The Bloodied Shield

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The Bloodied Shield Page 15

by Michael McKenzie

  The ship was squared in shape, and because they were so close to shore, the Samurai used long oars to steer and propel the ship towards the Barge. However, the fabric for the sail itself was red, matching the vestments of the Samurai would had the same markings on their armor that matched one that had been stamped into the hilt of Jeria's Sword.

  A mark of the Hayabatsu Clan.

  The Barge was painted in Hayabatus' clan color, but there were pennants with brightly colored fabric with dark markings to indicate other Clans of Kallaxin Origins. They were anchored not too far from the Bulwark wall, a Stone Wall that stretched along the coastline, and sealed much of the land between the actual City of Westwatch, which had been half a day away.

  There were other, smaller ships, also of varying color schemes circling the Barge as if patrolling for foes. Even the Samurai standing guard when the ramp had been lowered for them to proceed on board were attentive and watchful.

  Zansui got a chance to look up, noticing that they were boarding a small entrance way half way up the side of the ship. Glancing right and left before finding herself in a crowded galley, the ship was considerably larger than it appeared from the Docks.

  As they were brought to the main deck, Zansui realized that this was not some ordinary ship meant to house the heads of a fallen empire.

  This was a troop transport, filled to the brim with men waiting for the order to go ashore.

  They were not here to negotiate. They were here to fight.

  Jeria followed after Zansui and Hertwire, the Old Rilstarin Noble knowing exactly where to go. They proceeded to the surface, where it looked as if a small, square home had been built in the center of the spacious deck.

  "It almost looks as if it’s a temple." Jeria pointed out, turning to inspect the rails, and then the Samurai standing guard at each pennant. "Where Daimyo gather to parley and speak their grievances."

  "Oh do I have grievances," Hertwire growled, and lead them forward.

  There were five Samurai standing guard before a white, sliding set of doors. Two of them, closest to the frame, stared at them as Zansui, Hertwire and Jeria approached, as if dumbfounded.

  The other three were not affected, and one moved to impede their access to the sliding doors.

  "Weapons." the Samurai who barred their way demanded.

  Hertwire and Zansui both absently started to remove their weapons from their hips. Hertwire his mace, Zansui her Archer's Blade, Little Wing.

  Jeria however, reached out and took them both by the shoulder, pulling them back as he stepped between them.

  (What?) Jeria demanded in Kallaxian.

  The Samurai Jeria stared down at had been a young man. Their armor was green, and Zansui noticed almost immediately the same markings on the armor of this Kallaxian soldier that had been on the sash worn by this so called 'Akuza'.

  Zansui glanced at the other Samurai present. The two nearest the door were Hayabatsu markings, and they immediately shifted away to make room. There was a look of recognition in their eyes.

  Their cat-like, metallic, Din like eyes.

  The others, two Samurai in Blue with different markings, cautiously did the same, guided by their red-clad brethren.

  "Surrender your weapons." the green-clad Samurai demanded once more, slower than before. They were either oblivious to the fact that Jeria had just questioned what they had said in their native tongue, or did not care.

  Zansui suddenly remembered what she had been told of Jeria's first encounter with Nassin Weavering, who had demanded that the Samurai relinquish their Sword.

  That realization came a moment too late.

  The temperature dropped.

  As Zansui opened her mouth to say something, Jeria's knee crashed into the man's sternum, sending them to the deck.

  Zansui reached out to her Father to grab at him, but Jeria had hastily snatched the offending Samurai by their armor, and bodily flung them towards the sliding doors.


  (Did I hear that name correctly?)

  Lord Fujiu Hatabatsu was himself, a man bald of hair. They were slightly taller and thicker in the arm than the typical Kallaxian male, with a regal bearing and an upright posture. He sat in at the apex of the semi-circle facing the main way in, with seven Daimyo to his left, and seven to his right.

  Hatabatsu's eyes were slightly almond in shape, not as large as an elf's, and they were blood red and slitted like a felines, a magical scar left on him from fifty years trapped within a Din Stone Curse.

  Others had been affected the same way, a whole thirteen out of the hundreds that had marched to that fateful battle at Kynco Valley.

  Arrayed around him had been several Lords who had fought in that fateful battle. Others had been those installed well after the Din War's dust settled. All of them either the original holders of the title, or direct descendants.

  All but one had agreed that Ein Wingsteed had to prove their right to the Kallaxian throne, more so now that a legendary hero to the Kallaxain people, Hayabatsu, walked the world once more. If not, then the Imperial Mantle should fall on the shoulders of one of Kallaxian Heritage.

  The only dissident, Traginos Uginaga, was the direct descendant of the Emperor of the Kallaxian Empire. They wanted Ein to cede the crown, immediately, to the rightful heir.

  Nearly half, including Hayabatsu, wanted nothing to do with Uginaga's blood line. The Emperor had abandoned them to their fate in a power bid that utterly backfired and doomed their Empire.

  Then the Uginaga line had been supposedly severed when the Kallaxian refugees had the Emperor executed for their poor judgment and blatant cowardice, having fled the Island Nation with a retinue of Samurai. No one immediately knew what had happened to the Emperor’s sons, but they were supposedly murdered as well.

  Then they placed the crown on the Old King Wingsteed's head.

  The Uginaga Clan however, went into hiding, yet even then kept all the proper records and ties.

  Traginos, according to the Kallaxian traditions, was in the right. And since they were attempting to fully restore Kallaxian Culture, Hayabatsu had been honor bound to make a begrudging attempt on their behalf.

  Otherwise, it would mean War, and Traginos, despite their Clan's poor reputation, had a considerable amount of money and rice in their power.

  And hungry peasants will fight for anyone, regardless of their politics.

  They all sat in a spacious semi-circle, in a very large, temple-like atmosphere with an artificial peach tree blooming overhead. Behind each stood retainers in full war gear, complete with spear and sword. The Daimyo's themselves wore armor and had their chosen weapons arrayed beside them, with a robed retainer sitting on a step on the other.

  The robed retainers would fetch refreshment, if and when the meeting took longer than expected, which it had not as of late.

  Hertwire as he had been named, refuse to respect the rules of this accord. He came unarmed, unarmored, and showed blatant ignorance to the Kallaxian ways.

  The meetings would be brief, with the Samurai ignoring Hertwire, and then they would retire and send the man home. It looked as if Traginos would have their right as Emperor restored, and to home in the point of their Independence, the Kallaxians would raze the Docks before leaving.

  When the retainer spoke that there had been two new envoys, both Warstalkers, Hayabatsu's normally controlled, passive expression twisted a moment in curiosity.

  Two Warstalkers?

  There were only one that he knew of.

  (Is one wearing a bandana, with limp hair and with golden eyes?) Hayabatsu questioned, nearly reaching out to pull the retainer closer.

  The other few Daimyo who knew of that one Warstalker had turned where they had seated themselves nearby and listened intently.

  (A Rilstarin with limp hair and a bandana, the eyes are green and cat-like. They are also wearing Kallaxian Wargear marked with for the Shadows of Death).

  Hayabatsu straightened, and looked up to two men in t
he corner.

  They were Shin-no-kage. One man had scarred face, the other heavily tattooed to give them an appearance of a dragon.

  When Hayabatsu looked to those men, they both took interest and approached.

  (He is here). Hayabatsu informed the men politely.

  (Who my Lord?) one questioned.

  (Jeria). Hayabatsu gestured for them to return to their position.

  The Daimyo who survived the battle of Kynco all straightened at the name. The Shin-no-Kage, Jeria Warstalker. They all gave each other looks of uncertainty.

  (That is a very bold move). A blue wearing Daimyo noted towards Hayabatsu. Honu Akiri, a man that had once attempt to strangle the very life out of Hayabatsu. Now there was an odd friendship between the two men. (It surely means that this King aims to try and kill us all).

  (Then Traginos would be Emperor for a few, short breaths before the War would fall on Kallax and Rilstar).

  (Should we not warn the young Traginos that his ploy would do more harm at this point?) Honu questioned with a raised brow and a grin.

  (What ploy?) Hayabatsu questioned, offering what could be described as mock shock. (It was a prank. It is not our say nor fault if the Rilstarins know nothing of our ways).

  (Jeria knows.) Honu pointed out.

  (But Traginos does not know Jeria.) Hayabatsu responded, turning slightly to regard their counterpart. (It is also not our fault if Traginos jabs a man-eating tiger with a blunted stick.)

  Honu smiled momentarily. The exchange had been a quiet one, and most Lords who could hear craned their heads, some were confused, others could not help but either be amused.

  Or very afraid.

  Then they all felt an icy hand slide down their backs. Fear seem to flow into the room, and the Samurai within shifted uncomfortably. Even the Shin-no-Kage at the doors moved awkwardly and placed hands on their weapons.

  The sliding doors exploded and in flew a man wearing Uginaga colors. They landed hard on the wooden floor and scrambled to their feet.

  In walked yet another man in Kallaxian gear, purposely tearing the shattered sliding panels off their railing and throwing them inward to clear the way for Lord Hertwire and a woman that shockingly looked exactly like Elandra Warstalker.

  The armor Jeria wore had been a mixture of gold and black, freshly repaired it seemed with odd discolorations on the thigh and chest where the paint had been slightly off. The left arm was encased in an ornate, bronze-like material that looked to be of some sort of dragon.

  Though Jeria was not a tall man to Rilstarins, average in height for their stock, Jeria towered over the Kallaxian who made a feeble attempt to draw their sword.

  (Dog!) Jeria spat, before kicking them in a manner that most had flinched in passing sympathy.

  The Samurai doubled over, clutching at their weapon still half pulled as they tried to arm themselves in a desperate defense.

  (How dare you demand our weapons you dishonorable cur!) Jeria fumed, smacking the man's hand like a parent would a petulant child, before yanking the weapon they clutched for and flung it across the floor.

  (This demands blood!) Jeria declared, and Hayabatsu recognized Masamune as Jeria pulled it free and held it aloft.

  "Father!" the woman who appeared as Elandra barked in their tongue. "Do not kill that man!"

  Jeria hesitated, shifted their head to regard the woman and offered a respectful nod of their head.

  Then Jeria tensed again, the Masamune rotating within his hand, and down it came with a bone chilling crack.

  Shattering the man's pauldron with the flat side of the mithril forged weapon, Jeria sheathed that frighteningly sharp sword to the relief of many.

  However, those who knew better kept a firm hand on their weapons.

  Jeria then grabbed the man by their topknot and yanked them towards the Elandra doppelganger, who looked furious that Jeria may have disobeyed what could have been an explicit order.

  (Thank the Lady Warstalker for her mercy!) Jeria snarled loudly.

  (Thank you-) they started hesitantly.

  Jeria struck them across the face with the back of their mailed hand. (-where she can understand you, you filthy dog!)

  "Thank you for your Mercy!"

  (Apologies for your insolence!)

  "I am sorry for dishonoring you!"

  Jeria then dragged the man from the Lady Warstalker before she could say anything, or even react, and sent the disarmed Samurai stumbling to collapsed before Traginos' retainer.

  (Lady Warstalker has shown your man mercy. We accept his apology. Pray no further incident occurs between your Clan and that of our House.)

  Most of the assembly with knowledge of Jeria's capability kept their hands on their weapons.

  Hayabatsu, on the other hand, had remained poised and unmoving. As if they were completely indifferent to the whole affair.

  (Please restrain yourselves.) Hayabatsu directed towards the Daimyo's who were still ready to do battle. (Our guests have been insulted, and they have shown final judgment of Mercy. We recognize that the Samurai will live to atone for their dishonor, and this had been an isolated incident.)

  The other Samurai eased themselves into a more relaxed position, though Traginos had a look of righteous indignation. The Samurai in question, assisted by the retainer at Traginos feet, offered a painful bow to their Lord, before being escorted out rather promptly.

  Hayabatsu then regarded Jeria and the woman he obviously reported to. (On the behalf of the assembly, we apologize for the inconvenience.)

  Jeria offered Hayabatsu a slight nod before standing away from Zansui, holding his hand out towards a particular spot in the very epicenter of the semi-circle.

  "Sit on the floor," Jeria instructed his Daughter. "Then bow from this position towards Hayabatsu."

  Zansui moved to do as she was instructed, and Hertwire had to be brought a chair, which surprised him. The man had never really gotten this far before.

  (I present to you Lady Zansui Warstalker, Hero of Bel, Noble of Rilstar. Envoy of Westwatch.) Jeria announced in Kallaxian as Zansui bowed awkwardly. The Rilstarin Samurai then turned slightly to hold out a gauntlet hand towards Hertwire.

  (And Lord Hertwire, who has grievances against Lord Hayabatsu, not this Assembly.)

  Hertwire, seeing how Zansui bowed, attempted to mimic the same movement. He may have been an impatient man, but he was not stupid.

  Jeria then settled a few paces before Zansui, taking up a position that seemed to mirror how the robed retainer sat before Hayabatsu. Jeria then bowed forward, prostrating himself before the Assembly and placing their head on the floor, before rising.

  (We request audience with this Noble Assembly.)

  (Deny it!) Traginos spoke quickly and sharply.

  (On what Grounds, Lord Traginos?) a Hayabatsu questioned, turning slightly to regard the green-clad Daimyo. Others looked to Traginos as well, expecting an answer.

  They were hesitant, and Traginos looked away, disgusted, giving no verbal response.

  (I am Lord Hayabatsu, elected leader of this assembly of a vote of nine to five. I welcome you to my barge, and this Assembly.) Hayabatsu bowed towards Zansui, and Jeria translated for her.

  "Thank him." Jeria finished, offering a gesture back towards Hayabatsu, "And then bow again."

  Zansui expressed her thanks and then bowed once more.

  (And what capacity are you, Jeria Warstalker?) Honu questioned, and spread their arms to indicate others around them. (Many of us know you are no simple Samurai.)

  (I am the Lord Protector of the City of Reikard's Shield, Samurai to Lady Zansui, translator for the Lady Zansui, Weapon of Lady Zansui, and hold the appointment of Shadow of Death for King Ein Wingsteed.)

  As Jeria said the last title, they pointedly laid their green slitted eyes on Hayabatsu. (I am the consequence in threatening the safety of the People of Rilstar.)

  "Father?" Zansui asked, and Jeria turned slightly, translating what had been exchanged.

sp; "Not a good way to open a negotiation," Hertwire muttered with a grin, putting their hands on the stomach. "But I approve."

  Hayabatsu nodded, however, patting their knee.

  "For ease of translation, I will speak in your tongue." Hayabatsu started, their Kallaxian accent had been light, and there had been slight tempo in the flow of his words. As if he thought of what he was going to say long before it would pass his lips, "Considering you spared Traginos' man, it is a courtesy from myself to you."

  "Straight to the point of it. The Assembly demands that the King of Rilstar prove that they have the right to rule Kallax. It is our rights as Lords to challenge such, especially since many of us were not a part of whatever arrangement that had been made." Hayabatsu explained, shifting to lean against one of his bended knees as he went straight to the heart of the matter.

  "This King did not fight for our lands during the Din War." Hayabatus declared, though there seemed to be reluctance in doing so.

  "But his Father fought for your people when they fled to him." Zansui countered quickly. "A people the previous Emperor all but abandoned."

  (The Emperor is more important than Peasants.) Traginos spat in Kallaxian.

  Jeria translated, and Zansui shifted to regard Tragnios. "Does an Emperor toil in the field or hunt their own game in your culture?"

  Zansui waited until there was a flicker of emotion on Tragnios face as their translator presented the questions in Kallaxian, before she continued. “Does the Emperor make their own wine?”

  Traginos made a dismissive gesture, one that Jeria seemed to find rather rude, but did not bother to respond verbally.

  "The Old King Wingsteed personally provided a vanguard against the Din invasion for fleeing Kallaxian Peasants and beleaguered and wounded Samurai, some who were the Fathers of men who sit within this assembly." Zansui gestured towards the Samurai Lords with both hands. "The Old King had been wounded, grievously, and had to be pulled from the fight by the very People who fled from your Empire on your behest."

  "Where your former Emperor had abandoned some of you who can personally remember the Din War, because of their own personal disdain with your connections with Rilstar, the Old King bled for them."


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