The Legend from Runisia

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by Vishal Kumar Kadiri

  Rahim Razak

  Looking at Aditi ‘He mistook her love for lust and need. If he had loved her, he would become a nice person like you.’ Meghana stated.

  ‘Even I am separated from my wife, but she was the one with mistake.’

  Aditi left the place crying, re-living her brutal past. She later confirmed the facts stated in the diary. I feel bad for her. Even though she is not my wife. I cannot dismiss the fact that she is literally the same person and I cannot see her in tears. I’m not sure about myself, but she is the same person in both the universes. My Aditi, anyways wasn’t happy with me. At least let me fetch some happiness for this Aditi, who searched for love within a soul, who slavered her body like a demon.

  ‘Why don’t we inform the police about it?’ Meghana said.

  ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea?’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Even if they believe the fact about the bombing and the plan, they will never believe that I’m not the one behind it.’

  ‘Not if you help them, by giving this diary?’

  ‘I escaped to stop the attack which was planned by Rahim Razak of this universe; who is me now.’

  Showing her, the last incomplete journal entry of Rahim, before he boarded the plane, that has some complex chemical equations and bomb execution plans. He even nicknames them.

  ‘This diary can help us to stop the tragedy before it occurs,’

  ‘We can also use Siraj’s help as an extra hand.’

  ‘And, I read in one of the journals that some impostor in police department is helping him here’

  ‘Who could that be?’

  ‘I don’t know? But if this gets out. They may execute the bomb some other way, before anyone could find it. I guess they already have a suspicion on me.’

  ‘Right. But what to do now?’

  ‘We need to find the bomb, before they do anything.’

  Aditi came swiftly ‘Why should we believe your story? You could be cheating us. Like you did to me.’ She asked, interrupting our conversation.

  I stood up and slowly stepped toward Aditi, locking with her eyes ‘I know, it’s hard for you to believe me. After everything you’ve been through. But trust me, I want to help you. I want to save those innocent people.’

  Aditi still loves Rahim; I could see that it in her eyes. She just hates him, for what he does. But deeply within I could sense her feeling towards him and she uttered something that eyes don’t,

  ‘You cannot be mistaken for a person, the second time. I’m going to call the police right now.’ She said searching for her phone.

  Meghana rapidly typing something on the laptop, raises her left hand while the right fingers are still typing ‘One minute Aditi, I want you have a look at this. Before you take a decision.’

  I’m staring at the bluescreen with an eye glaring brightness. Meghana’s desktop is a mess. She has numerous files on her desktop. In one glance managed to read few of them. Murder Suspects, Political agenda, Ministry and affairs. Her written articles for the newspaper - Times of Mumbai. Desktop wallpaper also have the logo of her newspaper. She keyworded - Multiple universes, parallel universe, some other science words like space theories, time continuum, time travel made possible. She also had some legit articles written about them. There were photographs of famous scientists like Einstein, Stephen Hawking etc. beside every article. After scrolling through numerous web pages and articles. She showed a theory proposed by Professor Raghunath Acharya who lives in Mumbai. Article in headline says “Principles of Parallelism” She maximized the screen to read mode.

  We don’t know what the shape of space and time is exactly. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there. It’s possible that universes can start repeating themselves. That’s because particles can only be put together in so many ways. As the immense energy of this initial expansion cooled, light began to shine through as small particles began to form into the larger pieces of matter we know today, such as galaxies, stars and planets. We have many things that lengths beyond our understanding of possibility.

  She then scrolled further down which had examples and diagrams. She stopped by a sub heading - Derived from the studies of Quantum mechanical Schrödinger’s cat.

  The quantum-mechanical ‘Schrödinger’s cat’ theorem according to the many-worlds interpretation. Consider we place a cat in a closed box. Every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the ‘alive’ and ‘dead’ cats are in different branches of the universe, both of which are equally real, but which do not interact with each other.

  ‘So, theory loosely states that you could be present on both the universe alive at the same time’ She lectured.

  ‘But this does not prove how he got exchanged with the other Rahim of this universe, police department will not a give a fuck about this scientific thought experiments’ Aditi said.

  ‘Sorry for my language’ she added.

  She closed the tab with disappointment, had a hopeless stare at me, trying to prove my existence to be valid.

  ‘Idea!’ Meghana Gasped and continued while me and Aditi had blank faces

  ‘What if we meet the professor, maybe he can give more information.’

  Aditi whispering to Meghana ‘Are we safe around him?’ to which Meghana replied.

  ‘Don’t worry, Aditi. If he wanted to escape or hurt us. Nothing is stopping him now.’

  I totally agree with her logic, hope at least Aditi stay put with the same. I don’t understand much about these space and time travel theories. I never believed them to be true and today, I became one of the examples to prove them true. Hope, Professor will add some sense to my existence in this universe. I totally understand that Aditi and Meghana are afraid of me. Fear is natural. If I’m the same person. Will I turn out to be him, one day? Even the thought of it, sends a shiver to my spine.

  ‘I’m completely exhausted. It’s already 2 AM, first thing tomorrow we will go and meet professor.’ Meghana yawning.

  ‘But, how can we sleep? with his presence in the house. I don’t trust him.’ Aditi said,

  ‘I have an idea. But don’t judge me’ Meghana went inside the room.

  She returned with the handcuffs, but not the one, that usually police officers carry with them. These are fluffy and pink in colour. I was totally uncomfortable with that thing on my hands. But that’s when I saw Aditi slipping a smile at Meghana. I love you Aditi. I’m the only person, maybe across all universes who is missing the same person, who is right in front of him.

  Aditi left to sleep in the room. She looks weak and tired. I’m happy that she is okay. Didn’t even got a chance to ask her, how is she? Meghana bought a water bottle and some snacks, kept it at a distance, where I can reach them easily.

  ‘Thank you for everything Meghana.’ I smiled at her.

  ‘I’m giving a chance to you. I don’t know, somehow, I believe you. Hope you don’t ruin this.’

  ‘I will not.’ looking at her.

  ‘By the way, one last question.’ she has lots of questions.


  ‘How did you magically disappear from the room? I saw there was no way to escape.’

  ‘That’s interesting. Let me tell you the complete story about it. I was lost in deep thoughts and realised that I have no other way, looking at myself in the mirror above wash basin, palm moulded into fist forcefully punching the wall in anger adjacent to the mirror. But the brick wall, felt hallow and wooden. Curiously, slowed the force of my punch, observing the empty sound beneath the wall. Trying to remove the mirror, my fingers fidgeting around the edges. To my surprise gently slid to left, found a vent opening which was dark and hallow. I thought I could easily fit in and also managed to place the mirror back to its place.’

  ‘So, you did jump from there?’

  ‘Yes, I found myself out of the hotel into an old garbage bin, hurting my back badly. I und
erstood that vent was closed by hotel staff.’

  ‘I know you also got hurt, there were blood marks near the basin. Recently there was a governance passed for hotels to remove garbage disposal connecting to rooms as they letting the garbage onto roads without proper bins. But many of them, just hid them rather removing the vents.’

  ‘I also left a note for police to think – that I disappeared magically forever; so, they will leave my case to rest. Something similar to how Rahim writes his diary, I used the diary page.’

  ‘What about the bombing? Where and when is it? What else you know about it?’

  ‘I’m not sure of that, it is remote controlled or time elapsed bomb as per the diary, it may be in auto- execute mode, if we fail to find it. It may go off’.

  ‘Then let’s inform police, maybe they can find it.’

  ‘As I said, I’m not sure of anything. It is just a diary which have his past information. He usually mentions every incident in the diary after he successfully finishes his job. Let’s not create panic around the city. What if the diary is all wrong and there isn’t any blast for real? If you inform the police, they will arrest me and interrogate about the blast which I don’t have answers for. But they will not believe me and will torture until I’m dead. It is not their fault, because the diary is written by Rahim Razak.’

  ‘Which is you?’

  ‘Yes!’ I affirmed.

  ‘Then what is the solution?’

  ‘Firstly, we need to find out the truth of this diary and my existence here.’

  ‘That Professor Acharya, can help us tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, and need to find the hidden bombing location in it. Before it’s too late.’

  ‘Will find that too, tomorrow itself. I’m positive.’

  Meghana left the room, leaving me to sleep for the night. She cleared all the empty bowls from the table, before she closed the door. I saw stack of books arranged in a peculiar fashion sort of a tiny library to the left. She switched off her laptop before going to sleep. She is an independent woman, living on her own. Helping others whenever possible. She could’ve easily turned me into the police and dusted her hands off. She is the only one who trusts my travel theory from another universe. She believes me. Hope she succeeds to prove her point. Even though whole world doesn’t believe. I just want Aditi to believe in me. I cannot let her down, even if she is from a different universe. I clearly don’t understand why we got swapped in the flight. Our lives have altered. Maybe I am destined to be here by this time. If this hasn’t happened Rahim Razak would have land here and have successfully taken thousands of innocent lives and destroyed everything.

  Chapter VII

  I could feel Aditi who held me tight from behind; warmth of her hands spread over my shirt, whispering into my ears ‘I’m always with you, though not physically, but somewhere within you’ As I turned around facing her to kiss, I could see her face in low lit lantern, nervously biting her lips, eyebrows high in the air. She stares right into my eyes ‘Save me, Rahim’ Without a warning, her eyes pop out in shock, spitting blood on my face. I lowered my eyes to witness that she is been stabbed right above her navel with a butcher knife. My hands reaching her wound soaking the blood with my bare hands. Crying for help. As I lift myself a little up, I could see the killer behind her, the person holding the knife, as light emits on his face, I see Rahim smiling wickedly.

  Abruptly, I wake up to see the clock on the wall 15 minutes past six o clock. My entire body bathed with sweat and legs shivering in rising heartbeat for every second. I turned around searching for Aditi. Nowhere to be found. Then I take a closer look at my surroundings and realised that I was dreaming when I saw Aditi, opening the door, yawing to the sunrise. I miss the time I used to spend with her. Her silky body lines, remind me of the mornings, where she used to wake me with her delicate kisses on my neck. Morning sex was our thing. It’s very hard to control my urge, when I see her. She is slowly walking towards me, delicately, rubbing her eyes. It’s difficult, I’m having a hard on, now. Adjusting my pants, before she witnesses it.

  The thoughts dried my mouth. My sour taste crawls onto my tongue, bitter and dark as it travels down my throat, and the bottle was placed far away from me. I’m trying to get hands on bottle somehow to wet my mouth. Aditi comes closer. She passes the bottle while brushing her disturbed hair onto my face. Aditi from this universe looks much beautiful than mine. Wait! Is it wrong to look at her like this? Another voice from inside. No! you stupid, she is the same Aditi. Now you are the only one Rahim of this universe and she is your Aditi. You have come looking for her. I don’t know, but this feels good, her aura around me. I desperately want to kiss her. I couldn’t stop the feelings rushing within my body. I grew closer to presence. She said nothing. Absolute silence between us. Which gave me confidence to move even closer.

  She snaps, ‘Do you want something?’

  ‘No!’ I nodded.

  ‘Where do you work now?’ breaking the tension between us.

  ‘At one of the Museums here. Why do you ask?’

  ‘Just wanted to know, I came here looking for someone,’ scratching my head ‘Technically it’s you. Out of curiosity to know more about Aditi of this universe. Maybe?’ I frowned.

  ‘I’m one of the community members. In fact, I have my gallery exhibition in two days.’

  ‘Member for?’

  ‘I’m part of an organizing committee, conducting a painting competition for kids. Mumbai Ustav-11. Celebrating the prestigious history of Mumbai. We invited school kids from different schools to participate.’

  ‘You also hand paint?’

  ‘Yes,’ She took a brief pause ‘It’s weird to have this conversation.’

  Cannot agree more.

  She continued, ‘You are not the person; I knew and I’m not the person you’re looking for. Right?’


  ‘But still, we are the one and the same from our perspectives.’

  ‘True. No matter how bored you are with your life. Destiny does not stop throwing surprises at you.’

  ‘You are different than Rahim I know, I always wanted Rahim to sit and talk to me during early mornings. He would only come after it gets darker and leaves before the sun rises.’ her eyes pooled.

  ‘Maybe he loved you. But failed to keep it. Shall we read one of the journals he wrote about you.’

  ‘Yes.’ She whispered and came closer to me to read together.

  I opened the diary and furled the pages and pointed to journal and handed it to Aditi.

  Journal Entry

  June 2011

  It’s been almost eleven months, Aditi has abandoned me, everything went wrong since then, lord has snatched the happiness and pleasure from me. I lost my job, my family. I became a part of a political movement. I met people who seek revenge from those because of whom we suffer. It was called the Qaddafi movement. We rallied against government seeking to give our jobs back. I felt alive, when I revolted. All my life, I lived for others and for you Aditi. None stayed. So, I chose to live for myself and myself only.

  So, for the mission of six bombings in Syria at single place targeting lakhs of people, they have chosen me for the initiation. They vigorously scratched the scar that was disappearing. Bomb blasts can have a huge impact, especially on the localities. I felt powerful. They provided me a secret code, which I need to deliver to the six different positions connected to a hub which causes the explosion. I used my technical skills to upgrade the bomb and place it a unique and tricky position. Now, our movement has reached India. This mission is close to my personal vendetta. Mumbai is Aditi’s birthplace and I’m going to destroy everything once belonged to her in the same way she destroyed mine. Rahim Razak

  ‘So, this is a work of completely formed organization and you became a part of it, to destroy nations using your experience in chemical engineering.’ She looked at me.

  I was giving a false expression, as she said I became a part
of the organization ‘Not me exactly.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah! Rahim of this universe.’

  ‘Yes’ I affirmed.

  She trying her best, to treat me as a different person. But still, it is not easy to change your opinion about a person, especially if that person had hurt you the most.

  ‘If they find out that police or government has found out, they will execute the blast immediately and also create a havoc by initiating the blast at other places, like the one they did in 2008 blasts.’

  ‘Yeah, as per his diary.’

  She fell down, after connecting all the dots in her mind. Broke into tears. ‘If I hadn’t left him, he would just destroy me. But now…’ covered her face, crying harder.

  ‘It is not your fault.’ I held her hands

  ‘I loved a demon all this while.’

  I had no words to grieve that. Then she cried even more. Repeating again and again ‘It’s all my fault.’

  ‘No, Aditi. It isn’t your fault’ I’m wiping her tears. She stopped speaking instantly and was statured gazing at me. My touch had some effect on her. Then she hugged me tightly. Didn’t say anything. Hug became much tighter. Space between us reduced by an inch more. I slowly swayed my hands on her hair ‘Everything is okay, don’t cry.’

  She looks desperate to say more, ‘You’re different from him.’ but a voice calls from the room

  ‘Aditi!’ probably Meghana looking her Aditi. She may have heard Aditi crying. We were back to our places in split second. Aditi wiping her tears, uncomfortably adjusting herself. Meghana out of her room came rushing to Aditi, observing her tears.

  ‘Did he say something to you? Did he hurt you?’ She checking with Aditi.

  I’m never tired of Meghana and her questions. She chose the right profession.

  ‘No, nothing. I was just disturbed by reading the diary. Something from my past that forced my tears to come out’ Aditi replied.


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