Claimed by an Alien Warlord

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Claimed by an Alien Warlord Page 2

by Stella Dawn

  Even if there’s a lot of this I’m not sure about, it is already looking like the best decision I have ever made.

  We don’t talk much over the food because I’m too busy stuffing my face. Taryne laughs because she did the same thing when she first arrived. Captain Yos has made a point of providing her with her favorite foods and now she doesn’t know how she lived without it.

  I look at my empty plate forlornly, sucking on my milkshake straw until it gurgles. I feel so full I can barely move. Taryne notices my look.

  “Don’t worry.” She smiles indulgently at me, “there will be a full kitchen where you’re going. Come on, let's pick up your gear.”

  I put my plate back on the counter and we head into the halls again. The place is huge, a mixture of metal and some other stuff that looks like plastic. It feels like metal but seems to have been poured into place.

  I’m unnerved by how Taryne knows exactly where she’s going. The place is just too big. I don’t know if I could ever get used to it.

  We come into a large room full of lockers and Taryne finds me light long-sleeved shirts and some heavier ones. Trousers, all full length. The fabric is lightweight but has an outer shell, kind of like ski gear but not as warm. She pulls out a pair of heavy boots and a small pair of light flat shoes.

  I look over the clothes and try not to let my displeasure show. I was hoping for a warm, sun kissed planet where I could walk around in shorts all day. I say nothing, piling all my clothes into a large bag.

  I’m starting to wonder if I was too hasty to agree. Maybe it won’t be all kinds of wonderful. Sure, the food has gone a long way towards convincing me. If the weather is atrocious though, I won’t be happy.

  I keep my mouth shut. I actually press my lips together firmly. I will not bitch or moan. I have nothing to go back to, I hated that fucking fish farm. I need to pull my shit together and think of this as the opportunity it is.

  Taryne takes me for a bit of a walk, showing me the best viewing windows of the ship. Even though I find it beautiful, it doesn’t do much for me. The depths of space have never been as exciting to me as the depths of the sea.

  I know it must be an ocean planet I’m going to. The clothes have deterred me a little, but I can’t stop thinking about silent, deep waters. My mind is full of soft lapping waves and murky undercurrents. I can’t wait to see the creatures. That’s what I became a marine biologist for in the first place, to observe and analyze the living things of the sea.

  Even that Ih’il, What’s his name… Tsunis. He looks like an interesting subject for study. I’ve never met one personally before and I wonder how he interacts with creatures under the sea.

  We keep moving through the shop, finally coming to a large sitting room with a wide window. The two guys are sitting there talking and drinking a strange, fizzy drink. I’m a bit nervous to interact with them but Taryne takes my hand, letting my bags fall to the floor. She pulls me over to the lounge and keeps me close to her, smiling at me to make me feel comfortable.

  I notice Tsunis looking at me, but he doesn’t say anything. I end up just focusing straight on his face because he keeps doing the sly look thing. I cross my arms and stare at him, so he knows I’ve noticed his attention. He drops his eyes and goes tense as he refuses to meet my eyes.

  Captain Yos doesn’t talk much. He just stares at Taryne as if she’s the most fascinating thing in the universe. Her voice lilts up and down as she talks, her enthusiasm plain to see.

  She tells me about some of her adventures running through the damaged parts of the Earth in her quest to get to the EAO. I can’t believe this beautiful woman in front of me was ever on the run, let alone for her very life. After looking closer, through the pretty gown and well-dressed hair I see signs of a hard past.

  Callouses on her hands. A scar on her arm. Weathered skin on her face from the harsh sun. She really did live a life on the edge before she came here. I can’t help but feel a real admiration for her. She’s stronger than I took her for.

  As she goes on, relating her adventures, I look at Tsunis again. This time, he doesn’t look away, just stares straight at me as my eyes fall on him.

  We stare at each other and neither of us looks away. Instead of feeling confrontational, the look starts to feel personal. We grin at the same time, sharing an unspoken joke.

  Maybe this trip won’t be so bad. I have a lot to look forward to. I focus on that, as well as Tsunis’ easy smile. It makes me feel at home even in such a strange place as this.



  We sit in the large parlor, Taryne doing most of the talking. I take the opportunity to observe the woman and I see, she seems to be doing the same to me. I give her a smile and she returns it, making a connection between us I can feel.

  I am very pleased that the woman has spirit. She appeared to be a fragile thing at first glance. I have heard many Earth expressions about books not being like their cover and I suppose this is a perfect example.

  She will need mental and physical strength to survive on my planet. Conditions are not ideal for humans there and if she is soft in any way, she will fail at her task. I’m worried that even if she is very good at what she does, she won’t like the conditions.

  I honestly know nothing about a human’s ability to adapt to poor living conditions. Taryne’s stories inspire me because it shows that human women have a tremendous ability to resist poor environments. It seems if they are invested in a purpose that inspires them, they are capable of adapting to anything.

  This is good. I know that hearing a few stories is not evidence that Eliana will make it on our colony, but it gives me confidence.

  There is much to worry about.

  My people need her quite desperately. We have been searching for a marine biologist for a long time and according to Taryne and the captain, this one is particularly gifted. Her work is important, and I know most of my people will leave her alone so she can complete her study.

  But women are few and far between now. She is beautiful and she smells like pleasure. Men of my race may find themselves overcome. It’s not something I could hold against them, but I cannot allow any incidents to occur. It would be very easy for some to lose control and forget themselves.

  While we were in negotiations, Taryne made me promise to protect her. She said she knew the state of affairs on my planet and that Eliana was not a toy that we could play with. Humans may not be regarded as equals, but she must be shown respect if she is to go there for work.

  I gave my word that I would protect her with my life. I don’t go back on my word and I don’t break it. A marine biologist is essential to our new colony and I won’t let anything jeopardize that.

  After a long talk about physical and emotional boundaries with coaching on how to approach and speak to human women, Taryne waggles her finger at me. I don’t really understand the gesture, but I understand it means she wants me to pay attention.

  “If all of that means very little to you, then just remember, if she is upset, she won’t be able to do her work. Got it?”

  I did get it. Well, I think so. I’m still getting my head around these humans. There’s a lot I don’t understand.

  This sly looking at each other from under the lashes is a new one for me. My people don’t do it. When she keeps looking away and back again, I can’t stop thinking about a child’s game… Peekaboo? Isn’t that for children?

  I look back towards Taryne and try to focus on her story. My eyes keep slipping back to Eliana and she gives me such strange expressions I wish I didn’t.

  I’m quite fascinated by her full black hair. At some point between her apartment and here she pulled it out of its fastening and now it hangs loose. It truly enchants me, and I want to stroke it. I want to know how it feels.

  I realize this is one of those thoughts that could create unwanted behaviors. I wouldn’t tolerate this kind of attention from one of my men. I can’t fall victim to sexualizing her if I want to ensure no one else
takes advantage.

  I hope she is as strong as she seems. The looks between us grow in strength and intensity and I start to feel like she is brimming with questions for me.

  I hope we will get time to talk soon. There is no harm in me having a friendly relationship with her. It would be nice if we could get along, since we will work closely together.

  I’m the son of a clan leader, so honor and duty are of utmost importance to me. I hold my own actions to a standard and set an example for all members of society. Even though I want our relationship to be friendly, I have to be very careful not to overstep. Given how clueless I am about human interactions I will have to be very careful indeed.

  Taryne has given me some guidelines on talking to human females but I realize that I will have to evaluate frequently to make sure Taryne is well and comfortable. It won’t do to assume things and then leave her upset. I can’t help but give a big sigh as I think of how careful I will have to be with my words and manner.

  Her eyes glint with her grin as she fixes her eyes on me. This seems playful, but somewhat challenging. What do I do? What is the correct protocol? Some mammals detest eye contact. Others love it. I blow out a lungful of air. We aren’t even on my planet yet and I’m already making mistakes.

  I decide to go with a light eye contact, and this seems to please her. I return the smile, hoping it doesn’t seem confrontational. She stays easy and relaxed, so I suppose I’m safe for now.

  We need her so badly. We are water-based creatures and our senses can tell us much, but we don’t know how to do in depth analysis for ourselves. Observation of certain patterns is natural to us, but we can’t interpret it the same way she can.

  We need to know which schools of fish will be plentiful, so we can hunt them without fear of them dying out. We need to know what is healthy to use as medicine and what is poison. She can take samples and fully examine both animals and plants down to their chemical components. She will even be able to tell us how certain plants can be mixed together to create useful compounds for energy replenishment or medical purposes.

  I’m even more determined to make her comfortable as I go over this in my mind. She has been chosen specifically for her adaptability and her knowledge. When we put out a request for a marine biologist it took some time before the answer came back that the right candidate had been found.

  If there are not many out there that can adapt to us or do the in-depth work, we need, we must guard her very carefully.

  Taryne takes a look around the circle and notes my heavy head and Eliana’s weary eyes. She tells us we should all head to bed and some servants appear to lead us to our rooms.

  Even though I’m enjoying the hospitality I’m glad Taryne has decided to let us go. The days are going to become longer and harder and we will all need our rest.

  I know there will be some culture shock. I’m not looking forward to it. The number of humans who have turned away from our environment at first glance has made me skeptical of others accepting it. They just don’t like the amount of water, even if they claim to love it.

  This one is said to adore the water. Her one passion is to discover everything that swims in it and understand it. From the lowly, microscopic, cellular level right up to the great leviathans.

  We shall see what this enticing female human thinks of my watery home. For some reason I feel a deep sense of pride. Like I want to impress her.

  I grin to myself as I head into my chamber and settle into bed. I’m not sure where my foolish urges are coming from, but it certainly is amusing.

  I fall asleep thinking of diving deep in the ocean, speaking by sonar to the water creatures.

  In my dream Eliana is there, holding my hand and smiling at me. Even deep in the ocean she is calm, confident and curious. I hope my dream is showing me a soon to be celebrated reality.



  The bed is so comfortable it’s like being on a cloud. They look so thick and soft when they are about to drop rain and that’s exactly how this feels. I drop into a deep sleep almost immediately.

  My dream takes me over, full of sensation I can hear and smell the water. It’s a vast, murky green space and dolphins play right by my face. I see the graceful bulk of whales not far away and hear their song. Other creatures with delicate tails and colorful scales drift through my vision.

  I would do almost anything to make this dream real. I feel an intense longing, this is what I’ve been looking for my whole life. I have to reach it. I can’t fail.

  When I hear Taryne’s voice urging me awake I can’t bear it. I feel like I’ve only been in my bed a few minutes and the dream is too beautiful. I hear her calling me and feel her shake my shoulder and I open my eyes, trying to keep the disappointment out of my face.

  Taryne has a small device that she shows me straight away. My sleep fuddled brain tries to follow as she explains its functions, recording sound and sending text messages. I can create files and videos and send them electronically through a closed network. Taryne says I’ll be using this small device to communicate with her and record all my findings at my new home.

  “We’ll be landing soon.” Taryne grabs my arm with a cheeky smile. “Come and get some breakfast.”

  I’m expecting the same dull wheat or oats that we get back on earth, but I’m amazed when a massive plate of bacon and eggs gets dropped in front of me. My stomach growls so loud that people at a nearby table give me strange looks.

  I dig into the food, washing it down with orange juice and coffee. Taryne is amused by my enthusiasm but she understands exactly how I feel. It’s amazing what a bit of good food can do for your mood.

  We head back to my room to pack all my belongings into a large backpack. It’s a little bulky but not too heavy. We meet the others at an airlock and get in a shuttle to head down to the planet.

  I try making eye contact with Tsunis, trying to regain that touch of intimacy we had the night before. He practically ignores me, and this pisses me off.

  We land the shuttle and step out and I’m assaulted by incredible light and heat. Insects hiss in undulating waves as the sun beats on me so hard I back towards the shuttle, putting myself in its shade. The air is so humid I feel like I could swim in it.

  There is a sharp cry and in a nearby tree I see the strangest creature. It looks like a mosquito, but it has full, tapered wings and a round eye. It could be a bird or a really big insect. I don’t know what the fuck it is. Land biology is not my specialty.

  I feel my chest constricting as I look around. I’ve blown right past worry and uncertainty into full on scared.

  “We have a few days trek to get to the colony.” Tsunis takes a step away from the craft. “The shuttle can’t get any closer. We’ll walk. It’s no trouble.”

  “Wait up, wait up. Back the fuck up.” My mouth is running off before my brain again. Not ideal but fuck it. “Is this really where I’m supposed to be? It’s too hot, there’s no water, what the fuck is that thing in the tree? I’m supposed to be studying oceans, not extreme humidity.”

  Tsunis looks at me with a blank face then turns straight to Taryne.

  “I told you she was too delicate. Wasn’t there a man that had similar education? I told you, a male is preferred for a number of reasons. This being one of the most important.” He narrows his eyes at me, and I feel a fire rising in me that I’ve never felt before.

  I might be feeling like I’ve made a big mistake, but I’m not going to be insulted like that. There are men in my field, certainly. None of them can match me though.

  I take a few quick strides towards Tsunis until we are almost nose to nose. My short walk has brought me out into the sun and its beating rays seem to be sucking the strength out of my muscles. He stands in the heat with ease, paying no attention to the sweat that is starting to roll down his face.

  “Listen up, asshole! I am not delicate. Where do you get off insinuating such a thing when you don’t even know me?”

  His look is ev
en but reserved. “I believe your temper is making my point for me.”

  “My temper is rising because I am nervous.” I glare at him, mouth in a tight line. “This planet is full of danger, the climate being a part of that. I have doubts that a man such as yourself can protect me.”

  I wait for him to reassure me, but he just raises one eyebrow. I expected him to get defensive and go on about how tough he is, but he doesn’t.

  He shrugs and his lack of answer infuriates me.

  “Real men don’t insult women.” My voice gets low as I eyeball him. “You must need to compensate for something.”

  His face changes slightly but he doesn’t explode. He just nods shortly.

  “I can see that you are quite reactive and volatile. You might not consider these traits to be ‘delicate’, but I certainly do. You are far too fragile for this mission. You had best go back to your little apartment and your farmed fish.”

  It’s not just his words, it’s his tone, his complete lack of expression. His disdainful eyes. I’m so angry I can’t speak, feeling my face grow even hotter and my lips tremble as I struggle to find an insult that will really wound him.

  He turns away, addressing Taryne.

  “We will find someone else. We’ve clearly wasted our time here.” He takes a few steps away, shaking his head and glaring at me with disappointment.

  Taryne turns to me. Her face is soft but also guarded. She’s put her faith in me.

  “Eliana, what do you want to do?”

  Her tone immediately makes me feel bad. I don’t want to disappoint her, I know she went to a lot of effort and she really believes I’m the best person for the job.

  She’s been through so much in her life. What I’ve struggled through is nothing compared to the hardship she has suffered. I can’t stand here and bitch about it being a bit hot and uncomfortable.


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