Elsie's Womanhood

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Elsie's Womanhood Page 6

by Martha Finley


  "Wilt thou draw near the nature of the gods? Draw near them then in being merciful, Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge." --SHAKESPEARE.

  "Papa, it seems an earthly paradise," said Elsie, "and like a dream that Ihave seen all before."

  "A dream that was a reality. And it is all your own, my darling," heanswered with a proud, fond look into the bright animated face, keenlyenjoying her pleasure.

  "But what, what is going on there?" she asked, gazing intently in thedirection of the negro quarter, where a large crowd of them, probably allbelonging to the plantation, were assembled.

  At that instant something rose in the air and descended again, and a wildshriek, a woman's wail of agony, rent the air.

  Elsie flew over the ground as though she had been a winged creature, herfather having to exert himself to keep pace with her. But the whip haddescended again and again, another and another of those wild shriekstestifying to the sharpness of its sting, ere they were near enough tointerfere.

  So taken up with the excitement of the revolting scene were all present,that the landing and the approach of our friends had not been observeduntil Elsie, nearing the edge of the crowd, called out in a voice ofauthority, and indignation, "Stop! not another blow!"

  The crowd parted, showing a middle-aged negress stripped to the waist andtied to a whipping post, writhing and sobbing with pain and terror, whilea white man stood over her with a horse-whip in his uplifted hand, stayedin mid-air by the sudden appearance of those in authority over him.

  "How dare you! how _dare_ you!" cried Elsie, stamping her foot, anddrawing a long, sobbing breath. "Take her down this instant."

  "Mr. Spriggs, what is the meaning of this?" asked Mr. Dinsmore, in tonesof calm displeasure; "did I not forbid all cruel punishment on thisestate?"

  "I've got to make 'em work; I'm bound they shall, and nothing but thewhip'll do it with this lazy wretch," muttered Spriggs, dropping his whipand stepping back a little, while two stalwart fellows obeyed Elsie'sorder to take the woman down, a murmur at the same time running from lipto lip, "It's Marse Dinsmore, and our young missus."

  Elsie shuddered and wept at sight of the bleeding back and shoulders."Cover her up quickly, and take her away where she can lie down and rest,"she said to the women who were crowding round to greet and welcomeherself. "I will speak to you all afterwards, I'm glad to be here amongyou." Then leaning over the sufferer for an instant, with fast-droppingtears, "Be comforted," she said, in tones of gentle compassion, "you shallnever have this to endure again."

  "Come, daughter, speak to these eager people, and let us go into thehouse," said Mr. Dinsmore.

  "Yes, papa, in one moment."

  Drawing herself up to her full height, and flashing one look of scorn andindignation out of her dark eyes upon the crest-fallen Spriggs, sheaddressed him with the air of a queen. "You, sir, will meet me in thelibrary at eight o'clock this evening."

  Turning to the men, "Dig up that post, and split it into kindling-wood forthe kitchen fire."

  Her father, while shaking hands with the blacks, speaking a kindly word toeach, regarded her with mingled curiosity and admiration; thoroughlyacquainted with his child as he had believed himself to be, he now saw herin a new character.

  She took his arm, and he felt that she was trembling very much. Hesupported her tenderly, while the women flocked about them, eagerlywelcoming her to Viamede; kissing her hand, and declaring with tears intheir eyes, that it was just their "dear dead young missus come back tothem, like a beautiful white angel."

  The first who claimed her attention, introduced herself as "Aunt Phillisde housekeepah. An' I'se got eberyting ready for you, honey; de beds isaired, de fires laid in de drawin'-room, an' library, an' sleepin' rooms,an' de pantry full ob the nicest tings dis chile an' ole Aunt Sally knowhow to cook; an' I sent Jack right to de house to start de fires de fustminute dese ole eyes catch sight ob massa an' young missus, an' knows deyheyah."

  "My dear child, all this is quite too much for you," said Mr. Dinsmore,attempting to draw his daughter away.

  "Just a moment, papa, please," she answered in a slightly unsteady voice;"let me speak to them all." He yielded, but cut short the garrulity ofsome who would have liked to mingle reminiscences of her baby-hood withtheir rejoicing over her return, telling them they must reserve suchcommunication for a more suitable time, as their young mistress was faintand weary, and must have rest.

  The appearance of Chloe and her recovered husband upon the scene, nowcreated a diversion in their favor, and he presently succeeded in leadingElsie to the house.

  A young mulatto girl followed them into the drawing-room, where a brightwood-fire was blazing on the hearth, asking if she should take MissElsie's things.

  "Yes," Mr. Dinsmore said, removing his daughter's hat and shawl, andhanding them to her.

  She left the room; and taking Elsie in his arms, and gently laying herhead upon his breast, "Let the tears have their way, darling," he said,"it will do you good."

  For several minutes the tears came in floods. "Oh, papa," she sobbed, "tothink that my people, my poor people, should be so served. It must never,never be again!"

  "No," he said, "we will find means to prevent it. There, you feel betternow, do you not?"

  "Yes, sir. Papa dear, welcome, welcome to my house; the dearest guestthat could come to it." And wiping away her tears, she lifted her lovingeyes to his, a tender smile playing about the sweet lips.

  "Save one," he answered half-playfully, passing his hand caressingly overher hair, and bending down to press his lips on brow, and cheeks, andmouth. "Is not that so?"

  "No, my own dear father, save none," with a charming blush, but eyeslooking steadily into his; "when he comes, it shall be as master, notguest. But now tell me, please, what can I do with this Spriggs? I shouldlike to pay him a month's wages in advance, and start him off earlyto-morrow morning."

  Mr. Dinsmore shook his head gravely. "It would not do, my child. Thesugar-making season will shortly begin; he understands the businessthoroughly; we could not supply his place at a moment's notice, orprobably in a number of months, and the whole crop would be lost. We mustnot be hasty or rash, but remember the Bible command, 'Let your moderationbe known unto all men.' Nor should we allow ourselves to judge the man toohardly."

  "Too hardly, papa! too hardly, when he has shown himself so cruel! But Ibeg pardon for interrupting you."

  "Yes, too hardly, daughter. He is a New Englander, used to see every oneabout him working with steady, persevering industry, and the indolent,dawdling ways of the blacks, which we take as a matter of course, areexceedingly trying to him. I think he has been very faithful to yourinterests, and that probably his desire and determination to see themadvanced to the utmost, led, more than anything else, to the act whichseems to us so cruel."

  "And could he suppose that I would have blood wrung from my poor peoplethat a few more dollars might find their way into my purse?" she cried inindignant sorrow and anger. "Oh, papa, I am not so cruel, you know I amnot."

  "Yes, my darling, I know you have a very tender, loving heart."

  "But what shall I do with Spriggs?"

  "For to-night, express your sentiments and feelings on the subject ascalmly and moderately as you can, and enjoin it upon him to act inaccordance with them. Then we may consider at our leisure what furthermeasures can be taken."

  "Papa, you are so much wiser and better than I," she said, with lovingadmiration, "I'm afraid if you had not been here to advise me, I shouldhave sent him away at once, with never a thought of crops or anythingexcept securing my people from his cruelties."

  "You should never allow yourself to act from mere impulse, except it beunquestionably a right one, and the case admitting of no time fordeliberation. As to my superior wisdom," he added with a smile, "I havelived some years longer than you, and had more experience in themanagement of business matters."

  "I am very sorry, my
darling, that the pleasure of your return to the homeof your infancy should be so marred. But you have scarcely taken a lookyet at even this room. What do you think of it?"

  She glanced about her with freshly aroused curiosity and interest. "Papa,it is just to my taste!"

  The firelight gleamed upon rare old cabinets, gems of art in painting andstatuary, and rich, massive, well-preserved, though old-fashioned sofas,chairs, tables, etc. But it was already growing dark, deep shadows weregathering in the more distant parts of the spacious apartment, and onlynear the fire could objects be distinctly seen. Elsie was about to ringfor lights, when Sarah, the mulatto girl, appeared, bringing them, Chloefollowing close in the rear.

  "Have you fires and lights in the library, the dining-room, and yourmaster's rooms and mine?" inquired Elsie.

  "De fires is lit, Miss Elsie."

  "Then add the lights at once, and put them in all the principal rooms ofthe house. We will have an illumination in honor of our arrival, papa,"she said, in a sprightly tone, turning to him with one of her sweetestsmiles, "and besides, I want to see the whole house now."

  "Are you not too much fatigued, daughter? and would it not be better todefer it till to-morrow?"

  "I don't think I'm too tired, papa; but if you forbid me----"

  "No, I don't forbid or even advise, if you are sure you feel equal to theexertion."

  "Thank you, sir, I think I'll be better able to sleep if I've seen atleast the most of it; old memories are troubling me, and I want to see howfar they are correct You will go with me?"

  "Certainly," he said, giving her his arm. "But while the servants areobeying your order in regard to the lights, let us examine these paintingsmore attentively. They will repay close scrutiny, for some of them are bythe first masters. Your Grandfather Grayson seems to have been a man ofcultivated taste, as well as great business talent."

  "Yes, papa. What is it, mammy?"

  "Does you want me, darlin'?"

  "No, not now. Go and enjoy yourself with your husband and old friends."

  Chloe expressed her grateful thanks, and withdrew.

  Elsie found the paintings and statuary a study, and had scarcely finishedher survey of the drawing-room and its treasures of art, when Aunt Philliscame to ask if they would have tea served up immediately.

  Elsie looked at her father.

  "Yes," he said; "you will feel stronger after eating, and it is about ourusual time."

  "Then let us have it, Aunt Phillis. How is that poor creature now?" askedher young mistress.

  "Suse, honey? oh, she'll do well 'nuff; don't do her no harm to take someob de lazy blood out. Massa Spriggs not so terrible cross, Miss Elsie; buthe bound de work git done, an' Suse she mighty powerful lazy, jes' set inde sun an' do nuffin' from mornin' to night, ef nobody roun' to make herwork."

  "Ah, that is very bad; we must try to reform her in some way. But perhapsshe's not well."

  "Dunno, missus; she's always 'plaining ob de misery in her back, an'misery in her head; but don't ebery one hab a misery, some kind, mostdays? an' go on workin' all de same. No, missus, Suse she powerful lazyole nigga."

  With that Phillis retired, and shortly after, tea was announced as ready.

  Elsie played the part of hostess to perfection, presiding over the tea-urnwith ease and grace, and pressing upon her father the numerous daintieswith which the table was loaded. She seemed to have recovered her spirits,and as she sat there gayly chatting--of the room, which pleased her asentirely as the other, and of her plans for usefulness and pleasure duringher stay, he thought he had never seen her look happier or more beautiful.

  "What rooms have you prepared for your mistress, Aunt Phillis?" asked Mr.Dinsmore, as they rose from the table.

  "De same whar she was born, massa, an' whar her dear bressed ma stay whenshe livin' heyah."

  A slight shadow stole over Elsie's bright face. "That was right," shesaid, low and softly. "I should prefer them to any others. But where arepapa's rooms?"

  "Jes' across de hall, Miss Elsie."

  "That is a good arrangement," said Mr. Dinsmore. "Now, daughter, I thinkwe should repair to the library. It is near the hour you appointed for Mr.Spriggs."

  "Just as handsome, as tastefully, appropriately, and luxuriously furnishedas the others," was Elsie's comment on the library. "I seem to see thesame hand everywhere."

  "Yes, and it is the same all over the house," replied her father. "Thebooks here will delight you; for a private library it is a very fine one,containing many hundred volumes, as you may see at a glance; standardworks on history, and the arts and sciences, biographies, travels, worksof reference, the works of the best poets, novelists, etc."

  "Ah, how we will enjoy them while here! But it seems a sad pity theyshould have lain on those shelves unused for so many years."

  "Not entirely, my child; I have enjoyed them in my brief visits to theplantation, and have always allowed the overseer free access to them, onthe single condition that they should be handled with care, and eachreturned promptly to its proper place when done with. But come, take thiseasy chair by this table; here are some fine engravings I want you to lookat."

  Elsie obeyed, but had scarcely seated herself when the door was thrownopen and a servant's voice announced, "Massa Spriggs, Massa Dinsmore andMiss Elsie."

  Spriggs, a tall, broad-shouldered, powerfully-built man, with dark hairand beard and a small, keen black eye, came forward with a bold free airand a "Good-even', miss, good-even', sir;" adding, as he helped himself toa seat without waiting for an invitation, "Well, here I am, and I s'poseyou've somethin' to say or you wouldn't have appointed the meetin'."

  "Yes, Mr. Spriggs," said Elsie, folding her pretty hands in her lap andlooking steadily and coldly into his brazen face, "I have this to say;that I entirely disapprove of flogging, and will have none of it on theestate. I hope you understand me."

  "That's plain English and easy understood, Miss Dinsmore, and Dinsmore,and of course you have a right to dictate in the matter; but I tell youwhat, these darkies o' yours are a dreadful lazy set, specially that Suse;and it's mighty hard for folks that's been used to seein' things done upspick and span and smart to put up with it."

  "But some amount of patience with the natural slowness of the negro is anecessary trait in the character of an overseer who wishes to remain in myemploy."

  "Well, miss, I always calculate to do the very best I can by my employers,and when you come to look round the estate, I guess you'll find things inprime order; but I couldn't ha' done it without lettin' the darkies knowthey'd got to toe the mark right straight."

  "They must attend to the work, of course, and if they won't do sowillingly, must under compulsion; but there are milder measures than thisbrutal flogging."

  "What do you prescribe, Miss Dinsmore?"

  "Deprive them of some privilege, or lock them up on bread and water for afew days," Elsie answered; then turned an appealing look upon her father,who had as yet played the part of a mere listener.

  "I have never allowed any flogging on my estate," he observed, addressingSpriggs, "and I cannot think it at all necessary."

  There was a moment of silence, Spriggs sitting looking into the fire, ahalf-smile playing about his lips; then turning to Elsie, "I thought,miss, you'd a mind this evening to dismiss me on the spot," he remarkedinquiringly.

  She flushed slightly, but replied with dignity, "If you will comply withmy directions, sir, pledging yourself never again to be so cruel, I haveno desire to dismiss you from my service."

  "All right then, miss. I promise, and shall still do the best I can foryour interests; but if they suffer because I'm forbidden to use the lash,please remember it's not my fault."

  "I am willing to take the risk," she answered, intimating with a motion ofher hand that she considered the interview at an end; whereupon he roseand bowed himself out.

  "Now, papa, for our tour of inspection," she cried gayly, rising as shespoke, and ringing for a servant to carry the light. "But first ple
asetell me if I was sufficiently moderate."

  "You did very well," he answered, smiling. "You take to the role ofmistress much more naturally than I expected."

  "Yet it does seem very odd to me to be giving orders while you sit by amere looker-on. But, dear papa, please remember I am still your own child,and ready to submit to your authority, whenever you see fit to exert it."

  "I know it, my darling," he said, passing an arm about her waist, as theystood together in front of the fire, and gazing fondly down into the sweetfair face.

  Aunt Chloe answered the bell, bringing a lamp in her hand.

  "That is right, mammy," Elsie said. "Now lead the way over the house."

  As they passed from room to room, and from one spacious hall or corridorto another, Elsie expressed her entire satisfaction with them and theirappointments, and accorded to Aunt Phillis the meed of praise due hercareful housekeeping.

  "And here, my darling," Mr. Dinsmore said at length, leading the waythrough a beautiful boudoir and dressing-room into an equally elegant andattractive bedroom beyond, "they tell me you were born, and your belovedmother passed from earth to heaven."

  "An' eberyting in de room stands jees' as dey did den, honey," said AuntChloe. And approaching the bed, her eyes swimming in tears, and laying herhand upon the pillow, "jes' here my precious young missus lie, wid cheeks'mos' as white as de linen, an' eyes so big an' bright, an' de lubly curlsstreamin' all roun', an' she say, weak an' low, 'Mammy, bring me my baby.'Den I put you in her arms, darlin', an' she kiss you all ober your tinyface, an' de tears an' sobs come fast while she say, 'Poor little baby; nofader no mudder to lub her! nobody but you, mammy; take her an' bring herup to lub de dear Lord Jesus.'"

  Silent tears rolled down Elsie's cheeks as she looked and listened; buther father drew her to his breast and kissed them away, his own eyesbrimming, his heart too full for speech.

  Presently he led her back to the boudoir, and showed her the portraits ofher maternal grandparents, and one of her mother, taken at ten or twelveyears of age.

  "What a lovely little girl she was," murmured Elsie, gazing lovingly uponit.

  "Very much like what her daughter was at the same age," he answered. "Butcome, this, too, will interest you." And lifting the lid of a daintywork-basket, he pointed to a bit of embroidery, in which the needle wasstill sticking, as though it had been laid down by the deft fingers but afew moments ago.

  Elsie caught it up and kissed it, thinking of the touch of those dear deadfingers, that seemed to linger over it yet.


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