Rise of the Alphas

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Rise of the Alphas Page 56

by Alexis Davie

  Ethan moaned loudly as he pushed himself inside Madeline, claiming her once more. He began to move his hips. Madeline moved with him, her legs loosely wrapped around him. She pushed herself off her palms, one on the hood of the car and the other on his chest. She threw her head back and screamed in pleasure as he slammed his rock-hard cock against her g-spot. He felt her muscles clenching and he knew she was on the verge of coming.

  He slammed into her, making her take his full length. His wolf was threatening to come out and he swallowed it back, but then he remembered how Madeline had said it made her want him more. He let the wolf forth a little, but only enough to turn his eyes yellow. Madeline gasped when she looked into them.

  She began to move her hips faster, spurred on by his eyes. Ethan was completely mesmerized by her. His whole body responded to hers, his wolf reacting to her desperate cries. She was his. She had to be.

  He let go and let himself come, orgasming with Madeline. He felt his body twitch, pleasure assaulting every part of him. He threw his head back and howled. The fruit of his orgasm mixed with hers, marking her as his mate.

  He slipped out of her and held her against his chest as they got their breath back. Finally, he released her, missing the warmth of her body instantly. He fastened his jeans back up and handed her her panties, smiling at the look on her face when he pulled them out of his pocket.

  “I didn’t want them to get grass on them,” he smiled when Madeline laughingly called him a perv.

  He sat back down beside Madeline and looked straight ahead. He couldn’t look her in the eye when he said what he had to say.

  “I know we’ve said this before, but this can’t happen again, Mads. It’s too dangerous now that you know what I really am. There are hunters out there who seek out my kind to kill us, and it’s those closest to us who they use as bait to draw us out. I won’t risk that happening to you.”

  “So you’re saying if we were together, I could get taken hostage or something?” Madeline said.

  “Exactly,” Ethan replied.

  “And I could get hit by a bus the next time I cross the street, but I don’t plan on hibernating for the rest of my life. Danger is everywhere, Ethan.”

  “But you said…”

  “I know what I said. And I tried to stay away from you. I really did. But I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s like every part of my body craves you. I don’t want to fight it anymore.”

  “Madeline…” Ethan started.

  “No,” she said, sitting up. “If you don’t want to do this because you’re not into me, then fine, we won’t do it. But if it’s because it’s dangerous, or people won’t approve or whatever, then screw it.”

  “Of course I’m into you. Don’t you know that?” Ethan said.

  “So, we’re going to give us a shot?” Madeline asked.

  Ethan knew he should say no. He should say no to keep her safe, but now that their parents were together, was she really safe anyway? A hunter could come for her to get to Vic. At least this way, she’d be by his side and he could protect her.

  “Yes,” Ethan said, feeling happier than he ever had in his life.

  Madeline jumped into his arms and he kissed her. It was a long kiss, full of tenderness rather than fire. She pulled back a little, looking at him.

  “Can we keep it quiet at home for now, though? When we tell our parents, I want to be able to bat their objections away and tell them we’ve been through them all and it’s okay.”

  “Of course,” Ethan said, a little relieved that he wasn’t going to have to explain to Vic right now that he was with his daughter. “I reckon we’ll be in enough trouble as it is if your dad has noticed his car is missing.”

  Madeline gasped.

  “Oh shit, I forgot about that,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. Our parents sleep like the dead. It’ll be fine,” Ethan reassured her before he kissed her again.


  Three Weeks Later

  Madeline was sitting on the couch with a clipboard containing a long checklist. She scanned down the long list of items, smiling when she saw the majority of them had been checked off.

  The next day was her nineteenth birthday. She was having a party and she wanted everything to be just perfect. Her dad had gone to the bakery to pick up the cake and Ruth and Ethan had gone to the store to pick up some last-minute party supplies.

  She flicked past the checklist and turned her attention to her job: making a playlist. She already had close to a hundred songs on it, but she wanted at least three hundred songs listed, and then she would download them all. The task was more difficult than she had thought it would be. She was trying to focus on choosing dance tracks, but she kept thinking of other songs, songs that reminded her of Ethan.

  She felt warmth spreading through her body as she thought of Ethan. Since that night on the outskirts of town, they had gone from strength to strength and she knew without a doubt that Ethan was the one. She loved him with every fiber of her being and he had told her the same thing. Even keeping their relationship a secret didn’t bother Madeline. It made it feel even more special, like it was just for them, although obviously Madeline had told Charlie.

  The front door opened and Madeline heard Vic shouting hello from the hallway. She wiped the goofy smile off her face, the one she always ended up with whenever she thought of Ethan, and went to the kitchen to meet Vic. He was holding a big, white box which he placed on the table. Madeline pulled the lid back and gasped when she saw the cake. It was beautiful. The red and pink mirror glaze shone so much she could see her face in the cake.

  “Thank you,” she smiled at her dad. “It’s amazing.”

  Vic smiled and nodded, but he looked strained suddenly.

  “Is everything okay, Dad?” Madeline asked.

  “Yes,” Vic said. “But there’s something I need to talk to you about. Something serious.”

  “Okay,” Madeline said.

  She tried to sound normal, but her insides were whirling. He had found out about her and Ethan and he was seriously pissed. That had to be it. She followed him into the lounge, ready for him to tear strips off her. She wished Ethan was here now, but she could handle her dad. He would be mad, but it wasn’t like he would hurt her or anything. They sat down side by side on the couch and Vic turned to Madeline. He gave her a sickly-looking smile that she didn’t bother returning.

  “Madeline, I lied to you about your mom, and I’m sorry. I hope by the time I’ve told you everything, you understand,” he started.

  Madeline felt relief flood her. He didn’t know about her and Ethan. That wasn’t what this was about. The relief went away almost as quickly as it had come. It was about her mom. And her dad had lied to her. She felt a rush of dizziness that passed quickly but left behind a rolling feeling in her stomach. What about her mom?

  “There was no car accident, Mads. Your mom—she was killed by a man. Murdered,” Vic said.

  “Murdered?” Madeline echoed, shocked. She didn’t know what she had been expecting him to say, but it wasn’t that. “But why would you lie about that?”

  “Because if that had come out, then everything would have. And you’d have been left with no one,” Vic said. He looked down at the ground and then at his hands where he twisted his fingers together. “Madeline, when your mom was killed, it almost broke me, but I knew I had to stay strong. For you. And to avenge your mom. And that’s what I did. I killed the man who killed your mom. If that had come out, I would have done time and you’d have been left all alone.”

  Madeline’s head was reeling. Her father had killed a man? But the man had killed her mom. If someone killed Ethan, what would she do? She knew she would do exactly the same as her father had. She felt it in a fierce, almost animal response deep inside of herself.

  “Okay. I get why you had to keep it a secret from the cops, Dad. But why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Well, that’s the thing. The man who killed your mom was no ordinary man. An
d your mom and I aren’t exactly ordinary people.” Vic sighed and shook his head. He finally looked up at Madeline and gave her a sad smile. “I’m making such a mess of this. I always imagined myself telling you in a much less convoluted manner. Let me start over again. Your mom was killed by a hunter. Because we’re wolf shifters.”

  Madeline swallowed hard. Her parents were wolves like Ethan? But surely that was impossible. What were the chances of her dad and Ethan being the same? Pretty high, actually, Madeline thought. Because Ruth was a wolf too and it made sense for her dad to find another wolf. So why aren’t I a wolf? Madeline wondered.

  “Do you believe me, Madeline? I know this is a lot to take in and I don’t blame you if you think I’m crazy, but I can prove this to you,” Vic said.

  Madeline shook her head.

  “I believe you, Dad. I know shifters exist. I just never thought for a second my parents were shifters.”

  “Not just us, Madeline. You are a wolf too,” he said.

  “No, I’m not,” Madeline stated, shaking her head.

  She wished she was. It would make her relationship with Ethan so much less complicated. The one thing they ever fought about was her wanting him to turn her and him saying it was wrong and dangerous. In the end, they had decided to just put a pin in the conversation for now, and revisit it once Madeline finished college.

  “Yes, you are,” Vic said gently. “The symptoms don’t really show until you turn nineteen. You might have noticed the odd thing, but it would have been small enough that you ignored it. Like, for instance, recognizing people by their scents.”

  Madeline’s mouth dropped open. She had once noticed a strange but delicious scent on Ethan.

  “You have, haven’t you?” Vic said.

  Madeline nodded mutely.

  “I’m telling you this now because you will turn for the first time at the exact moment you turn nineteen. You were born at 3:03 a.m. and that’s the time you’ll turn. After that, it’s your choice when you turn, but that first one isn’t optional. But don’t worry. You won’t do it alone. I’ll be right there with you, okay?”

  “Okay,” Madeline breathed, her head reeling.

  They sat quietly for a few moments and then Vic turned to her.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  Madeline nodded.

  “Yes. Really, I am. It’s just a lot to take in, isn’t it?”

  “It is,” Vic said. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I didn’t want this hanging over your head for years. I just wanted you to have as normal a childhood as possible.”

  “I understand,” Madeline said. She stood up abruptly. “Do you mind if I go to my room? I’m not mad at you or anything. I just need some time to get my head around all of this. Alone.”

  Vic nodded and Madeline practically ran up the stairs, her heart pounding and her head spinning. She was still sitting on the side of the bed, shell-shocked, when Ruth and Ethan came back a couple of hours later and Ethan came up to her room to talk to her.


  “So, you’ve got enough booze for about five parties, so that’s sorted,” Ethan laughed, stepping into Madeline’s room.

  His laugh petered out when he saw Madeline’s pasty white face. He frowned in concern and went and sat down on the bed beside her. He put his hand on her arm.

  “What’s up, Mads?” he asked.

  She shook her head slowly and began to smile, and then she uttered a soft laugh.

  “Nothing. I mean, it’s good news, really. It’s just a lot to process,” she said.

  “What is?” Ethan asked.

  “My dad didn’t tell you?” Madeline said, surprised.

  “Tell me what? I barely said more than hello to him and then I came up to see you.”

  “He’s just told me I’m a wolf. Like him and my mom. And my mom wasn’t in a car accident. She was killed by someone who hunts shifters,” Madeline said.

  Ethan felt his jaw dropping.

  “You mean you’re...”

  “The same as you,” Madeline finished for him. “It means you won’t have to turn me at all.”

  “But how didn’t you know?” Ethan said.

  “Did you know when you were a kid?”

  “Yeah,” Ethan said. “I mean, obviously I didn’t turn until I was nineteen, but I knew. It makes sense, though. Not to tell someone, I mean. I grew up with this huge weight hanging over me, always knowing I was different from everyone else and not letting myself get too close to anyone. And there was always a sense of danger. I reckon your dad did the right thing, letting you grow up thinking you were the same as everyone else.”

  “Maybe he did. I don’t know,” Madeline sighed. “But I kind of wish I’d had more time to get used to the idea than a few hours. I’ll turn for the first time just after three am, at the exact time I was born. I’m not that worried about it because I’ve seen you as a wolf and we’ve talked about it and everything. But imagine how that would have felt if I had no idea shifters were even a thing and I got all of that dropped on me now. Anyway, I know my dad thought he was doing the right thing, so I’m not going to sweat it. Now isn’t the time for me to fall out with him, is it?”

  Ethan shook his head.

  “You know, my mom and your dad make more sense now. I was so reluctant to turn you because my mom always told me it was a bad idea to turn a mortal into a shifter and I always thought she was right. I figured she changed her mind when she met your dad, and that’s what made me think maybe I should turn you. She made me swear not to tell you about the shifter thing, so I was convinced your dad wasn’t a wolf. But obviously he was and there was a different reason for you not finding out sooner.”

  “Well, it’s all going to come out now, isn’t it? I’m surprised my dad didn’t work out that I already knew about this stuff. I mean, I told him I believed in shifters and just took it all in stride. And I didn’t even think to keep up the pretense and ask about you and Ruth.”

  “Don’t worry about that. He’ll just think you were in shock. And he was probably so relieved you didn’t have some sort of meltdown that none of that mattered to him.”

  Madeline nodded and then she looked at Ethan. Ethan could see in her eyes that she was more nervous about the whole thing than she was letting on.

  “My dad said he’ll be there the first time I turn. I want you to be there as well. Will you come with us?”

  “Yes,” Ethan said without hesitation. “But only if we tell him the truth about us.”

  “You’re bribing me?” Madeline said, her face registering shock, anger, and then disappointment. “At a time like this? Jeez, Ethan, I know you hate hiding this from your mom, but to use this to make me tell them? It’s a bit of a low blow.”

  “It’s not like that,” Ethan said quickly. “I do hate hiding this from my mom, but not enough to push you to tell our parents about us before you’re ready. But turning for the first time is a very personal thing, and your father will never agree to me being there as your stepbrother. He has to know there’s more to us than that.”

  Madeline bit her lip and looked down into her lap.

  “Madeline, this could all work out well for us. When two wolves feel the way we do about each other, it’s more than just attraction. It’s an animal instinct. It’s our wolves telling us we’re meant to be together. Our parents can’t argue with that. It’s not like two humans just fancying each other and choosing to act on it. This is… more than that. It’s something that we couldn’t fight. And as wolves themselves, our parents will understand that.”

  “Okay,” Madeline said, nodding her head. “Fuck it. Let’s do it. And it’s not like my dad can be too pissed off with me for keeping this a secret after the secrets he’s kept from me all of my life, right?”

  “Right,” Ethan laughed.

  Madeline shuffled to the edge of the bed and stood up. Ethan remained seated, looking at her questioningly.

  “Well, aren’t you going to come with me?” she asked.r />
  “Oh. You mean you’re literally telling him right now?” Ethan said, getting up.

  “Yeah. If I don’t do this now, I’m afraid I’ll change my mind.”

  Ethan and Madeline went down the stairs. Ethan nodded to Madeline to go into the lounge. She went in and he continued on to the kitchen where he could hear his mom and Vic laughing. He stuck his head around the door.

  “Guys? Can Madeline and I talk to you both for a second, please?”

  “Sure,” Ruth said, drying her hands on a tea towel.

  She and Vic exchanged a look.

  “Is everything okay?” Vic asked.

  Ethan nodded his head. In his mind, things couldn’t be better. He just hoped his mom and Madeline’s dad would both see it that way too.

  When they were all seated, Ethan looked at Madeline. He gave her an encouraging nod and she smiled sickly at him. She turned and looked at her dad and then Ruth.

  “So, I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to come out with it,” she said. She took Ethan’s hand in hers. He squeezed her hand, wanting her to know he was there for her. “Ethan and I are together. We’ve been together for a couple of weeks. We wanted to tell you, but we didn’t know how you’d take it. But it’s the right time.”

  Madeline stopped talking and the room fell silent for a moment as Vic and Ruth took a moment to process what Madeline had said. Ethan looked at his mom, willing her to meet his eye. She finally did. She gave him a half smile that made him feel relieved. She was okay with it. He looked at Vic, and his relief turned to dismay. Vic looked like he was ready to wolf out and tear both him and Madeline apart.

  “Madeline, he’s your brother,” Vic said.

  His voice was quiet, but it did nothing to hide the anger simmering beneath the surface. Madeline’s hand was shaking in Ethan’s and he squeezed it again. She seemed to take strength from his touch.

  “No, he isn’t,” Madeline said firmly. “He just happens to be the son of the woman you married. He’s not related to me in any way.”


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