The Bloodied Shield

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The Bloodied Shield Page 11

by Michael McKenzie

  “For us all.” King Ein said, and Rebekka and Zansui broke their embraced, and before the Half-Elf could Kneel, the King took her by her false arm and shook it. “Always the hero.”

  “For our People, sire.” Zansu shook the King’s hand, but tilted her head respectfully.

  “And so modest.” Ein smiled, and clapped Zansui on the shoulder.

  “Are we sure Ulimax is dead this time?” someone boldly asked.

  A minor stepped forward, someone Zansui nor the King could immediately name, but they were just on the other side of the ring Guards between the King and them.

  “Are we sure he will not spring up again in a decade or so?”

  “My Father mutilated both of Ulimax’s bodies, why direct your question to him, my Lord,” Zansui replied in a polite fashion as she nodded towards Jeria’s direction. “I am sure he will be happy to convene with you on the matter.”

  The Noble in question could barely hide blanching at the prospect of speaking to the Lord Jeria Warstalker, and silently withdrew back into the ring of Nobility just as quickly as they presented themselves.

  Ein almost laughed. Almost. It had spread amongst the Nobles of Westwatch that Jeria’s knee jerk reaction to displeasure had been to kill the source without regard to law or custom. The rumor itself had not been wholly accurate, something Ein should squash, he did not want to rule through fear.

  Yet it had been so satisfying to see some of the more pompous and arrogant of the Nobility squirm.

  “Speaking of your Father? What is he doing?” Ein now directed towards Jeria.

  "Paying his respects to the Alliance Soldiers, and your own," Zansui reported with a coy smile. "It also takes him a moment or two to acclimate to a crowd, he is not fond of being the center of attention."

  "Ah." Had been the only thing Ein uttered to the explanation. "Then I say we go to him."

  "My Liege, best to bring Lord Gorgreen," Rebekka interjected, turning some to gesture towards the Red Headed Lord, who tried to hide within the Nobility since the start of this Royal Greeting.

  "Why?" Ein questioned, obviously irritated.

  "Because if we do not show that we are somewhat civil with each other for the moment, then my Brother would probably kill him for trespassing on my Estates."

  "With hope, he might just kill the traitor now," Ein noted under his breath, and stepped around Rebekka, adding to her gesture with one of his own, voicing the order towards his ring of Guards. “Let Lord Gorgreen and Fel through.”

  Gorgreen, obviously hesitant, shifted to stand before the King of Rilstar, with Indbore Fel flanking him. The Nobility distance themselves immediately, some not wanting to be seen near a Mage, while others disliking Gorgreen's previous standing with Rebekka Jakuul before she took pity on them.

  "My Liege?" Gorgreen questioned as humbly as they could muster.

  "Come with us to greet Lord Warstalker at the gate, it will show some solidarity between the two families," Ein ordered, and turned from the Noble and their escort. "We need that show for the People."

  "As you wish, my Liege." Gorgreen bowed again, looking as somber as one could be at this point in time.

  Inwardly, the Godkin sneered at their thoughts of Jeria ripping out his throat.

  Jeria and Trevayne both exchanged a brief handshake as what was left of Havon's Troops made their way through. On seeing the King, Trevayne sat their Griffon down next to Grok and stood near Jeria.

  Both mounts, however, tensed as they focused on Gorgreen. The only one to note, however, had been the Lord who found himself under the two beasts' scrutiny. He glanced over both beasts, noting their patchwork armor. Gorgreen did not dare cross them, knowing that both of the creatures instinctively knew something had been off with this fake Lord.

  Jeria noted the orchestrator of Rebekka's woes among the group, but dismissed them to turn his attention to his aging sister. A very small, and genuine smile peeled on Jeria’s lip, a soft nods of heads exchanged between the Warstalker siblings, and neither spoke word.

  And then those slitted green eyes fell on Ein Wingsteed, and if not for the crown, the Samurai was sure that they were some sort of bookworm in armor. Their beard may have been trimmed neatly, their hair a frazzled cluster of brown straw. But their face had been unassuming, not at all Royal or Noble in what one assume would be those traits.

  To Jeria, this man not look like a King.

  Yet it had been Trevayne who immediately claimed "King Wingsteed!" as they drew closer and fell to a knee as they greeted the King of Rilstar.

  Jeria glanced down at the battle worn Lord, then back up, either unsure or unwilling to bend knee. It took Zansui giving a warning glare before Jeria awkwardly did the same, though bit at his tongue to stay silent.

  Turning to others, Ein ordered for silence, which had been repeated and ordered by others around them. Soon the Gate had been quieted. Ein then ordered that the Soldiers from Havon return, and make way for them as if they were the Honor Guards of the King.

  "Rise, both of you. Heroes of Rilstar." Ein gestured as they waited for the Soldiers to return, and both were quick to their feet. "Lord Trevayne, it grieves me that you suffered and lost so much. I guarantee a boon in your Honor, ask me anything and if it's in my power-”

  "-I have a list of men my Liege." Trevayne pulled a scroll case from beneath his breastplate. "I would have you honor them, not me."

  Ein reached out, took the scroll with both hands, and bowed to Trevayne, with the list outstretched.

  "Their names will be carved into the very stone of the Castle Gate." Ein proclaimed, and smartly put the scroll next to their heart. "And I will have a sword, named for each, to replace a weapon of my Personal Guard."

  "But I will honor you." Ein straightened, tucking the scroll away in their own armor instead of passing off to someone else. "I humbly request that you become Captain of my Guard."

  "My Liege-" Trevayne had been taken aback. But Ein turned from him and to the men in shattered armor, ninety or so men who saluted as the King’s eyes swept over them all.

  "-when other Lords folded or fell beneath the onslaught of the Darkscales, you held." Ein declared, and loudly, pointing over the men before him. "When you could have surrendered, could have given up. You protected what people who sought your protection.”

  “I as your King, cannot thank you enough for your services, and for your Lord? I offer him a place as the Captain of my own Guard, and I cannot think of a better Champion to fly My Banner."

  Trevayne slammed their fist over their heart and knelt once more. Jeria instinctively took a step from him as the crowd sought the Lord out.

  "If he accepts this role, anyone of you who wishes to join you in becoming a Royal Guardsman may do so, yet all of you will be welcome anywhere in my Realm, so long as I draw breath." Ein continued, turning to face the crowd and pumping his fist into the air. "All Hail, Lord Trevayne, and the Heroes of Havon!"

  “All Hail these Soldiers, no, these Knights of the Realm!”

  The crowd hailed, cheered and chanted. It had been explosion of noise and jubilation. There were children who rushed out with flowers to pass them out to each of the men of Havon, the crowd surged behind them, quickly enveloping the haggard company of roughly ninety men at arms, treating them like the Heroes the King had claimed them to be. It had been clear, to all of them, that King Wingsteed planned on showering them with favor and fortune long before they marched back to the arms of Westwatch.

  Tears rolled down Trevayne's face, he choked, going as far as trying to wipe away the dampness and hide the emotion that gripped him. Pride in his men who had fought so hard for long, pride in hs King who heaped praise and title to him, and pride in the People who welcomed them all like heroes.

  Ein patted the man's shoulder and helped them up. "There is a Barracks nearby we are going to hold court, you are welcome there, and whatever decision you make I will stand by it."

  "My King, this is too much."

  "What you and your
men did in my name, for those people you managed to protect, can never be repaid, not in coin, not in title." Ein clapped their hand in his own, then shook it.

  "The amount of suffering you had to endure, and still do, is something I can never forgive nor forget."

  "As your King, for what you have done for my people? I am forever in your debt."

  It was then Ein turned from the tear stained Lord, who was unable to regain their composure, to the cold, unfeeling expression of the Worg Rider.

  And they were staring passed the King, Zansui, Rebekka and Charles Jakuul, to Dalitrous Gorgreen and Indbore Fel.

  "Lord Warstalker." the King addressed the man, and Jeria now shifted those oddly slitted, green eyes to the Monarch of Rilstar.

  "While the crowd is distracted singing Lord Trevayne's much deserve praise, there is a Barracks nearby we are hold-"

  "-I heard," Jeria stated with obvious hints of disinterest. "And I will be there to receive details on my instructions as my children, Zansui and Grigs depart to pay their respects to their departed friend."

  "You." Jeria pointed across them all towards Dalitrous Gorgreen, who seem to drain a small bit of color as they found themselves the center of the Samurai's attention "Why are you here?"

  Gorgreen stepped forward, and around Rebekka, who noticed that the Lord was keenly uncomfortable.

  "I am welcoming you home to the City of Westwatch as the rest of us." Gorgreen offered with a quick glance to Ein. "We are looking forward to hearing the tales of your adventures along the Southern Provinces."

  Jeria stepped around the King and stood virtually toe to toe with Dalitrous Gorgreen, staring into their eyes. Indbore Fel moved, and pulled their Lord away to stand protectively before them.

  "I suppose." Jeria started, now looking into Fel's bright blue gaze. "I should thank you, Lord Gorgreen, for aiding with the Undead here at Westwatch and in protecting my Daughter's People."

  "And you, Lord Fel." Jeria held up their hands so the Swordsman could see they were empty. Then the Samurai reached out, taking Fel by their shoulders. "I thank you, personally, for standing by my Daughter's side during the Battle of the Port District."

  Indbore Fel had not been prepared to be thanked. When Jeria gripped, then patted their shoulders, the swordsman felt a real icy touch of fear run up their spine.

  Gorgreen, also surprised at the level of civility that Jeria had been displaying, simply nodded dully. "Your thanks are not necessary. Your family has been most generous to me in my time of need, and I am humbled by the kindness."

  Jeria then turned his back to them and regarded the King once more. When Jeria did, Gorgreen quickly stepped away further, looking rather distressed.

  The Rilstarin Samurai looked the man up and down, having never met the King until now. They were obviously irritated that Jeria had simply ignored them, yet they were doing the same thing Jeria was doing now.


  "I appreciate that you diverted their attention, your Majesty." Jeria bowed at the waist, then extended an arm inward towards the Forest Gate. "At your leisure."

  "Such decorum," Rebekka observed of her sibling. "Perhaps you should take a few more blows to the head."

  Jeria gave Rebekka a silent glare but kept their mouth shut.


  They walked through the crowd who remained and dragged Lord Trevayne away from a gathering of people instantly looking to impress themselves on the potential Captain of the Royal Guard.

  Some could not help but notice, however, that both Grok, and the Griffon, Blue, stared at Dalitrous Gorgreen.

  It was neither malice nor hatred. Both of the creatures seemed, enthralled by Gorgreen's presence.

  "Well, I can tell where I am not wanted." the Red Headed Lord decreed, and bowed to them all. "I will return to your Estates, Lady Jakuul."

  Rebekka half turned and made a dismissive gesture, "Do try not to whip my servants into obedience, Lord Gorgreen."

  "Fel." Jeria noted, even as the blond swordsman turned to follow their Lord.

  Again, Indbore Fel seemed ready to do battle at the snap of the finger, and even the Royal Guards who surrounded them all seemed on edge.

  "I will have words with you. Only words." Jeria offered with a slight tilt of his head towards them. "Unless you are eager to cross swords again."

  "I am very eager to cross swords with you again, Lord Jeria." Fel, who customarily had a coy smile and arrogant air had an edge of seriousness in it that even Gorgreen sensed something had been off.

  "You just name a time and place."

  "Soon," Jeria promised, an evil smile spreading across their face before they continued to follow after the King.

  As Fel and Gorgreen departed, the tall, red-headed Lord looked troubled and perplexed.

  "What is it my Lord?" Fel questioned.

  "I can't read him."

  “My Lord?"

  Gorgreen shook his head and remained silent.

  It was near the doors of the Barracks that Zansui and Grigs both said their farewells to the King, looking to depart to pay their comrade, Nassin, their respects.

  "Well, Cousin." Zansui turned to Charles after the King dismissed them, "It has been good to see you again."

  "Cousin?" Jeria asked sharply, now regarding the other red headed, green eyed man with more scrutiny than before.

  "Yes, Jeria, this is my youngest son, Charles." Rebekka introduced the Jakuul to their Uncle.

  Jeria said nothing.

  "Uncle Jeria!" Charles threw their arms out, smiling as wide as they had their arms extended.

  "Don't touch me," Jeria warned, looking as interested at the outstretched arms as a dog would a bath.

  And Charles simply stepped forward and engulfed the Samurai in a hug.

  Jeria's face reddened, and he glared over at Rebekka.

  "I will kill him."

  "Calm down Jeria," Rebekka could not help but smile as Charles continued to pat the Samurai on the back and then released him. "He is Family."

  "Maim him then." Jeria glared balefully at Charles, who continued to smile.


  "Give him a good scar."

  "Dad!" Zansui snapped.

  "What?" Jeria regarded his Daughter with furrowed brows, wondering what he did again to offend her sensibilities.

  "Behave, and remember what I said." Zansui pointed at the Samurai, who scowled once more at Charles.

  "Dad the King is waiting."

  Jeria offered a disgusted grunt and followed after the King. Charles grinned towards Zansui, and Grigs, watching their cousin by marriage follow after Jeria, shook his head.

  "Your cousin is as suicidal as I remember him to be."

  "Yes, he doesn't respect authority figures or personal space." Zansui leaned against Grigs, directing the last towards Rebekka, who lingered. "I wonder where he gets that from."

  Rebekka smiled slyly. "Pay my respects to the late Captain love, I have to make sure your Father doesn't throttle my Son."

  Eventually, the King and the blue draped, golden armored Royal Guard brought them all within a mess hall of a Barrack that had been temporarily emptied. The Tables had been arrayed to permit the King to sit at the head of a makeshift court, and Ein had everyone seated, and the hall emptied of everyone else.

  It had been Jeria, Rebekka, and Charles on one side, Lord Trevayne on the other, with Razzar the Red standing behind someone else who had kept themselves out of sight until now.

  Jeria locked eyes on the Din when they made themselves known, and snarled in silence.

  "Before we begin, Lord Jeria, know that Illindan the Red has taken effective control over the Alliance Armies that will partake in the coming battles." Ein gestured towards the one-eyed Din. "He has come, highly recommended by Razzar the Red."

  The latter statement came in a begrudging manner, suggesting the King did not have much choice.

  Jeria, however, looked ready to leap across the table and tear at Illindan with his bare h

  (Stay far, far away from me.) Jeria instructed, even going far as pointing across the table at the source of their ire.

  Everyone took a moment to process that Jeria had just spoken something to Illindan in Din, before the Infamous Scar, tilted their head forward in what could be described as a show of humility.

  "I have no inclination, nor thought of giving you, nor anyone in your family, any sort of instruction without first going to your King," Illindan replied in Common.

  Jeria's eye twitched at the mention of 'his King,' and the Samurai seem ready to simply charge.

  Those eyes shifted away, focusing on something off to the side before Jeria turned his attention to the King of Rilstar and spoke a name.

  "Fuji Hayabatsu."

  Ein nodded once, removing their crown from their head as they sank deeper into their chair.

  "I would have you kill the man if it would make things easier." the Rilstarin King admitted bluntly.

  "And I would not fault you in that logic," Jeria observed with a slight nod of approval.

  "Your Sister, the City Liege, has reminded me that diplomacy and decorum should take precedence, but I neither have the time nor inclination to negotiate with, Ronin, as they have described themselves."

  Jeria frowned at the mention of Ronin.

  "I take it that is not a title they use lightly." Ein pointed out the change in Jeria's expression.

  "Being a Ronin in Kallax means you have not sworn fealty to a Lord, Many were viewed with distrust and disdain until they either committed ritual suicide or found employment as a retainer." Jeria appeared uncomfortable, mostly because they did not wish to speak on such matters. "Because of Hayabatsu's position now, he is essentially telling you through that title that he does not yet recognize you to be worthy to lead him."

  "Lord Hayabatsu is attempting to have you make him a Samurai under your banner, and he is feeling you out to see what you will do."

  "Or they are seeking legitimacy for ascending a mantle of Leadership by having you revoke him. The only available path in that for him would be that of the Shogun. The Military Leader of the Empire."


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