Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3

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Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3 Page 6

by Cree Storm

  “The same bewilderment spell that was used on Florian and I was used on you, my son. But for a longer period of time. That man, that deceitful pixie, was not your true mate. He was one of Fallon’s followers. He was one of Fallon’s personal sex slaves when the pixie were imprisoned, and he was one that enjoyed being with Fallon. He would walk around Fallon’s home like the queen of the palace and torment other pixie who were enslaved there. He was in love with Fallon and would do anything for him.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Destrain hissed.

  “So, it was all a lie? All of it?” Dain said in anguish.

  “I’m sorry, my son,” Soral replied solemnly.


  Dain mixed the red liquid with the blue, and watched as a fog of smoke began to escape the beaker, and as purple liquid bubbled and rolled out of the glass container and all over his spell book. "Fuck!" Dain growled as he quickly pulled his book out of the way and began to clean it off with his shirt.

  "Well, hello to you, too," Rhys said with a teasing smile.

  Looking up, Dain smiled sadly at his son. "Hey there. What are you doing here? I know we don't have any meetings, because you are supposed to be resting until the baby is born. I do have to say, you look fantastic, as usual."

  Rhys rubbed his hand over the hot pink dress that covered his extremely large, extended belly. "Thank you. Finn gave me this. It's a Slouch dress. He got it on line from Ani + Wren. I wanted to look good, but be comfortable. Sut, Jett, and some of the others are holding a “surprise” baby shower for Twix and me at the club. We are not due to be "surprised" for another hour. However, Day and Ethan were called into the council to talk about what happened there today and when I saw you weren't around, I decided that my time would be best served being here for you."

  "If this party is supposed to be a surprise, how is it you know about it?" Dain asked with a little brighter smile as he went to clean up his mess.

  Snorting, Rhys said, "Ethan and Day were terrified that when everyone yelled surprise, I would immediately go into labor, so they spilled the beans."

  Dain laughed softly, making his way to his son and placing a loving hand on Rhys' extended belly, saying, "Your dads are going to be as overprotective of you as I was of my own son."

  Rhys gently placed a hand over his father's, whispering, "And love them just as much as their grandfathers loved their own children."

  Dain removed his hand, turning away before Rhys could see the vast emotion he knew was gleaming through his eyes. "I can't argue with that, Rhys. There is no one in this world or any other that I have loved more than you."

  Rhys stepped up behind Dain, saying, "Even though it cost you the life of my father?"

  Dain turned around quickly. "Rhys, I have always and will always love you. A seed donor does not a father make. I'm sorry things had to end the way they did. I hope one day you can forgive me."

  Rhys smiled and cupped his dad's face. "There is nothing to forgive. You did what needed to be done. He was a bad man that wanted to hurt us all. I know that and I love you, too, dad. Now talk to me. Tell me what has you here, trying to create instead of back at the council discovering the outcome of your own mates’ fates."

  Dain's eyes widened. "You know about Rune and Kerrick?"

  Nodding, Rhys said, "Like I said, Illan explained everything to us."

  "I was a fool," Dain said as he turned back around, looking at nothing in particular.

  Rhys found a seat and struggled to sit. Once he was situated, he asked, "Dad, can I ask you something?"

  Dain sat in the seat in front of his son, saying, "Rhys, you know you can ask me anything."

  "Was Grandfather Soral a fool?"

  "Of course not! Your grandfather was one of the smartest, strongest, and most caring men I have ever known."

  "But what about the spell he allowed himself to be put under? He couldn't have been so smart if he could fall for something as lame as that," Rhys replied quickly.

  Pursing his lips, Dain sat forward, forcefully saying, "There is no way to know when a spell is being cast until after it is done and the person that did it tells you or it wears off. Sometimes, not even then."

  "So, why are you so upset at yourself? If what you say is true, you had no way of knowing, either," Rhys stated with a raised brow.

  Dain smacked the chair, yelling, "Because I am a spell master! It is what I do! How could I be such a fool?"

  "You are many things, father, but a God is not one of them. As you already said, you had no way to know. The thing is, I don't think that is all that has you so upset. Tell me, what is running through that crafty mind of yours?" Rhys asked with great interest.

  "How do I know if what they say is true?" Dain asked in despair.

  Rhys tilted his head in confusion. "Who?"

  Dain stood quickly, tossing his hand in the air, snapping, "Rune! Kerrick! That's who! They say we are mates, but how do I know that they are not lying? How do I know Rune and Kerrick haven't done what they say Garlin did to me? How do I know anything anymore?"

  "Did you kiss them, father?" Rhys asked.

  Dain turned. "Rune kissed me."

  "And what did you feel?"

  "I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you," Dain muttered.

  Rhys laughed. "Father, isn't a child allowed to talk about sex with their parent?"

  Dain turned rolling his eyes. "It's the other way around. I am supposed to talk to you about sex, not you talk to me."

  Laughing, Rhys replied, "Well, I have to say that my sex life is rather fantastic. Ethan is so gentle and caring, while Day―well let's just say that Day has this thing he does with his tongue that―"

  "Rhys!" Dain hollered, stopping him from continuing any further.

  Shrugging, Rhys replied, "Dad, making love to my mates is not something I have a problem discussing, with anyone, let alone my own father. However, this isn't about making love, it is about knowing if your mates are who they say they are and not just another spell."

  Dain sighed and sat back down. “Fine, but please no more talk about what you, Day, and Ethan do in the privacy of your bedroom."

  Rhys gave a nod. "Deal. Now, tell me, when you were with Garlin, how did you feel when you looked at him?"

  "What the hell kind of question is that?" Dain asked in frustration.

  "Just answer me. When you looked at Garlin how did you feel? Did you always feel the need to touch him? Did you miss him when he was out of sight? Did you think about how many ways you could get laid or how many different places you could do it? Did your dick get hard when he walked into a room?"

  Dain's eyes grew wide. "Rhys!"

  "Just answer the questions," Rhys said, ignoring his father's outrage.

  Sighing Dain thought a moment, then replied, "No, it was never like that. Honestly, I never really thought about him at all when I was in my lab. Even when he came into a room, we never really talked or touched. We rarely ever―"

  "Had sex." Rhys finished for him.

  Gritting his teeth, Dain replied, "Yes, we never really did that all that often. Hell, that alone should have told me it was all a load of shit about being mates. Destrain and Clove couldn't stand being in the same room without ripping each other's clothes off."

  Quenching his nose, Rhys replied, "Now that is just a nasty image I will never be able to erase from my mind."

  "So, your father getting laid is fine, but your uncles gross you out? How does that even make sense?" Dain asked with a snort.

  "Well, it's not all that wonderful talking about your sex life either, but I am thinking analytically right now and that makes it easier. So, with Garlin you really didn't feel a pull?"

  Shaking his head, Dain replied, "Thinking about it, I can't say that I did."

  "How about with Rune and Kerrick?" Rhys asked.

  "What about them?" Dain asked looking away.

  Rhys lifted a brow and leaned forward. "You know exactly what I mean. Now stop pussyfooting around and answer t
he question. How do you feel when you are around Rune and Kerrick?"

  Dane let out a long breath, then replied, "From the moment I set eyes on Rune, I thought he was the sexiest man I had ever seen, and then I saw Kerrick. Mother of the Gods he is beyond handsome. I could stare at the two men for hours and never grow bored. I thought of how it would feel to just touch them and have them touch me." Dain looked at Rhys and whispered, "I yearn for it."

  Dain quickly turned away in embarrassment. Having this conversation with his son was just awkward.

  "Father, I'm thinking that Rune and Kerrick are telling you the truth. However, if you are unsure, then why not do as the humans do?"

  Dain's confusion must have been clearly visible, because Rhys laughed. "Get to know them. Without judgment or thought. Just hang out with the two and talk. Learn about each other. Go to dinner or out to a movie."

  "Are you saying I should date them? I'm 3725 years old, Rhys. Don't you think that's a little old to be dating?" Dain asked in shock.

  Shrugging, Rhys replied, "Not if it's for your mates. I mean, Dad, if fate brought them to you, don't you think that it's worth giving it a shot?"

  "But they are our enemy. Doesn't that concern you in the least? Why would fate give me a fairy and an elf as the other parts to my soul? I don't understand. Is this a punishment or am I the replacement for what my father and his mates were meant to be?" Dain asked as he dropped his face into his hands.

  Dain could hear grunting and puffing, then felt Rhys's hand on his shoulder. "Dad, you are a worthy man, but that kind of talk is just stupid. You are not being punished, nor are you a replacement for anything. You know as well as I do that the Gods do not determine mates, only fate can do that. Now stop being a drama queen, that's my job."

  Nodding, Dain looked up and into Rhys's eyes. "I can never regret my time with Garlin, even if he tricked me for so long."

  Rhys looked confused. "I would hate the bastard."

  Shaking his head, Dain stood and hugged Rhys close. "If not for our time together, I would never have had you, and that is something I am not willing to accept no matter how you came to be. You are the best son a father could ever hope to have. I love you, Rhys and I am so proud of the man you have become."

  "Well, why don't you walk me to the club and then go and find those mates of yours. Illan and Justice are not charging them with anything, but they want them to stay close. Manny and Frankie offered them a place, but Destrain insisted they remain in his home for now," Rhys explained.

  "How about I get you to this shower thing, then while you explain to me what that even is, I will consider what it is you recommend," Dain replied.

  As they walked towards the club, the wind began to pick up and dark clouds began to roll in.

  "This weather came in awfully fast," Rhys yelled over the howl of the wind.

  Dain looked around and felt a chill run through him. Not wanting to worry his son, Dain just nodded, yelling back, "How about you and your mates stay at my place tonight instead of trying to drive in this weather later?"

  "I'd like that!" Rhys shouted.

  Dain opened the door to the club just as another large gust of wind rolled through, jerking it out of his hand. A massive arm reached out, pulled the two men inside, and quickly shut the door.

  Dain looked up, and up some more. The man's size always amazed Dain. He was well over seven feet and had the longest, darkest hair he had ever seen. He worked as the bouncer at the club, but anyone that really knew him, knew the man to be the quietest, gentlest man in town. Which might be why he was often referred to as the gentle giant. "Thanks, Zen."

  "Anytime, Regent Dain."

  "How many times have I told you to just call me Dain?"

  Zen thought for a moment, then replied, "One hundred twenty-two, well twenty-three if you count now."

  "I'm going to go into the other room where the guys are, let them scream surprise and have some fun," Rhys said, leaving Dain standing there.

  Rhys was on point, the second he turned the corner Dain heard a bunch of people yelling surprise and loud party whistles and other gadgets going off. Then Rhys said, "Oh my goodness. Look at what you all did. Did you know about this, Twix?"

  Giving a soft laugh, Dain looked around. "Have you seen Day and Ethan?"

  A loud clap of thunder had the lights flickering and loud squeals from the other room. "What the hell was that? Who all is attending this thing?"

  Zen looked in the same direction Dain was. "Jett and his mate are here with Marco, Finn, and Twix, along with Manny, Avery, and Frankie. Then there are Sut, Gage, Dallas, Ryder, York, Blake and Jagger. Nick and the other guys had to stay at the station for emergencies. Illan and Justice were going to go over some details with the king, Ezra, and his mate at the council building while the party was going on. And Pauly is at the station. Oh, and the two little guys working with you are here also."

  "Ollie and Pascal are here? I thought Rhys said Ethan and Day told them about their brother Toby and they were at the hospital?" Dain replied.

  Shrugging, Zen replied, "I don't know about any of that, but that would explain why the cutie with the brown and white hair and those chocolate brown eyes you just want to melt into was so quiet and looking sad."

  "I should go in there and see how they are doing and how Toby is. And I have to say, I find it amazing you remembered all the names and places everyone is at," Dain stated as he turned to leave.

  Shrugging, Zen replied, "It's a gift. Order and a good memory is my thing."

  A loud crack of thunder had the lights flickering and sounds of screaming coming from the other room again. Dain was about to go into the other room when a strange smell caught his attention, "Do you smell that?"

  Zen raised a brow, and rolled his eyes. "You know my ability to hear is magnificent, but scenting is not really my thing in this form."

  "Sorry, I forgot," Dain muttered, but couldn't ignore the hairs raised on the back of his neck.

  Zen must have seen Dain's anxiety. "What's wrong, Dain?"

  Another large clap of thunder had the lights flickering and this time going out. Rushing outside through the door, Dain looked around and noticed a black mass to the east.

  "What's going on?" Zen asked looking in the same direction as Dain.

  "Fucking bats! Zen, call Wyndingo and the King. Tell them we have an infestation heading past the call center. We have got to stop them before they get to Crystal. Frankie, get Day and have a few of his men watch over everyone here, then get the others and join me. And hurry, we don't have much time."

  Zen was dialing the phone, muttering, "Those are big ass bats."

  It didn't take long for Zen to get a hold of Wyndingo and let him know what was going on. Hanging up the phone, Zen said, "Wyn and his guys are heading over. He said Nick and his men are at a structure fire on the other side of town. The king is sending his men to meet you at the west end of town. What do you want me to do?"

  Another streak of lightning ripped through the air and the loud crack of thunder wasn't too far behind. Dain turned to the west and noticed another dark formation. "Call Destrain back, tell him his men need to head north, there is another mass, but I can't tell what it is and it's heading towards the docks. When you finish that call I want you to stay here. Do not let anyone in or out of this building until we return. I'm serious, Zen. Not a fucking soul. That means no portal jumps, none through this door, nothing. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, sir," Zen snapped firmly, then placed the call.

  Day showed up with Finn, Marco, Zev, Dallas, York, and Blake. "Let's go!"

  Dain and the others took off quickly. Dain had a bad feeling about this. They were under attack, but Dain had no clue who was attacking or why, but they would regret coming to his town and placing his people in danger.


  Rune had convinced Kerrick to lay down when they had arrived at the king’s home. He was saddened when Dain had left them before the council had finished talking with t
hem, but with everything that had been said and all the discoveries Dain had made in such a short time, Rune figured the man deserved some time and space.

  "Hey, stop worrying and come over here," Kerrick said, pulling back the covers.

  Rune only hesitated because it was so hard to be near one of his mates and not take things further than any of them were ready to go. Having held in his urges for so long had his insides fluttering with need and want.

  "Rune, I know why you hesitate, but know that nothing will happen until our other mate is ready to make our mating complete," Kerrick replied.

  Slowly Rune made his way to Kerrick's side. "I know that is what we want, but it may not be what happens. Kerrick, I trust what you say, but I can't say that I can hold out that long. I have fought this need for my mates for far too many years."

  "What you are saying is that you trust me, but not yourself?" Kerrick asked with that sexy smile Rune loved to see.

  Rune nodded.

  "Rune, I want you just as much," Kerrick replied, pulling the covers back further to display his hard cock.

  Rune whimpered and licked his lips, wanting to taste the healthy morsel Kerrick was showing him.

  "Come to me, Rune," Kerrick urged once more.

  Rune laid next to Kerrick, turning to face the man. Gently Rune placed his fingers into Kerrick's beautiful lavender colored hair, whispering, "It is as soft as I remember."

  Kerrick leaned in and brought their lips together then opened, allowing their tongues to tangle and move, gather as much of each other's flavors as they could. Rune moaned when he felt Kerrick unzip his pants and bring his hand to cup Runes hard weeping shaft. Smiling, when Kerrick pulled back slightly to mutter, "Commando, I do so love commando."

  Snickering, Rune replied, "Me, too."

  Rune followed his mate's lead by cupping Kerrick's large, thick cock in his own hand and using the pre-cum to allow for an easy glide up and down with each stroke.

  Kerrick pumped his hips, just as Rune did the same. Both men stroking, kissing, and groaning with each movement.

  Kerrick muttered, "Not going to last long."


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