Lily and Brock at 343 Harper's Cove

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Lily and Brock at 343 Harper's Cove Page 7

by Deanndra Hall

  “No, sir! I won’t lie to you ever again, I swear!” I cry back toward him, tears rolling down my face.

  “You’d better not. Every time you lie to me, I’ll burn up this little ass both ways, understand?”

  It’s hard to talk from crying so hard. “Yes, sir! I won’t ever do it again! I promise!”

  When the next clap comes down on my burning ass cheek, I can’t hold back my sobs. His cock is setting my asshole on fire, and my ass cheeks are already blazing. Sitting down will be impossible by the time he’s finished with me. Then he does something that makes me want to scream.

  He sits back on his heels, taking me with him until I’m upright and sitting on his cock, my back to his chest. And he reaches around me to touch my wicked little button. It’s pulsing, and I hate myself. This hurts like hell and I’m turned on, and that pisses me off beyond belief. As he works my clit, he starts playing with one of my nipples and I grab his wrist. “No! No, please, Daddy, don’t? Please?”

  He stops but before I can thank him, he draws my hands behind me and ties my wrists together with one of my hair ribbons. Now I’ve gone and done it. I’m sunk. Once they’re tied, he starts in on my clit and my nipple again, and all I can do is wiggle and whine. There’s nowhere for me to go. I feel everything building and I whisper out, “No, Daddy, please? Don’t make me do this, please? It’s gonna hurt.”

  “Yes. It will. Come for me and get it over with, angel,” he orders. “One way or another, I’ll get everything from you that I want tonight and you’ll never lie to me again.”

  I come and he doesn’t stop―he makes me come over and over until I’m a sweating, panting, crying mess. When he finally lets it end, he says, “Now fuck me with that red little ass of yours.”

  “But Daddy? No, please?” That hand smacks my ass again and I cry out. “Please! Oh, stop, please? It hurts!”

  “Fuck back onto me. Do it,” he says again.

  As he holds himself still, I start to fuck him with my ass. I hate this, I really do. It hurts, and now he’s making me basically do it to myself. That makes me hate it even more. Of course, it is my fault, and I know that. My tears really start to fall when he says, “Faster and harder. You know how this works, angel. Make me come.”

  So I do it. This is my punishment, and I deserve it. He didn’t deserve that, not me trying to lie to him. I should’ve never done that. It was wrong and I know it. And this hurts enough that next time, I’ll remember and I won’t do it. Better yet, there’d better be no next time.

  When he does finally come, I’m terribly relieved. It’s taking everything I have not to scream and swear, and my asshole’s burning like fire. I hope he’s finished with me. More importantly, I think I’ve learned my lesson. He holds me on him and wraps his arms around my waist. “That was good, angel. Will you lie to me again?”

  “No, sir. I won’t.”

  “Good girl. Now go get yourself cleaned up and get ready for bed. I’ll be in to check on you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” I’m still crying. I can’t help it. It hurts like crazy. Once I get to my bathroom, I take a box of baby wipes and start cleaning myself up. When the liquid touches my sphincter, it burns like fire. Still crying, I wash my face and brush my teeth, then put on a pair of pajamas and crawl into the bed.

  When Daddy comes in, I’m still sniffling. “Hey, angel, you okay?”

  “No. It still hurts.”

  “I’m sorry I had to do that, but you’ll think twice before you lie to me again,” he says, leaning down to kiss me.

  “No. I won’t. I won’t have to. I’ll never lie to you again,” I whisper, not kissing him back.

  “Good. Go to sleep.”

  My voice comes out as a whine when I ask, “I can’t sleep in your room?”

  “Not tonight. See you in the morning. ‘Night, baby.”

  “Goodnight, Daddy.” I hear his footsteps receding in the hallway and start to cry again. Mr. Teddles is the only one there to comfort me, and he’ll just have to do. But there’s one thing I know for sure.

  Daddy loves me. His methods might seem strange to some people, but I understand. And I know that in the morning, I’ll get up and he’ll love me just the same as always. That never changes.

  And I’m so glad.

  Saturday is a bright, sunny day, and I can’t wait for Bonnie to get here! We’re going to have so much fun.

  When they get here, Daddy tells me, “This is Bonnie’s daddy, Brian. You’re to call him Mr. Brian, okay?”

  “Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Brian,” I tell him and watch him smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Lily. Bonnie’s really been looking forward to this.”

  “Me too! I’m so excited! Bonnie, do you want to see my playhouse?”

  “Yeah! Can I?” she asks Mr. Brian.

  “Of course! You girls go have fun.” He doesn’t have to tell us twice; we’re already headed for the back door.

  We’ve been out there for about an hour or so when Daddy calls us in. “You girls need to come in and get something to drink.” He’s got cherry flavored drink mix made for us, and we both have some. I’m tempted to ask for a snack, but I know lunch is right around the corner, so I don’t.

  Sure enough, we go back out to play and in no time, Mr. Brian calls us in. Daddy’s really outdone himself. There’s fresh chicken salad from the deli down the street with croissants to put it on, and ciabatta rolls for the sliced ham, and sliced cheese, the really, really good kind, not the cheap stuff. He’s got champagne mustard and real mayonnaise too. And we’ve got sweet potato chips and kale chips, and he bought almond milk for us! Mr. Brian asks, “Do you like blueberries?” When I nod, he drops a couple of drips of blue stuff into my almond milk and when I taste it, it tastes like blueberries! It’s so delicious! I have to ask Daddy to get some of that stuff. It’s great.

  After lunch, we take a nap on our mats while the daddies talk. Daddy sets a timer and when it goes off, we can get up and go back out to play. We’ve been out there for a few minutes when I think I see something by the gate. Then I think I see the gate move.

  That scares me. I lean in toward Bonnie and whisper, “Stay right here. I’ve got to go get Daddy.”

  “What’s wrong?” she whispers back, so I point to the gate. When she looks that direction, I see her eyebrows go up. Yeah―she sees it too.

  I head to the back steps and call out to her, “Hey, want a drink of water?”

  She nods. “Sure!”

  “Be right back,” I call back.

  I run through the house and I hear Daddy say, “Angel, no running in the house!” But he takes one look at my face and says, “Lily, what’s wrong?”

  “There’s someone at the gate. Someone’s watching us,” I choke out.

  “Shit. I was afraid of this. Okay, go back out and act like nothing’s wrong. I’ll take care of this.” I nod and run back out through the back door, grabbing two bottles of water as I go.

  It’s been about five minutes and suddenly I hear a shriek outside the gate. No way can I just sit there and wonder; I take off toward it with Bonnie right behind me. When I sling it open, there’s Daddy and Mr. Brian.

  And Gloria.

  Oh, holy hell. I can’t imagine what’s about to happen now. She’s sputtering and stuttering and I hear Daddy say, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I thought I heard a child crying!” she says, and I know she’s lying. What a bitch!

  “You didn’t hear a child crying. You’re snooping around my yard. Want to explain yourself?” Daddy snarls.

  “I, well, there was, oh, I was afraid someone was hurt!” she squeezes out.

  “Mrs. Livingston,” Daddy starts, “let’s establish that you weren’t afraid anyone was hurt. You wanted to see what’s going on inside our yard. This is the truth, is it not?”

  “No! I was afraid someone―”

  “Mrs. Livingston,” Daddy says again, and I can tell he’s getting really ang
ry, “let’s cut the crap, shall we? You wanted to see what’s going on inside our yard. Correct?”

  A look comes over her face and she crosses her arms over her chest. “So, what exactly is going on in your yard?” she asks, glaring at me.

  Mr. Brian chimes in. “That would be your business how?”

  “I’m a neighbor! This is my neighborhood! If you’re doing something crazy or weird, I have a right to know!”

  “Oh, is that right? Do you see that sign right there?” Daddy asks, and I don’t know what he’s talking about, but apparently she does.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “And what does it say?”

  “It says ‘No Trespassing,’” she admits. Whoa―I didn’t know he’d put those up. Good move, Daddy!, I tell myself.

  “So I believe I should call the police. I mean, if you had that sign on your fence and someone came over sneaking around, don’t you think that’s what you would do?”

  “I, um, well, I suppose, I mean, I didn’t do anything wrong,” she mumbles again.

  “Brian, would you be so good as to call the police?” Daddy asks Mr. Brian.

  “Why, certainly! I’d be glad to!” Mr. Brian tells him and whips out his phone.

  “Wait! Wait, wait! I’m so sorry! I mean, I really did wonder what was going on, but I didn’t mean to trespass!” Gloria shrieks out.

  “What exactly did you mean to do then?” Daddy asks.

  “I suppose I should’ve just asked, but I didn’t think ” she drones.

  “No. You didn’t think. You spied around on us, didn’t you? That’s not going to happen again, is it?”

  “No. It won’t, I promise.” She’s shaking and pale, and I’m about to bust a gut trying not to laugh.

  “Good. And for the record, these two ladies are actresses. They’re preparing for a very big production over in Hazelwood, and this is to help them get ready. Not that it’s any of your business,” Daddy throws in.

  “Oh! Well, that explains everything! Okay, then, I suppose I’ll be seeing you around,” Gloria says. “I’ll just be going.”

  “Good. And don’t come back over here snooping around. Next time I won’t be so forgiving,” Daddy says, his tone firm and harsh.

  “Well, yes. Okay. Thanks very much,” she says, her words tripping over each other, her feet scurrying to get her away from us.

  I don’t want to laugh, but I can’t help it. Bonnie starts to laugh too. “Hey, great thinking!” I tell Daddy.

  Mr. Brian’s laughing too. “That was pretty much a stroke of genius.”

  “Nah. Just grasping at straws. Okay, our little actresses, would you like to break the piñata?”

  “Yay! Yes! Please!” I cry out, and Bonnie’s jumping up and down.

  We spend the next two hours having a good time, eating candy and playing with the tiny toy farm animals that were in the piñata. When it’s time for Bonnie to go, I’m sad, but I know we’ll get together again soon. The daddies seem to have hit it off, and we’ll get to play together a lot, I’m sure.

  There’s a knock on our door late on Sunday afternoon and when I open it, it’s Tasha. “Hey!”

  “Hi! So I heard there was an ‘incident’ yesterday?”

  I gasp. “How’d you know?”

  Tasha rolls her eyes. “Apparently someone in the neighborhood overheard her husband reaming her over it.”

  I turn to look at Daddy and he grins. “What? I just called her husband, that’s all.”

  I snort out, “Well, that’s pretty funny!” When I take another glance at him, he nods. “Come on in and I’ll tell you what happened.”

  There’s a man, a gorgeous man, very quiet, with pretty eyes and long hair, and he’s standing right behind Tasha. She turns to him and then back to me. “This is my husband, Davis. Davis, this is Lily and her husband, Brock.”

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Davis says and extends a hand. I like him instantly. “Should I tell them?” he asks and Tasha nods. “I hear you’re a Little.”

  My face turns red and I nod. “Yes.”

  “I’m a furry.” When I smile, he adds, “A pony.”

  “I love ponies, don’t I, Daddy?” I ask as I turn to Brock.

  Brock gives them a warm smile. “Yes, angel, you sure do! Come on in, you two. Want something to drink?”

  Thank you for reading Lily and Brock, I hope you enjoyed their story. Follow along as Gloria does her best to find out what all of the neighbors are up to in the final installment of the Harper’s Cove Series.

  Siobhán and Gabhain at 241 Harper's Cove (Harper’s Cove Series, Book Eight)

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  About the Author

  Deanndra Hall lives in far western Kentucky with her three silly little dogs and her long-suffering husband. When she’s not writing, she’s working out, eating and cooking healthy, and looking for chocolate she’s hidden away and forgotten about. More than anything else, she loves creating multi-dimensional characters who take over her brain and argue amongst themselves at traffic lights; thank goodness for Bluetooth headsets or she probably wouldn’t be walking the streets a free woman.

  On the Web:

  Email: [email protected]





  Mailing address:

  P.O. Box 3722,

  Paducah, KY 42002-3722

  Also by Deanndra Hall

  The Love Under Construction Series

  Laying a Foundation with prequel, The Groundbreaking

  Tearing Down Walls

  Renovating a Heart

  Planning an Addition

  The Citadel Series

  One Simple Mistake

  One Broken Promise

  One Poor Choice

  One Wrong Glance

  The Legacy Series


  Legacy of Freedom

  Legacy of Faithfulness

  The Witch of Endor Series

  Laid Bare

  Ripped Open

  Torn Apart

  The Harper’s Cove Series

  Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove

  Becca and Greg at 314 Harper’s Cove

  Donna and Connor at 228 Harper’s Cove

  Savannah and Martin at 219 Harper’s Cove

  Cheryl and Samuel at 323 Harper’s Cove

  Tasha and Davis at 333 Harper’s Cove

  Lily and Brock at 343 Harper’s Cove

  Siobhán and Gabhain at 241 Harper's Cove

  The Me, You, and Us Series

  Adventurous Me

  Unforgettable You

  Incredible Us

  The Celtic Fan (independent novel)

  Rough Stock (part of the Bad Girls of Romance Series)

  The Silent Cove Series


  Retribution, by Anne L. Parks

  Banishing, by Jax Jillian




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