,” he cheekily plucks at one of my nipples, “of this examination iceberg. Please, step into my office.”

  Like he’s got a gold medal in Olympic chick-lifting, Lin smoothly heaves me up onto the sink-top, coming face-to-face with my still-covered chest. I bite my lip as he steps back and scrutinizes what’s on display.

  “Oh, no-no-no, that simply won’t do,” he tsks disapprovingly, one hand cupping his chin as though contemplating a particularly captivating piece of artwork. “Ah, yes,” he strikes up a single finger in everyone’s favorite eureka pose, “I see the problem, now.” With a snap, Lin whips my bra off, tossing it aside without so much as breaking his penetrating stare at my previously buried golden treasures. “Muchhhhh better,” he purrs.

  As Lin steps forward, I widen my legs and use the heels of my feet to pull him towards me. “Now we match,” I giggle, his silky smooth chest crashing against my own.

  “Indeed we do, Love, indeed we do.” With one hooked finger, Lin tilts my chin up and teases a kiss from my lips. “Though I think we can still do a bit better than this. After all, what good is only a partial exploration of your sumptuous body. I really must ensure that all of you is intact.”

  Trapped within the grasp of my legs, Lin lightly rolls his hips, grinding our still-covered centers together, twin gasps escaping our lips at the welcomed friction. There are certain advantages to having a lover that knows exactly what everything he does to you feels like.

  Lin grins widely, then presses against my shoulders to push me back slightly. One hand fondles my breast while the other caresses up and down my side, my back, my arm, my thigh; anywhere it can reach. His lips make a lazy trail from mine, down my neck. Lin takes his time, slowly and gently kissing his way down my shoulder. That roving hand laces within mine as the trail he blazes courses the length of my arm, eyes meeting as my fingertips slip between his warm lips.

  The hand paying dedicated attention to my breast begins to slide slowly downwards, pressure increasing as Lin grasps the side of my thigh. He firmly strokes the length of it, reaching behind himself and jerking my leg closer to tighten its hold around him. His hard cock slams against my primed and ready cock dock, all that’s separating us are two totally unnecessary pairs of pants. And probably underpants.

  I pop my fingers from his mouth and reel him in towards me, claiming a kiss from his lips while sliding my free hand down the smooth planes of his back. Loving the way his velvety-soft skin welcomes my slow evaluation. Teasingly, I drag my nails up his spine, smiling at the shiver it elicits from him. He releases our joined hands to do the same to me in turn, earning us both a set of delicious spine shivers.

  From there on, we both pet and kiss and tease one another without much conscious care for which bits get touched by whose what. A playful nibble, quick tweak, raked fingernails, lips that swing between worshipful and demanding; it all builds and builds until we’re both panting so hard that it comes as a welcomed relief when Lin finally slides his hand down the front of my pants, teasing his fingers into my desperate opening.
/>   We’re writhing together, gasps and moans and cries echoing all around the tiled bathroom in a symphony of pleasure. He thrusts his hips forward, plunging his fingers deeper into my wet pussy and forcefully grinding the heel of his palm into an explosion against my clit. Winding, winding, winding, until I’m finally a spring set free to spin wildly. My nails scrabble desperately for purchase into his skin as my head is jerked back, screaming my release while he mirrors my own.

  “Did I say you could start without me,” A chill zips horror up my spine as Zeke’s gruff voice demands from behind, realizing he must have snuck in while my back was to the door. My throat, stomach, and pussy all clench at unexpectedly being caught like this; jolting me stock-still with Lin’s fingers still massaging deep inside me. Zeke yanks at my hair and leans down to growl in my ear, “I also didn’t say you could stop.”

  Squeaking like the mouse who got away with the cheese, I squirm greedily against Lin’s hand as he wiggles his digits inside me through the aftershocks, releasing my captured breath in relief. The last couple weeks have been stressful enough and I do NOT need sex drama between the boys to amp that up. Now, extra orgasms to go around? A gal could get used to such spoiling faster than a half-finished cup of yogurt forgotten beneath the summer sun.

  “None of that,” Zeke nips at my ear, “Do you want those extra orgasms or not?”

  “Yes, please!” I squeak out.

  “Then you will be ready before the water is.” Zeke releases his hold, the sudden slack resulting in me weightlessly slumping backwards. Ever the hero, Lin saves me from being impaled on the faucet by quickly roping his free arm around my back and pulling me closer to him.

  “Well, you heard the man, Love, better scurry out of those pants. Here, allow me,” Lin offers, shifting both hands into my waistband and sliding them down, making sure to rake his fingers along as much of me as he can in the process. Kneeling, Lin slides my ankles through the pant legs one by one, dropping them to the floor. He looks up at me in all my naked glory; a queen upon a porcelain throne-not the kind that flushes, though.

  Steam starts to fill the room quickly, a warm haze cocooning us in a misty cavern of sensuality and relaxation.

  Gently, like a feathery whisper, Lin leaves a sensuous, lingering kiss on the inside of one ankle, then the other. Working his way up, my skin tingles as he lightly runs his fingers along the outside of my legs, lips brushing against the tender skin of their insides. I watch in anticipation as he works his way closer and closer to my already panting pussy lips, ready to kiss him back if he’ll let them.

  Just as he reaches my apex, Lin licks one long line up the length of my slit, over my mound, crossing my bellybutton, northward of my collarbone. He stops to nibble my chin. “She’s ready,” he says, then plucks a quick peck from my lips.

  Zeke emerges from the billowing steam; an imposing shadow brought to light behind the devilish man before me. Shirtless as well, I admire the swirling, interlocking tattoos splayed across Zeke’s left peck, winding down the length of his arm. I’m rewarded with a continued display of every inch of Zeke’s tanned skin as my eyes follow the tattooed trail downwards. “Good girl,” he praises, even though Lin did all the hard work. I’m happy to take the credit on his behalf! Plan to spend it on something real nice, like those orgasms I was promised.

  Eyeing up Lin, Zeke pointedly nods towards the black pants still covering up all those good naughty bits on my mischief-maker of a man. “You, too. Or do you plan on disobeying?”

  “No, sir,” Lin winks at me, but addresses Zeke with a flimsy salute as he finishes disrobing, giving me an eyeful of his throbbing cock as it springs free from what was left of his clothing. The tip glistens, no doubt from our head start.

  In tandem, each man reaches for one of my arms and lifts me from the sink, pulling me towards the steaming shower. As the warm water laps at my skin, Lin reaches for his body wash, lathering it up and using the suds as an excuse to caress every curve of my body. It smells like him; cool and clean, like the moment right before a rainstorm. I inhale the scent heavily, loving that I’ll catch a whiff of him on my own skin all day.

  From behind, Zeke presses up against me, rough hands reaching around to firmly grasp my hips and grind us tightly together. From over my shoulder, he watches Lin lather me with bubbles. “You missed a spot.”

  “Oh, did I?” Lin cocks an eyebrow coyly. “My apologies, just a moment.” He pours more soap onto the scrub, slowly gliding it down his own front, eyes locked with Zeke’s in challenge. The stare-down continues as Lin’s reach meets his own member, to which he pays special attention. The boys can stare each other down in the eyes all they want, I’m going to stare that dick down in its eye instead.

  Throwing aside the scrub, Lin drops all pretense of getting clean and dirties things up by blatantly pleasuring himself in front of us. I lick my lips, watching him stroke his cock from root to tip, hungry for a taste of it. Zeke digs the fingertips of one hand hard into my hip, making it clear I’m to stay close to him. The other hand moves inwards, roughly making its way towards my treasure trove. He clasps my sopping wet pussy in his palm, grinding me against him forcefully to Lin’s patient rhythm, but never breaching my opening.

  I’m not nearly as patient as Lin. I want more, faster, harder, in me, on me, around me; anything. We already warmed up, no need to do extra stretches like this is an olympic event; somebody just fuck me already! Squirming, I press my heat down demandingly against Zeke’s gruff hands; trying to scratch an itch he’s all but avoiding; needing to feel stuffed full like a sex-crazed Thanksgiving turkey.

  Thwack! My breast stings as Zeke lands a firm slap across it. “Ah-ah, you know the rules. Out loud.” Yup. Rules. Definitely know them.

  “Fuck me, please, just fuck me,” I whimper. “I need to feel you inside me, need you to fill me to bursting with that throbbing, hot cock of yours.”

  “Oh?” Lin says, “Who? Who do you need to have inside you, Love?” He strokes himself just a bit more quickly, Zeke keeping pace against my mound, still without any kind of penetration.

  “Yes,” I pant, because why choose? Though thinking on it, that seems more like me encouraging them to continue as is, rather than saying both, which is basically what I meant. Was I not clear on that?

  My tit stings again as Zeke lands another blistering blow to it, each clap sending my pussy clenching tight like it’s praying for more. He follows up with a few lighter slaps before rubbing the heel of his palm in soothing circles across the burning. “Try again,” he admonishes.

  “Both of you,” I pant again, “I want both of you. In me. Both. Please.” My words come out between the gasps his harsh treatment of my pleading sex draws out.

  “Good girl,” Zeke rewards me by plunging his fingers into my depths while twisting my head towards him, crashing our mouths together in a punishing kiss. His grip is buried deep in my violet locks, giving him absolute control over the mobility of my mouth. With a twist, he gathers it all in his fist and breaks our smoldering smooch session by turning my head to once again face Lin. “Then you’ll have us both,” he says, using his position to bend me over and line my lips up with the tip of Lin’s delicious-looking dick.

  I lick it, hard, and send a shiver up my own spine from what I’d bet is a relay of Lin’s connection to me. Or it could be because Zeke dragged his fingers out of my pussy, hard, at the same time. As I open my mouth wide to protest, Zeke pulls away slightly; the lack of his hips tightly jutted up against my ass leaving me lonely, despite barely a breath separating the three of us.

  Until he slams his cock straight into me in one hard thrust, impaling me on the mighty, mighty meat stakes both men cooked up just for this occasion. I almost choke around Lin’s cock as I gasp from the pounding Zeke delivers from behind.

  Truthfully, I feel a bit bad because I’m having a hard time sucking Lin senseless; already somewhere in the senselessness zone myself from the deep fucking I very briefly begged for. Luckily for us, if ther
e’s one man who could still have a good time standing still across a room while my pussy got pounded, it’s Lin. His vocal chords free to sound out for both of us, Lin’s cries reverberate around the room in time with Zeke’s rough thrusts.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes, just like that,” Lin exclaims, and I definitely agree.

  There’s no mercy as I’m rammed into from behind, Zeke filling me like I asked for; stretching my cunt wide as his thick dick thrusts into me harder and harder. Lin’s cock slips down my throat as I gasp uncontrollably with each hard, demanding shock Zeke pounds up my spine when his hips plow against mine. A shiver of pride prickles down my neck as Lin moans wildly, his fingernails digging into my scalp near Zeke’s fisted hand.

  Amping up the intensity, Zeke takes over even more, projecting the visual of his glistening cock slamming in and out of my hot pussy; knowing full well seeing any one of them fucking me only drives me absolutely wild. It’s infinitely better than fucking in front of a mirror, though both are certainly welcome at any party.

  Zeke’s free hand lands on my ass in stinging blows between thrusts, sending jolts of pleasure and heat ripping through my body in alternating swings. I’m a live wire, every inch of my skin electrified and overstimulated. My fingers clench and un-clench into Lin’s thighs, half-moon indents patterning deep into his buttery skin. Fire looks for a way to burn me up from the inside, seeking an outlet for its expression, or daring me to explode.

  So I explode.

  I scream around Lin’s cock as he simultaneously screams to the air, one hand jutting out firmly against the wall to try and keep his balance. Zeke keeps plowing into me for just a few more seconds before our hips collide one last time, stilling as we really put my birth control to the test.

  A few heaved breaths, and the three of us sag slightly, any tension from the morning’s frustrations completely relieved. And I’m definitely sure Lin got the thorough investigation he was looking for.


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