The Legend from Runisia

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The Legend from Runisia Page 3

by Vishal Kumar Kadiri

  ‘I’ve ordered coffee for you both.’ Ashok said.

  ‘Thank you.’ I replied with a bright smile which made him happy.

  ‘I’ve a small meeting.’ looking at his watch ‘Meghana, I’ll join you in few minutes’

  ‘Sure. Ashok. I’ll be here.’ I guess that’s what he wanted to hear, then he smiled and left.

  She was medium height, fair skinned and beautiful. She lifted herself slowly to sit down. Her face was open and friendly, and her wrist had a hospital band with her name and age scribbled on it. She smelled of lemon scent and was dressed in regular blue gown. I saw no one around. Maybe she was alone. Otherwise, no blood relations leave others alone especially in emergency situations like this. It was a pleasing smile, when she saw me and it felt soothing and I smiled back at her.

  ‘Hi, Aditi. Hope you are doing good now.’

  ‘Hi,’ she greeted with hesitation and blank face ‘Thank you for asking; Sorry, do I know you?’

  ‘Myself Meghana Saxena; Senior Journalist at Times of Mumbai.’

  ‘I’m tired of talking to media about the incident,’ she blurted and joined her hands, ‘Can we skip it. I’m getting discharged from here in few minutes.’

  ‘I’m not here to talk about the bombing,’ I paused and she stopped ‘I need some info about your husband.’

  ‘Sorry? My husband?’ she exclaimed in disbelief.

  ‘Yes, Rahim - Rahim Razak.’

  She jolted. ‘I don’t know, what are you talking about?’ folds her hands again.

  ‘He needs your help. He is in trouble. I know your story and everything about you both.’

  She stormed, ‘What do you know? What lies that bastard had fed you about me.’

  My ears widely opened; eyes joggled with muted tone.

  She grunted. ‘Did he kill anyone? I have no connections with him’

  ‘What made you say that?’ Me totally clueless at the moment.

  She had painted a completely different perspective of the story that I heard from Rahim. I should have guessed; Her caffeine dozed eyes spoke the truth of Rahim Razak as a person who she hates in tons, while I was sipping my coffee in utter surprise.

  She said, ‘I ran away from him and left Iran.’

  ‘Wait, sorry? Iran?’ Reassuring myself.

  ‘He is from Runisia right?’

  ‘Sorry what?’

  ‘Runisia, his country.’

  ‘I never heard about it, we met in Iran.’ This caught me, off track, my head is spinning, even I had this strong coffee and this became too much for me. So, I ignored the mystery around Runisia for a while and trying to concentrate on what Aditi had to say.

  She continued to explain ‘I ran away from him, after our marriage.’

  ‘What happened?’ As this seems like a new story altogether.

  ‘He used to visit my Art Gallery frequently, one day he approached me for a painting that I drew with my hand.’

  ‘I know you paint with your bare hands.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘That isn’t important now, please continue.’

  ‘We talked about Art and culture. We started meeting more often. I loved those buttery conversations. We got married to each other. Those are the best moments of my life.’

  ‘Then?’ Seeing it in person is different from hearing stories about it. Now, I have varied perspectives about the same person, even though story sounds similar.

  ‘He lost his job after four months of our marriage, and he didn’t attend to many interviews after that, because no one is giving him a job. He started drinking regularly and fell into the wrong influence in those weak times’

  ‘Wrong influence?’

  ‘Yes, He joined a group of people, who go against the system, Rahim became a great asset to them. Because he was the only well-educated among them.’

  ‘Then, you ran away from him?’

  ‘No, I tried to convince him to come along with me. I’ve got a world tour contract and asked him to leave the city. But he refused and started dominating me as he felt I was showing pity on him after he lost his job.’

  I pressed my fingers against my eyes, wanting to push hard enough to expunge the headache. I never understand the ego of men, why cannot they live on their wife’s salary. What is so wrong about it? ‘Dominating? As in?’ I continued to ask,

  ‘Sole purpose of our marriage became the motive to satisfy his hunger, fulfilling his intimacy on my lifeless skin. I’ve just became a doll to fulfil his desires.’ breathing heavily she continued,

  ‘There itself my love for him has died. Closed windows and dumb walls stood as witnesses for the pain that he caused in the name of affection, started to torture my skin in every possible way leaving scars for the rest of my life.’

  That’s what I was talking about. They don’t use their power at right place. My Gut-wrenched with faded images of her dreadful story. He never patted time for her, he used to meet her only at nights of sexual need, blinded his love with alcohol. Her legs stretched wide open taking the pain she never deserved. Escaping from the monster was the only option she had.

  Held her hand and gave her a gentle hug, nuzzled her back, asking her the favour she could do, for greater good.

  ‘Can you come with me to the police station?’


  ‘Rahim is under police inspection; they don’t have any witness or proof.’

  ‘Why would my words matter?’

  ‘Don’t know, but after hearing your story and learning the truth about Rahim, I’m afraid, he is dangerous. He might have come here to execute the next blast in the series.’

  ‘What, we cannot let this happen. Many people like me have already suffered enough.’

  We have to stop him. I thought ‘We have to stop him.’ she followed my thought.

  Something is still off about Rahim. If he did, whatever Aditi says, why would she ever help him? She will instead become the witness for his cruel plans. There is only one way to find out, to interrogate Rahim, in front of Aditi. It was hard to choose either of them, while both were convincing at their individual versions. I’m unsure now, who to believe in.

  Ashok was back from the meeting ‘Did I miss anything?’

  ‘Yes, a lot. But we don’t have time for that. We need to hurry’ I said dumping coffee cup into the dustbin. His story is becoming more mysterious and moving beyond our ordinary understanding.


  ‘Police station at the Airport.’ To meet Rahim Razak. I thought within myself.


  Chapter IV

  On our way to airport, passing by the huge buildings and tiny chawls of Mumbai. I introduced Ashok to Aditi as my old friend. It is awkward to have introduced him as my ex, so friend was a better choice. Ashok is driving, I asked Aditi to rest for some time as she was just got discharged and also looks frail too. I feel bad for her situation. It is life of many in the city of Mumbai. Women who don’t have freedom in their own house, get beaten up by their husbands. Trusting their husbands, women leave their home and family after marriage. Why should women shift to her husband’s residence? why take her away from her comfort zone, only because it makes her weak and less confident. Society tries to suppress power of women on every level. I published numerous articles, but mindset of public is still the same. After many struggles and a physical torture, women who bravely escape and get out from the problem, continues to live in the post-traumatic stress with a constant moral patrolling from the society.

  The utmost respect you can give a female is to accept them as they are. I and Ashok got separated for a similar reason. But Ashok, is nothing like Rahim. He respects women but to an extent you couldn’t digest. He is ideal boyfriend; any girl can ask for. That’s the problem, you either worship women giving them all the power or enslave them. Men have to learn to be with women. The most beautiful thing, two opposite genders can give each other is freedom of another person.
I still touch that fantasy, what if the day we separated never exist like the country Runisia. That’s the problem of being in a relationship. When you face a problem, you cannot stay with person nor away from them. Both ways, you are trapped within your own decision.

  We stepped out of the car near the airport. Walking as quickly as possible. Pushing the people away from the line. I enquired at the cabin crew and one of the them, guided us to Siraj’s cubicle. We were asked to wait as they inform them. My gaze crawling all plain walls and empty ceilings. Heart is beating faster as we rushed here. While it’s difficult to walk on heels, I don’t know, how many ladies manage to walk on high-heels so easily?

  Ashok went to fetch some water for us ‘Sorry, Aditi. You aren’t well. I rushed you’ She sighed and didn’t say anything.

  A voice approached ‘Haven’t you already printed the news?’ said Siraj from behind

  ‘I’m here for the same.’

  ‘What can we help you with?’ tilts his head ‘Madam?’ scratching his back oddly ‘Journalists have a wider reach than our whole police department.’

  ‘This time, I’m here to help you, the news is for your department’

  Pitching his look at me, sat on the chair comfortably, while we were still standing.

  ‘This is serious,’ I turned towards Aditi and introduce her ‘This is Aditi Sharma.’

  ‘Then?’ Siraj totally uninterested.

  ‘Wife of Rahim Razak’

  He shifts his attention gazing at Aditi; He picks up his mobile phone and quickly dials the number and waves his hand at us, to sit down. ‘We are coming to meet Rahim’ But surprised by the reply ‘What?’

  ‘What happened?’ I got up from my chair. He didn’t respond to me.

  ‘He escaped?’ continuing his stress over call ‘Search the hotel and nearby areas, I will be there in few minutes?’

  ‘Who escaped?’ I understood that its Rahim, but still confirming.

  ‘Rahim!’ He rushed and we followed him.

  ‘Fuck! My jeep has gone for patrolling’ Siraj gulped.

  ‘Siraj, where to go? We can drop you.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  Three of us got into the car.

  Ashok’s voice hardens ‘What is happening Meghana?’ he yelled, leaning over the steering wheel.

  ‘Will explain on the way.’ I replied.

  ‘Imperial Hotel.’ said Siraj. Ashok throws a look at me and revs the engine.

  ‘Why is he staying in a hotel?’ I asked Siraj

  ‘Thanks to you,’ sarcasm swelled through his words

  Ashok and Aditi looked at me.

  ‘Sorry?’ muddled by his statement.

  ‘When we informed our higher officers about the incident and your presence. They were afraid, what if Rahim is innocent, then police department will suffer from the media trails.’

  ‘So?’ felt a flush of anticipation.

  ‘Until proven, that he is a threat. They decided to keep him under police surveillance. We kept two armed officers with him 24x7.’

  ‘But how could you do that?’ I skreiched. ‘He can be a fucking terrorist’ trying to hold my anxiety.

  Both Ashok and Siraj looked at me.

  ‘Aditi is the prime witness. The very reason why I bought her here.’

  Clueless Siraj ‘Can you elaborate?’

  Gazing at Ashok, who is still killing me with his angry stares. He is the only person in the car, who knows nothing about it. I respect his patience. I will explain everything to him. Once I get complete understanding. This case is just moving around in a maze.

  ‘Aditi told me that he delved into some bad influence, after he lost everything and joined an activist group which may have links with terrorist communities. We aren’t sure yet.’

  ‘So, I was right. It was all a lie. I should have trusted my instinct.’ Siraj said.

  I don’t completely agree, he might be making early assumptions about a person without studying or observing them. His instinct could be wrong on many occasions. He continues to provide the details he received from his investigation team.

  ‘But every document he acquired from him, was genuine and not a faked, except for the Runisia part. Rest everything was completely original as per Iran’s government and verified. We mailed it to various foreign authorities to verify his identity, we cannot arrest him until we have a solid proof. So, until we get the reverts, we received orders to observe his movements.’


  Grand Imperial Hotel, Mumbai.

  13th August 2011.

  Two police officers approached us. Ashok hits the break at the entrance of the Hotel. It is a giant building, nothing less than a five- star hotel. We got down and Ashok left to park his car in the basement.

  ‘He is nowhere to be found. Nobody from the hotel has seen him leaving the hotel.’ One of the officers informed.

  ‘I thoroughly checked the CCTV footage, Sir. No sign of him anywhere.’ Shivdeep Informed.

  Strange. Where did he go then? Did I make a blunder yesterday? By taking Rahim’s side. It will be the biggest mistake of my life; could never forgive myself, if he turns out to be traitorous.

  ‘He had his meal last night, after we reached the hotel. Airport authorities have thoroughly checked his suitcase and returned to him.’ Officer Shivdeep explained.

  ‘How did he escape?’ I asked.

  ‘We were given a connecting room. There is no other exit from the room. He needs to enter our room to escape.’

  ‘Then how the hell did he escape?’ Siraj screaming at his officers, while Ashok is back from the basement.

  ‘Few minutes ago, we entered his room, and he is nowhere to be found. We have no clue how he vanished from the room, last night he was snoring like an animal while sleeping.’

  Siraj was gawking them with a red face ‘Did you both had a drink last night?’

  Shaking their heads ‘No, Sir.’ Both the officers, showing us the way to the room.

  Aditi and me are following Siraj to the hotel room, while Ashok caught hold of me, pressed his palm against my hand and pulled me out

  ‘You are hurting me Ashok.’

  ‘What is going on Meghana? What is this about Rahim, police and terrorist?’

  ‘Ashok, I’ll explain everything once we are out.’ I assured.

  ‘You are still the same, no matter how many times I warn you.’

  ‘That is the problem Ashok, you always tell me what I have to do rather taking a stand with my decisions’ I thought he changed, but he hasn’t still. He didn’t utter anything after.

  ‘Now leave my hand.’ He releases his grip and both of us followed Siraj towards the room.

  We entered the room escorted by the officers, past the silvery perfect vase, grey beaded suitcase left exposed with crumpled clothes, suits and full sleeved shirts scattered all over the floor. I followed gushing sound near the washroom, where the tap left open water flowering the basin and fudging sounds. It has patches of tiny blood splatters near the carpet that placed beneath. Nothing else is disturbed in the room. As officers informed, there is no way out, it closed from all ends, not even a window in the room. The small window in the bathroom is also undisturbed. As I was staring at the small window.

  ‘He could have escaped from that window for sure.’ Shivdeep trying to solve the mystery. As I was about to reply.

  Siraj hammers his head, ‘Dumbass, he cannot even fit in that window. Even if he somehow fits, he would die if he jumps from there, we are on the eighth floor,’

  ‘Meghana, I have found something.’ Aditi in her trembling voice.

  We immediately ran back to her, Aditi was reading the letter in an odd, upright hand and signed by the name Rahim Razak.

  I don’t belong to this place and I’ve accidentally landed on this sphere far away from the domicile I belong. Packing memories along, I have setback on a journey to discover a way to travel back to my country. I have no idea,
how? But I need to leave this place and your world. I am a husband who has come here to meet his beautiful wife whom I’ll guess will never find again, if I’m stuck here. I assume, people at your department would never believe my perception behind the truth and existence of my country Runisia. I have no intention to hurt anyone. I’m returning back. Please do not search for me or my identity and make my journey problematic. Hope we never meet again.

  Rahim Razak from Runisia

  Those words hung heavily in the air. Baffling our thoughts about him. This gave me a hint, that he may be telling the truth. It was a torn page, from a diary. This note has puzzled each one of us, the mystery behind his identity, existence of Country Runisia and his shadowy escape from hotel room. Everything about him, has become a mystery. Did he just vanish into thin air? What did he mean by “Accidentally landed on this sphere?” My brain is going haywire with thoughts racing my nerves, stomping on each other, breaching my head. I need a break now. Siraj is collecting all the evidences from the scene. But when we were about to leave the room. He stopped us. He has an eye on everyone.

  ‘One minute,’ he looked at me ‘Aditi has to come with us.’

  Aditi slipped her hands into mine ‘She didn’t do anything.’ I answered.

  ‘I understand, she is wife of Rahim. He mentioned her in the note. We cannot let her leave.’

  ‘Siraj, I capture what are you trying to say. She got discharged today and doesn’t have any idea what Rahim is up to.’

  ‘Mam, I get that, we are not arresting her. We just need to ask her some questions and also safeguard her. Rahim could be a threat to her as well.’ Siraj insisted

  ‘I understand your concern, let us do one thing, she’ll be with me for today. I can get her to you for rest of the formalities.’

  ‘How can we trust you? Madam?’

  ‘I was the one, who bought her here. I cannot push her into this trouble now. Trust me, and don’t forget. I’m a journalist and I’m not running anywhere any soon. I’m in complete support with your police department.’


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