Alpha Dragon's Virgin Bride

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Alpha Dragon's Virgin Bride Page 15

by Scarlett Grove

  "I think I still have work to do in that department."

  "We all have work to do in every department, don't we?" Ophelia asked.

  "I suppose we do."

  Ophelia giggled and fixed a tiny stitch in a seam. Ophelia finished Desdemona's fitting and Desdemona took off the dress, getting back into her street clothes to do her hair and makeup. Ophelia took the dress to finish it up and Desdemona left the fitting room.

  As she walked through the different sections of the massive craft area, she noted the spinning wheels and the looms, the raw bags of wool and silk. She walked through the weaving room and through the sewing room.

  She took the elevator upstairs to the entrance and waited for her family to arrive. They got there only a few minutes later in a hover jet piloted by Bridget. Bridget had been at the temple for quite some time but had still never been mated. Secretly, that irritated Desdemona beyond belief.

  Desdemona also knew that there were spells cast for each witch, ensuring that they find the right mate. Now she knew that Titus was the right person for her and everything had worked out well in the end.

  Titus would have left with whatever bride he could find if she had not been on rotation that day. Then they never would have been together.

  When she saw her father, her body tensed at the look in his eyes. She could see his guilt and regret. She walked down the stairs to greet them as Bridget bid them farewell and passed her on the way back inside. Desdemona's mother strode forward and gathered Desdemona in her arms, who was so overcome with emotion that she immediately burst into tears. Then her mother started crying. Desdemona’s sister Sasha ran up and clutched her legs. Everyone was crying and hugging in the courtyard in front of the mansion.

  “Are you okay?” asked Benny, the Goudy butler, as he passed with their bags.

  "Everything is okay, Benny. We are fine," she said.

  Desdemona's mother stepped back and Sasha hugged her mom around the waist. Desdemona's dad leaned in to hug Desdemona and stood back before giving her a pat on the back.

  "It's good to see you, honey," he said.

  "It's good to see you too, dad."

  "I hope everything has been okay for you. We tried to stay in touch, but it's been hard. We haven't heard from you in a while. We were surprised when they sent us word that you were getting married."

  "Things are wonderful, dad. I am surprised, myself. I never would've expected it when I left the farm. But I really met my true match, and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait for you to meet him."

  She looked over at her mother. "I can't wait for you to meet him too, mom."

  "We're just glad that you're okay, hon. We never would have forgiven ourselves if something terrible had happened to you."

  "Aw mom," Desdemona said. "Why don’t you guys come inside?"

  Desdemona led her parents up the stairs and through the mansion, walking through the hall and then into the elevator to take it to the third floor.

  The mansion was vast and could house hundreds of people simultaneously. There were guest suites waiting for her family. Everything was so much nicer here than it was for her parents and her sister back at the compound. It made her heart ache to think that they had to go back.

  "They have electricity here," said Sasha.

  Desdemona looked down at her little sister and patted her head. She couldn't have felt any worse. It was then that she was determined to ask Titus to help her parents somehow.

  "This is your suite. There's two bedrooms and a bathroom."

  They walked into the suite and Desdemona showed them the sitting room with the television and computers and fireplace and then the bedroom that overlooked the back of the compound.

  "This is so beautiful and fine," her mother said. "I almost forgot that things like this exist."

  "I know, mom. I feel terrible that you guys have to go back to the compound without electricity or running water."

  "We are luckier than many," her father said.

  "If you need anything, you can just call down to the kitchen on this glass pad."

  "They really have amazing things here, don't they?" her mother said, taking the glass pad.

  "I have to get going. The girls are coming to do my hair and makeup soon."

  "Go on now, honey," her mom said.

  Then she leaned in to hugged her mom and her sister and then gave her dad a quick hug as well. She gave them a sweet smile and a wave as she backed out of the room. In the hallway, she let out a long breath, realizing that her life had come. She’d grown into a woman since the last time she'd seen her parents.

  Desdemona found the priestesses who’d agreed to do her makeup and hair already waiting in her sitting room. She walked in and they hurried to help her get into a protective robe. She was halfway through having her hair blown out when there was a knock at the door. The makeup girl went to open it and found Ophelia on the other side with the wedding dress.

  "It's here!" the makeup girl said.

  She was glad that the other girls were joining in the excitement of her special day. Having her family here meant the world to her and she knew that the rest of the Silverdrake clan would soon be arrive.

  When the hairstylist moved to working on the length of her hair, the makeup artist took over and started on her face.

  When the two women were done with Desdemona, she looked at herself in the mirror and was stunned. She'd never seen herself glow so brightly or look so immaculately beautiful. Her features were stunning. Her cheeks were glossed with shining blush that brought out the peak of her cheeks, the same shine echoed at the tips of her brow line accentuating the arch. Her lips were dusted with burgundy and her eyes were lined with black.

  She looked the picture of the blushing bride on her wedding day. Desdemona stood and the other women helped her into her gown. Her heart raced as she imagined the moment of her binding growing closer and closer. The claiming bite kept all other immortal males away from a witch, but the binding ceremony, the wedding, that was when the couple were able to truly express their devotion to each other in front of everyone who cared to hear. It was a symbol that carried a great deal of weight and had for millennia.

  "Are you ready?" Ophelia asked.

  The makeup and hair artist assessed their work while Desdemona gazed at herself in the mirror.

  "I'm absolutely ready for this," Desdemona said.

  She was going to be bound to her mate and she was more ready for that than anything she'd ever been ready for in her life. She couldn't wait to see the look in his eyes as she walked down the aisle to the wedding march, a song that was still used at the temple today.

  "Let's get you to your future husband," Ophelia said.

  The three women escorted Desdemona down the hall to the second floor where the grand ballroom was set for the ceremony. Two rows of benches were lined down the center of the wide ballroom floor. The rows were decorated with flowers and bows. Everyone was there, looking beautiful in their best dress. Most of the temple women had come to see them wed.

  In the antechamber, Ophelia helped Desdemona into her veil. It was long and gauzy down her back. Ophelia flipped the veil over her face and straightened the hem across her chest before handing her bouquet.

  That's when Bridget came into the room and informed them that they were ready to begin the ceremony. Desdemona's father walked into the antechamber and Desdemona met him at the doorway. He looked nervous and confused, but he was wearing a fresh suit that looked like it had been tailored just for him. She slid her arm through his and smiled up at her dad as he guided her out of the antechamber and into the main hall. They stood at the back of the building at the entrance for a moment, waiting for their queue.

  "I hope that he is good to you," her father said, squeezing her hand as it rested in the crook of his arm. “If he's not, I’ll kill him, dragon or no dragon, I don't care."

  "Dad, thank you for that. It means a lot to me. But Titus is everything I need. He’s everything. Even in my wildest dre
ams. I knew him before and now we’re finally together. It really is a dream come true."

  Her father leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. He patted her hand and stood back, looking into her eyes.

  "You don't know how relieving it is to hear you say that," he said.

  That's when the wedding march started.

  Desdemona's heart leapt, and she walked with her father from the front entrance and into the main room of the ballroom. She found Titus standing at the other end of the aisle in front of Arch-Priestess Lucia.

  Desdemona was honored to have her future sister-in-law officiate her wedding. With each step she drew closer to Titus. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a black tie and vest. His wavy black hair was brushed back and his shining silver-blue eyes stared directly at her.

  Her father handed her off to Titus and she stepped up on the rise to join him in front of the Lucia. He lifted her veil and finally took her in for the first time. His eyes grew wide and he let out an audible gasp.

  Taking her hands in his, Bridget took her bouquet and held it for her, serving as her maid of honor while Orion served as best man for Titus.

  Lucia began the ceremony and an awe-filled hush went over the guests. Her family sat in the audience and so did most of the Silverdrake clan. Desdemona could feel magic growing stronger in the room. The purpose of the binding ceremony was social and magical at the same time. The binding was not just a word but a spell.

  Lucia came to the part in the ceremony where the bride and groom were were supposed to express their love for each other in front of their guests. First, it was Titus’s turn to say his vows. He held Desdemona's hand and gazed into her eyes. She was excited and flushed with heat. She felt damp and her heart beat like a wild bird.

  "My dearest girl. I've known you by other names, Desdemona Hawthorne, but I know your soul. I know the quality and strength of your spirit. I have longed for you for thousands of years. I never gave up hope that someday things would be different, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise. Now we will finally have each other in every way. In this new world, where we can be new people together. Today we embark on to our grand adventure together, my sweet, sweet bride. Today we enter our eternity."

  Desdemona gasped and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to pour from her eyes. Titus’s beautiful words swept her away. His heart was so open to her. She didn't feel that her speech could possibly match his. She took a deep breath and let it out, gathering her resolve and calming her nerves.

  "Titus Silverdrake. Alpha of the Silverdrake clan. A god among men and king among immortals. You are a legend in your own time and yet you chose me, a nineteen-year-old girl from the mountains. Most would think we had nothing in common, but that space where we meet is utter bliss and utter completion. I too have longed for thousands of years to be with you. Lifetimes have passed through me in my journey back to you, my beloved. After all this time, we are finally together."

  There were sighs in the audience as Lucia continued the ceremony. She drew out the silver cord and asked Desdemona and Titus to join hands. Slowly and with the words of magic, Lucia bound their hands together, tying them with the silver cord.

  "What the gods have brought together, let no one separate," Lucia said. “By the power vested in me by the Mother, Gama, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

  Everyone cheered as Titus leaned into claim Desdemona’s lips. She was overcome with emotion and quivered and shook in his arms as he kissed her, enveloping her in his arms. When he let her go, she was flushed and panting. Everyone was on their feet, throwing confetti and rosebuds into the air. Titus took her hand and they trotted down the aisle toward the exit. When they reached the door, Titus held her hand and led her out of the mansion and down the front steps outside, leaving the wedding party inside.

  “Let’s watch the sunset in the tower,” Titus said.

  He led her to the stone wall that surrounded the fortress. They hurried inside and took the spiral staircase all the way up to the top. It was the highest room in the entire fortress and it looked directly out over the western mountains that sloped toward the ocean. Desdemona could almost see the ocean far off in the distance. The orange and pink colors of sunset swam across the sky as the blazing sun sank beyond the horizon. Navy blue twilight overtook the sky as the sun the stars began to poke through the filament. Titus took her in his arms and kissed her hard, pulling her against his body.

  "I can't wait for our wedding night," he growled.

  Titus wrapped his arms around Desdemona's waist and pulled her against him. Even through all the layers of fabric, she could feel him rise against her and it sent a thrill into her core.

  "Everyone is waiting for us," she said.

  "It's our party," he said.

  “Exactly, it’s our party,” she said with a giggle.

  He kissed her deeply and picked her up in his arms, carrying her across the small room to a padded bench that looked out on the view. He placed her on his lap and slid his hand under the fabric of her skirt, sliding up her thigh until he came to the thin lacy fabric that covered her sex from his touch. His tongue slid between her lips and his finger slid under the hem of her panties, touching the damp, soft flesh of her core. He pressed a finger inside her, sliding it in and out as he rubbed her clip with his thumb.

  “Titus," she moaned.

  He claimed her lips and kissed her, thrusting his tongue as he thrust his fingers inside her, deeper and deeper. Her nipples tightened against the constructed fabric and she groaned into his mouth.

  Her orgasm broke through immediately as she felt her desire for him open out of the tight bud and flower into its full form. She groaned into his mouth as the pleasure radiated through her. She clenched around his fingers as he continued to drive them inside her. She groaned and leaned her head back, breaking out of their kiss as the pleasure continued to grip her entire being. She went limp in his arms and he drew his fingers from inside her, licking the flavor of her off each digit.

  "You’re a bad boy, Titus," she teased.

  "Now I think we’re ready to join the party," he said. “Now that I’ve pleasured my young wife.”

  "Your wife," Desdemona breathed.

  The fact that she was his wife sank in for the first time. He had claimed her as his mate. Now he was her husband. As a woman who had grown up before the Dark Sun, having a husband meant a great deal to her. Titus rearranged her skirts and straightened her dress.

  "Let's join our guests now, shall we?" Titus said.

  Titus took her hand and she slid from his lap, following him out of the overlook and down the spiraling staircase until they walked out on the grounds and then joined everyone inside the banquet hall.

  When they arrived, the guests were already there and when they saw Titus and Desdemona. Everyone stood on their feet and cheered. As they passed, he was slapped on the back by the other Silverdrake clan dragons and people made teasing comments about where they had been.

  Heat rose in Desdemona's cheeks, but she knew that it didn't matter. She was the bride of the Alpha dragon of the clan and no one could judge them or say anything about them. Now they were together, and no one could ever separate them. No one.

  "Dinner will be served soon," Bridget said, coming to meet Desdemona as she and Titus entered the banquet hall.

  She led the couple to the bridal table where Lucia and Orion were already seated. Bridget took her own seat at the bridal table and Desdemona and Titus sat at the center facing the guests. One of the Goudy servants came out and poured their champagne. Desdemona took a sip, feeling the bubbly sweetness spark joy in her throat as it slid into her stomach. Looking out on the faces of the Silverdrake clan and her family, Desdemona felt that this was the happiest day of her life. Titus gripped her hand under the table and squeezed, looking into her eyes with a smile. He leaned over and kissed her, and when he drew away, the waiters had placed their dinner in front of them.

  The res
t of the reception continued as the guests gave toasts to the happy couple, telling them both how happy they were for them. Her father stood and congratulated the couple, commenting how happy he was that Desdemona had found a man who made her happy.

  Titus lifted his glass to her father in return. Desdemona felt her heart swell with pride at her husband. After her father gave his toast, Titus’s brother Orion stood and toasted the new Alpha of the Silverdrake clan.

  "I know we've had our differences over the years, brother, but I want you to know how proud I am of you and the work that you’ve done. Finding your bride and claiming her will bring a whole new meaning to your life and I for one am so happy for you. You finally get to experience the kind of love I have for my dear wife and mate, Lucia. To Desdemona and Titus, may your lives be full of happiness and wonder."

  "And a lot of babies," Lucia said.

  "Desdemona had to giggle to herself at that comment. In the new world, having a lot of babies was what everyone expected every witch to do well. Two thousand years ago, her wanting to become a birth goddess at nineteen had been a taboo. Nevertheless, she doubted she would be having a baby every year for the next two years.

  Maybe she would have one or two and then take a break for a while. The fact that she would live forever was still starting to sink in, and she couldn't fully comprehend what that meant. Desdemona did know that she wanted to give Titus a child, and an heir to the Silverdrake clan.

  "Thank you, brother," Titus said, lifting his champagne flute to his brother.

  After the toast had been given and the food had been eaten, Titus and Desdemona cut the wedding cake and the Goudy servants passed the plates out to the guests. Desdemona took a bite of the chocolate and buttercream cake and then shoveled it into her mouth. The flavor burst on her tongue and she groaned.

  The dancing and drinking continued into the night and after too many glasses of champagne, Titus led Desdemona back upstairs to their suite. They were to stay in the same rooms where she had prepared for the wedding. Before they went inside, Titus stopped and picked her up in his arms.


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