GUNNER: The Underground Romance series

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GUNNER: The Underground Romance series Page 7

by KT Fisher

  “All the more reason for him not to get rid of you then, if you know about his big secret.” She smirks.

  Her words, which I have spoken to myself before, bring me confidence.

  I’m ready for my fight.


  I get to the venue a little early so I can help my brothers set up and get ready for my own fight. My younger twin brothers, Jaxon and Connor have already done most of the set-up, including the fighting ring. The music is loud and I can’t help bop my head along. It won’t be long until the guests start arriving.

  “Alright brother.” Jaxon walks over. “Connor and me decided we’d get here earlier and set everything up. “

  I take a quick look around. “Looks good enough to me.”

  “At least you can get warming up sooner.” He grins and Connor walks over to us.

  “Are all the other fighters here?” I ask him. “And where’s Kai?”

  Connor nods. “All fighters have arrived, including all the newbies.”

  “Kai’s here somewhere.” Jaxon adds, looking around the large space by turning his head.

  “Doesn’t matter.” I walk away. “I’ll find him somewhere.”

  I go in search of my dressing room. I need to get into the zone and change for my fight. I’m one of the first to fight and I like it that way. It means I can relax for the rest of the night, drink and mix with the women. They love me the most once I’ve won a fight.

  The music gets louder, and the base sinks into my bones. I love listening to music before a fight. It gives you that energy and focus. Listening to the right songs can really help your fight on the night, bring you into the right mind set and focus on your goal. Well, it does for me anyway.

  I enter the backstage area, wondering if Kayla will still turn up tonight. I want to hear her opinion on my fight. I don’t know why because I don’t think she’s ever been to an event like this before. I’m taking a huge risk inviting her tonight, she could let this slip to the wrong person and then me and my brothers are fucked. So if she doesn’t enjoy herself tonight, or disapprove of this somehow, I’m going to have to make sure Kayla doesn’t tell anyone else. Like her friend Jacob, I know they went on their date last night. All night I felt agitated so I decided to keep myself busy. Not with women, as I usually would but in the gym, working out and preparing for tonight.

  As I pass the women’s dressing area, I see a cute little ass bending over and stretching. She’s not in her dressing room, instead she’s beside the barrier walls that seclude the backstage area. Most likely watching guests arrive. I shouldn’t go any closer, because women’s privacy and all that but I wonder over regardless. It’s not as if I’m entering her actual dressing room.

  “Hey there gorgeous.” I approach her. “How you feeling for tonight then?”

  I don’t know who it is yet, it could be one of the regular girls or a newbie. I have to be careful seeing as I have slept with a few of the regular girls who fight with the Underground.

  The girl turns around, almost knocking me on my arse when I see that it’s Kayla.

  “Hey there handsome.” She smirks.

  “What the fuck Kayla?” I’m so confused, how the fuck she get back here but then I remember. I’ve given her name to every single security and worker who is here working tonight. She can get access to anywhere in the venue, that includes backstage. “You here to see me before the fight?”

  “See you fight?” She asks that sexy smirk of hers still in place. “Oh no, I did that at the last Underground fight. You were great by the way. But no, I’m here to fight myself tonight. My first one actually.”

  I then take in what she’s wearing. Black and pink shorts that curve around the thighs gloriously, her thick thighs making my mouth water. Most of Kayla’s stomach is on show as her tight crop covers her breasts, but leaves nothing to the imagination. Shit Kayla is looking mighty sexy, but before I can let her tease me too much, her words hit me.

  “You’re fighting?” I ask her. Completely confused.

  Kayla softly giggles. “Why else would I be back here?”

  “I thought you were here for me?”

  She places a hand on my shoulder. “It was sweet that you invited me, but I signed up during the last event so I was already coming tonight.”

  I stare at her for a minute or two while Kayla just grins.

  “Surely this is a joke? You can’t be fighting.” I shake my head.

  I can’t believe that she’s a fighter. She’s small and cute. I can’t imagine her in the ring, facing one of the fighters and turning into a fighter. This is a violent game.

  This time, Kayla laughs. “I’m a fucking fighter Kane, have been for a few years and I’m a pretty fucking good one too.”

  “So you already knew about this before you worked for us?”

  Kayla nods. “Yes.”

  “Fuck me. I can’t believe this.” I rub my head into my hands, still in shock.

  “Look, I love that I’ve shocked you like this but it is a little insulting. I’m as good of a fighter as all the other women here.” She begins to frown. “I’m fighting before you, so I hope you can witness that I am here to take this seriously.”

  She doesn’t wait for me to reply, instead she turns around and walks off. I can’t help but watch her leave, her amazingly plump arse hypnotising me.

  Tearing myself away from her bouncing behind, I turn and walk the opposite way, to the men’s area. I’m hoping to find Kai. I send a text to my twin brothers, Connor and Jaxon because they deal with new members and approving the ones who stand a chance surviving in this place.

  As I arrive at my changing room, I see Kai walking around. “Kayla’s here.” I say as soon as I’ close enough to him.

  “What?” Kai asks.

  “Kayla is here, the woman we hired only about a month ago.” I tell him. “Who works in your office!”

  “Really?” Kai doesn’t seem as stunned as I do. “Good on her.”

  “The fuck!” I step closer, lowing m voice. “I tell you a woman who works for us has not only known about the Underground since she started and said nothing, but is fighting tonight too!”

  “The twins’ wouldn’t have accepted her if she wasn’t good and Kayla’s not going to say anything.”

  Why does he sound so calm?

  “How can you know that?” I demand to know.

  “Why would she expose this place if she wants to take part?” Kai asks and the more I think about it, the more he makes sense and I feel like an idiot.

  Then, Jaxon and Connor arrive asking what’s up.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Kayla Henderson had registered?” I demand to know from them.

  “Who?” Jaxon asks and Connor shrugs.

  “Kayla Henderson,” I repeat. “She works for us in the offices.”

  Both of their eyes widen.

  “Shit.” Conner whispers.

  “If we had known we would have ran it by you bro.” Jaxon adds.

  “I can’t remember a Kayla Henderson though.” Conner looks to Jaxon for confirmation. “We only had a few new starters but I don’t think any of them were called Kayla.”

  “Well they must have been.” I snap.

  “She might be using a stage name.” Kai guesses and it makes sense. “Like you do.”

  “Perhaps.” I nod.

  “Besides, even if she’s not how was we supposed to know to look out for her name?” Jaxon asks.

  Connor looks around to check we’re alone. “This gonna be a problem?

  “No.” I shake my head. I can handle Kayla.

  Deciding to put this behind me for now, I enter my dressing room and prepare for tonight. I want to be able to watch Kayla from the side lines.

  Shirtless and in my fighting shorts, I’m able to make it in time to see Kayla walk out. The loud music stops and Kai walks out into the middle of the fighting ring, he hypes up the audience and they cheer for more. There’s only been three fights so far and the crowd wants more.
  “It’s time for a new girl!” Kai yells. “Everyone welcome Rowdy Ruby!”

  Well no wonder my brothers didn’t recognise the name, Kayla Henderson because she’s using Ruby as her fight name. Kai was right.

  The music continues as Kayla, now known as Ruby walks out from backstage and follows the red carpeted walkway to the ring. Men cheer for her immediately and it grates on me. It’s clear to see why she’s getting so much attention because she looks so sexy. Her shorts show the bottom of her bum cheeks, not a lot but enough to tease.

  The cheering gets louder as she enters the fighting ring and she waves at the crowd. With her outfit and her hair tightly braided, Kayla definitely looks the part but can she fight?

  The bell rings and Kai leaves the ring, leaving Kayla to fight. Her opponent is a tough one so this should be interesting. Kayla is the first one to throw a punch and it lands on her opponents face. It soon becomes clear that I misjudged Kayla because she’s doing very well. A feisty little fighter and a lot tougher than she looks. It’s not a lot of fun watching her though. I don’t like the thought of her hurt. For some reason I’ve seemed to gravitate towards Kayla and it’s not just because she’s pretty and has a banging body. Her attitude is what pulls me in. Kayla is no pushover.

  I’m real fucking impressed with her fighting skills, but she looks so hot that it pains me. I’ve never been turned on watching someone fight. I have to adjust my dick in my shorts as I watch her. I’m not perving, I wanted to watch her to see how she fights but my cock has a mind of it’s own. Watching Kayla sweat and beat the shit out of her opponent has me wanting her more.


  I won my fight.

  I won my fucking fight!

  I can’t believe it. The crowd around me cheers loudly as my opponent sits on the floor.

  The cheers and whistling from the people watching helped me dig in to strength I didn’t know I had. They gave me the confidence to do what I’ve just done.

  When I was walking towards the ring, I was so nervous that I could feel my legs shaking but when I entered through the fighting ring ropes I found myself and I knew I could do it. It’s the biggest crowd I’ve ever fought in front of, but now I feel amazing. I feel tired already but I want to do it all again. The excitement and buzz that’s running through my body right now is infectious.

  A man hovers over my opponent to check her over and see if she’s ok. When he raises his head and nods, I am able to celebrate my win. The crowd gets louder and I raise my arms in celebration, walking back towards backstage and to my dressing room.

  Charlotte is right there, as soon as I walk through the barrier. “Oh god!” She yells, wrapping her arms around me. “Kayla I’m so proud of you!”

  I laugh as she squeezes me in her arms. “So you were able to watch then?”

  “I mostly had my hands covering my eyes.” Charlotte admits.

  Then I see Billy, all dressed and ready for her fight.

  “Good luck.” I manage to escape my sister’s clutches and offer Billy a quick hug. “You’ll do amazing.”

  “Oh I know.” Billy winks. “I’m four fights away.”

  “Well good luck, I’ll try and make it back in time.” I promise, because I want to watch Billy’s fight but I also want to wash this sweat off me.

  Charlotte and I make our way to my room but when I enter the door I freeze in place. Kane stands in the middle of my dressing room. Amongst my messy space. The mess that was created getting ready for the fight.

  “Fucking hell.” Charlotte whispers behind me.

  “Kane, what are you doing here?” I ask him.

  He smirks, taking a step closer towards me and Charlotte. “I saw your fight and I wanted to congratulate you. You were amazing out there, especially considering it’s your first fight here at the Underground.”

  “Thank you.” I smile shyly, feeling very vulnerable.

  “Erm, I’ll give you five minutes.” Charlotte adds, backing out of the room and before I can tell her to stay, she’s already gone.

  I look back to Kane and see he’s smirking. “Your friend?”

  “Sister.” I answer him.

  “So, you decided to keep all of this a secret?” He asks me.

  It’s really hard to talk to Kane as he stands in just his shorts, his amazing body on show. I have to focus though. “Before I had my interview I came along one night with a few friends.” Kane looks surprised. “It was also the same night I registered to fight.”

  “How long have you been fighting for?”

  I do the rough math in my head. “About four years or so.”

  Again, Kane looks surprised. “I would have guessed longer.”

  “My, my Mr Murphy. Is that a compliment?” I laugh.

  With one last smirk, Kane closes the gap between us. My heart beats faster and my legs shake. “I’d better get ready for my own fight. You watching?”

  I nod my head. “Of course, once I get cleaned up.

  Kane looks me over. “I don’t know, I like this sweaty, flushed look on you.”

  There’s a moments silence where I don’t know what to say and we stand in silence. It’s not an awkward type of silence, instead it feels nice. Like a tingling sort of silence. I know it deosn’t make any sense but it’s how I feel.

  Charlotte then chooses that moment to return. “Erm,” She looks a little awkward disturbing whatever this seems to be. “Billy has two fights in front of her.”

  Oh shit.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Kane walks past me, giving me one last look before he leaves. “Make sure you watch me again Kayla.” And then he leaves.

  Charlotte’s eyes widen as she removes her eyes from Kane’s disappearing naked back and to me. “What the hell happened here?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” Completely dazed, I quickly get into the shower and wash all the sweat from my body. As the hot water soaks me, my muscles seem tired and I’d love nothing more than to be sat in my living room, with my comfiest clothes on which consists of my pyjamas. But I need to hurry and watch Billy’s fight. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I missed her debut fight.

  “I’m so proud of you Kay.” My sister praises as we make our way back towards the walkway so I can watch Billy’s fight from the side line. I’m now dressed in tight jeans and a slim fitting top, choosing for comfort after my own fight.

  “Thank you.” I look at my big sister to see she’s smiling a teary smile and it really touches me. “Don’t start that.”

  Charlotte giggles, shaking her head. “It was fucking scary watching you through that though.”

  I pat her on the shoulder as we rush to watch Billy’s fight, I can hear her introduction now and the crowds cheering.


  I’m at the bar, drinking with my friends and dancing to the music. We’re celebrating mine and Billy’s win tonight and we’re all in great spirits. Kane has just won his fight and I was weirdly proud of him. I know him a little now, so when I was watching him fight this fight, I was more into it. I was shouting for him and supporting him. I even clapped lie a fool when he knocked out his opponent. Charlotte gave me a weird side eye glance that I’ve chosen to ignore.

  “You fought well tonight Ruby.” A man stumbles over towards us at the bar.

  Of course he only knows me as ‘Ruby’ because it’s my fighter name. “Thank you.”

  He smiles at me and I return it. I appreciate him coming over and telling me what he thought however now, he’s beginning to get a little too close. I kindly step back but the stranger steps towards me, getting closer to me than he was before. It’s getting weird now and I don’t like it.

  “Do you want to dance?” He asks me, his drink spilling over the glass and I step back again. All the girls are now standing behind me, supporting and helping me deal with this drunk.

  “No.” I shake my head and go to turn but he reaches out and stops me.

  “Hey!” Billy shouts.

  “Get off me.” I slap his h
and away and he finally removes it.

  “Go away now.” Emma steps in. “You’re being an idiot.”

  The man just laughs and stays where he is.

  “Come on.” I alert the girls, moving out of his way seeing as he’s not going to move but when we move from the bar area, he follows.

  “Leave us alone you freak!” Charlotte yells.

  “I want a dance.” The drunken stranger grins and he looks creepy.

  “Well you’re not going to get one.” I tell him and turn to dance with my friends but this guy just won’t give in. He grabs me again, only this time my friends don’t need to jump in to help because Kane stands over his shoulder. He looks mean and dangerous. Like the devil himself. Usually I would probably be scared at the sight of him but right now I couldn’t be happier to see him. Kai is with him and his twin brothers, Jaxon and Connor. I only know the twins from their reputation, just like their older brothers. Kane looks menacing by himself but together with his brothers, they look threatening.

  “Take your hand off her.” Kane growls.

  The music is loud and Kane doesn’t talk too loud but we all hear him. The man does the smart thing and removes his hand from me, staring at Kane. He looks terrified and so he should be.

  “Now fuck off, and never come back.” Kane yells in his face. “You hearing me?”

  The drunk man nods and scurries away. My friends all laugh and cheer in admiration for Kane. I step closer to him. “Thank you, it was starting to get worrying.”

  Kane smirks. “Then it was a good job I was here.”

  “It is.” I nod, noticing his three brothers behind him watching us with great interest. With a quick look to my side, I see my friends and Charlotte looking exactly the same. Charlotte is practically beaming.

  “Some men don’t understand that they can’t touch what’s not theirs.” Kane grins a very seductive smile. It makes me blush and then he stuns me and places his hand on my shoulder. “Or what will be theirs.” Kane add quietly, so only I can hear, his hand slowly travelling to my neck and cupping the side my jaw.

  I’m snapped from my daze when he drops his hand and walks away. Leaving me absolutely surprised and slightly dizzy.


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