You're Cursed

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You're Cursed Page 10

by Kat Quinn

  The idea is terrifying in a way, but in the kind of way that turns to thrilling, my gut churning at exactly the same rate that the erratic beating of my heart sends pulsing, anticipatory twists to my core. It’s that moment before you take a chance on something that scares you-which usually turns out to be exactly what you need.

  Mixed signals cross each other within me, not sure if I should be incredibly worried or incredibly turned on. I start to get restless, sustained weight on my knees beginning to request I kindly give them a break and shift to a different position.

  Just as I’m at the height of the precipice between thrill and terror, the bed dips behind me and a hand reaches under my borrowed shirt, fingers splayed firmly against my taut stomach, holding me still skillfully. Lin’s wicked tongue laps one long, firm length up from the tip of my clit, all the way to the base of my spine. He nips at one of my ass cheeks, following the other up with a solid thwack from his palm that sends my empty pussy clenching from the jolt, breath catching in my throat at the same time. Silently, he fully backs away, bed springing back into place to fill his absence.

  My head turns wildly, aching for any hint of his next direction, skin practically straining to find the angle of his next touch.

  There’s a light scraping to my left, the sound of a drawer that would have been imperceptible if I weren’t so tightly wound up in my attempts to find my toying lover.

  Within mere seconds, confusingly, Lin’s nails rake against my leg on the opposite side from the sound. At least, I think it’s Lin? My heart skips another beat, wondering if we’re still alone in here or not. Wondering if it’s even Lin here at all, or if one of my other men secreted themselves in while I’ve been helplessly at the whim of whatever happens to happen.

  Another jolting slap to my ass is morphed fluidly into that same hand firmly gliding up my spine, under my borrowed shirt, around my side, grasping one of my breasts, kneading it as the bed dips once again. Warm, bare skin of someone else’s leg presses up against the outside of my thigh, a second hand reaching around and dipping between my legs to swipe up my now quivering pussy, traveling up my stomach, across my ribs, and finishing at my unattended breast. A yelp escapes me as a burning pinches latches suddenly onto my hardened nipple, followed by the same on the other. Lin’s hands leave me once again, but not without tugging on the chain connecting the clamps I am definitely now a fan of, even the slightest jostling of which sends a scorching but addicting pain through the sensitive tips.

  A light buzzing sounds, and hands reappear at the crest of my rear, sliding down my backside to my dripping wet entrance. The tip of something small and vibrating teases the lips of my pleasure center, spreading them apart as the fingertip vibrator glides easily between them. It buzzes against my clit and I moan, loudly, my tormentor inflicting their punishment of another yank on the chain in response. If that’s meant to silence me, it’ll never, ever work-if anything, it opens my throat up to make sounds entirely unbecoming of a dignified lady.

  Of course, I’ve never claimed to be a dignified lady, hence my untamed scream as the vibrator is pressed hard against my clit at the same time as the chain is yanked once again, pain and pleasure zinging towards one another from opposite ends and crashing in the center to bring me embarrassingly close to an instant orgasm.

  I groan in frustration as my tormentor fully retreats once again, leaving me bereft of their affections. Desperately, I try to bring my legs closer together, to rub my thighs against each other and clench my swollen heat towards that last tiny millimeter across the finish line. My efforts are blocked by the return of hands, once again between my legs, but this time spreading me wider apart to deny the craving. Whimpers are apparently a poor argument as I’m held in place while making them, totally at the mercy of the master of my pleasure and whether or not their whim decides to allow me it.

  Maybe Lin isn’t sweet, after all. Or, maybe this isn’t even Lin, after all. It’s wicked either way.

  Just as I’m at the peak of my frustration with how thoroughly faded my near-orgasmic pulsing has become, bare fingers glide their way back along my thoroughly slippery slide, seeking entrance into my tunnel of love. “Please,” I whisper, and they oblige, kicking their way upstream, making sure to hit all along my g-spot as they swim inside me. Each flick pounding against my inner walls like the spark of flint being struck against steel, a roaring fire on the inevitable horizon as long as the flames keep getting fanned.

  Before I can get too worked up, they retreat, once again leaving me infuriatingly wanting. If I could rage quit this tied up bullshit and take control of the wheel, at this point, I absolutely would. My pussy is hungry for a good pounding, it’s not satisfied with these tiny little gourmet fru-fru appetizer flicks, give it a whole damned meal! “Why?!” I growl, “Why are you toying with me like this?!”

  No words, just a sharp yank on the chain dangling between my nipples, transforming my growling protest into a guttural, grinding moan. A second quick tug and I’m yelping at the biting, burning jolt. Then panting, pleading, moaning as it’s pulled, the clamps straining my nipples and sending continuous threads of warmth in twin lines towards my center. Finally, FINALLY, a thick shaft is thrust hard into my almost desperate cunt. A thick, vibrating shaft, clearly equipped with something to hit my clit at the same time as I’m rendered almost uselessly over-pleasured every time it rams against the swollen bud.

  It fucks me fast and hard, my breath stuttering at each rough pounding motion. My moans bounce around the room, filling it as I’m filled nearly to the brim, just two or three tiny drops more before I overflow.

  I cry out, not in ecstasy but in pure and utter frustration as I am yet again emptied right at the peak of my pleasure. The only indication I’m not alone in my wanting is a faint, uneven panting breath glancing off the back of my neck from the person bent above me. “Please, please, please,” I beg, “Please let me cum.” I’m rewarded with one single thrust from the vibrator, sending a hard jolt up me as it hits deep inside, but leaving me nearly crying as it fully escapes. “I’m begging you, please, please fuck me. Please, I want you so much.” Another plunge, hitting deep against the furthest reaches of my absolutely desperate core before punishing me with its absence. I’m not the least bit ashamed as I beg, over and over again, happy for each inch closer to the finish line I earn by clawing it from my toying toy master.

  Until I’m not rewarded any more. The mattress settles again and I’m left alone on it, any hope I have of finishing running away as I’m left a sweaty, sticky, unfulfilled mess. “No! Don’t go!” My gasp is fraught, the desperate sound echoing as it pings off the walls of the nearly-empty room. Holding my baited breath, hoping to catch a fish, there isn’t even a ripple of response. An icy splinter pierces my heart, suddenly struck with the tiniest fear of actually being left tied up like this, alone. Like a cruel, cruel prank. “Please don’t leave me like this. Please.”

  Nothing. Not a sound, not a breath, not any indication whatsoever that I haven’t just been completely abandoned and left in a worryingly vulnerable position. This time, my gasps are choked from fear. I don’t know why, but part of me panics at the idea that I’ve finally trusted someone and I willingly let them take me way too far to turn back; heck, practically begged them to take me along, only to be dropped off a cliff. There’s a tightness in my chest, just barely starting to grip at my chilled heart. “Hello?” I whimper, voice small in this limitless emptiness.

  Delicate fingers stroke under my chin, turning my head as the blindfold is removed, to my utter relief, revealing Lin beside me, tension furrowed slightly between his brows. “You alright, Love?”

  I nod, tiny beads of fear and relief wetting the corners of my eyes. “Yeah, just had a moment.”

  “Too far?” He asks, searching between them, wiping dry those corners before they have a chance to fall.

  “No. Not far enough, as you very well aught to know” I quip sharply.

  Lin cocks a brow, “Yes, but…?”
He waits.

  “Yes, but…” I mumble quickly, “I thought you left me alone and I panicked a little.”

  “Oh, Dizzy,” He leans in and kisses me gently on the lips, “I wouldn’t dare leave you, Love. Wouldn’t dare.”

  Soothingly, Lin smoothes his hand down my arm, gently untangling it from its restraint. He takes my hand and kisses up the length to my shoulder, tilting my head back while he slides to sit in front of me on the bed, lips still fluttering against my skin as he trails down the other limb, releasing it as well. On each tip he places one tender kiss before lacing our fingers together.

  “I apologize,” he says, looking me straight in the eyes. “I overstepped the boundaries of our trust; I did not mean to cause you distress. Quite the opposite, really.” Lin reaches for my back and tugs me closer, knees screaming their relief as I release them and sit with each bent against either side of him. “I would never seek to do you any sort of harm… Unless you expressly enjoyed it.” He flicks at the front of my shirt, gently tweaking the chain hidden beneath it. I gasp lightly, and his strained features soften just slightly. “Like that.”

  “Yes, I like that,” I say, even though it wasn’t a question. Could have been. Not every question goes on a quest.

  Lin hums, smiling. With one hand, he smooths along the top of my head, tugging me forward once he reaches the back of my neck, capturing my lips with his own in a long, slow, deep kiss.

  When we part, I draw in a deep breath, keeping the butterflies flapping about in my chest healthily oxygenated. “And do you like that?”

  “Mm hmm. I do,” I respond dreamily, already back under his spell. My arms lazily rest on his hips, fingertips dancing to skim whatever bits of him they can indulge in.

  Grazing the nails of both hands down the length of my back, Lin grasps one cheek in each hand and firmly yanks me forward, sliding me slightly up the slope of his knees, his feet tucked beneath him. Eyes boring into mine, he reaches between us with one hand and uses one thumb to knead into my clit. “And this?”

  Sucking in my bottom lip, I nod, humming my approval in time with each of his perfectly timed ringings on my devil’s doorbell. “Oh, yes,” I stutter between gasps, synced with each spike of pressure that surges to the base of my spine at his fingertips.

  With his other hand, Lin grabs his hard cock and slides the head along the center of my still-dripping pussy, coating it in slickness. “This?”

  Nodding furiously, I shout an extremely eager “Yes!”, completely convinced I’ve finally cracked the code on this getting good and properly fucked puzzle.

  Chuckling lightly, Lin lets go of his cock, leaving the tip resting between my just barely parted lips. Never letting up on massaging my clit with one hand, Lin reaches behind me again, pulling me towards him and mercifully gliding me onto his perfectly placed erection. With pressure still on my back bringing us together, his strong hand guides me to rock incrementally on his dick, asking that I ride him but letting me keep control. Each scraping of his shaft against my insides strokes the embers of that fire he’d already started building, my swollen clit practically throbbing between each of his grindings against it. He gasps, his words the ones stuttered this time, “And this, do you like this?”

  “Yes, yes, I very like this,” I gasp in return.

  Gasp gasp gasp. We’re basically fish out of water with all the air we’re slurping in by the mouthful, each gasp accompanied by an incremental build in the pressure of our pleasure. I fling both my arms over his shoulders, watching his eyes as his watch mine, wrapped up in each other more than just physically.

  It isn’t hard, it isn’t fast, it isn’t even particularly creative or kinky, but as I grind rhythmically against Lin’s cock, eyes locked on one another, a warmth builds up inside me that washes over every inch of my skin. It tingles, wrapping me in the safety and certainty of its existence, a blanket of devotion embracing me tightly. I feel it, burning brighter and brighter as we blend into one another, the lines between who-feels-what blurring, both of us crying out simultaneously as a wave breaks, identical release crashing at the same time. We’re dragged down into the undertow of a seemingly endless orgasm, spinning and swirling together as one entity, one complete whole, one singular being of nothing but pulsing flames of pleasure and a deep understanding of our shared soul.

  When I come down off the tidal wave of our twinned orgasm, it’s to our foreheads joined again, arms wrapped tightly around each other, both panting from an experience that somehow seems like more than just sex. We share another long, slow kiss, breaths twining themselves as inseparably as we’ve entwined ourselves.

  “You know, that was awfully sweet of you after all,” I say.

  “Yeah, well, don’t go telling anyone I’ve got genuine feelings. I’ve got a devil-may-care reputation to keep up, you know.”


  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh. Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  “That stupid bitch shouldn’t have messed everything up! Lousy cunt has wasted so much of my time. So many resources. He was my special boy, Edward, I need him back. Do you know how long it took to find one like him? I’ve waited long enough, I’m not waiting any more!” Mother’s voice, but I don’t see anything. Hello? I say nothing.

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  Wherever I am, my body jostles slightly, tilting. I don’t know where up is, I don’t know where I am. This isn’t the first time. “Don’t worry darling, mother will fix you. You just stay asleep a little longer and forget all about that nasty wench.” The brushing of my cheek. She doesn’t show tenderness; affection is a weakness to exploit. “Use it on him.”

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  “I have to advise against this, ma’am.” Edward. The healer. The only reason she gets away with any of it. “In his weakened state... The recovery alone... If we’d gone forward with the procedure initially, perhaps, but even with healthy subjects... The tests haven’t been very promising.”

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  Rage. Anger. Shouting. “I DON’T CARE WHAT THE TESTS SAY. Use it on him, Edward. Do as I say or I will MAKE you. I can’t stand another day surrounded by these useless failures! You’re still my special boy, aren’t you darling? You can still hear me in there, can’t you? You were given to me for a reason.

  You will fix this, Edward, and you will do it NOW.”

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  “But Mona, the chances that it will take to him AND he’ll survive are almost–”


  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  A pause. My senses start to fade around the edges. In the distance, I hear a faint melody, something bright and hopeful, but it feels out of place here. “Yes, ma’am. As you wish.”

  Bing. Hiss. Bing. Woosh.

  Darkness, only darkness. Always darkness. Hello?

  Bing. Hiss…. Bing….

  19. Connor

  As the charcoal moves across my page, its soft scratching brings a familiar, rhythmic comfort. The texture of the paper itself rough, providing more minuscule pathways for the pigment to explore. Tiny journeys etched in black, their own system of veins to bring life pumping through the subject. My mind is blank, letting the image fill the void between my thoughts as it births itself from nothingness. I am not its creator, I am merely its conduit; my abilities at its disposal.

  A month ago, this wouldn’t have been possible. I’d always drawn by hand; fine motor skills more fine when controlled by the physical motor. Little by little, while we’ve all been training our bodies, I’ve also been training my mind. Illusion has always been my forte, so strong that they often become truly real, for a time. But telekinesis? At best I could call small objects to me and at worst I could send them barely twitching in the opposite direction. Control and precision, power and grace.

  The charcoal lays flat on its side to make broader strokes. Screams and moans in the distance: pleasures and pains. Promises. Pleadings
. There’s an echo, echo, echo, screams and whispers, not quite the same. Pure black streaks across my page, swirling in and out of itself, light not quite able to peek out from behind. For once, I’m not afraid of the darkness. We have an understanding.

  Fine grains of pigment dust themselves off the paper, sprinkling like tiny fluttering snowflakes from hell, settling in a ruinous frost. All six pages surrounding me, encircling me in their floating congress, scribbling furiously. Something. They are telling me something. I look closer, shapes hidden inside the blended strokes. People. Beckoning, reaching out, asking, seeking, requesting. Help them. People so dark you can barely see them deep inside the shadows, but they’re there; they’re there, and they can see you better than you see them. I see them.

  Screams, cries, this time unmistakably of ecstasy, bright and clear and true. Real. I’ll wait a few more minutes before I seek them out, and curl up beside her. She is pure light, counter to my nightmares trying to seep their way outside.

  The charcoal makes a few more rough, hard strokes against the paper; slightly burnt, slightly earthy scent swirling through the air in fine puffs. Just a few more minutes alone with the darkness, and I’ll seek out my light. Same as I do even in the deepest of nights.

  20. Lin

  Ah, yes, any morning where you wake to two beauties in your bed is sure to be a wonderful one. Never mind that they weren’t both there when I first fell asleep, it still, indubitably, counts.

  While neither is yet awake, I indulge myself in the tiniest bit of affection. Reaching over Dizzy to Connor, on the left side of the bed, I barely let my fingers whisper against the alabaster skin of his cheek, lightest of touches skimming along his smooth jawline. Sunlight from the window filters in through his messy blonde hair, revealing the golden halo of a sleeping angel.


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