Forever Finn

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Forever Finn Page 16

by Delta James

  “And get out in all that dirt and grime? No thanks. I’ll do my reporting from the hotel or dining room behind my trusty laptop.”

  Finn smiled. She knew that was a handy ruse Zara liked to employ. She had been with her on more than one occasion where not only did they get filthy, but they were shot at, jeered at, and threatened.

  “My brother got himself in a little over his head. I had to hire the Wild Mustang Security Firm …”

  “You mean those cowboys out of Arizona? Good lord, that would indicate it was more than a little over his head.”

  Finn shrugged. “Originally, I tried to just hire a guide, but one thing led to another, and I was glad to have them. Christian ran afoul of Fariq Abdal.”

  “You don’t say. Was he hurt? Were you?”

  “Scared more than anything. I truly believe if it hadn’t been for Wild Mustang, Christian and I wouldn’t be breathing anymore.”

  “But you’re both all right?”

  “More or less,” Finn said with a smile. “In any event, it seems there’s something brewing in Abdal’s organization that may lead to a bigger thing involving a splinter group from the RAF.”

  Zara nodded. “That would go along with a few things I’ve been picking up from my contacts. Fact is, I was planning to call you to see your availability. If what I’ve heard and what you think is true, this could be a huge story.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.”

  “But it’s not excitement for a story that I see in your face. What happened, Finn?”

  “It’s funny, but I was held hostage very briefly by a man named Gerold Springer …”

  “He’s one of Abdal’s lieutenants, isn’t he?”

  “Yes. And the one behind the hostile takeover. But I got away fairly quickly with no harm done.”

  Zara reached across and squeezed her friend’s hand. “Then what?”

  “One of the men with Wild Mustang. His name is William Croft …”

  “You mean Billy Crofton — the admiral’s son? The ex-SEAL?”

  Finn nodded.

  “I saw him once, gorgeous hunk of man. He’s their main K&R guy, isn’t he? I know he’s well thought of by the authorities and Lloyd’s. How’d you …” Zara stopped and examined Finn’s face. “You didn’t … you bitch! You must tell me all. Please tell me he’s lousy in bed, or I will hate your forever.”

  Finn laughed. She knew she’d been right to come to Zara. Not only was she the best reporter of her acquaintance, but she was a great friend who always knew the right thing to say.

  “Then, I suppose,” teased Finn, “you’ll have to hate me forever. That’s the problem. When I’m with him, nothing else matters, nothing else is important. I just want to stay with him.”

  “From what I know of Croft’s reputation, he isn’t exactly a love ’em and leave ’em kind of man. Oh God, that’s the problem. He wants more than you’re willing to let him have.”

  “It’s not so much that. It’s that what he wants, I don’t know that I’m capable of. And he’s in security, and I’m a photo journalist.”

  “The man is in global security — one of the best at K&R, not a mall cop. Wild Mustang is pretty much the top firm at what they do, and they play on an international scale.”

  “I know, but he can be a bit overprotective …”

  “The best ones are,” sighed Zara.

  It was Finn’s turn to reach for her friend’s hand. Zara had once been heavily involved with an operative for NATO intelligence who, despite the hazards of his job, was killed by a drunk driver. Their fights had been legendary, as had their love for one another.

  “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”

  Zara laughed. “The only thing painful about Damian was when I used to do what I wanted regardless of the danger and he’d have to come save my silly ass. I never did understand why it was that after he saved it, he thought he should beat it. But the sex afterward was off the charts … is that the problem? Not the sex, but that he expects to be in charge?”

  Finn was astounded. She had wondered how she was going to get Zara’s input without admitting that Croft had spanked her.

  “I never knew … about you and Damian.”

  “Well, it’s not something you tell most people, and I hate to admit it, but it worked for us. It allowed him to express just how pissed he was at whatever I’d done. Once he was finished … and I don’t mean just the spanking … everything was right with the world, and he was always so sweet the next day.”

  “Did he apologize to you?”

  Zara laughed again. “Hell no, but he did make sure I had fluffy pillows to sit on and, depending on how hard he fucked me afterward, would run me a nice warm bath to soak in. God, I miss him — not just the sex, but knowing he cared enough to do whatever he felt he needed to in order to keep me safe, and knowing that no matter how much of a bitch I was, he could and would handle it. I take it you’re having an issue with reconciling all that we’ve told ourselves over the years versus everything that cries out to you to run back to him and atone for what I’m sure he sees as your blatant disobedience … for which I’m sure you will be soundly spanked.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Doesn’t it just annoy the hell out of you that all the while they’re walloping your butt, you’re getting more and more aroused? Used to drive me crazy.”

  Finn laughed. “You can’t hate me. If we’d had this talk anytime over the past decade we’ve been friends, I would have known a lot more, and I wouldn’t have royally pissed him off by taking off this morning without a word.”

  “Oh, that will be an issue for your darling Mr. Croft. I don’t envy your buttocks, but I do all that comes after it.”

  “Any ideas on how I might alleviate some of his anger at me?”

  “Yes, but you’re not going to like it. The best way I ever found to get Damian to mitigate a punishment was by atoning for it on my own and taking whatever he dished out with good grace. I can tell you that saved me from his strap — I hated that thing — on more than one occasion. But if you can’t do that, then at least be contrite and don’t try to tough it out. Damian never let up until I was crying in earnest and do not, I repeat, do not ever try to fake them out. Pisses them off to the extreme.”

  “Even if I can live with that, I don’t see how we’ll make it work.”

  “Really? I was an investigative journalist. Damian was NATO intelligence. We never should have been together, but we were, and they were the best and most glorious years of my life. They were also the most successful because I knew that if I got into something really out of my league, Damian would come for me. If you love him, Finn … do you love him?”

  “More than I ever thought possible,” she sighed.

  “Then go home, Finn, and make things right with him. Let me noodle around with things here and then we’ll talk in a couple of weeks.”

  “You think?”

  “I know,” said Zara confidently. “And I’d be quick about it. My guess is he’s already tracking you and means to take you home and settle things with you. A transatlantic flight when sitting down is uncomfortable is not a good idea.”

  “Speaking from experience?” teased Finn.

  “Unfortunately, too many times to count. Damian’s thing was always the minute he had me safe, I got put facedown over his knee, my knickers pulled down to my knees, and got my butt paddled. He might wait until he had a proper bed to take care of the rest, but he had no intention of putting off punishing me for what he termed my aberrant behavior.”

  “Would you do it again?” asked Finn gently, seeing the misty look on her friend’s face.

  “Doubtful. Men who are worth submitting to — and make no mistake, that is what you’re doing — are rare. If you’ve found one, and he loves you, then hang onto him with all your might.”

  The two spent the remainder of their evening laughing and talking about the ballet, which they both loved, the opera, which Zara loved and Finn hated, fashion, friends, and su
bjects sure to cause neither any angst or pain. They ended the evening with a plan for Zara to chat up some friends in the intelligence community to see if she could detect any hint of what might be going down. Finn promised that if Abdal was still in Arizona, she’d find a way to speak with him.

  Riding up in the elevator, Finn felt more at peace than at any other time in her life, except for those times she was with Croft and not making herself crazy. She didn’t deserve him, but if he was willing to forgive her, she was going home; they would find a way to make it work.

  Chapter 15

  Finn’s sleep that night was dreamless and restive. The following morning, she went to the front desk to check out.

  “Ms. Reid, we thought you might be staying a bit longer than one night with us.”

  “I did, too, but I had a wonderful dinner with a friend who gave me some excellent advice.”

  Finn signed the receipt for her credit card and turned to leave. She had almost reached the front door when she thought better of it and went back.

  “Ms. Reid? Did you forget something?”

  “No, but once again, my compliments to your staff. And if a Mr. Crofton asks about my whereabouts, would you tell him, I’m going home.”

  “Of course. Are you expecting Mr. Crofton? Wild Mustang has no reservation with us of which I’m aware.”

  Finn grinned. Of course, he wouldn’t make a reservation or stay in the same hotel. He’d wait until he had a chance to corner her and cut off any escape before confronting her. Zara was right. She would need to find a way to soothe some of his ire … she could only think of one.

  “He may not be in London yet and he may not ask at all. But if he does, can you give him the message?”

  “Rest assured we will see he gets it.”

  “Thank you again,” said Finn, heading out to catch a cab and head for Gatwick and home.


  Croft entered the Savoy. He understood why Finn had chosen it. It was probably his favorite hotel in the world. Perhaps if she behaved herself, at least until they were married, he’d bring her here for their honeymoon. After all, the hotel had thick walls and kick-ass room service.

  “Mr. Crofton,” hailed the concierge — Wild Mustang was a frequent guest.

  Croft smiled and walked toward him. “I’m wondering if you might provide me with a slight breach of your normal absolute discretion. I have reason to believe Finlay Reid may be staying with you. It is imperative that I find her. Her life may depend on it.”

  “I’m not sure where you got your information. Ms. Reid was here but checked out of the hotel most unexpectedly about an hour ago. Let me see if I can find out where she’s gone.”

  The man at the front desk hailed them as they crossed the lobby.

  “Mr. Crofton, are you looking for Ms. Reid?”

  “I am indeed.”

  The man smiled. “She told me that if you asked after her, I was to tell you she was going back to America.”

  “Were those her exact words? Back to America?”

  “No, sir. I beg your pardon. Her exact words were that she was going home.”

  Croft’s smile beamed like the sun rising on the eastern rim of the Grand Canyon — expansive and glorious to behold.

  “I take it you feel she might be safer there?” asked the concierge with a hint of concern in his voice.

  “Ms. Reid will be completely and utterly safe at home. I give you my word.”

  Croft left the Savoy. As he cleared the doorway and was back out on the street, he allowed himself a small shout of happiness and victory. She’d made her decision. Finn was going home … and home had better damn well be the dairy barn at Willa and Mac’s.

  A long plane ride later, made all the longer by Avery’s relentless teasing, Croft arrived back at the ranch. His heart was gladdened as he saw a rental car parked next to his truck. Given that Zara Hughes had met with Finn, Noah had stayed behind but moved from the Amba to the Savoy.


  As Croft entered their home, Finn half expected him to be angry with her for all she had put him through and demand in no uncertain terms that she yield to his authority as he welted her ass. Instead, what greeted her as he came through the door was a warm, soft smile that felt like a caress all on its own. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

  “It’s a good thing for you that you came home. I knew you left London, but if you hadn’t been here, I was headed for your place in Fairfax County next. You put me through hell, Finn.”

  “I know,” she admitted quietly. “I wish I had a good excuse for doing so, but we both know I don’t.”

  “Come here, Finn.”

  “Croft, I came so we could talk, so …”

  “Now, Finn. I’ve chased you halfway round the world and back. It’s your turn to come to me.”

  Finn locked her eyes with his and crossed the small distance between them. It was only small in terms of actual distance. In terms of emotion and commitment, it was a vast gulf … and they both knew it.

  “I’m not always going to do what you tell me or what you want me to do,” she said, holding his gaze.

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute. But you know when you don’t, that you will answer to me in whatever way I deem fit, and most of the time that’ll include spending some time over my knee, getting your backside paddled.”

  Even though it had happened on more occasions than she cared to think about, it still irked her that his merely saying it made her pussy clench in anticipation of what would follow. It wouldn’t have been so bad if her butt cheeks had tightened in memory of the pain he could inflict on them when he was punishing her. Instead, it was arousal that surged through her system and brought her whole being into a state of carnal wanting.

  Finn turned away from him and went over to their bed. Carefully, she removed her clothes, but not in a teasing sort of way. Croft said nothing, but his eyes were riveted to her face. Once she was naked, she crawled up on the bed on all fours before stretching her upper torso out so that she lay on the bed in a posture of supplication and surrender.

  The sound of Croft walking across the hardwood flooring caused the blood to heat and pump through her veins like a tribal drum ringing throughout the Serengeti Plain. He’d once said this would be the ultimate act of acceptance on her part, and she meant to give it to him.

  He reached between her legs and rubbed her swollen clit, making her moan and arch her back like an alley cat in heat. Croft softly chuckled as he drew his fingers back and plunged them into her silken sheath, caressing her inner flesh in a way that only added to her arousal.

  “You’re awfully wet, Finn.”

  “I’ve missed you more than I can say.”


  “Croft, I treated you so badly. I know I worried you and then I wouldn’t talk at all …”

  He continued to stroke her pussy gently. “It’s all right, baby. You’re here now. You came home … for good, right?”

  She nodded. “No more denying who I am or what I want. It took me a while to process what you were saying all along. I’m not a submissive, but that’s not what you want. You want me, Finlay Reid, a strong woman in her own right, to submit to you — not to anyone else — just to you. And I want to do that in the best way I can think of.”

  “You’re back, Finn. You came home, and when there was still an emptiness between us, you crossed the floor to me, bridging that gap. I heard you.”

  “Then hear me now.” She took a deep breath. “Take my ass, Croft. Claim that place no other man has ever had. Possess all of me and all that I am.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly. “You don’t have to …”

  “I’m sure. I need you to. I need you to know that I’m yours … all of me, in whatever way you want.”

  Croft crawled up on the bed behind her, opening his fly as he did so. He continued to fuck her pussy with two fingers as he reached up with his other hand and slid it under her to play with her nipples. He bega
n harvesting the slick fluid her body was producing for his use. She glanced over her shoulder to see him rub it all over his fully engorged cock. He used some to lubricate the outer rim of her dark rosebud before inserting his finger into her.

  She moaned, not just from arousal, but from the still unfamiliar feeling of having him stroke her there.

  “Good girl, Finn. Just relax. I’m not going to hurt you. It may be uncomfortable at first, but your body will adjust and then it’ll feel good.”

  She held her breath as she felt the head of his cock begin to enter her asshole.

  “Easy, babe. Just breathe. I’ve got you,” he said reassuringly.

  One of his hands held her steady by the hip as the other came up to rub her clit and inflame her arousal and need for his possession. Slowly, but surely, Croft pushed forward, breaching her virgin hole. He was gentle but relentless. He meant to claim the last thing she had to offer him.

  “That’s it, baby … take it all. Let me have you,” he groaned.

  The feeling was not at all pleasant, but, as he’d promised, it didn’t hurt. It was uncomfortable, and she felt full in a way she never had. He continued to slide his rod deep within her dark channel until she felt him fully seated in her.

  Croft continued to play with her clit and began ramping up her arousal, focusing her on her own pleasure and not the fact that his cock was completely sheathed within her ass. She breathed easier when she knew he’d settled himself in her. His fingers came up to tug and rub her pleasure nub in the way she most responded to. She could feel her body ramping up for a climax and cried out as his fondling pushed her over into that abyss of pleasure.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, slowly withdrawing and then gliding forward again.

  Finn didn’t think she liked it as well as when he used her pussy, but she had to admit while different, it was still satisfying. She was surprised when Croft’s two fingers were back in her pussy, thrusting with an increasing rhythm and speed. He began stroking her back passage with the same rhythm, but at a different speed. Finn found she was losing the ability to separate the two ways he was fucking her as they joined together for him to use her in the most exquisite way.


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